Discover the use of
O-shaped in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
O-shaped and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Chemical Processes—Advances in Research and Application: ...
In some of these embodiments, the at least one shaped RF coil further may
further include a second O-shaped ferrite core. The first O-shaped ferrite core and
the second O-shaped ferrite core may be concentric. In some embodiments, the
first ...
The International Journal of Orthodontia
Table II Frequency with Which the Various Arch Forms Appear in the Upper and
Lower Jaws* *The letters in the top row indicate the form of arch, thus: F, pyriforra;
U, U-shaped; D, divergent; O, O-shaped; and S, saddle-shaped. Thus, it may be ...
International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery
More— over, the arch forms of the upper jaw, of greatest frequency occurring in
the gibbon, orang and chimpanzee, correspond to the pyriform, lyriform, U—
shaped and O-shaped, while those assumed by the gorilla dentition are limited
mainly ...
Advances in Image and Video Technology: Second Pacific Rim ...
*K pixels O-shaped Pattern O-shaped Pattern Vector Fig. 2. Acquire the four
borders with thickness co (co=2) pixels for each search patch. Wp (Wp=15) is the
width of the patch, and Hp (Hp=l5) is the height of the patch. There are K pixels in
Domingo Mery, Luis Rueda, 2007
Primitive Photography: A Guide to Making Cameras, Lenses, ...
Taking the sections of PVC from step 2, remove a small portion of the O-shaped
section from each with a handsaw so as to make them C-shaped (see Figure
3.17). This is most easily achieved by viewing each O-shaped section as a clock
face ...
Blindsight and the Nature of Consciousness
In a Hindsight trial, when, say, a patient judges that a stimulus is X-shaped rather
than O-shaped, the possibility of its being O-shaped seems a relevant alternative.
But it is not. Relevant alternatives have to fool the system such that the system ...
The Waning of Materialism
You can, of course, somehow understand what you mean by an assertive
utterance of 'O-shaped,' or 'vertical,' or 'green,' or 'brighter,' or 'larger,' or 'above'—
without its then and there looking to you in ways thus reportable, in the sense we
Robert C. Koons, George Bealer, 2010
Principles of Cardiovascular Radiology
... includes partial (C-shaped) and complete (O-shaped and kidney-shaped) rings
, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional round and kidney-shaped rings. n
Most annuloplasty rings can be identified on and localized by chest radiography
Stuart J. Hutchison, 2011
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology for the Clinician
Panel (d) shows a scroll wave with a filament forming a ring (O-shaped filament).
In the literature this is known as a “scroll ring" or “vortex ring." From the outside,
the excitation waves generated by the scroll ring look like spherical waves (top).
Jose Jalife, Mario Delmar, Justus Anumonwo, 2011
Unconstrained Face Recognition
As shown in Figure 7.1, the four densities are 2-D Gaussian, and 'O'-, 'D'-, and 'X'-
shaped uniform densities, where say the 'O'-shaped uniform density means that it
is uniform in the 'O'-shaped region and zero outside the region. Figure 7.1 ...
Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Rama Chellappa, Wenyi Zhao, 2006
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
O-shaped is used in the context of the following news items.
Austin snake attack: 5 things to know about monocled cobras
The “monocle” in the snake's name refers to the O-shaped pattern on its hood that looks like the old-fashioned eyewear. It's the most obvious ... «Atlanta Journal Constitution, Jul 15»
Owner adding 'cherry' to profitable restaurant
He calls the beer garden a “ Barbecue Brew Garden” and described it as a concession-style o-shaped bar that is double-sided. “We wanted ... «Pontiac Daily Leader, Jul 15»
Teenage pet shop worker, 18, found dead in his car after being …
Monocled cobras are common in South Asia and are named after the O-shaped mark on their hoods. Facebook. Grant Thompson. DailyMirror ... «Mirror.co.uk, Jul 15»
Rethinking the Traditional Workplace for a Digital Landscape
Four years on and construction is underway on a giant O-shaped silver building in Cupertino, California, dubbed “The Spaceship.” While it ... «PSFK, Jul 15»
The workplace is dead, long live the work space
Four years on and construction is underway on a giant O-shaped silver building in Cupertino, California, dubbed “The Spaceship.” While it ... «The Guardian, Jul 15»
Google Glass Enterprise Edition To Feature Larger Prism Display …
This also works with an O-shaped frame. The patent, however, did not directly mention if this feature will be debuted for the Google Glass ... «Christianity Daily, Jul 15»
Tim and Eric… Awesome Book Signing!
It also teaches you how to make money by refurbishing batteries and investing in “o-shaped sandwich” franchises. The latter is a safe bet ... «Bedford + Bowery, Jul 15»
Knog release slew of new bike lights
Knog providex multiple size straps, and with a combined v and o-shaped housing, they can be used on aero posts. The MOB lights feature a ... «Bike Biz, Jul 15»
8 College Football Teams with the Coolest Facilities
At a school like Oregon, it makes sense that the football players can lift weights while standing on a padded, O-shaped mat. 140.5K. Reads. «Bleacher Report, Jun 15»
A Fresh Start: O'Charley's to reopen with new brand, menu, interior …
We're also getting more booths to create a more flexible floor space to accommodate larger parties. We'll get our signature O-shaped booths, ... «Opelika Auburn News, Jun 15»