Entdecke den Gebrauch von
yidaki in der folgenden bibliographischen Auswahl. Bücher, die mit
yidaki im Zusammenhang stehen und kurze Auszüge derselben, um seinen Gebrauch in der Literatur kontextbezogen darzustellen.
an international diaspora many thousands strong – the children, we might say, of
the yidaki's furthest outward flight. How much, though, do these seekers hear in
the yidaki's voice? How close do they come to the deep, well-masked roots of the
Profane: Sacrilegious Expression in a Multicultural Age
Its reporters interviewed Dhangal Gurruwiwi, who helps her brother, a yidaki (the
term for didgeridoo in the Yolngu language) custodian, Djalu Gurruwiwi, run a
yidaki business that includes holding workshops about how to play for people of
Christopher S. Grenda, 2014
THE. YIDAKI .- -. 29G ne cold night on the Outback, a warier lay down near the
fire to warm him as he ()slept. He was very tired having walked a long way with a
kangaroo on his shoulder. The meat would feed his family for many weeks.
So guitars, drums, Balanda instrument is something that we can use. But to carry
on that rotn, that culture, we should carry on the yidaki [didgeridoo], and the bilma
. At first glance this raypirri appears to be a familiar and even predictable lament ...
Forensics, Fossils and Fruitbats: A Field Guide to ...
Hollenberg searched the available material and was amazed to find only two
published papers on how the sound of the yidaki is produced. He taught himself
musical acoustics and got in touch with Neville Fletcher, the author of the first
paper, ...
The Art and Alchemy of Chinese Tea
More commonly known by its English nickname “didgeridoo,” the yidaki is the
oldest musical instrument on earth, and it produces the most primordial sound—a
deep resonant drone that rises from the chest and carries the player's intent in the
Music and Tourism: On the Road Again
It is the latest stage in the yidaki's [didjeridu] long cultural journey; a journey that
at first led outwards, across the Top End's plains and stringybark forests, to the
great cities of southeastern Australia and even beyond, into the wider world of
new ...
Chris Gibson, John Conell, 2005
The State and the Arts: Articulating Power and Subversion
Garma also refers to a public genre of ceremonies that include songs [manikay),
accompanied by didjeridu [yidaki, the Yolngu dhuwa moiety name for didjeridu)
and clapsticks, and associated dances, painted designs, sand sculptures, and ...
Oh Boy!: Masculinities and Popular Music
Manikay series and their yidaki accompaniments are performed exclusively by
males while their corresponding buŋgul choreographies include roles for both
males and females.16 The ceremonial contexts in which they are performed
include ...
Even today, the Gumatj owners continue to call people together with the spiritual
yidaki across the nation and the world, to come together in the spirit of garma.
Using the old Yolngu ideas, the modern day spirits which come are exposed to a
Chris Gibson, John Connell, 2011
Erfahre, worüber man in den einheimischen und internationalen Medien spricht und wie der Begriff
yidaki im Kontext der folgenden Nachrichten gebraucht wird.
Garma Festival 2015: What is it, where is it, who goes, and what …
The land on which the festival is held is one of the central points of the Yolngu world. Gulkula is where the ancestor Ganbulabula brought the yidaki (didgeridoo) ... «ABC Online, Jul 15»
Briggs, Jessica Mauboy & Dan Sultan Among Big Winners At 2015 …
... year, both hailing from North East Arnhem Land — Djalu Gurruwiwi, a healer and "the world's primary custodian of the Yidaki (didgeridoo)", and East Journey. «theMusic, Jul 15»
Briggs Shares Powerful Music Video For 'The Children Came Back'
The clip was released today, to coincide with the start of NAIDOC Week and features traditional instrumentation with the use of clap sticks, a yidaki from North ... «Music Feeds, Jul 15»
BWW Reviews: OKA Grooves at Fortune Sound Club
Listen to the Yidaki (more commonly known as the didgeridoo), says Stu, who breathes through his ancestral heritage among the Yolngu peoples of the ... «Broadway World, Jun 15»
路地裏カフェ~YIDAKI CAFE イダキカフェ@元町
... 近の路地裏カフェyidaki cafe イダキ カフェ お店の名前に使われている『yidaki(イダキ)』はオーストラリアの先住民族アボリジニーの楽器ディジュリドウのことだそうです。 «ウーマンエキサイト, Mai 15»
Australian War Memorial: the remarkable rise and rise of the nation's …
But more than 100,000 turned up to see a lone Indigenous serviceman playing the yidaki at sunrise – a moment of acute commemorative (and televisual) ... «The Guardian, Mai 15»
Indigenous Australia exhibition tells many stories
As the sound of a yidaki (didgeridoo) and Aboriginal song fill Gallery 35, there are wide smiles and teary eyes. For Gaye Sculthorpe, the exhibition's curator, it is ... «BBC News, Mai 15»
The show opened with yidaki and clapstick supported dances and songs, and it was wonderful to see traditional Aboriginal culture, music, dance and storytelling ... «Broadway World, Mär 15»
Plymouth native to bring didgeridoo sound back home for Scottish …
... couldn't have imagined how far the hypnotic music of their tubular wind instruments (called yirdaki or yidaki) would travel. You may not recognize the name. «Montgomery Newspapers, Feb 15»
Xavier Rudd Announces Auckland Show
Gritty guitar blues sits perfectly alongside entrancing yidaki passages. Rudd's voice and those of his ancestors bear intense truth and knowledge. TICKETS ... «Undertheradar, Jan 15»