Discover the use of
Sedunum in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
Sedunum and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The philosophical transactions and collections: abridged and ...
This great Variety is not (as it must be in any other Part of the World) the
Collection of many Provinces, but furnished within the Space of 17 Leagues ; and
would be still less, if in going from Sedunum, you ascend Mount Sanetch, whose
Top is ...
Royal society of London, 1747
The Celtic Encyclopedia
NAME Seduni CULTURE Early Hallstatt / Gallic COUNTRY Switzerland
TERRITORY Gaul LANDMARKS Alps / Rhone / Sionne CENTERS Sion (
Sedunum) AGE I ron DATES BC 9th-6th c / BC 56 SEE ALSO Uberi / Veragri
MAP REF 184 - C ...
Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Accompt of the ...
Sedunum, you ascend Mount Sanetch, whose Top is but seven Leagues from
Sedunum [otSyon]. The Author adds, that the Sides of the Mountains produce
great Variety of Mosses and Fungus's, that •the Pastures furnish an inexpressible
The philosophical transactions (from the year 1732 to the ...
This great Variety is not (as it must be in any other Part of the World) the
Collection of many Provinces, but furnished within the Space of 17 Leagues; and
would be still less, if in going from Sedunum, you ascend Mount Sanetch, whose
Top is ...
The Philosophical Transactions (from the Year ... to the ...
This great Variety is not (as it must be in any other Part of the World) the
Collection of many Provinces, but furnished within the Space of 17 Leagues •,
and would be still less, if in going from Sedunum, you ascend Mount Sanetch,
whose Top is ...
Royal Society (London), 1747
The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire 2 Part Set: ...
... to check ahuses in the area hut was quickly assassinated hy a conspiracy of
local people, including Aletheus, Herpo 3 and the hishop of Sedunum (Sion),
Leudemund; Fredegar. iv 43- Herpo 3 Frankish comes (under Chlotharius) 6t3
Com«, ...
Library of Congress catalogs: monographic series
1798- N 627.08 1 75-619263 rOB705.P4, 75 SEDUNUM NOSTRUM WyeJer, 1
Les stalles de Valere / [texte], Bernard Wyder ; photos., Jean- Marc Biner. — [
Bramois/Sion] : Sedunum nostrum, 1975. 126 о ill 21 cm — (Sedunum nostrum ...
Library of Congress, 1978
Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Practical Guide
... Soleure / Solothurn SWI Petit 1994, 130 A4 S. Quiricus, Mon. See Map 14 D4
Sapaudia See Map 17 El Sasbach GER See Map 1 1 El Sasbach-Sponeck GER
See Map 1 1 F4 Sebuinus Vicus ITL See Map 39 E3 *Sedunum RL Sitten/Sion ...
Leonard A. Levin, Anthony C. Arnold, 2011
A dictionary of geography, ancient and modern
There is a place called Sion is the Valais ; but the word is corrupted from Sitten or
Sedunum. SIRR. See Sihon. SIROCCO. The S. E. or Syrian wind which blows in
Italy and Dalmatia, in summer, and is attended with great heat and a peculiar ...
Crainburgh. tn the Alps Country, Ebrodunum and Sedunum. In the Vindelici er
Bavarians Country, in Rhætia, /A? Grisons Country, ww/Noricum. Cambodunum,
Corrodunum, Gefodunum, Idunum and Noviodu* 1mm ; and in the Book of the ...
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
Sedunum is used in the context of the following news items.
"Sedunum", la nouvelle mouture de Sion en lumières, a conquis le …
Pour son tout nouveau spectacle "Sedunum", Sion en Lumières a connu une très belle édition 2014 avec près de 10000 spectateurs estimés. Les deux ... «Le Nouvelliste, Sep 14»
"Sedunum": un Sion en Lumières gothique flamboyant
"Sedunum", le spectacle 2014 de Sion en Lumières débutait hier soir. Plongée au coeur d'un univers puissant, qui revisite avec fougue l'histoire de la ville. «Le Nouvelliste, Jul 14»
Samael's Xy Posts "Sedunum" Recording Clips
Xy from Samael will soon be releasing the instrumental album "Sedunum," which was composed for the Swiss city of Sion. Today several recording videos from ... «Metal Underground, Jul 14»
Un espoir pour le Clos Saint-Georges à Sion
Nombreuses aussi les procédures entamées pour la soustraire à la destruction: Patrimoine suisse a fait opposition à sa démolition, Sedunum Nostrum a émis ... «Le Nouvelliste, Apr 13»
Sion: Boubou Richard vit au camping à l'année
Jean-Claude Richard, alias Boubou Richard, loge en permanence dans le camping Sedunum à Sion. Un mode de vie plus économique certes, mais que ... «Le Nouvelliste, Feb 13»
Mémoire des lieux. À la découverte d'un magnifique belvédère. Suin …
Le village est cité au XI e siècle sous la forme latine « Sedunum » : impossible de ne pas y voir un plus ancien « Sego-dunum ». Le mot gaulois « sego- ... «Le JSL, May 12»