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Meaning of "demasiado" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra demasiado procede de demasía.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


de · ma · sia · do play


Demasiado can act as an adjective and an adverb.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


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Definition of demasiado in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of too much in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is that it is too much, or too much. Another meaning of too much in the dictionary is that he speaks or says freely what he feels. Too much is too much. La primera definición de demasiado en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es que es en demasía, o tiene demasía. Otro significado de demasiado en el diccionario es que habla o dice con libertad lo que siente. Demasiado es también excesivamente.

Click to see the original definition of «demasiado» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of demasiado in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «demasiado» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of demasiado


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «demasiado» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of demasiado

Translation of «demasiado» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of demasiado to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of demasiado from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «demasiado» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of demasiado in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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πάρα πολύ
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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  far too many ; too + Adjetivo/Adverbio ; too great ; too heavily ; too much ; too far ; all too + Adjetivo ; way too much ; overly much ; over-the-top ; way too many ; far too much.
 Obviously this is far too many references or added entries.
 A user may reject a document because it is in a language that he cannot read or because it was written too long ago.
 Truuskee Sanders, NBLC organiser for the Children's Panel, feels that the press attach too great importance to the books thus selected.
 This leads to an approach which is insufficiently analytical, and which relies too heavily upon enumeration.
 Finally a word of caution: do not expect too much.
 Public libraries have had difficulty in establishing such a role without straying too far outside their own area of competence.
 The author compares the high tech dreams of access to information technology for US school libraries with the all too shabby reality that currently exists.
 Staying out late, lots of glasses of wine and having way too much fun has resulted in us both feeling under the weather all weekend long.
 In the past, she's relied overly much on her ready laugh, lean looks, and willingness to doff her duds.
 It seems all Hollywood can do now is take an original classic and flog it to death with over-the-top special effects.
 I am not sure that we incarcerate too many people, but I am certain that we incarcerate way too many people for way too long.
 She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes.
acumular demasiado stock 
 Difficulties experienced by publishers include loss of property, overstocking and no effective mechanism for writing off.
alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento demasiado pronto 
peak + too early
 I'm worried that Darryl may have peaked too early in his last match, but he seems to be in very good nick and is capable of holding off Webster.
calentarse demasiado 
 The government has launched an investigation into cell phone batteries that can overheat or even explode, potentially injuring phone users.
cocinar demasiado 
 My only concern is getting everything done at the same time without overcooking any of the ingredients.
comer demasiado 
 Avoid calorie-rich diet, don't overeat.
con demasiada facilidad  
all too easily
all too easy
 Administrators all too easily fall prey to the siren song of cost reduction, especially if phrases like innovation are employed as harmonic accompaniment.
 However, despite the availability of these catalogues, it is still all too easy for recent publications to slip by unnoticed.
con demasiada frecuencia 
all too often
 There is a rather simple and obvious fact concerning computing systems whose significance, nonetheless, is all too often ignored.
con demasiadas expectativas 
over expectant
 The Web has acquired a bad name largely as a result of naive and over expectant users.
con demasiado trabajo 
 So there may be a useful place for some modest AI to support the overworked professional.
conducir demasiado cerca de otro 
 It was hailing cats and dogs the other day, and I was still tailgated by a moron in a large SUV (sport utilitarian vehicle).
confiarse demasiado 
be lulled into a false sense of
 Many in the crowd were lulled into a false sense of calm and nostalgia while others waited with bated breath for the real surprises to begin.
conocer demasiado bien 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
consentir demasiado 
 The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.
dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente 
trot out + information
 The central section of the movie becomes bogged down by detective work that trots out a great deal of confusing plot information.
demasiada presión 
 When overpressure in the vial occurs due to microbial growth (e.g., gas production by fermentation) remove excess gas by puncturing the septum with a sterile injection needle.
demasiadas veces 
one too many times
 It was just one too many times for him.
demasiado + Adjetivo      
over + Adjetivo
too narrowly + Adjetivo
overly + Adjetivo
disappointingly + Adjetivo
way too + Adjetivo
far too + Adjetivo
 Over severe truncation must be carefully avoided.
 The concern is expressed that the focus is too narrowly practical and thereby divorced from established principles of information retrieval.
 As I said, this is just my own view, and many would say it is overly paranoid.
 For example, searching the databse for 'kidney circulation' without using the thesaurus yields disappointingly small results.
 Internet connectivity has been way too difficult for far too long.
 I agree that the system here is far too complex and far too opaque.
demasiado + Adjetivo + para su desgracia 
too + Adjetivo + for + Posesivo + own good
 The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.
demasiado amplio 
overwide [over-wide]
 Overall, neither system proved ideal: LEXINET was deficient as regards lack of accessibility and excessive ambiguity; while the manual system gave rise to an over-wide variation of terms.
demasiado ansioso 
overeager [over-eager]
 'Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family = "Pirados" tiene toda la diversión de las películas sobre bodas: un novio reticente, una novia demasiado entusiasmada y una familia perturbada emocionalmente .
demasiado benigno para la época del año 
unseasonably mild
 A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.
demasiado bien pagado 
 'Client' has overtones of shifty lawyers and overpaid realtors.
demasiado blando 
mushy [mushier -comp., mushiest -sup.]
 Microwaved stuff is always mushier than if you put it into the oven.
demasiado caluroso para la época del año 
unseasonably warm
 Winds arriving from the south are expected to bring unseasonably warm temperatures followed by rain in some areas.
demasiado caro 
overpriced [over-priced]
 There are too many scholarly publications and too many of them are overpriced.
demasiado cerca 
too close for comfort
 Scientists say an asteroid came a little too close for comfort to Earth this week.
demasiado chabacano 
all too shabby
 The author compares the high tech dreams of access to information technology for US school libraries with the all too shabby reality that currently exists.
demasiado complejo 
 In the interest of economy, and in order to avoid an overcomplex catalogue these rules recommend selective use of added entries.
demasiado complicado 
overcomplicated [over-complicated]
 Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.
demasiado común 
all too common
 Hence the all too common spectacle of a library trying - worse still, claiming - to do everything and not doing anything well enough to earn respect and thence support.
demasiado confiado en uno mismo 
 When subjects are overconfident they stop looking for information long before they have found material that is relevant.
demasiado corto 
all too short
 For the typists, the change meant having to undergo a period of training (in some cases, all too short and inadequate training).
demasiado costoso 
non-affordable [nonaffordable]
 The technology exists to establish a new system of scholarly communication to replace a heavily burdened and increasingly nonaffordable print-on-paper process which can no longer manage the explosion of knowledge.
demasiado cualificado 
 It makes good sense to hire the person most qualified for a job, and there is no such thing as being 'overqualified' for reference work.
demasiado decorado 
 The linguistic style too is frequently metaphoric, one of the reasons for my feeling that it was overly-decorated when I began reading.
demasiado delgado 
 We predicted that underweight individuals would eat less and overweight individuals would eat more during negative as well as positive emotional states and situations.
demasiado de una cosa buena 
too much of a good thing
 People who take dietary supplements to boost their intake of minerals may actually be getting too much of a good thing.
demasiado donde elegir  
embarrassment of riches
spoilt for choice
 The article 'An embarrassment of riches, or just an embarrassment?' omments on some recent Australian collection development policies.
 The article is entitled 'Spoilt for choice? Optical discs and online databases in the next decade'.
demasiado entusiasmado 
overeager [over-eager]
 'Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family = "Pirados" tiene toda la diversión de las películas sobre bodas: un novio reticente, una novia demasiado entusiasmada y una familia perturbada emocionalmente .
demasiado entusiasta 
overenthusiastic [over-enthusiastic]
 One cannot help wondering if they would have caused so much dissension if they had not been associated with the over-enthusiastic pruning mentioned above.
demasiado exagerado 
 I came across many overly-exaggerated scuttlebutts in the article as well.
demasiado fácil  
all too easy
far too easy
 However, despite the availability of these catalogues, it is still all too easy for recent publications to slip by unnoticed.
 It has become far too easy for charlatans and bigots to harness religion to their own political agenda.
demasiado fácilmente 
all too easily
 Administrators all too easily fall prey to the siren song of cost reduction, especially if phrases like innovation are employed as harmonic accompaniment.
demasiado frecuente 
all too frequent
 And on the all too frequent occasions when there is no cross-reference to guide him to the `correct' heading, what is he to do?.
demasiado frío para la época del año 
unseasonably cold
 Thanks to a cold front that pushed its way into the region overnight, we're looking at unseasonably cold temperatures over the next week.
demasiado fuerte 
 Strong economic forces, inflation and an over-strong pound wiped out any noticeable benefits of membership to industry.
demasiado gordo 
 The author suggests that university libraries can put their unmanageably overweight serials budget on a sensible diet by limiting new subscriptions.
demasiado grande  
 Deregulation compelled the energy utility business to restructure its inwardly directed culture and its overgrown and rivalrous internal services function.
 He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.
demasiado lejos  
too far
way too far
 Public libraries have had difficulty in establishing such a role without straying too far outside their own area of competence.
 Some coaches take the game way too far, treating their kids like they are multi-million dollar players.
demasiado líquido 
runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.]
 If you have runny nail polish, pour some onto a paper plate, add a bit of flour and stir it up with something like a toothpick.
demasiado maduro 
 Underripe and overripe melons had as much as 20% less lycopene than fully ripe melons, with maturity effects dependent on the variety.
demasiado mayor en relación con Algo 
 It looks at the overage and the dropout problems in the school and the various strategies that were used to combat these difficulties.
demasiado mayor para su curso 
overage for grade
 More than 80 percent of the students who left school were overage for grade.
demasiado meticuloso 
nitpicking [nit-picking]
 Librarians are expected, by their popular media image, to be fussy, nit-picking, pedants.
demasiado optimista 
over-optimistic [overoptimistic]
 Unfortunately, many of the predictions have proved to be overoptimistic.
demasiado poco común 
all too rare
 The author argues that young adult involvement in choices about their library services is all too rare and sets out the reasons for this state of affairs.
demasiado precipitado  
too hurried
too rush
 But compared to his trilogy, this book looks too hurried and thrown together.
 It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.
demasiado preciso 
 No one likes that artificial, over-precise articulation acquired by meticulously elocuted people who hang words on the air like so many ice cubes.
demasiado pronto 
too soon
 But to prevent any meandering at all, or to dam the flow of talk too soon and too often by intruding, generally only frustrates spontaneity = Aunque evitar cualquier divagación o cortar el flujo de la conversación demasiado pronto y con demasiada frecuencia con interrupciones generalmente sólo coarta la espontaneidad.
demasiado puntilloso 
hair-splitting [hairsplitting]
 Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.
demasiado raro 
all too rare
 The author argues that young adult involvement in choices about their library services is all too rare and sets out the reasons for this state of affairs.
demasiado recargado 
 Librarians have to compete with outside attractions such as glaring advertisements and screaming television!.
too many
all too many
Número + too many
 In other places too many references could make for a very tedious search.
 All too many conferences, workshops, and courses are much ado about nothing, they are merely opportunities for mutual self-congratulation.
 It cannot be said too often that one death is one too many.
demasiado seguro de uno mismo 
 When subjects are overconfident they stop looking for information long before they have found material that is relevant.
demasiado simplificado 
oversimplified [over-simplified]
 Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.
demasiados participantes  [Proverbio que se utiliza para indicar que cuando hay demasiadas personas que intentan ayudar en algo unas se entorpecen a otras]
too many cooks (spoil the broth)
 The problem is not, as in the States, a case of too many cooks but one of an exceedingly complex menu of services and separate benefits set out in a language that at times even the chef does not understand.
demasiados pocos 
all too few
 Dealing with information products and services implicates practitioners in ethical as well as legal issues, although detailed instances of ethical dilemmas are all too few in the literature.
demasiado suave para la época del año 
unseasonably mild
 A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.
demasiado susceptible 
 But while librarians certainly have a lot to answer for, they should not become oversensitive about the non-user.
demasiado sutil 
hair-splitting [hairsplitting]
 Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.
demasiado tarde 
too late
 It's never too early - or too late - to take advantage of all the benefits.
demasiado temprano 
too early
 It's never too early - or too late - to take advantage of all the benefits.
demasiado tiempo   
too long
way too long
far too long
 A user may reject a document because it is in a language that he cannot read or because it was written too long ago.
 I am not sure that we incarcerate too many people, but I am certain that we incarcerate way too many people for way too long.
 Internet connectivity has been way too difficult for far too long.
demasiado turístico 
 I guess what I'm looking for are things that aren't really too touristy, places or events that I can go to and see what the locals see and do.
demasiado usado  [Usado normalmente para referirse a una expresión que pierde en parte su significado preciso debido a su uso excesivo] 
overused [over-used]
 User-friendliness is a much overworked phrase which has been interpreted in different ways by software houses.
 Sustainable agriculture has become a very over-used concept.
depender demasiado de 
lean + too heavily on
 Some libraries lean too heavily on the interloan network and shirk their own responsibility in book purchasing = Algunas bibliotecas dependen demasiado de la red de préstamo interbibliotecario y eluden la responsabilidad que tienen de comprar libros.
desarrollarse demasiado pronto 
peak + too early
 I'm worried that Darryl may have peaked too early in his last match, but he seems to be in very good nick and is capable of holding off Webster.
dormir demasiado    
sleep + too much
sleep in
sleep + late
 Other medical conditions, including depression, can cause people to oversleep.
 Sleeping too much can harm you as much as sleeping too little, a new British study indicates.
 If you feel the need to sleep in at weekends try to make it not more than an hour later than usual.
 On the days I sleep late I feel lazy and lethargic the whole day.
dormir demasiado poco 
sleep + too little
 Sleeping too much can harm you as much as sleeping too little, a new British study indicates.
durante demasiado tiempo 
for too long
 For too long, men have compelled to put up with dangerous conditions and hazardous substances which imperil their health because of the tyranny imposed by their role as the 'sole bread winner'.
encabezamiento demasiado general 
much-too-broad heading
 Works on such themes are typically subject-traced under nonspecific, much-too-broad headings, which in effect buries the material.
encarecer demasiado  
price out of + the market
price out of + the reach
 A more satisfactory solution would be to enlist the cooperation of other centralized agencies throughout the world in order to increase coverage without pricing the service out of the market.
 Unrelenting tuition increases are pricing private institutions out of the reach of many middle-class parents.
encontrar Algo demasiado difícil 
be out of + Posesivo + league
 Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.
enfatizar demasiado 
 Are IT programmes overstressing technology at the expense of information?.
estar demasiado representado 
 Blacks are generally overrepresented as lawbreakers and Latinos and Whites are underrepresented as lawbreakers on television news compared to their respective crime rates.
exigir demasiado 
 Currently, they are trying to charge Internet providers more because Internet use is overtaxing the telephone networks.
exigir demasiado de 
put + strain on
 Patrons' voracious appetite for new videos is already putting a strain on budgets.
fruta demasiado madura 
overripe fruit
 Unripe fruit is as dangerous for our bodies as overripe fruit.
gastar demasiado  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio overspent]
 A statistical model has been developed to predict, at any point in the fiscal year, the number of orders that may be placed so as to spend the fund fully but not overspend.
haber bebido demasiado  
be over the limit
have had one too many
 Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit.
 A variety of ottomans were also provided to help those out who might have had one too many or simply needed to rest their legs after a razzle.
hace demasiado tiempo 
too long ago
 A user may reject a document because it is in a language that he cannot read or because it was written too long ago.
hacer demasiado ruido 
be a bit (too) loud
 The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.
hacer trabajar demasiado 
 Although he did have an enlarged heart, he overworked it with excessive sports.
hilar demasiado fino 
split + hairs
 This volume is too long, contains too many lengthy theoretical arguments that often split hairs, and is written in a tedious prose style.
horarios de trabajo demasiado cargados 
over-long hours
 Their response to the grinding monotony of repetitive labour and over-long hours was frequent absenteeism.
intentar abarcar demasiado  
burn + the candle at both ends
spread + Reflexivo + (too) thin
 Americans are attempting to fit ever more into 24 hours, and many appear willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' to accomplish that.
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
intentar hacer demasiadas cosas a la vez 
spread + Reflexivo + (too) thin
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
ir demasiado lejos  [Presentar un argumento que se considera que no tiene relación con el caso en cuestión]     
overstate + case
go + too far
step over + the edge
step over + the line
overstep + the mark
cross over + the line
 It would be to overstate the case to compare this relationship as some have done with the doctor-patient or even the lawyer-client relationship.
 He argues that some of the laws being proposed go too far in restricting rights.
 In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.
 By stepping over the line, you're looking into the face of fear, the dangers that threaten to destroy you, the giant issues you face.
 Calm down mate, I think your post is closer to overstepping the mark - a forum is just regular people talking.
 But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.
llegar demasiado lejos 
go + too far
 He argues that some of the laws being proposed go too far in restricting rights.
llenar demasiado 
 While it may not seem like a big deal to overfill the oil in your car, it can cause major malfunctions and potentially cost you thousands of dollars.
llevar Algo demasiado lejos 
push + Nombre + too far
 I think that we must not push the progressive nature of computer work too far.
mimar demasiado  
spoil + Nombre + rotten
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.
no darle demasiada importancia a Algo 
think + little of
 It was obvious to the committeemen that these new residents of Boston were generally unlettered and `think little of moral and intellectual culture'.
pagar demasiado   [Verbo irregular: pasado overbid/overbade, participio overbid/overbidden]
pay through + the nose
 But what is the point of paying through the nose for booze that you can get just as easily at the Supermarket at half the price?.
 Among the factors which have contributed to the current troubles by the paperback publishing market are overbidding for blockbuster titles, distribution methods, overproduction and overspending.
persona demasiado complaciente  [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
persona demasiado servicial  [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
prometer demasiado 
 Without clearly defined goals librarians run the risk of over-promising and perhaps disillusioning patrons and staff.
proteger demasiado 
 The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.
que espera demasiado 
over expectant
 The Web has acquired a bad name largely as a result of naive and over expectant users.
regado con demasiada frecuencia 
heavily watered
 Carob trees in heavily watered parkway strips are also a hazard.
regar demasiado 
 Heavy clay soils are much more likely to be overwatered than light soils.
saber demasiado bien 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
ser Algo demasiado difícil para  
be in over + Posesivo + head
be out of + Posesivo + depth
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
ser demasiado  
be over-provided
be a mouthful
 Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.
 I know that this is a mouthful, but I hope that a few of you can provide some information that will help guide us.
ser demasiado + Adjetivo 
be too + Adjetivo + by half
 Bold, ambitious and in-your-face I've always considered them to be just too cocky by half.
ser demasiado complaciente 
lean over + too far backwards
 Like the bear who could take it or could leave it alone, we may find that if we lean over too far backwards we might as well fall flat on our face.
ser demasiado común 
be all too common
 Such conversion requires such extremely detailed project planning and execution that new system start-up problems are all too common.
ser demasiado escandaloso 
be a bit (too) loud
 The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.
ser demasiado precavido 
err + on the side of caution
 This default is to err on the side of caution.
ser demasiado ruidoso 
be a bit (too) loud
 The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.
ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás 
reach + the point of no return
 Global warming is reaching the point of no return, with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages the likely result.
sin pensarlo demasiado  
off the top of + Posesivo + head
 Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.
 Pricing trends for periodicals are discussed with reference to charts not reproduced in the article 'Publishing policies, off the top of my head' but shown at the conference session.
sitio demasiado turístico  [Generalmente usado en inglés para indicar que el sitio en cuestión está enfocado exclusivamente al turista con precios demasiado elevados]
tourist trap
 This is the most kitchsky and ritzy part of my Hollywood experience and a definite tourist trap for tourists.
tener demasiada prisa  
be in too much of a hurry
be in too much of a rush
 When buying a home anywhere, it isn't wise to be in too much of a hurry - and Italy is no exception.
 The author tells us that everyone is in too much of a rush and we should all chill out and savour the passing parade a bit more.
tener demasiado entre manos 
have + too much on + Posesivo + plate
 Deep in debt and worried about her business, she has turned down his marriage proposal because she believes she has too much on her plate.
tener demasiados problemas 
have + too much on + Posesivo + plate
 Deep in debt and worried about her business, she has turned down his marriage proposal because she believes she has too much on her plate.
trabajar demasiado 
 His headaches are much worse when he's overworked, stressed and in a bad mood.
utilizarse con demasiada frecuencia 
be overworked
 Avoid sending people to the obvious, large general collections that inevitably are overworked, unless there is no appropriate alternative collection.

Trends of use of demasiado



The term «demasiado» is very widely used and occupies the 1.042 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «demasiado» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of demasiado
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «demasiado».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «demasiado» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «demasiado» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about demasiado



Famous quotes and sentences with the word demasiado.
Albert Einstein
Yo nunca pienso en el futuro; llega demasiado aprisa.
Alfred De Vigny
La vida es demasiado corta como para perder una parte preciosa fingiendo.
André Maurois
No basta tener espíritu. Además, hay que tener suficiente espíritu para evitar tener demasiado.
Ch. Friedrich Hebbel
A más de uno que dice que la vida es breve, le parece el día demasiado largo.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Querer conservar la salud siguiendo un régimen demasiado riguroso es una enfermedad irritante.
George Orwell
Por lo general, los seres humanos quieren ser buenos, pero no demasiado buenos, y no todo el tiempo.
La fortuna da a muchos demasiado, a nadie bastante.
Marguerite Duras
Muy pronto en la vida es demasiado tarde.
Plinio El Joven
Disminuye el deseo de todas las cosas cuando la ocasión es demasiado fácil.
Richard Baxter
Un hombre orgulloso es dificilísimo de contentar, porque siempre espera demasiado de los demás.


El celo demasiado a veces despierta a quien esta descuidado.
El que levanta demasiado la cabeza, no ve dónde pisa.
El vino demasiado, ni guarda secreto ni cumple trato.
Es demasiado tarde para inclinarse cuando la cabeza ha caído.
Lo demasiado no hace provecho, sino daño.
Los cobardes y ruines miran demasiado los fines.
Quien demasiado aprieta el hilo quiebra.
Tras cada bocado, un trago, sería demasiado; pero tras cada tres, justo es.


Discover the use of demasiado in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to demasiado and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Las mujeres que aman demasiado
Cuando estar enamorada significa sufrir, estamos amando demasiado.
Robin Norwood, 2007
Mujeres que piensan demasiado: Cómo evitar los pensamientos ...
¿Piensas demasiado? ¿Te quedas despierta por la noche intentando prever las necesidades de tus hijos o intentando encontrar la manera de atender a tus ancianos padres? ¿No dejas de dar vueltas a las decisiones que ya has tomado en tu ...
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, 2013
Nunca es demasiado tarde
Esto es lo que Ivy Kano transmite en su libro Nunca es demasiado tarde, donde a través de anécdotas interesantes y divertidas te invita a reflexionar y a aprender nuevas experiencias que te ayudarán a ser mejor y a cambiar tu manera de ...
Ivonne Azenett Aparicio Cano, 2011
Meditaciones para mujeres que aman demasiado
Complementing the lessons taught in the author's previous book, Women Who Love Too Much, a series of meditations helps women who are attached to abusive partners, and promotes new paths toward freeing themselves from emotional imprisonment.
Robin Norwood, 2004
Alan Turing. El hombre que sabía demasiado
Para resolver uno de los grandes problemas de su tiempo, Alan Turing propuso una imaginaria máquina de calcular programable.
David Leavitt, 2007
Baile en París/Demasiado lejos
Baile en París Max Laurent siempre había deseado a Maddy Green, pero había preferido dejarla marchar a interponerse en su sueño.
Sarah Mayberry, Tori Carrington, 2010
El caso del loro que hablaba demasiado. Berta Mir detective
Han pasado unas semanas desde que su padre sufriera un intento de asesinato, y Berta Mir se ha hecho cargo de la agencia de detectives en la que él era el único empleado.
Jordi Sierra i Fabra, 2011
Demasiado Ocupado
Some of the themes are: - A light yoke? - Why am I so busy? - Evaluate your situation - Dwell in Christ and more
Baptist Spanish Publishing House, 2004
Opaco, demasiado opaco: Materialismo y Filosofía
Sus efectos, sin embargo, hablan de otra cosa: aceptación del Orden como único (ni siquiera el mejor) mundo posible y desmantelamiento de los instrumentos que posibilitan la crítica; sumisión y prohibición del pensamiento; normalidad y ...
Juan Pedro García del Campo, 2007
Nunca es demasiado tarde
Tres segundos es todo lo que se necesita para volver una vida del revés.
Robyn Carr, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term demasiado is used in the context of the following news items.
El país más nuevo del mundo, demasiado pobre para celebrar su ...
... desfiles militares, en esta ocasión sus dirigentes estiman que la carga financiera de las celebraciones es demasiado alta, debido a la situación económica en ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
Los padres demasiado exigentes pueden afectar la salud de sus hijos
Una nueva investigación señala que los padres demasiado exigentes pueden efectuar la salud de sus hijos y volverlos altamente autocríticos, ansiosos o ... «LaRed21, Jun 16»
Iniesta, crítico tras la derrota de España: “Hemos estado demasiado ...
... alegando que habían estado “demasiado pendientes de lo que hacían ellos”. “Estar demasiado pendientes de ellos nos ha penalizado. Después hemos ido ... «, Jun 16»
Marek Hamsik: España es demasiado fuerte, prefiero enfrentarme a ...
Marek Hamsik, estrella del combinado, prefiere medirse a la Mannschaft antes que a la Roja, equipo al que ve demasiado complicado: "Es difícil elegir entre ... «, Jun 16»
Parade presenta 'Demasiado humano', su último trabajo
Demasiado humano, es uno de esos casos. Nombre artístico del murciano Antonio Galvañ, Parade lleva años ofreciendo álbumes exquisitos con melodías ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
El presidente del TSJC lamenta que se acude demasiado al TC ...
El presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya (TSJC), Jesús María Barrientos, ha lamentado que se acude demasiado al Tribunal Constitucional ... «El Mundo, May 16»
El temor a la gente demasiado buena
Por eso me asustan las personas demasiado buenas. Asustan quienes están tan convencidos de una verdad que no conciben que pueda ser discutida. «, Apr 16»
Neuer: "Dejamos llegar a Saúl demasiado cerca"
"Dejamos llegar a Saúl demasiado cerca en el gol. Tenemos que aceptar las culpas, además él remató muy bien", ha reconocido el portero tras el partido, ... «Sport, Apr 16»
Bernat: «Los árbitros permiten demasiado al Atlético»
«Ya sabemos como es el Atlético, un equipo agresivo al que los árbitros le permiten demasiado. Sabemos que algunos de sus jugadores intentarán sacarnos ... «, Apr 16»
Expulsan a Courtney Love de una fiesta por ir demasiado borracha
La cantante fue expulsada de la fiesta Neon Carnival el sábado cuando los responsables de seguridad se dieron cuenta de que había bebido tanto que apenas ... «, Apr 16»



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