Discover the use of
K/T boundary in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
K/T boundary and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Plants and the
T Boundary
In this text, two of the world's leading experts in palynology and paleobotany provide a comprehensive account of the fate of land plants during the 'great extinction' about 65 million years ago.
Douglas J. Nichols, Kirk R. Johnson, 2008
The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in ...
The South Atlantic is represented by several well-studied K/T boundary cores.
Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 524 through 529 on the Walvis Ridge
produced several important K/T papers (e.g., Hsu et al., 1982; Perch-Nielsen et al
., ...
Graham Ryder, David E. Fastovsky, Stefan Gartner, 1996
Global Biomass Burning: Atmospheric, Climatic, and ...
(1988) indicate from work in the high latitudes of southeastern Australia that cold
and darkness may not have been a prime factor in the extinction of dinosaurs at
the K/T boundary unless the duration exceeded three to five months. Dinosaurs ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Diagnostic elements were: arsenic, calcium, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium,
manganese, nickel, phosphorus, and sulphur. In lacustrine sediments near
Rewanui, a possible location of the K/T boundary was indicated by anomalous
levels ...
The Cretaceous/Tertiary
boundary interval, Raton Basin, ...
Although the origin of the unit is uncertain and controversial, petrographic and
chemical evidence suggests it is not composed of glassy altered impact material.
4. Kaolinite and goyazite spherules occur in the K/T boundary claystone, but not
in ...
Effects of Past Global Change on Life
the K/T boundary; instead, there is a gradual elimination of more specialized and
generally rare taxa below the K/T boundary. Moreover, all dominant species
survive well into the Tertiary and die out as the diversity of new Tertiary species ...
Panel on Effects of Past Global Change on Life, Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, 1995
10.3.1 The microfossil record Six groups of microfossils have been the subject of
extensive study in attempts to unravel the pattern of extinction at the K/T
boundary. For three of these groups — the calcareous nanofossils known as
coccoliths, ...
Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants
When the dust cloud settled an iridium- rich layer resulted which marks the K/T
boundary at the end of the Cretaceous. Hickey (1984) makes the point, after
studying the fossil plant record of horizons associated with the K/T boundary, that
the ...
Wilson Nichols Stewart, 1993
The Beginning of the Age of Mammals
Sillustania, a putative polydolopoid based on isolated teeth from Chulpas, Peru,
was initially thought to date from Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary strata (
Crochet and Sigé, 1996); but it is now believed to be of late Paleocene or earliest
Impact Stratigraphy: The Italian Record
The K/T boundary clay layer of the Gubbio "facies" is dark red, with a thin gray-
green sole at the base (Fig. The white color of the top Cretaceous
limestone has been attributed to iron reduction and leaching, and consequent
bleaching ...
Alessandro Montanari, Christian Koeberl, 2000
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
K/T boundary is used in the context of the following news items.
Canadian Scientists Discovered This Astonishing New Species Of …
... went extinct millions of years before the chasmosaurines that were wiped out with the rest of the non-avian dinosaurs at the K/T boundary. «Forbes, Jun 15»
Why Dinosaurs Would Have Never Built Spaceships
... the correct terminology is “avian” dinosaur; to distinguish them from non-avian dinosaurs which disappeared after the K/T boundary extinction ... «Forbes, May 15»
These 7 Animals Survived What Dinosaurs Couldn't
About 50 percent of the planet's animal and plant life survived the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction, also known as the K/T boundary. «Huffington Post, Apr 15»
Did a massive volcanic eruption in India kill off the dinosaurs?
The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, usually referred to as the K/T boundary (the K is from the German word for Cretaceous), is clearly marked in ... «Washington Post, Dec 14»
High school students experience paleontology
Anything above the iridium layer is called the K/T Boundary or Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction line. Since everything died at the point of the ... «Gasconade County Republican, Aug 14»
Clocks Versus Rocks
That is, someone has to go and find a placental fossil that clearly originated from before the K/T boundary. “The debate is getting a little ... «Scientist, Jan 14»
'Anthropocene' Period Would Recognize Humanity's Impact on Earth
Geologically, will it be an event like the K/T boundary [which marks the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago], an epoch like the ... «Space.com, Jul 13»
The Anthropocene: Humankind as a Turning Point for Earth
Geologically, will it be an event like the K/T boundary, an epoch like the Paleocene, or a transition like the origin of life? I think it will either be a ... «Astrobiology Magazine, Jun 13»
What Really Doomed the Dinosaurs? It's Still a Big Question.
(Paleontologists have dropped the Victorian term “Tertiary” for the past 66 million years, so the K/T boundary, with the “K” from the German term ... «Slate Magazine, Feb 13»
Drilling for dinosaur death: the Joides Resolution finds extinction in …
Here in Mexico, every ¿genius¿ refers to K/T boundary, as caused by the Chicxolub asteroid impact, in the Yucatan Península. But, some very ... «Deep-Sea News, Jul 12»