Discover the use of
Ia. in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
Ia. and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South
Explores the contributions made by enslaved women to the family's economy and suggests they achieved a greater degree of equality with their men than white women
I a Snob?": Modernism and the Novel
Dalloway, and Stephen Dedalus have to say to one another?Sean Latham's appealingly written book "Am I a Snob?" traces the evolution of the figure of the snob through the works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, ...
I a Monkey?: Six Big Questions about Evolution
In this book, Francisco J. Ayala—an evolutionary biologist, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and winner of the National Medal of Science and the Templeton Prize—cuts to the chase in a daring attempt to address, in ...
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing ...
This edition discusses blueprints, wireframes and the role of diagrams in the design phase A series of short essays that provide practical tips and philosophical advice for those who work on information architecture The business context of ...
Peter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld, 2006
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
Discusses Web site hierarchy, usability, navigation systems, content labeling, configuring search systems, and managing the information architecture development process.
Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville, 2002
I a Beauty Queen? : Black Women, Beauty, and the ...
The Afro, as worn most famously by Angela Davis, became a veritable icon of the Sixties. Although the new beauty standards seemed to arise overnight, they actually had deep roots within black communities.
Hayward Maxine Leeds Craig Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of the Graduate Program California State University, 2002
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
Covering the skills necessary to become a successful information architect (IA), designer or Web site manager, an updated handbook discusses the IA's role in developing Web sites, management, navigation, search interfaces, architecture ...
Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville, 2002
I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism
"Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism is among America's most influential works. Prolific, outspoken, and fearless."-The Village Voice "This book is a classic. It . . . should be read by anyone who takes feminism seriously.
bell hooks, The South End Press Collective, 2007
Empires of the Mind:
A. Richards and Basic English in ...
"Koeneke has produced a very detailed and informative account of Basic English in China....the story of Richards and Basic English in China is fascinating and it is worth reading the book just for that.
A young boy whose father is called Black and whose mother is called White wonders if he is a color, too, even as he observes that people around him dream, feel, sing, smile, and dance in every color.