Famous quotes and sentences with the word
Younger women are willing to go out with high status males. If you look at the kind of women Salman Rushdie attracts, they tend to be intelligent, arty types. For her, it's a kudos thing. The man just wants a good-looking girl because he imagines that when his friends see him, they'll all think, 'Gosh I wish I was him.'
For some ungodly reason, I end up being naked in a lot of stuff. But there is a certain grace and kudos that come with taking your clothes off on the first day, a respect that is given by the rest of the cast.
A lot of roles for people with disabilities are quite patronising. It's a real pity when they are just used to give dull PC kudos to a drama, or when they're wheeled on in a tokenistic way without any real involvement in the plot.
Hairdressing in general hasn't been given the kudos it deserves. It's not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.
What happens on 'Mad Men' in terms of the acting and the writing and the directing, it's superior. And yes, it has tremendous cache and buzz because it's become iconic, but it also deserves all the kudos and the awards as well, because it's a beautiful show to look at.
Discover the use of
kudos in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
kudos and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Nature and Culture in the Iliad: The Tragedy of Hector
As a quality or possession kleos stands in relation and contrast to two other terms
: kudos and time. All three words may, in certain contexts, be translated "fame,"
but they mean quite different things. Kudos is a kind of luster or mana which ...
Performance Appraisal Handbook
This section provides two ways to document feedback for employees: kudos to
compliment employees who are doing well and ticklers to alert employees who
are struggling. You can call these types of notes anything you like, as long as you
Webster's II New Riverside Desk Dictionary: For Home, ...
Founder of the Mongol dynasty. ku-dos (kyOO'dos', -Jos') n. Acclaim or prestige
resulting from notable achievement or high position. A word history; The word
kudos is etymologically a singular form, a modern borrowing of Creek kudos, "
glory, ...
Daniel Webster, Editors Of Webster's II Dictionaries, Webster's New World Dictionary, 1995
The American Heritage Book of English Usage: A Practical and ...
The speed of a ship travelling "per hour per hour" would be constantly changing,
since the ship would be accelerating. kudos Everyone likes to get kudos, but how
much — or how many? Kudos means "praise." It comes from a Greek word that ...
Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries, 1996
Certain Microsphere Adhesives, Process for Making Same, and ...
1, Kudos Finder Tape Industrial Ltd. and Kudos Finder Trading Co. Ltd. exported
repositionable paper products to the United States. REQUEST NO. 2 Kudos
Finder Tape Industrial Ltd. and Kudos Finder Trading Co. Ltd. has exported to the
U.S. International Trade Commission
Don't get me wrong!: Mike Ditka's insights, outbursts, ...
Gathers quotations by and about Mike Ditka, the head coach of the Chicago Bears
Mike Ditka, Jim Stamborski, 1988
Do you think kudos is a negative or a positive word? It is hard to tell from its
strange sound. As peculiar as the word kudos seems, it means something good.
When an act or person deserves kudos, it is deserving of applause and praises.
Garner's Modern American Usage
See spelling (a). kudos (best pronounced /kyoo-dahs/ or /kyoo-dohs/, with no -z
sound at the end) derives from the Greek word kydos “glory.” A singular noun
meaning “praise, glory,” it is sometimes erroneously thought to be a plural—e.g.:
Official Website : www.positech.co.uk/kudos/index.html Demo Size : ~19mb Ever
played The Sims? In the same way that Weird Worlds is the poor man's version of
Master of Orion, so too is Kudos comparable to a more serious version of the ...
The Elemental Staff - Book One: The Spreading Darkness ...
and satisfaction crosses Kudos's face—disdain at having his thoughts interrupted
by this man and satisfaction that at least he knows his place. Kudos takes a
moment to study the man before him: slightly overweight, thinning brown hair, ...
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
kudos is used in the context of the following news items.
Nationals can only offer kudos to Kershaw | Comcast SportsNet …
The afternoon, unusual as it was, started off in such uplifting fashion. The Nationals used a pinch-hit home run from Matt den Dekker and three ... «Comcast SportsNet Washington, Jul 15»
Mike Copeland: New building permits, Kelly Services moves …
Kudos for credit union. Genco Federal Credit Union, which has three locations in Waco, was named one of the top 200 healthiest credit unions ... «Waco Tribune-Herald, Jul 15»
Kudos to Daines for putting Montana first | Editorials …
U.S. Sen. Steve Daines is commended for signing on as a cosponsor of a bill that would authorize the federal Land and Water Conservation ... «The Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Jul 15»
Former Lt. Randall Gross gets kudos from Nevada County …
Retired Consolidated Fire Lt. Randall Gross and his wife Trish Browne show off plaque given to Gross Thursday to honor his 26 years of ... «The Union of Grass Valley, Jul 15»
Kudos to retiring chiefs Santell, Goeltz for jobs well done - The Herald
Kudos to retiring chiefs Santell, Goeltz for jobs well done. I RAN INTO Sharon fire Chief Bob Fiscus recently and I couldn't help point out that the ... «The Herald, Jul 15»
Kudos for crews on gray water project
For years, the folks in the Carneros district of Napa have been working on a grey water project, primarily to use in dripping their vineyards. «Napa Valley Register, Jul 15»
Artemis earns national kudos for inventive hydraulics ideas | News …
BRITAIN'S top prize for engineering innovation has gone to a Scottish company that is revolutionising everything from the offshore wind ... «The National, Jul 15»
Your Call Weekly Kudos July 17, 2015
Matt Weiser, managing editor at Water Deeply gave kudos to former San Francisco Chronicle reporter Jane Kay for her National Geographic ... «KALW, Jul 15»
Kudos: Public Healt holds food stamp violators accountable to rules
Kudos: Public Healt holds food stamp violators accountable to rules. Pacific Daily News, 7:19 p.m. ChST July 17, 2015. 635726996319639116-foodstamp. «Pacific Daily News, Jul 15»
Kudos upon kudos to YRMC, YRH - Yuma Sun: Opinion
Kudos upon kudos to YRMC, YRH Yuma Sun letters Yumasun.com. Having fallen and breaking my right leg femur on June 13, I want to thank ... «Yuma Sun, Jul 15»