Discover the use of
C horizon in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
C horizon and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Origin of Clay Minerals in Soils and Weathered Rocks: ...
3.1.2 The Development of Soils One of the key points to study in the development
of soils is to reconsider the definition of the C horizon. The C horizon is classically
included in all soil profile descriptions as a transition with the substratum.
Bruce B. Velde, Alain Meunier, 2008
The C horizon is mildly alkaline to strongly alkaline. Olney series The Olney
series consists of deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils on smooth to
dissected plains. These soils formed in calcareous loamy alluvium. Slope is 0 to
9 ...
Landslide Soils and Geomorphology in Camp Davis Quadrangle, ...
The variables most nearly significantly related to landslide activity were presence
of cracks in the C horizon (sig=0.016), the ratio of C horizon stickiness to A
horizon stickiness (sig=0.019), average plasticity for the profile (sig=0.024) and C
United States Geological Survey professional paper
However, destruction of cavities and ghosts in the upper 2 to 2% feet of the soil
implies subsidence, as does the presence of about twice as much chert in the
plow layer as in the C horizon. A subsidence of 6 inches, perhaps even 12 inches
, ...
Geological Survey (U.S.), 1963
The C horizon, or parent material from which the soils developed, has been in
place since the last glacial age. In Southern Aroostook County, the following soils
are members of the Podzol great soil group: Plaisted, Plow- land, Stetson, ...
United States Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States. Bureau of Plant Industry, United States. Soil Conservation Service, 1964
The BC horizon has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 or 4.
Texture is sand or fine sand. The BC horizon is less than 14 inches thick. Some
pedons have a Bh/C horizon. The Bh part of the Bh/C horizon has the same
range ...
United States. Bureau of Soils, United States. Bureau of Plant Industry, United States. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, 1988
Geological Survey Professional Paper
1 1 (5) 47:47 .10 1.45 1.24 .047 - .42 C horizon 11 (5) 47:47 .14 2.44 1.10 .057 -
3.3 Sheppard-Shlprock-Doak Soil Association, N. Mex. A horizon 24 (5) 18:30 .
040 1.42 — <.032 - .065 C horizon 24 (5) 18:30 .040 1.69 — <.032 - .13
Cultivated ...
Geological Survey (U.S.), 1982
Hazardous Waste Measurements
Nonetheless, determinations obtained for silt show that with the exception of the
C horizon, precision was excellent overall and within each laboratory. This is an
especially powerful piece of evidence for homogeneity. In the C horizon samples,
Milagros S. Simmons, 1990
Glossary of Soil Science Terms 2008
B/C-A horizon comprised of individual parts of B and C horizon components in
which the B horizon component is dominant and surrounds the C component.
Subordinate Distinctions within Master Horizons and Layers a: highly
decomposed ...
Soil Science Society of America, 2008
Soil survey, Dundy County, Nebraska
They have a gray or mottled B or C horizon. The soils have formed in areas that
are poorly drained, under a rank growth of grasses. The Gannett and Rauville
soils are classed as Humic Gley soils. The soils of both series formed under tall ...
Howard Eugene Sautter, United States. Soil Conservation Service, University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Conservation and Survey Division, 1963
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
C horizon is used in the context of the following news items.
Soil pit study tells the story of soil structure
The substratum, or C horizon, is rarely affected by tillage practices or soil formation – so most soil pits focus on the A and B horizons. «Minnesota Farm Guide, Oct 14»
Soil as food, and a cake
C horizon: The C horizon is composed of is the unconsolidated material underlying A and B horizons, typically formed from the bedrock that has ... «Imperial Valley News, Oct 12»
Soil Science Society of America
Under that layer, Howard then typically finds another A and C horizon of the buried native soil. Finding those orderly layers meant that Howard ... «The Cutting Edge, Apr 12»
Is 2012 the Next 1897? Juniors Prepare for Yukon Gold Rush
This is one of the top ten historically reported anomaly results in the entire White Gold District. It was taken from the C horizon at 90cm depth ... «Prospecting Journal, Feb 12»
Living Green: The Dirt on Soil
The B horizon is almost entirely rock material, plus some nutrients that have washed out of the A horizon. The C horizon is mainly bedrock in ... «The Epoch Times, Mar 10»
FSX Seattle-Tacoma International (WA) Scenery
... is the taxiway to which aircraft pushing back from the concourses facing twy B stop, or will turn off B and then taxi along W to the Concourse C Horizon gates. «Fly Away Simulation, Dec 08»