Discover the use of
hopbind in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
hopbind and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages in Two ...
Hoove (hfiv), ». isputimas (gyvul. liga). Hop (hop), v.n. strakîioti; Sokinëti; sokti;
Slubcioti. || — , ». sokinëjimas; sokimas. Hop (hop), ». bot. apynis: — catkin, apy-
nio spurgas; — vine, apynojas; apy- nio virk§6ia. Hopbine, Hopbind (höp'bain, ...
"S-A" labor-saving machinery: a reference book of ...
Hopbind 20.55 16 $12.00 $14.00 Hopeless 11.75 9 6 20 $ 7.90 Hopelul 22.21 17
13.10 15.55 Churchsbip 13.11 10 7.051 8.75 Chupador 24.81 19 14.80 17.25
Churchyard 14.41 11 7.90 9.90 Church 27.41 21 15.30 18.20 Churlish 15.71 12
S ...
Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Co, 1916
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
Der. hopvine, hopbind (corruptly hopbine). HOPE (1), expectation;as averb,to
expect. (E.) The verb is weak, andseems to be derivedfrom the sb.ME. hope, sb.,
Chaucer, C.T. 88. ME.hopen, verb, sometimes in the sense 'to expect;' as, 'Our ...
The A B C universal commercial electric telegraphic code, ...
Code No Code Word 695* Homicide 6952 Homily 6953 Homogeny 6954
Honeycomb 6955 Honied 6956 Honorary 6957 Honored 6958 Honorific 6959
Hood 6960 Hoodless 6961 Hoodwink 6962 Hookah 6963 Hooking 6964
Hopbind 6965 ...
The Statutes of New Zealand: Passed in the ... Year of the ...
Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously cut or otherwise Destroying hopbind
*. destroy any hopbinds growing on poles in any plantation of hops shall ib, g. i9-
be guilty of felony and being convicted thereof shall be liable at the discretion of ...
Eighty years' progress of the United States: a family record ...
Paper has been likewise made from straw, hopbind, licorice root, the stalks of the
mallow, and the husks of Indian corn. These experiments are now continued, and
an attempt to make paper from reeds has recently been made in Baltimore.
Charles Louis Flint, 1867
The Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and ...
va. and vn. mettre du houblon dans la biore, sautiller Hopbind, s. hôp'Mnd, tige
de houblon, f. Hope, a. hàp, espérance, attente, f. ; espoir, as, — , va. and vn.
espérer. Hopeful, adj. höp'/ul, de grande espérance. Hopefully, adv. höp'ful-l$, d'
une ...
Alexander Spiers, Gabriel Surenne, 1890
Harvey's A. B. C. domestic code, with appendix: 14000 code ...
... to — hoopskirt Have changed my (our) intention hoosier Don't think — has any
intention of buying hooting Our (my) intention was to — hopbind If he have not
changed his Intentions. . hopeful Had no serious intentions of — hopefully
Believe ...
A Law Grammar ; Or an Introduction to the Theory and ...
... _ 540 Hereditamenu - 15' He'esy - - 396 Herio's - - 334. Hermogeniarr codc '28
Her/m' and other Fowl 1 54 High steward, his court 515 High treason - 40;
Highwaya - 235 Hiring and borrowing 34-0 Homicide - ' 436 Hopbind', defiroyin
Tables Showing the Number of Criminal Offenders Committed ...
... and feloniously demol. ings,.\lachine ' 81c. - Destroying Silk. oollen.L en,
0rCotton Goods. in Process of Maii_ acture ' — Destroying 'I'Iireshin: \l-Hflllllefl - -
Destroying Hopbind» Trees, and Shrubs gmwing,&c. -_ — - - Killing and maimin (