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Meaning of "bibliotecario" in the Spanish dictionary



bi · blio · te · ca · rio play


Bibliotecario can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


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A librarian is a professional librarian. This is a person who, within a library or documentation center develops procedures to organize information and provide services to help and educate people in the most efficient ways to identify and access the information they need, In their different formats. Their task has been transformed over time; They have gone from being mere custodians of collections of books to be intermediaries between users requiring satisfy some need for information and collections of information entrusted to them. The tasks of librarians are multiple: acquisition of new materials, cataloging and classification of them, development of collections, disposal of obsolete materials, establishment of policies or operating rules of information centers or libraries where they work, conducting interviews Reference, contracting services and subscription to printed or electronic magazines, research. Un bibliotecario es un profesional de las bibliotecas. Se trata de una persona que, en el ámbito de una biblioteca o Centro de Documentación desarrolla procedimientos para organizar la información, así como ofrecer servicios para ayudar e instruir a las personas en las maneras más eficientes para identificar y acceder a la información que necesiten, en sus diferentes formatos. Su tarea se ha ido transformando con el tiempo; han pasado de ser meros custodios de las colecciones de libros a ser intermediarios entre los usuarios que requieren satisfacer alguna necesidad de información y las colecciones de información que les son confiadas. Las tareas de los bibliotecarios son múltiples: adquisición de nuevos materiales, catalogación y clasificación de los mismos, desarrollo de las colecciones, descarte de materiales obsoletos, establecimiento de políticas o normas de funcionamiento de los centros de información o bibliotecas donde trabajan, conducción de entrevistas de referencia, contratación de servicios y suscripción a revistas impresas o electrónicas, investigación.

Definition of bibliotecario in the Spanish dictionary

The definition of librarian in the dictionary is a person in charge of the care, organization and service of a library. En el diccionario castellano bibliotecario significa persona que tiene a su cargo el cuidado, ordenación y servicio de una biblioteca.
Click to see the original definition of «bibliotecario» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of bibliotecario in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «bibliotecario» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of bibliotecario

Translation of «bibliotecario» into 25 languages

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The translations of bibliotecario from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «bibliotecario» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of bibliotecario in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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570 millions of speakers

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أمين المكتبة
280 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

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260 millions of speakers

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220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

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130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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cán bộ thư viện
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  librarian ; male librarian ; practising librarian ; professional librarian.
 In particular we are concerned with those techniques which are of interest to librarians and information workers.
 To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.
 He asked for a discussion of the practical problems which face practicing librarians and media specialists and urged me to state my opinion on all matters.
 The author discusses the practical personnel problems facing junior and middle grade professional librarians = The author discusses the practical personnel problems facing junior and middle grade professional librarians.
actuar en defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibl 
library advocacy
 The rationale underpinning library funding should be stated explicitly in legislation which should provide a powerful platform for library advocacy.
AIBDA (Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agricultura) 
AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians and Information Specialists)
 The chief advantages of AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians) lie in its responsiveness to members' needs, efficient organisation, and innovative orientation.
ALA (Asociación Americana de Bibliotecarios) 
ALA (American Library Association)
 The joint code was the result of the combined efforts of the Library Association (UK) and the American Library Association.
Asociación Australiana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas (ALIA)  [Antes denominada "Library Association of Australia" (LAA)]
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
 This article discusses the major achievements of the Library Association of Australia (LAA) and its progenitor, the Australian Institute of Librarians (AIL).
asociación de bibliotecarios 
library association
 Until these are solved, continental and regional library associations in Africa will be shortlived.
Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Medicina  [Asociación americana]
Medical Library Association (MLA)
 Continuing education (CE) via videotape appears to be a feasible alternative for Medical Library Association (MLA) members.
Asociación de Bibliotecarios Suizos 
Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare
 Die Vereinigung Schweizerischer Archivare (Association of Swiss Archivists) has enjoyed close cooperation with the Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare (Association of Swiss Librarians).
Asociación de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Suráfrica (LIASA) 
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
 In common with many other organisations in South Africa, the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) is casting an evaluative glance over the last ten years since the advent of the democratic dispensation in 1994.
biblioteca con un solo bibliotecario 
one person library
 This article looks at developments in Germany and the USA where solo librarians are rapidly gaining in popularity in areas other than academic and public libraries, and discusses the value of one person libraries.
bibliotecario académico  [Bibliotecario que trabaja en una biblioteca académica]
academic librarian
 The faculty status issue continues to hold considerable attention among academic librarians.
bibliotecario cibernético  [Bibliotecario cuya principal función es buscar información en Internet] 
 The article 'Cyberlibrarian' argues that one of the biggest problems with the Internet is that of locating specific pieces of information in response to particular enquiries.
 Most UK health care libraries will disappear although there may continue to be a role for the librarian as cybrarian or digitarian.
bibliotecario colegiado  [En el Reino Unido, bibliotecario que según la Asociación Bibliotecaria Británica (LA) reúne las cualificaciones necesarias que le permiten formar parte de esa asociación]
chartered librarian
 This article discusses the requirements for becoming a chartered librarian along with diploma, certificate, and professional courses, and future requirements.
bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina 
 The creation of a new medical professional, the 'informationist', has sparked debate among medical librarians on education for medical librarianship.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de derecho 
law librarian
 The infusion of computers and data bases into the law office and the tremendous increase in published legal materials have given rise to the need for the law librarian.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de agricultura 
agricultural librarian
 Agricultural librarians should reprocess and repackage this information in more appropriate media.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de arte 
art librarian
 The committee gave in to art librarians in agreeing that the artist is not necessarily the author of the reproductions of his or her own works.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de barrio 
district librarian
 In public libraries the post of district or branch librarian is extremely important, since the holder is the representative of the chief librarian in the area served by his branch.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de hospital 
hospital librarian
 Hospital librarians should assist in the development of library inspection guidelines for surveyors.
bibliotecario de biblioteca especializada 
special librarian
 The author discusses the importance of preservice and inservice education and suggests a training programme for special librarians.
bibliotecario de biblioteca móvil 
mobile librarian
 The early mobile librarians played a significant part in breaking down rural prejudice against libraries and returning the book reading habit to rural America.
bibliotecario de biblioteca pública 
public librarian
 However, as we shall see, the public librarian's dedication to his civilizing and stabilizing role in society was to surface with a vengeance in those times when the nation appeared threatened.
bibliotecario de biblioteca sucursal 
branch librarian
 In public libraries the post of district or branch librarian is extremely important, since the holder is the representative of the chief librarian in the area served by his branch.
bibliotecario de biomedicina 
health-care librarian
 The author asssesses the likelihood of health-care librarians being held liable for the service they provide and discusses methods of reducing this risk.
bibliotecario de ciencias de la salud 
health librarian
 Health librarians are taking a leading role in the development of the library and information profession in the emerging information society.
bibliotecario de conservación 
preservation librarian
 The experience of a preservation librarian who was accepted as an intern on the 3 month conservation course at Cornell University is described.
bibliotecario de empresa 
industrial librarian
 The author describes the problems experienced by industrial librarians attempting to provide an optimal service and offers some solutions on both a national and an industrial level.
bibliotecario de hemeroteca 
serials librarian
 They agree that serials librarians do need vendors and that using more than one vendor is preferable to putting all of one's eggs in one basket.
bibliotecario de las ciencias de la salud 
health sciences librarian
 Today's health sciences librarians have been challenged to expand their traditional role as the keepers and cataloguers of medical information.
bibliotecario de medicina 
medical librarian
 The article is titled 'A medical librarian's bag of tricks: coordinating books and media' = El artículo se titula "Los trucos de un bibliotecario de medicina: cómo coordinar los libros y los multimedia".
bibliotecario de medios audiovisuales 
library media specialist
 To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.
bibliotecario de préstamo  [Bibliotecario encargado del préstamo]
lending librarian
 Automation can bring the work of reference and lending librarians closer together to the benefit of both librarians and users.
bibliotecario de préstamos  [Bibliotecario encargado del préstamo]
borrowing librarian
 Nothing should be more humiliating to a borrowing librarian than to have overlooked a needed book in one's own library.
bibliotecario de prisiones 
prison librarian
 Some librarians were surveyed about the usefulness of a special graduate programme for persons planning to become prison librarians.
bibliotecario de referencia  [Bibliotecario encargado de la sección de referencia]  [Principalmente de institución universitaria o de investigación]
reference librarian
research librarian
 Then he complained to the reference librarian and said, 'Well, you have one edition under one title and another edition under another title'.
 The author points out cultural and historical factors that influenced US research librarians in their acquistitions of 20th century manuscripts and books.
bibliotecario de servicios técnicos 
technical services librarian
 The cataloger and the technical services librarian of a small college library are asked to give their thoughts on how to resolve the problem of smokers versus non-smokers on the staff.
bibliotecario de sistemas  [Bibliotecario encargado de todo lo relacionado con la tecnología de la información]
systems librarian
 Written in light vein but with a serious purpose, describes the responsibilities of the systems librarian (or library systems analyst) and his role in modern librarianship.
bibliotecario de universidad  [Bibliotecario que trabaja en una biblioteca académica] 
academic librarian
university librarian
 The faculty status issue continues to hold considerable attention among academic librarians.
 The librarian is also a member of the Board of Education Studies and Humanities, indeed the university librarian served as Dean of the School for a period of three years.
bibliotecario digital   [Bibliotecario encargado de la gestión del conocimiento digital]
digital librarian
 Most UK health care libraries will disappear although there may continue to be a role for the librarian as cybrarian or digitarian.
 Digital librarians must make decisions about technologies - which to learn and which not, which to use and which to ignore - all day, every day, always keeping the needs of the users foremost.
bibliotecario encargado de colecciones especializadas 
special collections librarian
 One of the major issues facing special collections librarians is the relationship of their libraries with private collectors, especially ones who have amassed major holdings on particular subjects.
bibliotecario encargado de la sección juvenil 
young adult librarian
 The article 'Children's cornucopia' describes how children's and young adult librarians have long felt discrimination based on sex as well as discrimination based on the age of the users served.
bibliotecario encargado de la automatización  [Bibliotecario encargado de todo lo relacionado con la tecnología de la información] 
systems librarian
library systems analyst
 Written in light vein but with a serious purpose, describes the responsibilities of the systems librarian (or library systems analyst) and his role in modern librarianship.
 Written in light vein but with a serious purpose, describes the responsibilities of the systems librarian (or library systems analyst) and his role in modern librarianship.
bibliotecario encargado de la colección de mapas 
map librarian
 It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide.
bibliotecario encargado de las cuestiones digitales  [Bibliotecario encargado de la gestión del conocimiento digital]
digital librarian
 Digital librarians must make decisions about technologies - which to learn and which not, which to use and which to ignore - all day, every day, always keeping the needs of the users foremost.
bibliotecario encargado de las adquisiciones  [Bibliotecario que trabaja en la sección de adquisiciones/compras de la biblioteca]
acquisitions librarian
 This process has become a source of frustration and time-consuming, bureaucratic manoeuvering which appears to be the bane of acquisitions librarians everywhere.
bibliotecario encargado de las diapositivas 
slide librarian
 I have just read a paper with the strange title 'An opinion: mumblings of a slide librarian'.
bibliotecario encargado de la sección infantil  
children's librarian
children's librarian
 The young librarian was not accustomed to seeing scenes of despair unfolding before his eyes with ever increasing frequency such as the children's librarian sobbing in frustration.
 The young librarian was not accustomed to seeing scenes of despair unfolding before his eyes with ever increasing frequency such as the children's librarian sobbing in frustration.
bibliotecario encargado del desarrollo de la colección 
collections librarian
 Current controversy over the university's role in transmitting a cultural legacy has important implications for collections librarians.
bibliotecario encargado de libros raros 
rare book libarian
 The history of cathedral libraries shows that each is an integral part of the cathedral and of great importance to the ecclesiastical historian, liturgiologist, musicologist, student of the humanities, rare book librarian and bibliographer.
bibliotecario encargado de los servicios dirigidos a la comunidad 
community services librarian
 The library extends its traditional services to those homebound due to illness or handicaps through its community services librarian.
bibliotecario en prácticas 
 Being a teacher and a librarian-in-training I think the gift of books is THE BEST gift to give - it is a way to share an experience.
bibliotecario en servicios mínimos 
duty librarian
 One of the supervisor's jobs is to see that work is prepared for the duty librarian to do during recess and lunchtime.
bibliotecario en solitario  [Bibliotecario a cargo de una biblioteca o centro de información sin ayuda de ningún otro profesional]
solo librarian
 Solo librarian is a phrase now much used in the USA to describe an isolated librarian or information professional who has no professional peers within the immediate organization.
bibliotecario escolar 
school librarian
 Her sister-in-law worked as a school librarian, and so she convinced Jay to hire a professional to do the job.
bibliotecario especializado en material audiovisual 
audiovisual librarian
 The most important problem facing educators of future audiovisual archivists and librarians is the lack of international standards for description and indexing of audiovisual documentation.
bibliotecario encargado de la formación de usuarios  [Bibliotecario que a veces da clases sobre el uso de la biblioteca y la búsqueda de información]
instruction librarian
 While this goal has remained consistent, the pedagogical models applied by instruction librarians have changed over time = Aunque este objetivo ha permanecido constante, los modelos pedagógicos utilizados por los bibliotecarios encargados de la formación de usuarios han cambiado con el tiempo.
bibliotecario integrado  [Bibliotecario que participa activamente, generalmente en un curso virtual, para ayudar a los alumnos]
embedded librarian
 A few faculty have embedded librarians in their online courses, where librarians provide timely research advice and answer reference questions.
bibliotecario itinerante  [Bibliotecario cualificado que tiene a su cargo varias bibliotecas o servicios bibliotecarios distantes entre sí y normalmente dirigidos por personas con menor titulación a los que visita de manera regular]  [Bibliotecario cualificado que tiene a su cargo varias bibliotecas o servicios bibliotecarios distantes entre sí y normalmente dirigidos por personas con menor titulación a los que visita de manera regular]  [Bibliotecario cualificado que tiene a su cargo varias bibliotecas o servicios bibliotecarios distantes entre sí y normalmente dirigidos por personas con menor titulación a los que visita de manera regular]
circuit librarian
circuit rider librarian
circuit rider
 The model is thriving as determined by a survey of existing circuit librarians in 1995.
 The circuit rider librarian's schedule and functions are discussed.
 The author traces the tradition of circuit riders describes the hallmarks and achievements of circuit librarian programmes.
bibliotecario municipal 
city librarian
 City librarians need to be notified about student assignments so that materials can be pulled from shelves and reserved for student use.
bibliotecario que no se dedica a la catalogación 
 By making it easier for someone who is an apprentice cataloger or a noncataloger to catalog materials, we are definitely increasing the speed through the cataloging department.
bibliotecario recién diplomado 
newly graduated librarian
 Applications from newly graduated librarians continue to stream in for most well-advertised jobs in public and academic libraries.
bibliotecario referencista  [Bibliotecario encargado de la sección de referencia]
reference librarian
 Then he complained to the reference librarian and said, 'Well, you have one edition under one title and another edition under another title'.
bibliotecario universitario 
university librarian
 The librarian is also a member of the Board of Education Studies and Humanities, indeed the university librarian served as Dean of the School for a period of three years.
comunidad de bibliotecarios y documentalistas, la 
library and information community, the
 The library and information community will need to share resources on an increased scale to combat pressure from increasing demand and decreasing resources.
defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios 
library advocacy
 The rationale underpinning library funding should be stated explicitly in legislation which should provide a powerful platform for library advocacy.
IFLA (Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecas) 
IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
 The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Working Group on an International Authority System was established in 1978 with three broad terms of reference.
LA (Asociación de Bibliotecarios del Reino Unido) 
LA (Library Association)
 The joint code was the result of the combined efforts of the Library Association (UK), LA, and the American Library Association.
profesión de bibliotecario 
library profession
 The big philanthropy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries came as a mixed blessing to the American library profession.
profesión de bibliotecario y de documentalista, la 
library and information services profession, the
 This article questions whether the library and information services profession is geared up for the 1990s.
profesión del bibliotecario y documentalista, la 
library and information profession, the
 We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society = Debemos asegurarnos de que la IFLA pueda representar a la profesión de bibliotecario y documentalista de todo el mundo conforme nos precipitamos hacia la sociedad de la información.
profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista, las  [Usado en plural]
information professions, the
 A study of the ethical aspects of information systems can offer insights and methods to understand the problems which leaders in the information professions face. = Un estudio de los aspectos éticos de los sistemas de información puede ayudar a comprender mejor y proporcionarnos métodos para entender los problemas a los que se enfrentan los líderes de las profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista.
profesor-bibliotecario  [Generalmente, en una escuela o instituto, miembro del personal que trabajo como profesor y como bibliotecario]
 In my experience it is by no means proved that a qualified librarian in a school is more effective than a teacher-librarian who has enough time to run the library.
puesto de bibliotecario 
library staff post
 Austria spends 60% less than West Germany but many Austrian library staff posts are honorary and therefore unpaid.
trayectoria profesional como bibliotecario 
library career
 The article 'Ervin Gaines: synthesizer, rationalizer, and apostle of cultural elitism' examines the library career of Ervin Gaines, late director of the Cleveland Public Library and Minneapolis Public Library.
 That is a kind of, I would submit, bibliothecal arrogance on our part, a kind of intellectual elitism, if you will.
actividad bibliotecaria 
library activity
 IFLA is the International Federation of Library Associations whose purpose is to promote development in all fields of library activity.
agente bibliotecario  [Representante de una empresa, editorial, etc, a través del cual la biblioteca puede comprar mobiliario, libros, etc]
library agent
 Italian university libraries are experimenting with a new procedure of direct acquisition of bibliographic materials at home and abroad, without using a library agent as intermediary.
Asociación Australiana de Bibliotecarios (AAB)  [Ahora denominada la "Australian Library and Information Association" (ALIA)]
Library Association of Australia (LAA)
 This article discusses the major achievements of the Library Association of Australia (LAA) and its progenitor, the Australian Institute of Librarians (AIL).
complejo bibliotecario 
library complex
 This presented the library authorities with a long-awaited opportunity to build a new library complex.
comunidad bibliotecaria, la  
library community, the
librarianship community, the
 With respect to the private sector, the education and library community should establish long-term partnerships with telephone, cable, and computer companies.
 Factors that might adversely impact the ethical behaviour of the publishing, vending and librarianship community are examined, and the need for professionalism and vigilance of the community is emphasised.
cooperación bibliotecaria 
library cooperation
 Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.
cooperativa bibliotecaria en Escocia 
 SCOLCAP is based on the National Library of Scotland and is financed by the Scottish Education Department, and through subscriptions.
cuestiones bibliotecarias 
library issues
 Whilst this issue is devoted to an introduction to the Department, future issues (to be produced on a semester basis) will include articles on library issues.
educación bibliotecaria 
library education
 The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
encuadernador bibliotecario  [Empresa de encuadernación que se especializa en encuadernaciones para las bibliotecas]
library bindery
 It was decided to apply stamped cloth strips, produced by a commercial library bindery to the spines and to use a polyvinyl acetate for adherence.
enseñanza bibliotecaria 
library education
 The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
experto bibliotecario 
library expert
 A literature review was followed by a questionnaire survey sent to selected library experts.
extensión bibliotecaria   [Actos organizados por la biblioteca que aunque no son puramente bibliotecarios ayudan a difundir su imagen entre los ciudadanos]  [Estratagema utilizada para hacer que el lector conozca y use la biblioteca]
library outreach
extension activity
outreach [out-reach]
 The author looks at library outreach services for children and emphasizes the value of 'partnering': the process of 2 or more entities coming together for the purpose of developing synergistic solutions to their challenges.
 A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.
 Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.
fundación bibliotecaria  [Grupo de individuos sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es la defensa de la biblioteca como institución social]
library foundation
 This article presents a basic overview of Ohio law on gambling as a guide to library foundations which are considering lotteries, raffles, and other charitable gambling activities as a means of raising money.
institución bibliotecaria  [Organismo(s) bibliotecario]
library organisation
 Metaphorically, library organisations may be viewed as living organisms that respond with varying degrees of success to their environment.
Instituto Australiano de Bibliotecarios (IAB)  [Asociación de bibliotecarios de Australia que posteriormente dio lugar a la Asociación Australiana de Bibliotecarios]
Australian Institute of Librarians (AIL)
 This article discusses the major achievements of the Library Association of Australia (LAA) and its progenitor, the Australian Institute of Librarians (AIL).
legislación bibliotecaria 
library legislation
 This article discusses the importance of the role of library associations and libraries in the achievement of library legislation.
material bibliotecario 
library stock
 The majority of students condemn the theft or mutilation of library stock and welcome security measures to combat this problem.
mercado bibliotecario, el 
library market, the
 Every publisher, materials vendor, systems vendor and bibliographic utility that serve libraries face sharp competition for a share of the ebbing library market.
movimiento bibliotecario 
library movement
 In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.
no bibliotecario 
 Everyone who has examined the topic, librarians and non-librarians alike, are agreed that the reference interview is essential to the success of the computer search.
organización bibliotecaria  [Funcionamiento de una biblioteca]
library organisation
 The rapid introduction of new technologies into libraries was widely expected to lead to sweeping changes in library organisation and management.
personal bibliotecario 
library personnel
 There is a need for more practical computer courses and education and training of manpower in such a way that library personnel may be both subject specialists and information specialists.
personal de apoyo bibliotecario 
library support staff
 The author briefly reports on the conferences, conventions, confabs and celebrations of interest to library support staff across the USA that took place in 1998-99.
planificación bibliotecaria 
library planning
 Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.
política bibliotecaria 
library policy
 The 1981 report gives prominence to libraries and stresses the need for a national library policy with cooperation between all types of libraries.
política bibliotecaria nacional 
national library policy
 The objective of a national library policy should be universal availability of information.
práctica bibliotecaria 
library practice
 'Library practice on trial' is an account of the presentation of evidence from library practice in an historic damages case.
prensa bibliotecaria, la  [Publicaciones, principalmente revistas, especializadas en temas de biblioteconomía y documentación]
library press, the
 Those responsible for purchasing reference books for libraries rely to a great extent on reviews that appear in those journals which, broadly speaking, constitute the library press.
programa bibliotecario  [Plan de actividad prioritaria de una biblioteca]
library program(me)
 It examines the reasons why retrospective conversion features more highly in some library programmes than others in the UK and considers the problems thay may be encountered en route.
recursos bibliotecarios 
library resources
 This article discusses the organisation of the proposed Open Polytechnic and the contribution of the Robert Maxwell publishing empire, as well as its implications for library resources.
sanción bibliotecaria 
library fine
 This article discusses the necessity of library fines, methods of collection and opinions held on the subject.
sector bibliotecario 
library sector
 Losses differ substantially between library sectors.
servicio bibliotecario  
library facility
library service
 The article 'The forgiving building revisited' discusses planning library facilities which will meet new developments in automation technology with flexibility.
 All aspects of the library service must be relevant to the needs of all the community, not just the one-third registered readers.
servicio bibliotecario mediante pago 
fee-based library service
 The title of the article is 'Economic considerations for fee-based library services: an administrative perspective'.
servicio bibliotecario penintenciario 
prison library service
 Lack of qualified staff and administrative support had retarded development of prison library service in the state = La falta de personal cualificado y de apoyo administrativo ha retardado el desarrollo de los servicios bibliotecarios penitenciarios en el estado.
servicio de extensión bibliotecaria 
reach out
 On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.
servicios bibliotecarios para jóvenes 
youth services
 It covers selected news reports which include the president's programme, power for youth services workers, pay equity, and equity in information services.
servicios bibliotecarios para los sordos  [Servicios que una biblioteca presta para facilitar y posibilitar el uso de la biblioteca y de su material por los lectores con problemas auditivos]
library services for the deaf
 This article suggests low cost solutions to improve library services for the deaf.
sistema bibliotecario automatizado 
automated library system
 Accordingly, it was decided some 7 years ago to replace the manual systems with a single automated library system.
sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo 
single-type library system
 Many public libraries are members of library systems, either single-type public library systems or multitype library systems = Muchas bibliotecas públicas son miembros de sistemas de bibliotecas, ya sean sistemas bibliotecas de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo o de varios tipos.
sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos 
multitype library system
 Many public libraries are members of library systems, either single-type public library systems or multitype library systems = Muchas bibliotecas públicas son miembros de sistemas de bibliotecas, ya sean sistemas bibliotecas de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo o de varios tipos.
sistema bibliotecario nacional 
national library system
 To those of you who think the goal of having a national library system is unwinnable or that the costs are still too great, I must ask, 'Is the cost of a national, online bibliographic retrieval system greater than the construction of a bomber?.
sistema bibliotecario público 
public library system
 This article examines briefly the provision of books for troops and outlines examples of initiative and inventiveness within the public library system during the war.
sistema bibliotecario regional 
regional library system
 Stanton listened respectfully, then said: 'But the library she worked at is the center of a regional library system' = Stanton escuchó con respeto, luego dijo: "Pero la biblioteca en la que trabajó es el centro de un sistema bibliotecario regional".
sistema bibliotecario universitario 
university library system
 This programme may serve as a model for other university library systems interested in expanding library services and access to library resources to students in thier residence halls.
tarea bibliotecaria    
library process
library duty
library task
library operation
 Part 1 deals with library processes, including selection, checking and claiming, cataloguing and jettisoning.
 Library duties discussed include book selection and counter work of various types = Las tareas bibliotecarias que se discuten incluyen la selección de libros y el trabajo de mostrador de diversos tipos.
 The project is concerned with the investigation of conditions of appointment for women librarians as well as the grades and salary scales assigned to library tasks.
 Rejuvenation of listless, stagnant, or failing library operations is possible through renewal methods dependent on strengthening the communication function.
tareas bibliotecarias   [Todos las labores que se realizan en una biblioteca como compra, pedidos, catalogación, clasificación, circulación, control, etc]  [Todos las labores que se realizan en una biblioteca como compra, pedidos, catalogación, clasificación, circulación, control, etc]
library activities
library housekeeping routines
library housekeeping
 Of these, about 25 are involved in traditional library activities (acquisition, cataloguing, management of periodicals, official documents, etc.).
 A variety of the software packages which are available will support library housekeeping routines, such as: cataloguing, acquisitions and ordering, serials control, circulation control and management information.
 The evaluation and selection of a library software package, whether it be for library housekeeping, text retrieval or the creation of some other data base should be approached as a project.
tareas bibliotecarias complementarias  [Todas aquellas actividades que desempeña una biblioteca que están indirectamente relacionadas con su misión principal de fuente de información, como la catalogación, las adquisiciones, el préstamo interbibliotecario, etc]
library support services
 The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court - library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.
técnica bibliotecaria 
library technique
 The employment of special library techniques as pioneered in public library technical and commercial information services is clearly important here.
trabajo bibliotecario 
library work
 As chairman he objected to reduction of library budgets and to censorial interference in library work.

Trends of use of bibliotecario



The term «bibliotecario» is quite widely used and occupies the 11.434 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Quite widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «bibliotecario» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of bibliotecario
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «bibliotecario».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «bibliotecario» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «bibliotecario» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about bibliotecario



Discover the use of bibliotecario in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to bibliotecario and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
An introduction to the educational background, clothing, equipment, and various duties of a librarian.
Heather Miller, 2003
Impacto en El Personal Bibliotecario Dra. Damalin Judith Díaz Suárez. será la de ayudar al usuario a acceder a la información deseada, sin importar en qué lugar del mundo se encuentre.
Dra. Damalin Judith Díaz Suárez, 2013
Reglamento del sistema bibliotecario
PRIMERO: Que corresponde al SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO proporcionar sus servicios de calidad a estudiantes, profesores-investigadores y personal administrativo para la satisfacción de sus necesidades bibliohemerográficas, ...
Analisis estadistico del sistema bibliotecario U.N.A.M.
PRESENTACION Nuevamente la Dirección General de Bibliotecas de esta Universidad, en su calidad de órgano normativo, coordinador y orientador del desarrollo del Sistema Bibliotecario U.N.A.M., pone a disposición del mismo Sistema, ...
Oficio de maestro
Nada nos aleja más de la biblioteca, que un bibliotecario perezoso. Aquel que no nos ayuda a investigar, a buscar e r . , • i • r • ' Página en otras mentes, a conquistar otras alternativas de información, ese 1 1 1 bibliotecario nos es de poca ...
Fernando Vásquez Rodríguez
Ojeada sobre la bibliografía, y el bibliotecario
SOBRE Y EL BIBLIOTECARIO. Traducíala , tiempo ha, solo para si, y publícala ahora, un Esp.ahol que no cede a ninguno en deseos de que su Patria sea tan sabia jr feliz como puede y debe serlo. MADRID! IMPRENTA DE DON EÜ8EBIO  ...
De los Pronósticos á las Profecías. Por J. Y. B. [i.e. ...
J. Y. B., Joaquín Yagüe. pues aquellas sus deleites, y estos son los que vosotros envidiais : si no las imitais , es porque no podeis: vuestro deseo es parangonaros con ellas lo posible : no conociéndose en vuestras cosas el sólido  ...
J. Y. B., Joaquín Yagüe, 1851
Formación humanística del bibliotecólogo: hacia su recuperación
hacia su recuperación Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo. El bibliotecario en la antigüedad (4500-0 a. C. a 1499 d. C.) Mesopotamia (2000 a. C.) Los vestigios de los que podrían ser los archivos más antiguos de la humanidad fueron hallados en ...
Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo, 2001
Revista AIBDA:
EL NUEVO PERFIL PROFESIONAL DEL BIBLIOTECARIO FRENTE AL NUEVO MILENIO Por Juan Manuel Pineda1 Resumen El presente trabajo analiza la evolución que ha tenido el perfil del bibliotecario, también se mencionan las ...
Segunda Reunion Interamerica de Bibliotecarios Y ...
En p.l mismo Análisis de los informes nacionales de S~nz, tantas veces citado se señala que tres países de Latino América cuentan con Le gislación relativa a la profesión del bibliotecario: Argentina, Brasil y Chile \J Sin embargo de estas ...


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term bibliotecario is used in the context of the following news items.
Jornada por el Día del Bibliotecario Cubano en el Centro Histórico ...
Fuentes del comité organizador de esta jornada del bibliotecario en la parte más antigua de la ciudad anuncian para el 7 y el 8 de junio diversas propuestas en ... «CubaSÍ, Jun 16»
Celebran al bibliotecario salvadoreño en Biblioteca Nacional
Este día la Biblioteca Nacional celebra al bibliotecario con charlas sobre escritores salvadoreños a estudiantes y visitantes. Tomás Daniel Hernández, de 57 ... «El Diario de Hoy, May 16»
Bibliotecarios se transforman ante el rápido avance de la tecnología
El avance de la era digital no ha sido impedimento para que los bibliotecarios del país se transformen, para continuar vigentes en el rol de gestores de ... «El Diario de Hoy, May 16»
Reunión de la Comisión Provincial de Bibliotecas de Zamora
L. O. Z. La Comisión Provincial de Bibliotecas ha aprobado la contratación de un conductor-bibliotecario de bibliobús, en sustitución del que se había jubilado, ... «La Opinión de Zamora, May 16»
Mario Conde, nuevo bibliotecario de la cárcel de Soto del Real
Ser el bibliotecario es uno de los trabajos más codiciados en el módulo 10 de Soto del Real. La plaza en cuestión tiene la tarea encomendada de gestionar los ... «La Vanguardia, May 16»
Acusan al concejal Malmierca de Villares de insultar al bibliotecario ...
El concejal, miembro del equipo de Gobierno, entró en la sala de lectura gritando al bibliotecario e insultándole. Los vecinos que presenciaron los hechos han ... «Tribuna de Salamanca, Apr 16»
El Ayuntamiento despide al bibliotecario municipal Justo Magaz ...
La alcaldesa de Ponferrada, Gloria Fernández Merayo, y la concejala de Cultura, María Antonia Gancedo, asistieron este miércoles a la despedida del ... «El Bierzo Digital, Mar 16»
Día del Bibliotecario
El 21 de febrero es el Día del Bibliotecario Ecuatoriano. Referirse a él es una forma de elogiar la cultura, pues es el atento y solícito colaborador de la asistencia ... «El Universo, Feb 16»
El bibliotecario argentino y la tradición
En algún momento de 1951, en una oscura institución porteña, Jorge Luis Borges dictó una conferencia que redefiniría la cultura de su país. La tituló El escritor ... «EL PAÍS, Dec 15»
Otorgan a Irma Pérez Monroy premio "FIL bibliotecario"
Jalisco.- La Feria Internacional del Libro en Guadalajara (FIL) entregó el reconocimiento al Bibliotecario FIL 2015, a Irma Pérez Monroy por sus 46 años de ... «El Sol de San Luis, Dec 15»



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