Discover the use of
S. of Sol. in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
S. of Sol. and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The elements
of Euclid, containing the first six, and the ...
KO = and simil. three □ s of sol. CD, and the three opp. □ s in ea. sol. are = and
6imil. to these ; 24. 11. .*. sol. KO = and simil. sol. CD. C. n. Complete □ GK and
the sols. EX, LP on bases GK, KL, so that EH be an insist. rt. line com. to ea. of ...
Euclid, Robert Simson, Jackson Muspratt Williams, 1827
The Elements
of Euclid: Containing the First Six, and the ...
U FD; three [I s of sol KO = 8:. sim. three [:1 s of sol. CD, 8L three opp. [1 s in ea.
so]. are = 8L sim. to these; 24.11. sol. KO, = 8L sim. so]. CD. 0.11. Complete [1 s
GK 8!. sols. EX, LP on bases GK, KL, so that EH be an insist. rt. line com. to ea. of
And this is how it gives utterance to its quest: "Draw me, we will run after thee" (S.
of Sol. 1:4). "In my bed I sought him; I sought him and found him not" (S. of Sol. 3:
1); "I called him, and he did not answer me" (S. of Sol. 5:6); i.e., I never believed ...
Martin Luther, Wilhelm Pauck, 1961
Saved by Works...Christ'
s Works!
And while you are hanging upon the cross and are asked by shocked onlookers,
“What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women?” (
S. of Sol. 5:9), you are to answer them saying, “My beloved is mine, and I am ...
His beloved church is presented as one “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and
terrible as an army with banners” (S. of Sol. 6:10). Over it is unfurled God's
banner of love (S. of Sol. 2:4). King Solomon was well-acquainted with the plan of
Handbook for Bible Study
7:34; S. of Sol. 3:6-8). The bride wore a thick veil (S. of Sol. 4:1, 3; 6:7) and did not
remove it until she and her husband consummated the marriage that evening (
Gen. 24:65), which explains how Laban sucess- fully substituted Leah for Rachel
Solid Ground: Daily Devotional for Adults
S. of Sol. 7:10. The Song of Solomon is an inspired love song. It speaks of love's
commitment. Love is not a sentimental emotion based on physical attraction. It is
not a superficial feeling centered on the external. Love is a lasting commitment ...
of Revelation: The Apocalypse Through Hebrew Eyes
The prophets had already proclaimed this relationship: "I will be your God and
you will be my people" Qer. 7:23). In the Song of Songs it takes on the language
of love: "My lover is mine and I am his" (S. of Sol. 2:16; cf. S. of Sol. 6:3; 7:10, 11).
Topical Concordance
of the Bible
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the
voice of the turtle is heard in our land. S. of Sol. 2:12. The vines with the tender
grape give a good smell. S. of Sol. 2:13. Your sins . . . shall be as white as snow.
A Basic Bible Dictionary
7.6; S. of Sol. 2.9; Ecclus. (BenSira)42.11 Laughter at the promise of the birth of
Isaac, Gen. 1 8. 1 2-1 3; at calamity. Job 5.22; Prov. 1 .26; at prosperity, Ps. 126.2;
God laughs at the wicked, Ps. 2.4; laughter and tears, Prov. 14.13; Eccles.