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Meaning of "ayuda" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra ayuda procede de ayudar.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


a · yu · da play


Ayuda is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Click to see the original definition of «ayuda» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



Help is any kind of cooperation. Aid may also refer to: ▪ Foreign aid, that offered by developed countries to other countries with lower economic levels; ▪ Humanitarian aid, targeted at populations that have suffered a humanitarian crisis; ▪ Mutual aid, one of the main statements of anarchism; ▪ Official development assistance, net disbursements of loans and grants made according to OECD criteria; ▪ Technical assistance, products that allow certain actions to be taken in a given situation; ▪ Visual aid to the landing, the set of facilities intended for the guidance of an aircraft during the landing. ▪ Online help, which is received by users of a system, through written help, answers to frequently asked questions, terminology dictionaries, etc. La ayuda es cualquier tipo de cooperación. Ayuda también puede referirse a: ▪ Ayuda exterior, la ofrecida por los países desarrollados a otros países con inferior nivel económico; ▪ Ayuda humanitaria, la destinada a las poblaciones que han sufrido una crisis humanitaria; ▪ Ayuda mutua, uno de los principales enunciados del anarquismo;Ayuda oficial al desarrollo, los desembolsos netos de créditos y donaciones realizados según los críterios de la OCDE; ▪ Ayuda técnica, productos que permiten realizar determinadas acciones en una situación determinada; ▪ Ayuda visual al aterrizaje, el conjunto de instalaciones destinadas al guiado de una aeronave durante el aterrizaje. ▪ Ayuda en línea, la que reciben los usuarios de un sistema, a través de escritos de ayuda, respuestas a preguntas frecuentes, diccionarios terminológicos, etc.

Definition of ayuda in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of help in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of helping. Another meaning of help in the dictionary is coast help. Help is also a person or thing that helps. La primera definición de ayuda en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción y efecto de ayudar. Otro significado de ayuda en el diccionario es ayuda de costa. Ayuda es también persona o cosa que ayuda.
Click to see the original definition of «ayuda» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of ayuda in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «ayuda» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of ayuda


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «ayuda» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of ayuda

Translation of «ayuda» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of ayuda to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of ayuda from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «ayuda» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of ayuda in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  aid ; assistance ; guidance ; help ; helpfulness ; support ; relief ; enhancer ; helper ; facilitator ; bursary ; good offices ; jump-start [jumpstart] ; helping hand ; succour [succor, -USA].
 Indexing may be conducted entirely without the aid of a computer, or may rely to varying extents upon the facilities for the manipulation and ordering of data offered by the computer.
 Most information about terms and their relationships that could be of assistance to the user of the index will be transferred from the list to the index or catalogue.
 The command function 'HELP' is used to obtain guidance online when in difficulty.
 The entry is first located with the help of searching.
 Sometimes, in the interest of comprehension or helpfulness, modifications to the standard pattern are desirable.
 BSO was prepared by the International Federation for Documentation with the support of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), and was published in 1978/79.
 The report concluded that the problems of rural populations 'do not differ greatly from those of the urban population though the difficulties in obtaining help and relief can be exacerbated by isolation'.
 The low regard that many publishers have shown for indexers as enhancers of book sales and profitability may well have been justified in the past.
 Once again careful planning pays dividends, and plenty of time and helpers are needed.
 Information technology may have acted as a catalyst or facilitator for some of the changes which have occurred.
 This article describes a 12 week study tour of the UK undertaken with the help of a bursary from the EU by a lecturer in library studies from Papua New Guinea.
 This enables the library to use the MPEs' good offices and contacts to influence the national government on projects which are important for the area.
 No hospital creates a healthier community all by itself but it can give its neighbors a jump-start.
 Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.
 The Government has vowed to provide 'all possible succour' to the people affected by the cyclone that has left a trail of death and devastation.
ayuda a las víctimas de una catástrofe 
disaster relief
 Disaster relief work can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help people in need of your expertise and assistance.
ayuda al desarrollo 
development aid
 This programme was devoted to reinforce development aid and to improve living and working conditions by improving safety and protecting health and the environment.
ayuda alimentaria 
food aid
 While the monetisation of food aid generates money for NGOs to pursue other aid activities, it also reduces prices for local producers and traders in poor countries, effectively rigging the market against them.
ayuda con la declaración de hacienda 
income tax assistance
 The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.
ayuda de asistencia 
attendance grant
 As the number of attendance grants is limited, all applicants are strongly advised to seek support from other sources.
ayuda de asistencia a congreso 
conference attendance grant
 The most that we award in a conference attendance grant is $200.
ayuda de cámara 
 Patients will be greeted by valets and taken immediately to their rooms.
ayuda de emergencia 
emergency relief
 Volunteerism is a key element in providing emergency relief to disaster survivors and in post-disaster reconstruction.
ayuda del gobierno  
state aid
state support
 The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
 Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
ayuda doméstica 
domestic help
 Five options of help with housework are investigated: domestic help, take-out meals, the microwave, the dishwasher, & the dryer.
ayuda económica       
financial support
fund assistance
financial assistance
grant money
cash grant
financial help
 In its early years it benefited from a variety of grants to support activities and developments, but since 1971, OCLC has been supported by membership fees and grants for specific research and development projects.
 By virtue of standing an easy first among the libraries of the region - first in size of collection, first in financial support, and first in that mysterious quality known as 'excellence' - Dorado was asked to assume the role.
 The benefits to be gained from using fund assistance to help with local authority capital projects on roads, drainage, industrial sites, etc., were obvious.
 The library now receives financial assistance from the local authority and the collection totals 7,000 vols.
 The article 'Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees' provides information to teachers who need grant money to fund projects their schools cannot afford.
 The cash grant will be awarded based on usefulness of the project or goal to the field of study, the school, profession, or to the public.
 Of course they couldn't possibly come down on the lazy liggers of society - they will come down hard on the people that really need financial help.
ayuda educativa 
educational aid
 The alternative would be to return to the library's original purpose - an educational aid to the poor.
ayuda en caso de catástrofe 
disaster relief
 Disaster relief work can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help people in need of your expertise and assistance.
ayuda en pantalla 
aid page
 All on-line users face the problem of coping with an ever-increasing amount of on-line documentation including: manuals; thesauri; data base chapters; bluesheets and aid pages; newsletters, etc.
ayuda estatal  
state aid
state support
 The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
 Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
ayuda familiar  
family income supplement
family worker
 The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.
 The success of these small family enterprises often depends on the contributions of unpaid family workers, particularly wives.
ayuda federal 
federal aid
 She and her parents hadn't realized the federal aid wasn't enough to cover expenses.
ayuda financiera   
financial assistance
fund assistance
financial help
 The library now receives financial assistance from the local authority and the collection totals 7,000 vols.
 The benefits to be gained from using fund assistance to help with local authority capital projects on roads, drainage, industrial sites, etc., were obvious.
 Of course they couldn't possibly come down on the lazy liggers of society - they will come down hard on the people that really need financial help.
ayuda humanitaria    
humanitarian aid
disaster relief
humanitarian assistance
humanitarian relief
 The author identifies and describes a number of selected web sites that provide free information in the areas of health and humanitarian aid.
 Disaster relief work can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help people in need of your expertise and assistance.
 Humanitarian assistance is of cardinal importance for the victims of natural disasters and other emergencies.
 Medicines can play a vital role in humanitarian relief efforts in disaster zones.
Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) 
Book Aid International (BAI)
 This article describes a book gift ceremony to promote awareness among developing countries of the Book Aid International (BAI) (formerly Ranfurly Library Service) programme to provide books which are relevant to their needs.
ayuda legal 
legal assistance
 Information on how to apply for financial or legal assistance after fire, flood, or earthquake may be provided.
ayuda memoria 
 There is no time to go into great detail about all the requirements to be met, but let me just outline the headings for you as an aide-mémoire.
ayuda mutua  
mutual help
mutual aid
 Justice, Liberty, and Equality are the pillars of society; co-operation and mutual help are the firmest bonds between citizens.
 Better conditions are created by the elimination of competition by means of mutual aid and mutual support.
ayuda para dormir 
sleeping aid
 This amino acid has been widely used as a sleeping aid because it can produce drowsiness.
ayuda para el desplazamiento 
travel grant
 IFLA study grant and travel grant to study library legislation in three European countries was a tremendous help.
ayuda para la memoria 
memory aid
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
ayuda para recordar 
memory aid
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
monies [money, -sing.]
 Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.
ayuda sensible al contexto  [Pantalla de ayuda cuya información varía dependiendo del proceso que se esté realizando]
context-sensitive help
 Pull-down menus and context-sensitive help provide you with assistance throughout your search.
ayuda social 
welfare benefits
 A large part of the work of information and advice has been the interpretation of people's eligibility for welfare benefits and other social services.
ayudas para la escritura  [Todo tipo de diccionario, tesauro, manual de escritura, programa, guía, etc de la que se sirve el escritor para facilitarle la composición escrita]
writing tools
 This article reviews Microsoft's Bookshelf: a CD-ROM data base containing 10 important writing tools (Roget's 2: Electronic Thesaurus, American Heritage Dictionary, Chicago Manual of Style etc).
ayuda técnica 
technical support
 The article 'CD-ROMs for techies' profiles CD-ROM based tools providing personal computer technical support.
ayuda visual 
visual aid
 Library media specialists can entertain children with holiday storytelling to enhance interest and stir curiosity and with visual aids to spark motivation.
brindar ayuda   
provide + assistance
help out
 How can we help library users to gain confidence?.
 Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.
 Give them a holler and I'm sure they will help out.
buscar ayuda    
seek + assistance
seek + help
ask for + assistance
ask for + help
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 Good luck and don't hesitate to ask me or anyone on the management team for advice or assistance!.
 Some user may come to the library simply to ask for help 'My daughter died six montsh ago and I just can't get it out of my mind'.
centro de ayuda al empleo 
job-help centre
 The library has developed a job-help centre, with information on available employment, resume writing, test-taking, etc..
con la ayuda de 
under the guidance of
 These tables may be applied, in carefully selected subject areas, and under the guidance of explicit instructions, in order to subdivide a subject found in the main schedules.
con + Posesivo + ayuda 
under + Posesivo + guidance
 It was under his guidance that the scheme survived the flight to LC which was such a notable feature of the 1960s.
conseguir ayuda 
secure + help
 However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.
dispositivo de ayuda a usuarios con necesidades especiales 
assistive device
 Production, distribution and promotion of assistive devices for the handicapped can only be achieved through the active cooperation of transnational agencies.
hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie 
do it on + Posesivo + own
 Unlike the nation's research libraries, which get what they need from LC, they must do it on their own, and it is very, very expensive.
herramienta de ayuda a la escritura 
writing aid
 This article reports possible future developments in the field of the electronification of information as envisaged by a developer of electronic writing aids for personal computers.
herramienta de ayuda a la lectura 
reading aid
 Reading aids such as talking books, magnifiers and book stands have made a valuable contribution.
herramientas de ayuda 
helper utility
 The article carries the title 'Encoders, decoders, compressors, decompressors, viewers, and helper utilities for an Internet tool box'.
herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda 
searching aid
 Mechanized systems offer a wide range of potential search strategies and searching aids.
instrumento de ayuda a la enseñanza 
teaching aid
 Care must be exercised in seeing that these teaching aids do not become weapons to browbeat with.
labor de ayuda humanitaria 
relief effort
 The government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts for the devastating floods that hit the northwest.
material de ayuda 
help pack
 This article describes the contents of a help pack, produced by Bradford Public Library to help library staff when dealing with violence and aggression at work.
mostrador de ayuda 
help desk [helpdesk]
 With large computer-based data bases it is common to have some type of 'help desk' facility through which personal assistance with special searching problems can be obtained.
ofrecer ayuda   
offer + guidance
offer + assistance
provide + support
 These vital human needs may not feature prominently in the curriculum, and a society in moral disarray may offer insufficient guidance.
 These two functions of the library have often been at cross purposes to one another, because each has been associated with a conflicting view of the kind and amount of assistance to be offered to the reader.
 Read Illinois has become a model programme that draws together and provides support to writers, scholars, teachers, librarians, publishers and booksellers.
ojo humano sin ayuda de lente, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
unaided eye, the
 The lens is of universal focus, down to any distance accommodated by the unaided eye, simply because it is of short focal length.
operativo de ayuda humanitaria 
relief effort
 The government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts for the devastating floods that hit the northwest.
pantalla de ayuda 
help screen
 Associated with each screen can be one or more 'help screens' which give you additional information about the screen you are viewing.
pedir ayuda     
seek + assistance
seek + help
request + Posesivo + help
ask for + help
ask for + assistance
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 In general, never battle the blaze unless the firefighters request your help.
 Some user may come to the library simply to ask for help 'My daughter died six montsh ago and I just can't get it out of my mind'.
 Good luck and don't hesitate to ask me or anyone on the management team for advice or assistance!.
pedir ayuda a 
enlist + the cooperation of
 A more satisfactory solution would be to enlist the cooperation of other centralized agencies throughout the world in order to increase coverage without pricing the service out of the market.
política de ayuda 
assistance policy
 It is well worth the trouble to examine and negotiate financial matters with NGOs within reach in the country or the region to take advantage of their various assitance policies.
prestar ayuda       
provide + assistance
render + assistance
offer + guidance
offer + assistance
lend + a (helping) hand
help out
give + Nombre + a (helping) hand
 Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.
 There are obvious limits to the assistance which a librarian can undertake to render.
 These vital human needs may not feature prominently in the curriculum, and a society in moral disarray may offer insufficient guidance.
 These two functions of the library have often been at cross purposes to one another, because each has been associated with a conflicting view of the kind and amount of assistance to be offered to the reader.
 In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.
 Give them a holler and I'm sure they will help out.
 It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
proyecto de ayuda 
aid project
 The author explores the reasons for the success of these aid projects, which revealed the enormous book hunger in the rural areas.
proyecto de ayuda humanitaria 
relief project
 The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.
recabar ayuda  
solicit + help
solicit + support
 Employees of a non-unionized organization who are dissatisfied with the policies and practices of the organization may solicit the help of an organizer.
 Public relations for librarians, then, is an art through which information and persuasion solicit public support for the causes that have been set forth in the goals of the library.
ser de ayuda 
be of assistance
 This article points to ways in which information technology can be of assistance to healthcare professionals.
ser de gran ayuda para 
be a boon to
 Directories of publishers arranged to indicate the specialist fields in which the publish can be a boon to the imaginative librarian on the trail of some obscure source.
ser una gran ayuda 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
servicio de ayuda  
help desk [helpdesk]
help facility
 With large computer-based data bases it is common to have some type of 'help desk' facility through which personal assistance with special searching problems can be obtained.
 Most computer-based information retrieval systems have some type of 'help' facility.
servir de ayuda 
be of assistance
 This article points to ways in which information technology can be of assistance to healthcare professionals.
sin ayuda  
 Unless we believe we can do all this unaided, then we had better pay heed to literature.
 A library cannot, unassisted, keep abreast of the various sources of local information.
sin ayuda de nadie  
all by + Reflexivo
by + Reflexivo
 One can only cultivate one's virtues all by oneself, and no one else can take one's place.
 Certainly, it is possible to do it by oneself.
sin la ayuda de nadie 
 He almost single-handedly created Nigeria's first academic press and, with his wife, its 1st university bookshop.
sistema de ayuda 
help system
 Help systems are also necessary, but further work needs to be done in order to achieve an optimum help system for different applications.
sistema de ayuda a la gestión 
management support system (MSS)
 Management support systems (MSS) are becoming increasingly common and provide managers with the direct access to automation capabilities promised years ago by proponents of management information systems (MIS).
solicitar ayuda      
summon + help
seek + assistance
seek + help
request + Posesivo + help
ask for + help
ask for + assistance
 A situation involving the dangerous or apparently dangerous person (perhaps someone reportedly carrying a gun or knife) requires the librarian to summon expert help.
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.
 In general, never battle the blaze unless the firefighters request your help.
 Some user may come to the library simply to ask for help 'My daughter died six montsh ago and I just can't get it out of my mind'.
 Good luck and don't hesitate to ask me or anyone on the management team for advice or assistance!.
tarea de ayuda humanitaria 
relief effort
 The government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts for the devastating floods that hit the northwest.
tecla de ayuda 
help key
 Program function key 2 (PF1) is the 'help key'.
teléfono de ayuda   
help desk [helpdesk]
help line
telephone help line
 Help desks, training courses, manuals, newsletters and other search aids can influence the effectiveness of a searcher.
 Computer users lean more heavily on manufacturers' help lines than on their own in house support staff.
 The centre, which has opened a telephone help line, deals mainly with requests for information on the occurrence of salmonella, viral infections, and existing legislation with regard to infectious diseases.
ayuda memoria
ayuda memoria 
 There is no time to go into great detail about all the requirements to be met, but let me just outline the headings for you as an aide-mémoire.

Trends of use of ayuda



The term «ayuda» is very widely used and occupies the 206 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «ayuda» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of ayuda
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «ayuda».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «ayuda» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «ayuda» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about ayuda



Famous quotes and sentences with the word ayuda.
Alphonse Allais
El dinero ayuda a soportar la pobreza.
Bertolt Brecht
Sólo la violencia ayuda donde la violencia impera.
Henri Frédéric Amiel
La destreza ayuda en todo, pero no basta.
Henri Lacordaire
Es inaudito cuánto puede conseguirse con la ayuda del tiempo, cuando se tiene paciencia para esperarlo y no apresurarse.
Louis Bottach
Más vale un consejo que diez avisos, pero más vale una ayuda que diez consejos.
Sorcha Carey
No hay que confundir nunca el conocimiento con la sabiduría. El primero nos sirve para ganarnos la vida; la sabiduría nos ayuda a vivir.
Pitágoras de Samos
Ayuda a tus semejantes a levantar su carga, pero no te consideres obligado a llevársela.
Henry Ford
Un idealista es una persona que ayuda a otra a ser próspera.
Henry Miller
Si tu llamas experiencias a tus dificultades y recuerdas que cada experiencia te ayuda a madurar, vas a crecer vigoroso y feliz, no importa cuán adversas parezcan las circunstancias.
Oliver Goldsmith
El mayor espectáculo es un hombre esforzado luchando contra la adversidad; pero hay otro aún más grande: ver a otro hombre lanzarse en su ayuda.


Un grano no hace granero, pero ayuda a su compañero.
A la que a su marido encornuda, Señor y tú la ayuda.
A los audaces la fortuna les ayuda.
A quien lucha y suda. la suerte le ayuda.
A quien se aventura, Dios le ayuda.
Amigo en duda, quien te aconseja, y pudiendo, no ayuda.
Bastante me ayuda quien no me estorba.
Cada uno estornuda como Dios le ayuda.
Con ayuda del vecino, mató mi padre un cochino.
Dios ayuda a quien se ayuda.


Discover the use of ayuda in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to ayuda and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Evaluación como ayuda al aprendizaje
El libro presenta temas de actualidad, divulga aportaciones de reconocidos especialistas y, a su vez, proporciona pautas y ejemplos de cómo llevarlos a la práctica.
Infancia y conductas de ayuda
En Infancia y conductas de ayuda, Nancy EISENBERG efectúa una exposición completamente actualizada de las motivaciones que se ocultan tras las conductas prosociales y también de la forma en que se desarrollan y se suscitan en diversas ...
Nancy Eisenberg, 1999
Apuntes de relación de ayuda
La formación en «relación de ayuda» sale al paso de la necesidad de humanizar las relaciones.Estos «cuadernos», junto con el segundo y el tercero (que aplican la teoría aquí presentada a los campos de la acción social y de la ...
José Carlos Bermejo, 1998
Aprenda inglés con la ayuda de Dios
El autor, Francisco B. Güell, le enseña principios básicos de gramática inglesa y, basándose en su propia experiencia, expone ejemplos sencillos y prácticos para la vida cotidiana.
Francisco B. Guell, 2007
Relación de ayuda: material de trabajo
ROSA CARABIAS, diplomada en enfermería, supervisora y profesora del Centro de Humanización de la Salud, imparte clases y cursos de "relación de ayuda y enfermería" para estudiantes y profesionales.
José Carlos Bermejo, Rosa Carabias, 1998
Ayuda a tu hijo a entrenar su inteligencia
A lo largo de los últimos años he dado muchas conferencias en colegios, institutos y todo tipo de centros educativos, y he comprobado el problema que existe entre los estudiantes con la práctica del estudio, en general, y con el de las ...
Alberto Coto, 2009
La relación de ayuda en el duelo
Y, sin embargo, como siempre, detrás de los fríos datos estadísticos sigue habiendo personas que acarrean, mal que bien, el dolor por la pérdida de seres queridos y que se enfrentan al reto de dar una respuesta a la vida...¿Por qué ...
Ezequiel-Julio Sánchez Sánchez, 2001
Gane Dinero Desde su Casa Con la Ayuda de Dios
Si su sueño es establecer su propia empresa, 'Gane dinero desde su casa con la ayuda de Dios' es la guía que le llena de esperanza y le da la mano para alcanzar esa meta.
Francisco B. Guell, 2010
SOS ayuda para padres: una guía práctica para manejar ...
La comunicación de los padres con sus hijos se vuelve muchas veces, difícil; y en algunos casos insostenible.
Lynn Clark, 2003
Ayuda, mercado y buen gobierno: los lenguajes del desarrollo ...
Este libro analiza las rupturas y continuidades que suponen estas propuestas y lenguajes. La primera parte atiende a las principales instituciones internacionales donde se generan las agendas oficiales y los discursos hegemónicos.
Alicia Campos Serrano, 2005


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term ayuda is used in the context of the following news items.
Israel recibe un barco turco con ayuda humanitaria para Gaza
Un barco procedente de Turquía cargado con ayuda para Gaza arribó este domingo a Israel, una semana después de que ambos países acordaran normalizar ... «RFI, Jul 16»
Gobierno mexicano bloquea ayuda a víctimas de Nochixtlán
El Gobierno en complicidad con el sistema bancario bloqueó la cuenta para recoger fondos de ayuda a familiares de los muertos y heridos en Nochixtlán. «teleSUR TV, Jul 16»
Damasco permite a la ONU suministrar ayuda humanitaria a 15 de ...
ONU (Sputnik) — Damasco permite a la ONU suministrar en junio ayuda humanitaria a 15 de las 17 zonas asediadas de Siria, informó Naciones Unidas. «Sputnik Mundo, Jun 16»
Correa agradece ayuda humanitaria de Bolivia para Ecuador
El mandatario ecuatoriano dijo que la Pachamama "está poniendo a prueba a Ecuador". Agradeció las 90 toneladas de alimentos que entregó Bolivia tras el ... «teleSUR TV, Apr 16»
La música ayuda a los bebés a procesar los sonidos del habla
En la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, por su parte, han demostrado que la consonancia musical ayuda a los humanos a aprender patrones abstractos, pero no a ... «Tendencias 21, Apr 16»
Aumentan las peticiones de ayuda al teléfono del menor por casos ...
Desde el 20 de enero hasta ahora 267 niños, padres y profesores han pedido ayuda o información sobre casos concretos de acoso en las aulas. Casi se ha ... «, Apr 16»
La ayuda humanitaria empieza a llegar a los damnificados por el ...
La ayuda humanitaria empieza a llegar a los damnificados por el terremoto de ... países han enviado ayuda humanitaria y especialistas en labores de rescate ... «euronews, Apr 16»
Ecuador continúa recibiendo ayuda humanitaria
China y Colombia, que estuvieron entre los primeros países que prestaron ayuda a Ecuador tras el sismo del pasado 16 de abril, han ofrecido asistencia ... «Voz de América, Apr 16»
México envía 40 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria a Ecuador
Con 40 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria, donadas por la ciudadanía mexicana, partió este domingo un avión de carga con rumbo a Ecuador, para ayudar a los ... «, Apr 16»
ACNUR distribuye ayuda a los damnificados por el sismo en Ecuador
ACNUR empieza la distribución de ayuda de emergencia para asistir a los damnificados por el sismo ocurrido el pasado sábado 16 de abril en Ecuador. «Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, Apr 16»



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