Discover the use of
Verodunum in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
Verodunum and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Typographical Gazetteer
284 Verodunum, 1560. 238 Verret, 1735. 238 Versailles (Indiana). 284 Verske,
Verschitz, 1802. 238 Vervins, 1851. 238 Vesullum, 1731. 238 Veszprim, 1781.
238 Vevay (Indiana). 285 Vewa, see Vavau. Vic, 1624. 238 Vicksburg. 238
Victoria ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
[G. L.] VERODUNUM. [Verodunicnses,] VEROLA'MIUM and VERULA'MIUM (
06po\d- rioi>, PtoL ii. 3. § 21), the capital of the Catyench- lani in Britannia
Roman a, on the mad from Lon- dinium to Lindnmand Eboracnm. (/(in. Ant. pp.
471, 476 ...
Researches Into the Physical History of Mankind
Noviodunum in the Rhemi. Verodunum:, Verodunenses Verdun. Lugodinum, 01
Lugdunum ....... > Batavorum Leyden. 2. Names of places containing durum or
duro in Belgic Gaul. Durocortora Rhemi Rheims. Divodurum Mediomatiici Met/.
James Cowles Prichard, 1841
Geographia Classica, Or, The Application of Antient ...
Venusia, Venosa 43 Verbanus Lacus, Lago Maggiore 32 Verodunenses 78
Verodunum, Verdun- • •• ib. Veromandui, Vermandois 79 Verona 29.32
Verulamium, near St. Albans 59 Vesontio, Bezancon 80 Vestini 42 Vesuna, La
Visone •••• 75 ...
Samuel Butler, John Frost, 1831
Astrosophia numerica sive Astronomica supputandi ratio in ...
A- 45 3 о ‚ Verodunum Burgundiœ. о 21 20 А- 46 58 о vemdun'ufn Lorenz 0 2.7
16 A- 49 5 о Vefrlluf меда 0 18 28 __Q 44 33 _2 'Ve-invia?,- _°'_'_ 0 13 20 5. 41
4 0 Yerona l- ё Ё 4' ' о 5 28 Af.45 30 о weenria ` " ` 0 3 2.8 A, 45 32 о Vienna ...
Angelo Felice Capelli, 1736
An Abridgement of Universal Geography, Modern and Ancient: ...
... Verodunum (Verdun); and Divodurum (Metz). The western part of Belgica was
called Belgica Secunda or the Second Belgium. There were the Matrona (Marne)
, Samara (Somme), and Sabis (Sambre). Among the tribes of this province were ...
Adriano Balbi, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford, 1835
Containing the Description of Asia, Africa, and America. ...
Verodunum 99 Tybrn Fluv. 2 5 3388 I 'erometum 27 T)bnr 28 9 Verona 277 Tjdf
31 2 V crtem 37 Tylium 300 Veruta , , 2 7 7 Tjndark 2 99 Vcrulamium Mans 21 Zj-
r-u Fluv; 364 l'cfonrioru'n 102 , Urbs. 442 l'cflini 254,* 295 Tyrrkenia 2 91 V esuna
An Epitome of part of Cæsar's Commentaries, with an ...
... Salodur um Segusio Tarasco T urbae Taruenna. T ullum Tolosates Telonenses
Turnacum Turones Treverì Tria. Castra Tricasses T igurini Ultra Traj ectum>
Ucetia Vasio Vallis Valentia Vintium Veneti Verodunum Vienna Turic umy lii.
The works of the learned Joseph Bingham, M. A. ...: ...
3 Tullum, Toul. 4 Verodunum, Verdun in Lorrain. In the other Belgica there were
ten Dioceses. 1 Remi, Reims, z Augusta Suestionum, Soijsons. 3 Catalaunum,
Chalons in Champain. 4 Laudunum, Leon, j* Augusta Veromanduorum,
Sketch of Modern and Antient Geography for Schools
Tax XKD, LoifDOv: Printed by A. ft R. Spottiswoode, V. Page Venta Silurum, Caer
Gwent ibid. Venusia, Venosa 123 Verbanus Lacus, Lago Maggiore 112
Veroduncnses 158 Verodunum, Verdun ibid. Veroinandui, Vermandois 159
Verona 109.