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Meaning of "letra" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra letra procede del latín littĕra.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


le · tra play


Letra is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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A letter is each graphic sign of a writing system. The signs of several scriptures, like some very old, are called silabograms or logograms. As a symbol denoting a segment of speech, the letters are linked to phonetics. In a pure phonetic alphabet, a simple phoneme is denoted by a simple letter, but in both history and practice, letters generally denote more than one phoneme. A pair of letters designating a simple phoneme are called digraphs. Examples of English digraphs are ch, sh, and th; While in Spanish we find ch, ll, rr, gu and qu. A phoneme can also be represented by three letters, which are called the trigraph. An example of the latter is the combination "sch" in German. Letters also have specific names associated with them. These names may differ with language, dialect and history. The z, for example, in English, is known as zed, less in the United States, where it is called zee. The letters, as elements of the alphabets, have a prescribed order. Una letra es cada signo gráfico de un sistema de escritura. Los signos de varias escrituras, como algunas muy antiguas, son llamados silabogramas o logogramas. Como símbolo que denotan un segmento del discurso, las letras se vinculan con la fonética. En un alfabeto fonético puro, un fonema simple es denotado por una letra simple, pero tanto en la historia como en la práctica, las letras, por lo general, denotan a más de un fonema. Un par de letras que designan a un fonema simple reciben el nombre de dígrafos. Algunos ejemplos de dígrafos en inglés son ch, sh y th; mientras que en español encontramos ch, ll, rr, gu y qu. Un fonema también puede ser representado por tres letras, que reciben el nombre de trígrafo. Un ejemplo de esto último es la combinación "sch" en alemán. Las letras también tienen nombres específicos asociados a ellas. Estos nombres pueden diferir con la lengua, el dialecto y la historia. La z, por ejemplo, en inglés, se le conoce como zed, menos en los Estados Unidos, donde se le llama zee. Las letras, como elementos de los alfabetos, tienen un orden prescrito.

Definition of letra in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of letter in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is each of the graphic signs that make up the alphabet of a language. Another meaning of letter in the dictionary is traditionally, each of the sounds of a language. Letter is also a special form of graphic signs, which distinguishes the writings of a person or a specific time or country. Your letter is illegible. La primera definición de letra en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es cada uno de los signos gráficos que componen el alfabeto de un idioma. Otro significado de letra en el diccionario es tradicionalmente, cada uno de los sonidos de un idioma. Letra es también forma especial de los signos gráficos, por la que se distinguen los escritos de una persona o de una época o país determinados. Su letra es ilegible.
Click to see the original definition of «letra» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of letra in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «letra» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of letra to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of letra from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «letra» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of letra in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  character ; letter ; script ; sorts ; sort ; letter-form.
 A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.
 There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
 Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
 They were used for elaborate illustrations, stylized ornaments, initial letters, and for words in large or complex letter-forms that were not available as type = They were used for elaborate illustrations, stylized ornaments, initial letters, and for words in large or complex letter-forms that were not available as type.
al pie de la letra 
to the letter
 The analysis revealed that the translator, not keeping close to the letter of the original, acted as an interpreter of the tex.
de dos letras 
 The TAG option can be appended to a DISPLAY command to cause two-letter tags to appear along the left side of record.
de puño y letra  
in black and white
in handwriting
 Despite continued assurances about the arrival of the paperless society, it remains a fact that most people want to see information down in black and white.
 The spreads are 'printed' in handwriting as neat as the authors can manage; drawings are done, full-color crayon or felt-tip splendour.
dominado por la letra impresa 
 If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
Filosofía y Letras  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
arts and humanities, the
arts and letters
 This paper describes research carried out into the use of an on-line bulletin board service aimed at those in the academic community who are interested in applying computing to teaching in the Arts and Humanities.
 Political science was the most popular undergraduate degree for lawyers working in all sectors, followed either by education or arts and letters.
hombre de letras 
man of letters
 The library was greatly expanded in the late 1650s to accommodate the needs of the scholars and men of letters attached to Fouquet and to add lustre to his political career.
imprimir en letra realzada 
print in + double density
 Headings are printed in double density to make them easier to find.
juego de letras  [Colección de las letras del abecedario, generalmente como figuras recortadas y de tamaño grande, que se utiliza para poner mensajes en un sitio visible desde cierta distancia]
letter set
 The aim of the scheme is to organise a central pool of library displays (posters, polystyrene cutouts, mobiles, letter sets etc.) = El objetivo de este sistema de clasificación es organizar un fondo común central de objetos utilizados en las exposiciones de la biblioteca (posters, recortables de poliestireno, juguetes móviles colgantes, juegos de letras, etc.).
la clave está en la letra pequeña 
the devil (is/lives) in the details
 The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.
las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña 
the devil (is/lives) in the details
 The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.
letra adornada  [En impresión, letra que tiene como fondo o que está incluida en un dibujo]
swash letter
 The text of the title-page is copied in full, including all punctuation and such things as long f, swash letters, digraphs, and VV for W.
letra a letra 
 If a particular name is already in the system, there is no need to re-enter it letter-perfect in order to catalog the document correctly.
letra bastarda 
 The English, French, and Dutch bastardas went out of use by the mid sixteenth century.
letra bastardilla  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
 Finally, the 1967 AACR Rule 40 requires that a person be entered, 'under the name by which he (or she) is commonly (author's italics) identified'.
letra contraccional  [En impresión, letras que se imprimen de tal modo que un costado de una monta sobre la otra, como "æ"]
 The Aldine greek was based on a much admired humanistic cursive hand which relied for its good looks on a multiplicity of alternative letters, ligatures, and contractions.
letra cursiva  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
 Finally, the 1967 AACR Rule 40 requires that a person be entered, 'under the name by which he (or she) is commonly (author's italics) identified'.
letra cuya impresión en papel no está completa 
broken letter
 And if you examine a certain page where you will find a broken letter in one, then you will also find it in the other one.
letra de cambio 
bill of exchange
 A bill of exchange is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.
letra de canción 
song lyrics
 This music server provides access to a large database of song lyrics and melodies.
letra de imprenta  [Generalmente usado en plural]  [Generalmente usado en plural]
block capital
block letter
 As computer technology improves, the appearance of the printed page, so often marred at present by the use of undifferentiated block capitals, will undoubtedly improve.
 Please fill out this form in block letters and send it back to us as soon as possible in order to benefit from pre-registration fees.
letra del alfabeto   [Símbolo del alfabeto como opuesto a número romano]
alphabet letter
alphabetic letter
 According to BS1749, ampersands file before any alphabet letter.
 How, then, is one to file a character which is at the same time an alphabetic letter and a roman numeral?.
letra de la música 
music lyrics
 This article discusses the pressure for record companies and libraries to label pop music lyrics as 'explicit' and the range of content covered by this term.
letra del Tesoro 
Treasury bill
 This article provides a classification of farm loans and outlines six month US Treasury bills and long-term US Treasury Bonds interest rates.
letra de madera 
wood letter
 Wood letter was also produced in Europe but less copiously than in the United States, where later technical advances included die-stamping in place of pantographic copying, and wood letter with veneered and enamelled faces.
letra de mano 
 The main advantage of facsimile is that it transmits text and graphics diagrams, handwriting etc.
letra de molde  [Generalmente usado en plural]  [Generalmente usado en plural]
block capital
block letter
 As computer technology improves, the appearance of the printed page, so often marred at present by the use of undifferentiated block capitals, will undoubtedly improve.
 Please fill out this form in block letters and send it back to us as soon as possible in order to benefit from pre-registration fees.
letra desbordante  [En tipografía, letra algunos de cuyos trazos sobresalen del cuerpo de la misma]
kerned letter
 Alternatively vowels could be cast without accents as kerned letters, with bodies only half as wide as usual, part of the face being cast on the overhang, or kern.
letra de signatura  [Letra a modo de signatura que antiguamente se colocaba al pie de los pliegos para indicarle al encuadernador el orden que éstos debían seguir]
 It was usual for duplicated signature-letters to be set out in full, but English printers in the eighteenth century preferred to set 3A for Aaa, 6A for Aaaaaa, etc..
letra egipcia  [Tipo de letra utilizada a principios del siglo XIX]
slab serif
 The second variety was a letter with slab serifs and little contrast, known as Egyptian, which first appeared in about 1817.
letra gótica  
gothic type
black letter
 Fraktur, cut with a contrived formality that belied its cursive origins, became the most successful of all the gothic types, surviving as a book face in Germany until the mid twentieth century.
 Books in English began to be set in roman from the late 1550s, although the Bible survived in 'black letter' until 1640.
letra inicial decorada  [En impresión, letra inicial mayúscula que tiene como fondo o que está incluida en un dibujo]  [En impresión, letra inicial mayúscula que tiene como fondo o que está incluida en un dibujo]
decorated capital
swash capital
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.
letra itálica  
italic fount
italic type
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
 The first italic type was an 80 mm. fount cut for Aldus by Griffo.
letra, la  [De una canción]
lyrics, the
 The database contains 12 of the most requested songs and screens the lyrics in time with the music = La base de datos contiene 12 de las canciones más solicitadas y muestra en pantalla las letras junto con la música.
letra ligada  [En impresión, letras que se imprimen de tal modo que un costado de una monta sobre la otra, como "æ"]
 The text of the title-page is copied in full, including all punctuation and such things as long f, swash letters, digraphs, and VV for W.
letra mayúscula    [Generalmente usado en plural]  [Generalmente usado en plural]
capital letter
upper case letter
block capital
block letter
 Main classes are denoted by a capital letter, and in most classes a second capital letter is used to signal major sections or subclasses.
 A mixed notation uses more than one kind of symbol such as, for example, a mixture of letters and numbers, or a mixture of lower case and upper case letters in specifying subjects.
 As computer technology improves, the appearance of the printed page, so often marred at present by the use of undifferentiated block capitals, will undoubtedly improve.
 Please fill out this form in block letters and send it back to us as soon as possible in order to benefit from pre-registration fees.
letra mecana  [Tipo de letra utilizada a principios del siglo XIX]
slab serif
 The second variety was a letter with slab serifs and little contrast, known as Egyptian, which first appeared in about 1817.
letra minúscula   
lower case letter
small letter
 A mixed notation uses more than one kind of symbol such as, for example, a mixture of letters and numbers, or a mixture of lower case and upper case letters in specifying subjects.
 There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
 It makes no difference whether the loan types are entered as capital or as small letters.
letra moderna 
modern face
 The flamboyance of the earliest modern face proved evanescent, and it was a restrained interpretation of the design, combining elements of both the English and the French modern faces, that prevailed.
letra negrita   
bold print
bold type
bold letters
 Notice the word 'HITCOUNT' in bold print which tells you the total number of titles within the listing.
 The preferred terms are indicated in bold type, and other terms which are useful access points, but which will not be used as index terms, are listed in light type.
 When you DISPLAY or TYPE records, your search terms appear in green (bold letters on monochrome monitors).
letra normal  [Como opuesta a letra negrita]  [Como opuesta a letra negrita]
light type
light face type
 The preferred terms are indicated in bold type, and other terms which are useful access points, but which will not be used as index terms, are listed in light type.
 In a subject headings list non-approved headings are normally shown in light face type and the indexer is directed towards the preferred heading, for example, Grease USE Lubrication and lubricants.
letra pequeñita, la  
fine detail(s)
fine points, the
 Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.
 Hence, there is a need for organizations who can interpret the fine points of officialese and present them in a form the less literate can understand.
letra por letra 
 This large volume presents the texts from 1785 to 1797 in edited versions and, usually, in literatim transcripts that show the development of the texts from which the edited versions are derived.
letra romana  
roman type
 Books in English began to be set in roman from the late 1550s, although the Bible survived in 'black letter' until 1640.
 The lack of anything other than upper and lower case roman type makes for monotony, and precludes emphasis or distinction.
letra romana aldina  [Letra romana utilizada por el impresor veneciano Aldo Manucio o sus sucesores entre -1-4-90 y -1-5-9-7]
Aldine roman
 Jenson's version is perhaps nearer to calligraphy than the Aldine roman, which is cut with a brilliance and regularity that is purely typographic.
letra romana cursiva 
sloped roman
 The italics that accompanied all these faces were sloped romans, varying in contrast in the same way as their parent forms, and seldom showing any trace of renaissance broad-pen calligraphy.
letra romana de Caslon 
Caslon roman
 After a period of disuse at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Caslon roman was revived, and has been available ever since from Caslon's successors.
letra rota o a medio imprimir 
broken letter
 And if you examine a certain page where you will find a broken letter in one, then you will also find it in the other one.
letras adornadas 
swash sorts
 The text of the title-page or other subject is copied in full, including all punctuation and such things as long f, swash sorts, digraphs, and VV for W.
letra saliente  [En tipografía, letra algunos de cuyos trazos sobresalen del cuerpo de la misma]
kerned letter
 Alternatively vowels could be cast without accents as kerned letters, with bodies only half as wide as usual, part of the face being cast on the overhang, or kern.
letras conjuntas  [En impresión, letras que se imprimen de tal modo que un costado de una monta sobre la otra, como "æ"]
tied letters
 Its x-height was notably small, and the fount was equipped with many ligatures (tied letters) and with upright capitals; it was quickly and widely imitated.
letras, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
arts, the
 The books of the library were divided into four general classes - theology, medicine, law, and the arts - and subdivided by size into folios, quartos, etc.
letra versalita  [En imprenta, letra mayúscula que ocupa la misma altura en la línea que las letras minúsculas]
small capital
 Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
los detalles de la letra pequeña 
the devil (is/lives) in the details
 The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.
los pormenores de la letra pequeña 
the devil (is/lives) in the details
 The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.
método de ordenación letra a letra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería] 
letter by letter method
all-through method
 One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.
 One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.
mundo de la letra impresa, el 
print world, the
 The author examines the current situation in the print world and looks at some of the forces which militate against change, including copyright, licensing issues, and promotion and tenure.
mundo de las letras, el 
world of letters, the
 This article looks at how the first of the electronic technologies, radio, was initially perceived in the world of letters and libraries.
no creerse Algo al pie de la letra 
take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt
 It is suggested that the 47% figure be taken with a large pinch of salt.
ordenación alfabética letra a letra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]
letter by letter alphabetisation
 Alphabetization in the thesaurus is letter by letter, so that 'Lawrencium' precedes 'Law reports'.
ordenación letra a letra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]
letter-by-letter filing
all through filing
letter by letter arrangement
all through arrangement
 Letter-by-letter filing takes no account of spaces, and requires the filer to file in alphabetical order merely in response to the letters in the heading to be filed.
 The first decision is whether filing is to be letter by letter (all through) or word by word.
 All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.
 All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.
personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa 
print disabled people
 There is a proposal to set up a volunteer reading centre in the library providing access to print disabled people.
remate de una letra  [En tipografía, trazo decorativo de las astas de algunas letras]
 It was a hybrid letter, with the bracketed, inclined serifs of the old face combined with the vertical stress and sharp regularity of modern.
revoltijo de letras 
jumbled letters
 These include: matching characters with nursery rhymes; quizzes; colouring and cutting out; treasure hunts; fancy dress parades; making words of jumbled letters; and a pets' parade.
seguir Algo al pie de la letra 
follow + Nombre + to the letter
 Treating everybody fairly without showing favoritism is equally important; that also means following policies and procedures to the letter both with inmate patrons and inmate library workers.
seguir al pie de la letra 
keep + strictly to the letter
 Sometimes when we keep strictly to the letter of the law, we forget the spirit of the law, what the lawgiver intended.
seguir al pie de la letra lo que Alguien dice 
take + Nombre + at/for + Posesivo + word
 Let's try for a minute to take the religious conservatives at their word and define marriage as the Bible does.
seguir las normas al pie de la letra 
go by + the book
 If America were to go by the book in its foreign policy, America would become the most loved nation on earth.
seguir las reglas al pie de la letra 
go by + the book
 If America were to go by the book in its foreign policy, America would become the most loved nation on earth.
sopa de letras 
alphabet soup
 The result of UNESCO's activity has been the growth of mass of international activity accompanied by a daunting array of jargon and initialese aptly denominated by P.J. Judge as 'alphabet soup'.
tamaño de letra 
font size
 They should be single-spaced, A4 page size, 12 point font size, in Word or RTF format.
texto con letras grandes  [Material escrito en letras de tamaño superior a lo normal para uso de las personas cuya visión está bastante deteriorada]
large print
 Large print is a term used as general material designation for printed text intended for use by the visually impaired.
tipo de letra  [En imprenta, conjunto de caracteres del mismo estilo, tamaño, etc]   [Conjunto de letras, signos y espacios en blanco usados en la composición de un texto]  [Un grupo de caracteres tipográficos de un tamaño determinado, como por ejemplo Roman -8]  
type face [typeface]
type font [typefont]
type specimen [type-specimen]
fount of type
 This may either be achieved by appropriate type face, or by the positioning of the title.
 Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: instructions on the way in which abstracts are to be presented, e.g. typing, paper, layout, spacing.
 Desktop publishing implies the ability to use multiple type fonts and faces in a single document.
 Incunabulists, indeed, work on the assumption that a fount belonging to a fifteenth-century printer was unique to him, which is likely to be true enough of the fount as cast, but is not necessarily true of its punches.
 A brief guide to the general development of type design follows in the next section, but for the identification of particular faces it will be necessary to refer to early founders' and printers' type-specimens (see the reference bibliography, pp. 396-7).
 A fount of type was a set of letters and other symbols in which each was supplied in approximate proportion to its frequency of use, all being of one body-size and design.
uso de la letra cursiva 
italicisation [italicization, -USA]
 One of the duties of the compositors is to ensure that the typographical 'style' of the result - the spelling, capitalization, punctuation, italicization, and abbreviation, which we call the accidentals - accords with the conventions of the time and place.

Trends of use of letra



The term «letra» is very widely used and occupies the 784 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «letra» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of letra
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «letra».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «letra» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «letra» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about letra



Famous quotes and sentences with the word letra.
Billy Wilder
Cuando Chaplin encontró la voz para decir lo que pensaba, el resultado te hacía pensar en un niño de ocho años que escribe la letra de la Novena Sinfonía de Beethoven.
George Bulwer-Lytton
Si un rostro hermoso es una carta de recomendación, un buen corazón es una letra de crédito.
San Pablo
La letra mata; el espíritu vivifica.
Tomás De Kempis
Si supieses toda la Biblia a la letra y los dichos de todos los filósofos, ¿qué te aprovecharía todo sin caridad y gracia de Dios?
Amado Nervo
¿Quién no sabe que en México seguimos al pie de la letra el precepto bíblico de alabar a los muertos? A los vivos los elogiamos cuando pueden darnos algo.


En caso de duda, letra mayúscula.
La letra con sangre entra.
Despacio y buena letra, dice el maestro en la escuela.
Despacito y buena letra.
La letra con sangre entra, y la labor con dolor.
No entiende ni sabe letra sino por el libro de su aldea.


Discover the use of letra in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to letra and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Puño y letra: movimiento social y comunicación gráfica en Chile
Designer and academic Castillo Espinoza examines the history, the political and social context and the meaning of the popular graphic art with ideological purposes in Chile.
Eduardo Castillo Espinoza, 2006
Letra en la sombra
Letra en la sombra: una sola cifra lo aguarda, una cifra final estrecha el sendero de su destino.
Melicchio Pablo, 2012
Cantoral de Misa Dominical (letra)
Edición con música Incluye las partituras de más de 300 cantos, distribuidos en función de su uso litúrgico, además de una selección de cantos del ordinario de la misa, que incluyen las melodías del misal y otras sencillas para ...
vv.aa., 2009
K letra bárbara: Periodismo sucio y público sublevado
En la historia que aquí se cuenta no hay héroes ni quijotes, pero sí unos cuantos tahúres, algunos villanos y un autor que ama al oficio que hoy debe sentenciar. «Últimamente la única certidumbre del antiguo periodismo argentino es ...
Orlando Barone,, 2011
Lacan literario: La experiencia de la letra
¿Por qué un Lacan literario?
Jean-Michel Rabaté, 2007
Compendio y análisis de la letra minera: (en la comarca de ...
Esta aproximación a las letras de cante en el ámbito de concreto de la minería de la comarca de Cartagena - La Unión arranca de una inquietud personal antigua y responde a un propósito crítico necesariamente clarificador frente al ...
Pedro López Martínez, 2006
Goya: letra y figuras
En este libro se recoge una serie de trabajos sobre Goya, que constituyen un debate -sobre método y fondo- entre un historiador de la literatura y unos historiadores del arte.
René Andioc, 2008
La letra de lo mínimo
Mini-ensayos, poemitas, mini-relatos, "universitos," como el de la nina de Chiapas que teje su mas grande mundo en el telar mas diminuto del mundo, el libro los trenza o hilvana en una novela minima. TUNUNA MERCADO
Tununa Mercado, 1994
Aduertencias nueuas a la letra, y moralidad de los ...
EVANGELIO. OMINIC. A. PRIMERA. JD el EuAngeliu. Domingo primero. 67 fus glorias en la. abominación , & abimin&tttffam. Y afsi quedó incontraflable a las injurias dclus enemigos , para nunca cedcr,ni rcndirfc a la venganza, por mas que ...
Antonio Ferreira, Juan de Valdés ((Madrid)), Gaspar de Escalada y del Castillo, 1657
Los títulos-valor: letra de cambio, cheque y pagaré
I. FORMAS DE TRANSMISIÓN DE LA LETRA DE CAMBIO El endoso es la forma normal de transmisión de la letra. Por eso, el artículo 14.1 dispone que: “la letra de cambio, aunque no esté expresamente librada a la orden, será transmisible ...
Enrique Gadea, 2007


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term letra is used in the context of the following news items.
Abuchean a Denisse de Belanova ¡desafina y olvida la letra en ...
Abuchean a Denisse de Belanova ¡desafina y olvida la letra en homenaje a ... la letra y el público la abucheó de inmediato ante tal falta de profesionalismo. «TVNotas, Sep 16»
El Gobierno amplía emisión de Letras del Tesoro por u$s 300 millones
Se trata de la “Letra en dólares con vencimiento 20 de febrero de 2017". Su precio será de u$s 974,22 por cada mil, lo que implica una tasa de 3,96%. De esta ... «El Cronista, Aug 16»
Cómo usar el nuevo tipo de letra "secreto" de WhatsApp
El servicio de mensajería WhatsApp incorporó un nuevo tipo de letra "retro" de fácil uso, que se suma a la posibilidad, habilitada en marzo, de enviar mensajes ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
La Policía Nacional presenta la letra de su nuevo himno, sin ...
La Policía considera que esos aspectos "han quedado obsoletos y alejados de su actual identidad puramente civil", por lo que se ha buscado una letra con la ... «, Jul 16»
Emiten Letra por $ 2.000 millones a favor de Procrear
La Secretaría de Finanzas dispuso la emisión de una Letra del Tesoro por $ 2.000 millones en favor del Fideicomiso Administrativo y Financiero PROCREAR, ... «, Jul 16»
Eres capaz de resolver el test de las letras ocultas
El test de las letras ocultas compartido en Playbuzz consiste en intentar solventar con éxito nueve carteles. En ellos hay 70 puntos de colores entre los que se ... «La Vanguardia, May 16»
Adele olvida la letra de su canción en pleno concierto (VIDEO)
Hasta los mejores músicos del mundo a veces olvidan las palabras de sus canciones y esto fue precisamente lo que le pasó a Adele este fin de semana en ... «People en Español, May 16»
El Gobierno emite nueva Letras del Tesoro para buscar dólares
El Gobierno nacional oficializó este martes la emisión de una nueva Letra del Tesoro (LETES) en dólares a 90 días, y la ampliación de otra a 182 días, que ... «Fortuna Web, May 16»
Confirma el Gobierno que emitirá una letra en dólares para financiar ...
Tan pronto como en mayo podría estar lista la primera emisión de letras en dólares, por las cuales el Tesoro espera recaudar hasta US$ 5000 millones. «LA NACION, Apr 16»
WhatsApp permitirá ocupar letras negritas y cursivas
Este último tiempo la popular aplicación de mensajería ha dado señales de que quiere convertirse en una fuerte herramienta de trabajo. Primero se añadió la ... «LaTercera, Mar 16»



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