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Meaning of "fuerza" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra fuerza procede del latín fortĭa.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


fuer · za play


Fuerza is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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In physics, force is a vector magnitude that measures the intensity of the linear momentum exchange between two particles or systems of particles. According to a classical definition, force is any agent capable of modifying the amount of movement or the shape of the materials. It should not be confused with the concepts of effort or energy. In the International System of Units, the unit of measure of force is the Newton which is represented by the symbol: N, named thus in recognition of Isaac Newton for his contribution to physics, especially classical mechanics. Newton is a derivative unit which is defined as the force necessary to provide an acceleration of 1 m / s2 to an object of 1 kg mass. En física, la fuerza es una magnitud vectorial que mide la intensidad del intercambio de momento lineal entre dos partículas o sistemas de partículas. Según una definición clásica, fuerza es todo agente capaz de modificar la cantidad de movimiento o la forma de los materiales. No debe confundirse con los conceptos de esfuerzo o de energía. En el Sistema Internacional de Unidades, la unidad de medida de fuerza es el newton que se representa con el símbolo: N, nombrada así en reconocimiento a Isaac Newton por su aportación a la física, especialmente a la mecánica clásica. El newton es una unidad derivada que se define como la fuerza necesaria para proporcionar una aceleración de 1 m/s2 a un objeto de 1 kg de masa.

Definition of fuerza in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of force in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is vigor, robustness and ability to move something or someone who has weight or resistance; as to lift a stone, throw a bar, etc. Another meaning of force in the dictionary is application of physical or moral power. Tighten it tightly. It takes a lot of strength to withstand so many misfortunes. Strength is also the ability to support a weight or resist a push. The strength of some beams, of a dike. La primera definición de fuerza en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es vigor, robustez y capacidad para mover algo o a alguien que tenga peso o haga resistencia; como para levantar una piedra, tirar una barra, etc. Otro significado de fuerza en el diccionario es aplicación del poder físico o moral. Apriétalo con fuerza. Se necesita mucha fuerza para soportar tantas desgracias. Fuerza es también capacidad para soportar un peso o resistir un empuje. La fuerza de unas vigas, de un dique.
Click to see the original definition of «fuerza» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Synonyms and antonyms of fuerza in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «fuerza» into 25 languages

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  drive ; force ; strength ; power ; might ; muscle power ; sinew ; powerfulness ; mightiness ; physical strength.
 Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.
 Her reason admitted the force of his arguments, but her instinct opposed it.
 The strength of the acetone rinsing on the strength of the paper is investigated, and its efficiency in removing NM2P is also examined using gas liquid chromatography.
 She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.
 Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
 Their development, particularly for replacing human muscle power, has been in parallel with that of information technology, but largely independent of it.
 Such sentiments provide the heart, soul, and sinew of comics.
 The students also rated each picture's tastefulness, newsworthiness, likability, and powerfulness.
 He holds in derision all wisdom and all mightiness.
 Physical strength will affect how much weight you can lift and how much work you can do.
a fuerza de 
by dint of
 This article discusses the treatment of the main character of a biography in its index recommending the introduction of logical grouping within the subentries by dint of much editing.
a fuerza de cometer errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a fuerza de errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a la fuerza    
of necessity
 Do not pull a book from the shelf by forcefully tugging the top of the spine.
 The quantity of scientific information available must of necessity grow with the increasing number of scientists doing research in an increasing number of disciplines.
 This film tells the moving story of the more than 40,000 Koreans who were forcibly conscripted as laborers by the Japanese during the Second World War.
 The government may, by agreement or compulsorily, acquire any historic monument for the purpose of securing its protection.
alimentar a la fuerza 
 We ask those who force-feed geese and ducks to stop carrying out this abusive practice.
apartar a la fuerza  [Sinónimo de pry + Nombre + away]
prise + Nombre + away
 But we're going to have to prise her away from the place now because she's fallen in love with it.
aprender a fuerza de errores 
learn by + trial and error
 What I've learned I've learned by trial and error and not out of some book or from some course.
aprender Algo a fuerza de errores 
learn + Nombre + the hard way
 The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.
aprender Algo a fuerza de golpes 
learn + Nombre + the hard way
 The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.
arrancar a la fuerza  [Sinónimo de pry + Nombre + away]
prise + Nombre + away
 But we're going to have to prise her away from the place now because she's fallen in love with it.
camisa de fuerza 
straitjacket [straightjacket]
 He wanted nothing to do with the straitjacket of guidelines and so-called standards = Él no quería tener nada que ver con el encorsetamiento que imponen las directrices y los "presuntos" estándares.
causa de fuerza mayor 
act of God
 Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.
cobrar fuerza   
gather + strength
grow in + power
gain + strength
 This north/south cooperation is a five-year-old initiative that is now gathering strength = Esta cooperación norte-sur es una iniciativa que cumple cinco años y que ahora está ganando fuerza.
 Personal computers continue to grow in power and come down in price, but the field has become much more confusing since Apr 87.
 In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
con fuerza   
 Do not pull a book from the shelf by forcefully tugging the top of the spine.
 Far from being an innocuous social institution the public library is an arena where culture has been vigorously contested.
 All I wanted to underscore with these four horror stories is that the judicious, discretionary assignment of added entries can either powerfully inhibit or promote access to the documents.
con toda su fuerza 
in full force
 The first Japanese beetles of the year were observed in central Indiana on June 22 and have since come out in full force.
contra fuerzas superiores 
against (all/the) odds
 Reg Groome has accomplished his revitalization program against odds that would have overwhelmed a weaker and less determined person.
dar fuerza  
bring + strength
 Literacy empowers people and can be a force for peace.
 A shift of emphasis from facts to people brings strength and purpose to library operations.
de fuerza 
 The implications are that as resources are become scarcer, librarians will need to adopt more forceful attitudes.
desplazar a la fuerza 
uproot [up-root]
 Here, families from many different communities were up-rooted and resettled on greenfield sites, many miles away from relatives and friends.
dividir las fuerzas de Uno 
fragment + Posesivo + energies
 While joint projects are a good thing, they can also fragment our energies and stretch our resources.
en caso de fuerza mayor 
in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control
 We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.
entrar a la fuerza 
break in
 He had one foot over the window sill of his Paris flat when police broke in and collared him.
entrar por la fuerza 
break in
 He had one foot over the window sill of his Paris flat when police broke in and collared him.
fuerza bruta   
brute force
raw power
brute power
 For this, the programs can employ either 'brute force' or a more 'intelligent' strategy.
 We should give the raw power of Internet-wide full text indexing a fair chance.
 This illustrates the brute power of the market economy.
fuerza centrífuga 
centrifugal force
 Then a centrifugal force is applied to the substances in the closed vessels to centrifuge them.
fuerza de cohesión 
bonding strength
 From this we can assume that the bonding strength of this ion with monoxides and dioxides is the same in both the monomeric and dimeric complexes.
fuerza de gravedad 
gravitational force
 In chemistry, increasing the gravitational force on a test tube will cause the precipitate to gather on the bottom.
fuerza de la convicción 
courage of conviction
 I urge us all to envision success that is an outcome of these beliefs, of our hard work and courage of our convictions = Pensemos en el éxito como resultado de estas creencias, de nuestro esfuerzo y de la fuerza de nuestras convicciones.
fuerza de la costumbre, la 
force of habit
 After mulling this over for days, I have reached the conclusion that sheer force of habit has a whole lot to do with my track record.
fuerza de la gravedad   
gravity pull
gravitational pull
 The human body is better at surviving G-forces that are perpendicular to the spine.
 Only Neptune and Jupiter have a stronger gravity pull at their surface than Earth does.
 Below is a chart which lists the gravitational pull (relative to Earth's) of each planet in our solar system.
fuerza de la gravedad, la 
force of gravity, the
 The force of gravity is the force exerted by the gravitational field of a massive object on any body within the vicinity of its surface.
fuerza de la naturaleza 
force of nature
 The jet stream, one of the most dramatic forces of nature, was discovered during World War II when aviators first tried to cross the Pacific.
fuerza de las armas 
force of arms
 Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
fuerza de la señal  
signal strength
tower strength
 This calculator converts between standard units of power measurement and signal strength.
 This system allows for the quick installation of antennae as well as solving tower strength problems.
fuerza del hábito, la 
force of habit
 After mulling this over for days, I have reached the conclusion that sheer force of habit has a whole lot to do with my track record.
fuerza de voluntad   
force of will
willpower [will power]
strength of will
 We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.
 It is a matter of willpower, one librarian wrote, because 'with a little push, I (know that I) can find a readership for the item! Maybe a display on the subject?'.
 They are men who have been possessed by daemons and who, through shear strength of will, managed to destroy the daemon within themselves.
fuerza económica 
economic leverage
 Large Japanese firms have the economic leverage to buy US data base producers.
fuerza física 
physical strength
 Physical strength will affect how much weight you can lift and how much work you can do.
fuerza giratoria 
turning power
 The propeller on an aircraft converts the turning power of an engine's crankshaft into the thrust force.
fuerza gravitatoria 
gravitational force
 In chemistry, increasing the gravitational force on a test tube will cause the precipitate to gather on the bottom.
fuerza impulsora   
moving force
driving force
thrust force
 Important moving forces in the area such as ADI, CESTA, DIELI, the Carrefour de la Communication, have disappeared.
 On-line services have been one of the most powerful driving forces moving information away from its traditional definition and towards the commodity view.
 The propeller on an aircraft converts the turning power of an engine's crankshaft into the thrust force.
fuerza letal 
deadly force
 The course covers the following topics: revolver nomenclature and maintenance; inspecting revolvers and holsters; and legal issues and deadly force.
fuerza mayor 
force majeure
 Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.
fuerza motriz   
power engine
motive force
 From a position of relative strength in the 1950s, when Central Europe was the hotbed of European sport, the region has suffered a relative decline compared to the powerhouses of Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.
 Knowledge management is also being recognized as a power engine through which educational institutions can address their need for innovation and creativity.
 The motive force is that inner, irresistible drive, the very essence of all our energy, which impels us to shun evil and to seek after the good.
fuerza muscular 
muscle power
 Their development, particularly for replacing human muscle power, has been in parallel with that of information technology, but largely independent of it.
fuerza niveladora 
levelling force
 The convergence of technologies and markets and the Europeanisation of communications polices work as levelling forces on differences across countries.
fuerza política  
political force
political power
 And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.
 The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.
fuerza vital 
life force
 He classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals.
fuerza viva 
living force
 The public library as a democratic living force for education, culture and information, and as an essential agent for the fostering of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds of men and women.
ganar fuerza  
gather + strength
gather + steam
 This north/south cooperation is a five-year-old initiative that is now gathering strength = Esta cooperación norte-sur es una iniciativa que cumple cinco años y que ahora está ganando fuerza.
 The groundswell of movement towards integrating previously unrelated technologies and markets is now gathering a reasonable head of steam.
golpear con fuerza  [Verbo irregular: pasado smote, participio smitten Usado comúnmente con un sentido religioso o bíblico]
 Instead, this may come off as a sort of mixed signal considering that God has chosen to smite California right after a proposition was passed banning same sex marriage.
golpe de fuerza 
coup de force
 Literary texts then may bear a certain coup de force in relation to institutionality.
juego de fuerzas 
interplay of forces
 The interplay of forces outside their individual control - government, local authority, trade union, parent institution - plays havoc with planning exercises.
la fuerza de la mayoría 
strength in numbers
 Nowhere is the principle of strength in numbers more apparent than in the collective power of microbes.
la unión hace la fuerza 
strength in numbers
 Nowhere is the principle of strength in numbers more apparent than in the collective power of microbes.
medición de fuerzas 
battle of wills
 This decision touched off a battle of wills between the library and the government as well as a blitz of media publicity.
medida de fuerza 
 As part of the worldwide revulsion against the fierce crackdown of peaceful dissidents now occurring in Cuba, the U.S. Congress has voted 414-0 to condemn the Cuban government for raiding 22 libraries.
medir fuerzas con 
cross + swords with
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
medirse la fuerzas (con) 
lock + horns (with)
 Although the movie has a well-defined sense of character and dramatic incident, a handsome and clear visual presentation, and an interesting feel for inflated men locking horns, it lacks thematic preciseness.
medirse las fuerzas 
pit against
 This article examines cross-currents which pit the interests of special collections librarians against those of general, academic librarians.
mermar las fuerzas 
sap + the energy
 Fee services sap energies and attention from services responsive to other basic human values = El cobro de servicios merma las fuerzas y la atención que se le debería dedicar a servicios que atienden a otros valores humanos básicos.
perder fuerza  
lose + power
lose + steam
 When she tried to soothe herself with other images - images of John, the baby, the house - she found that they had lost their power.
 Many fans have said that this series lost steam after the prison break finally happened.
pérdida de fuerza 
loss of power
 This would restrict the flow of gases through the converter and create a serious back pressure problem that would cause a loss of power.
por la fuerza 
 This film tells the moving story of the more than 40,000 Koreans who were forcibly conscripted as laborers by the Japanese during the Second World War.
por la fuerza de la costumbre    
by force of habit
out of habit
from force of habit
through force of habit
 Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.
 The main challenge is that sometimes we may not realize that what we have just done or said came out of habit.
 Sociology starts from the premise that we are basically social animals, not just from force of habit but because we could not otherwise survive.
 They live still through force of habit and snobbery in a recent past, but the great majority in all places no longer have any sincere passion for art.
quedarse sin fuerzas   [Usado generalmente en el deporte]  
lose + steam
hit + the wall
hit + the bonk
 Many fans have said that this series lost steam after the prison break finally happened.
 Believe it or not, one highly respected exercise scientist has suggested that it may be beneficial to bonk regularly in training.
 Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to avoid hitting the wall while running a marathon.
 We've only ridden about 30 miles but a combination of lack of breakfast and lack of fitness have rendered me dangerously close to hitting the bonk.
recobrar fuerzas     
gather + Reflexivo
make + a comeback
get + Posesivo + strength back
recover + Posesivo + strength
renew + Posesivo + strength
 All talk now and then wanders down byways, for a moment or two, during which the participants gather themselves for a fresh attack on the main subject.
 For quite some time wall-to-wall carpeting was considered an outdated form of flooring but it has recently made a comeback.
 Tootsie has got his strength back and is now as happy as ever running around outside.
 Though six years younger, Ms. Arnold never recovered her strength after hip surgery.
 Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.
recobrar la fuerza 
regain + Posesivo + strength
 Has anyone severed a nerve in the forearm and regained strength and feeling back into the hand after surgery?.
recuperar fuerzas   
recover + Posesivo + strength
get + Posesivo + strength back
gather + Reflexivo
 Though six years younger, Ms. Arnold never recovered her strength after hip surgery.
 Tootsie has got his strength back and is now as happy as ever running around outside.
 All talk now and then wanders down byways, for a moment or two, during which the participants gather themselves for a fresh attack on the main subject.
recuperar la fuerza  
regain + Posesivo + strength
gain + strength
 Has anyone severed a nerve in the forearm and regained strength and feeling back into the hand after surgery?.
 In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
recuperar las fuerzas  
recoup + Posesivo + energy
gain + strength
 Though we should bear in mind that a talk needs moments of relaxation, when we forget the main topic for a short time while our minds 'take a breather' and we recoup our energy.
 In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
renovada fuerza 
renewed energy
 We were overwhelmed with excitement and this has given us renewed energy to deliver a high quality tournament.
renovadas fuerzas 
renewed strength
 The Chaiten volcano in southern Chile has erupted with renewed strength, belching thick clouds of ash and hurling molten rocks into the air.
renovar fuerzas 
renew + Posesivo + strength
 Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.
reponer fuerzas 
gather + energy
 These stoppages for informal discussion gives the pupils time to gather their energies again to continue reading.
resistir con todas las fuerzas 
resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body
 In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.
restar fuerza    
take + the bite out of
tone down
take + the teeth out of
take + the sting out of + Algo
 The aim of this paper is to chart a different course of interpretation through Husserl's earliest work; a course which doesn't take all of the bite out of Heidegger's critique of technology.
 We found an increasing trend toward a more structured approach in data gathering procedures, while loose data collection was toned down significantly.
 Sometimes making fun of something terrible helps to take the teeth out of it.
 The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.
ser un pilar de fuerza 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
sujetar a la fuerza 
hold down
 The guards are certain that the incarcerated are the dregs of the earth and must be held down at all costs.
toda la fuerza 
full force
 Ireland's rugged coastline combined with the full force of Atlantic swell provides suitable conditions for surfing.
toda la fuerza de 
the full force of
 We drove along the coast road then being bulldozed clear to Weligama a beautiful small town at the cusp of a wide bay and open unprotectedly to the full force of the ocean waves.
toda la fuerza del impacto 
full force
 Ireland's rugged coastline combined with the full force of Atlantic swell provides suitable conditions for surfing.
unir fuerzas  
join + forces (with)
pool + forces
 Therefore, school librarians need to find ways of joining forces with publishers, booksellers and other librarians.
 The idea is that instead of each of our libraries developing Web sites for our users in a given field, we would pool those forces and, together, we would develop a far higher quality, ongoing effort.
 They assembled a force of archers, musketeers and swordsmen, and challenged Musashi to a duel outside Kyoto.
fuerza aérea 
Air Force
 Nonmilitary personnel in libraries maintained by the Department of Defense, such as those operated by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, are civil service appointments.
fuerza armada 
 They assembled a force of archers, musketeers and swordsmen, and challenged Musashi to a duel outside Kyoto.
fuerza del orden público 
law enforcement agency
 Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month.
fuerza de seguridad 
law enforcement agency
 Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month.
fuerza expedicionaria 
expeditionary force
 The Monument to the Expeditionary Force in Bangkok is a memorial to the Thai soldiers killed on the Western Front in World War I.
fuerza invasora 
invasion force
 The Japanese believed they could inflict at least 50,000 casualties to an invasion force by kamikaze attacks alone.
fuerza militar 
military forces
 If the subject had been the role of British military forces in, say, Northern Ireland society, the substitution would of course not have taken place.
fuerza política  
political force
political power
 And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.
 The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.
fuerzas aéreas británicas 
RAF [Royal Air Force]
 This programme is designed for those hoping to follow a career in one of the uniformed services - army, navy, RAF, police service, fire service or ambulance.
fuerzas aliadas 
coalition forces
 Meanwhile, we call upon the coalition forces and other parties concerned to do everything they can to protect cultural institutions.
fuerzas armadas 
military forces
 If the subject had been the role of British military forces in, say, Northern Ireland society, the substitution would of course not have taken place.
Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos 
US Military
 US Military does have a cushy ride in Japanese prisons as they get special treatments and all the food is paid for and supplied by the US military.
fuerzas armadas, las  
armed forces, the
forces, the
 Information is held on topics such as: medals; uniform; regimental histories and increasingly the social history of the armed forces = La información se organiza por temas como, por ejemplo, medallas, uniformes, historia de los regimientos y, cada vez, historia social de las fuerzas armadas.
 Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
fuerzas de defensa, las 
defence forces, the
 As per estimates, the demand for armoured vehicles in the defence forces is pegged at about 2000 vehicles per year.
fuerzas defensivas, las 
defence forces, the
 As per estimates, the demand for armoured vehicles in the defence forces is pegged at about 2000 vehicles per year.
fuerzas del orden 
police force
 The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
fuerzas del orden público 
police force
 The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.
fuerzas de paz 
peacekeeping forces
 This book raises issues about peacekeeping forces globally, showing the necessity for continued definition of their roles.
fuerzas de paz de las Naciones Unidas, las 
United Nations peacekeeping force, the
 The United Nations peacekeeping force in Côte d'Ivoire is to establish eight new military camps.
fuerzas de seguridad 
security forces
 Iraqi security forces are growing stronger and more effective as they take the lead in more operations.
fuerzas encargadas del mantenimiento de la paz 
peacekeeping forces
 This book raises issues about peacekeeping forces globally, showing the necessity for continued definition of their roles.
fuerzas, las 
forces, the
 Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.

Trends of use of fuerza



The term «fuerza» is very widely used and occupies the 944 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «fuerza» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of fuerza
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «fuerza».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «fuerza» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «fuerza» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about fuerza



Famous quotes and sentences with the word fuerza.
Abraham Lincoln
No podéis otorgar la fuerza al débil debilitando al fuerte; no podéis ayudar al pobre arruinando al rico.
Albert Guinon
A fuerza de conceder derechos a todo el mundo, la democracia es el régimen que mata con mayor seguridad la bondad.
Ashley Montagu
El amor es la fuerza más importante en el desarrollo de nuestra vida física, emotiva y espiritual.
Ben Jonson
Quien no ha afrontado la adversidad no conoce su propia fuerza.
Blaise Pascal
Al no poder conseguir que sea forzoso obedecer a la justicia, se ha hecho que sea justo obedecer a la fuerza.
Friedrich Nietzsche
No es la fuerza, sino la perseverancia de los altos sentimientos la que hace a los hombres superiores.
Henri Poincaré
El papel de la ciencia es producir economía de pensamiento, como la máquina ahorra economía de fuerza.
Jean De La Fontaine
La paciencia y el tiempo hacen más que la fuerza y la violencia.
John Milton
El que ha vencido por la fuerza sólo a medias ha vencido a su enemigo.
Juan Montalvo
Pueblo en donde la libertad es efecto de las leyes y las leyes son sagradas, por fuerza es un pueblo libre.


A fuerza de varón, espada de gorrión.
A la fuerza ahorcan.
Casamiento y señorío, ni quieren fuerza ni quieren brío.
Más puede acial que fuerza de oficial.
Más vale maña que fuerza, y más a quien Dios esfuerza.
Más vale maña que fuerza.
A fuerza de duros se ablanda lo más duro.
A fuerza de martillar, el herrador deja de herrar.
A fuerza de palos, como borrico de yesero.
A fuerza de probaturas perdió el virgo la Juana.


Discover the use of fuerza in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to fuerza and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Bases de la programación del entrenamiento de fuerza
El presente libro proporciona una visión integrada de la programación del entrenamiento de la fuerza y los factores biológicos más importantes de la respuesta orgánica a este tipo de entrenamiento.
Juan José González Badillo, Juan Ribas Serna, 2002
Alimentación y fuerza
Periodización de la dieta para conseguir el máximo rendimiento y desarrollo muscular
Susan M Kleiner, Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, 2000
En este libro se presentan las bases del entrenamiento de la fuerza junto con los métodos más innovadores.
W.U. Boeckh-Behrens, W. Buskies, 2005
Fundamentos Del Entrenamiento de la Fuerza: Aplicación Al ...
En este sentido, se aporta una información actualizada y útil que abarca, fundamentalmente, los siguientes aspectos: concepto de fuerza erróneamente entendido en muchos casos-, fundamentos biológicos en los que se basa el desarrollo y ...
Juan José González Badillo, Esteban Gorostiaga Ayestarán, 2002
Riccardo Mirella nació en Ferrana el 13 de febrero de 1965.
Riccardo Mirella, 2001
Entrenamiento de fuerza y explosividad para la actividad ...
Este libro ha buscado recopilar los distintos aspectos que dentro del campo de la fuerza y la explosividad pueden ayudar a los profesionales en la Educación Física, el deporte de competición, la salud y el fitness.
Vicente Ortiz Cervera, 1996
Entrenamiento de la fuerza
Programas de entrenamiento de fuerza dirigidos a los deportistas. Libro publicado bajo los auspicios del Comité Olímpico Internacional
William Kraemer, Keijo Häkkinen, 2006
Entrenamiento De La Fuerza
Obra que ofrece un asesoramiento solido, eficiente y fiable proveniente de verdaderos conocedores de la disciplina del entrenamiento de la fuerza.
Brown (Nsca), Lee E. Brown, 2008
La fuerza muscular: aspectos metodológicos
A la vanguardia de la investigacion y los avances del entrenamiento, el autor analiza los procesos fisiologicos que intervienen en el desarrollo de la fuerza.
Carmelo Bosco, 2000
Uso de la fuerza y protección de los derechos humanos en un ...
Este nuevo libro de la colección de derechos humanos ofrece un elenco de algunas de las principales cuestiones a debatir en torno al uso de la fuerza y a la protección de los derechos humanos en el nuevo orden internacional, con el marco ...
Consuelo Ramón Chornet, 2006


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term fuerza is used in the context of the following news items.
Avión de la Fuerza Aérea de India desaparece del radar después ...
(CNN) - Un avión de la Fuerza Aérea de la India desapareció la mañana del viernes de los radares después de despegar, dijo el ejército de la nación. «CNNEspañ, Jul 16»
Fuerza Popular le recuerda a PPK que ellos son mayoría en el ...
Vocero fujimorista Daniel Salaverry respondió al presidente electo, quien dijo que en las elecciones “el 50% más uno” le dio su apoyo. «LaRepú, Jul 16»
Fuerza Popular, nueva mayoría naranja en el Congreso [ANÁLISIS ...
Más allá de la evaluación respecto a quién conducirá la Mesa Directiva, en tienda de Fuerza Popular también trabajan en otro aspecto fundamental: ¿Cómo ... «El Comercio, Jun 16»
La fuerza del fujimorismo en Perú
La fuerza del fujimorismo en Perú. Por Eric Samson. Difundido el 03-06-2016 Modificado el 03-06-2016 en 17:40. La fuerza del fujimorismo en Perú. «RFI, Jun 16»
Los reservistas, la fuerza de choque de Keiko Fujimori
Tenían dos tareas prácticas y una simbólica: ser la fuerza de choque ante manifestantes antifujimoristas, repartir panfletos, camisetas y tazas con el rostro de la ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
Colectivo “Keiko no va” realiza plantón contra Fuerza Popular
Colectivo “Keiko no va” realiza plantón contra Fuerza Popular ... general del partido Fuerza Popular, que lidera la candidata presidencial Keiko Fujimori. «teleSUR TV, May 16»
Joaquín Ramírez se aparta de la secretaría general de Fuerza Popular
El congresista, Joaquín Ramírez, habría dado un paso al costado de la secretaría general de Fuerza Popular. Así lo informó la lideresa de esta agrupación ... «LaRepú, May 16»
Maduro prepara a la Fuerza Armada venezolana ante posibles ...
El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ha anunciado este sábado su decisión de iniciar ejercicios militares de la Fuerza Armada venezolana para ... «RTVE, May 16»
Disney recrea 'El Despertar de la Fuerza' con 'emojis'
El video cuenta la historia de la última película de la saga galáctica. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (04/MAY/2016).- Los 'warsies' de todo el mundo se encuentran de ... «, May 16»
Kenji Fujimori: “Mi opinión revela que en Fuerza Popular no hay ...
El congresista reelecto de Fuerza Popular Kenji Fujimori negó hoy que haya incurrido en un error que afecte la campaña presidencial de su hermana, Keiko ... «El Comercio, Apr 16»



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