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Meaning of "noche" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra noche procede del latín nox, noctis.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


no · che play


Noche is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Click to see the original definition of «noche» in the Spanish dictionary.
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The night is the period during which a part of the Earth, by the action of the rotation, stops receiving sunlight and, therefore, remains in darkness. It is between sunset and sunrise the next day. It is also known as night to what in some Latin American countries such as Evening-Night, a period that precedes the Night where there are still some rays of sunlight. An activity that takes place at night is a night activity. The refraction of the sun's rays by the atmosphere motivates us to see light when the sun has set: evening twilight. Such refraction lengthens the day and shortens the night. Measured since noon, sunset is characterized by a hour angle H where cos = -tan * so F being the latitude of the place and D the solar declination. The ortho occurs at a time angle -H. The duration of day and night changes over the course of the year, with the average duration of the day being 12 hours, at the equinoxes more than 12 hours in spring and summer, reaching the longest day at the summer solstice, where also The shortest night occurs. La noche es el periodo durante el que una parte de la Tierra, por acción de la rotación, deja de recibir la luz solar y, por ende, permanece en oscuridad. Está comprendido entre el atardecer del Sol y el amanecer del día siguiente. También se conoce como noche a lo que en algunos países de Latinoamérica como Tarde-Noche, periodo que antecede a la Noche en donde aún quedan algunos rayos de luz del Sol. Una actividad que tiene lugar por la noche es una actividad nocturna. La refracción por la atmósfera de los rayos luminosos del Sol motiva que veamos luz cuando el Sol ya se ha puesto: crepúsculo vespertino. Dicha refracción alarga el día y acorta la noche. Medido desde el mediodía, el ocaso se caracteriza por un ángulo horario H donde cos = -tan * tan siendo F la latitud del lugar y D la declinación solar. El orto ocurre a un ángulo horario -H. La duración del día y la noche va cambiando en el transcurso del año, siendo la duración media del día de 12 horas, en los equinoccios más de 12 horas en primavera y verano, alcanzando el día más largo en el solsticio de verano, donde también ocurre la noche más corta.

Definition of noche in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of night in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is time when the clarity of the day is lacking. Another meaning of night in the dictionary is confusion, darkness or sadness in any line. Night is also poinsettia. La primera definición de noche en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es tiempo en que falta la claridad del día. Otro significado de noche en el diccionario es confusión, oscuridad o tristeza en cualquier línea. Noche es también nochebuena.
Click to see the original definition of «noche» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of noche in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «noche» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of noche to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of noche from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «noche» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of noche in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


 And two of them I heard two nights ago on 'All in the Family'.
a altas horas de la noche    
late at night
in the dead of night
in the small hours (of the morning)
in the wee hours (of the morning)
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
 The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".
 My Jewish grandfather/mentor always tells me how he gets the most work done in the small hours of the morning before the rest of the world.
 Get up in the wee hours of the morning and head out into the country, far from the city lights so you can observe tomorrow's meteor shower.
abierto por la noche 
late night
 In 1996 the library expanded its opening hours to meet the needs of the students for a late night quiet study facility.
a cualquier hora del día o de la noche  
at any hour of the day or night
at any time of the day or night
 The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.
 This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.
a la caída de la noche  
at nightfall
at twilight
 At nightfall, drop anchor at any place that catch your fancy and the lullaby of the gentle waves put you to sleep.
 The play 'A Song at Twilight' tells the story of an embittered, closeted, world-famous writer who is faced with his murky past in the shape of his early mistress.
al amparo de la noche 
under cover of night
 These are persons who go around under cover of night desecrating graves and also seizing unsuspecting colored people for the purpose of dissection.
al caer la noche 
at nightfall
 At nightfall, drop anchor at any place that catch your fancy and the lullaby of the gentle waves put you to sleep.
a última hora de la noche 
late at night
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
aventura de una sola noche 
one-night stand
 The present paper is based on recent research on so-called casual sexual encounters or one-night stands.
bajo el manto de la noche  
under the cover of darkness
under the cloak of darkness
 Trashing books, however, was recognized to be a perilous undertaking, something to be done 'quietly,' 'under the cover of darkness,' and 'in a locked dumpster' because discarded materials have occasionally been 'returned by dumpster rats who cannot bear to see books thrown away'.
 For the next three months, Walsh and the team made house calls under the cloak of darkness into the dangerous city to help the baby.
bien entrada la noche   
late at night
in the small hours (of the morning)
in the wee hours (of the morning)
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
 My Jewish grandfather/mentor always tells me how he gets the most work done in the small hours of the morning before the rest of the world.
 Get up in the wee hours of the morning and head out into the country, far from the city lights so you can observe tomorrow's meteor shower.
cada noche 
every night
 I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick.
como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche) 
like passing ships (in the night)
 The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.
como el día y la noche    
worlds apart
like oil and water
like chalk and cheese
like apples and oranges
 International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.
 The two are like oil and water.
 In many ways they are like chalk and cheese to the point where I find myself even questioning how on earth their relationship works.
 Observation and theory are generally like apples and oranges - they don't interact.
como la noche y el día    
like oil and water
worlds apart
like chalk and cheese
like apples and oranges
 The two are like oil and water.
 International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.
 In many ways they are like chalk and cheese to the point where I find myself even questioning how on earth their relationship works.
 Observation and theory are generally like apples and oranges - they don't interact.
dama de noche 
night jasmine
 Night jasmine is used for treating rheumatism, sciatica and severe coughs.
de día y de noche  
day and night
night and day
 As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.
 And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.
de la noche a la mañana 
 The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.
del día o de la noche 
day or night
 Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.
de noche 
after dark
 In England, this job fell to the nightmen, who came after dark to cart the city waste into the countryside for fertilizer.
desde la mañana a la noche 
from morning to night
 In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.
Día + por la noche 
Día + night
 Board meetings are held every Monday night and attendance by principals is mandatory.
día y noche   
day and night
night and day
(a)round the clock
 As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.
 And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
domingo por la noche 
Sunday night
 With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.
dormir la noche 
stay overnight
 This is a guide to haunted places you can visit or stay overnight in.
durante la noche  
 In the example, reference material is loaned only overnight to graduate students and professors.
 End user searching on BRS/After Dark, the night-time version of the BRS Search Service, has been offered to users of Ottawa University Library since July 83.
durante toda la noche  
all-night long
 In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
 As a result of the strange meal we all had everybody farted profusely all night long.
el lunes por la noche 
on Monday night
 Irish former minister Proinsias de Rossa was knocked to the ground after a public meeting in Dublin on Monday night, according to the Labour Party.
el miércoles por la noche 
on Wednesday night
 On Wednesday night a single winner won a jackpot of £8531595 in the national lottery draw.
en el silencio de la noche 
in the dead of night
 The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".
en la oscuridad de la noche  
in the darkness of night
in the dark of (the) night
 Forever, they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night.
 Sins that would be too gruesome in the light of day are made more pleasing in the dark of night.
en las tinieblas de la noche 
in the darkness of night
 Forever, they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night.
en lo más profundo de la noche 
in the dead of night
 The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".
en mitad de la noche  
in the dead of night
in the middle of the night
 The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".
 The man awoke moaning with pain in the middle of the night, and was having trouble breathing.
escapar de noche 
shoot + the moon
 Realizing that the proprietor was angry enough to report them to the police, they decided to 'shoot the moon' leaving behind all their possessions.
esta noche   [Forma coloquial de escribir tonight]
 In December, Mars will be twice as bright as it is tonight, staging its brightest appearance until the year 2016!.
 The next concert will be tonite and tomorrow night.
galán de noche   [Soporte sobre el que se coloca la ropa de uso diario en la habitación para que se airee]  [Soporte sobre el que se coloca la ropa de uso diario en la habitación para que se airee]
night jasmine
clothes valet
men's valet
 Night jasmine is used for treating rheumatism, sciatica and severe coughs.
 Clothes valets are ideal for keeping your suits and slacks in perfect condition.
 These men's valets are made of super high quality wood with incredible attention to detail.
hacer de la noche día 
burn + the candle at both ends
 Americans are attempting to fit ever more into 24 hours, and many appear willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' to accomplish that.
hasta (las) altas horas de la noche  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta las tantas de la noche  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
huir de noche 
shoot + the moon
 Realizing that the proprietor was angry enough to report them to the police, they decided to 'shoot the moon' leaving behind all their possessions.
jueves por la noche, el 
Thursday night
 Police are hoping security camera images will lead them to the suspect wanted for sexually assaulting a woman at knifepoint Thursday night.
lámpara de mesita de noche 
bedside lamp
 Each of the two master bedrooms have a double bed, tow bedside tables, two bedside lamps, dresser, mirror, and radio alarm.
la noche del sábado 
Saturday night
 I don't like most Saturday nights - nothing on TV and not much to do by myself.
ligue de una sola noche 
one-night stand
 The present paper is based on recent research on so-called casual sexual encounters or one-night stands.
lugar donde las aves pasan la noche  [Generalmente un árbol]
 Thanks to her we were alerted to a roost of pied wagtails in the grounds of a local hotel.
luz de mesita de noche 
bedside lamp
 Each of the two master bedrooms have a double bed, tow bedside tables, two bedside lamps, dresser, mirror, and radio alarm.
mañana por la noche 
tomorrow night
 The next concert will be tonite and tomorrow night.
mañana, tarde y noche 
(a)round the clock
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
 In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
mesita de noche 
bedside table
 Each of the two master bedrooms have a double bed, tow bedside tables, two bedside lamps, dresser, mirror, and radio alarm.
noche + caer 
night + fall
 Finally, as night fell, we reached our last destination.
noche de bodas 
wedding night
 She was is a bit of a strumpet and was nearly killed by her husband on her wedding night when he discovered that she was pregnant.
noche de brujas 
Halloween [Hallowe'en]
 If you are looking for information on pumpkin head Halloween mask, then you've come to the right place.
noche de entre semana 
 Typically, downtown businesses are not open weeknights and many are not open on Sunday.
noche de luna 
moonlit night
 The town was at loggerheads until one moonlit night a neighbour discovered the hen thief, a hungry lone wolf = El pueblo estuvo enfrentado hasta que una noche de luna un vecino descubrió al ladrón de gallinas: un lobo solitario y hambriento.
noche de luz de luna 
moonlight night
 One moonlight night Sweeny was brought to our notice by his ejaculations of impatience at being obliged to come to a dead halt.
noche en blanco 
sleepless night
 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.
noche nupcial 
wedding night
 She was is a bit of a strumpet and was nearly killed by her husband on her wedding night when he discovered that she was pregnant.
noche sin poder dormir 
sleepless night
 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.
noche tras noche 
night after night
 His gift was not that he could sing that way, but that he could continue to sing that way night after night without damaging his vocal cords.
noche y día  
day and night
night and day
 As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.
 And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.
no pegar (un) ojo (en toda la noche) 
not sleep a wink (all night long)
 I'm so excited I bet I won't sleep a wink all night.
no volver a casa en toda la noche 
stay out + all night
 It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and I was worried sick that he'd been in an accident.
pasar la noche     
spend + the night
stay overnight
put + Nombre + up for the night
crash at
overnight stay
 Dinner will be served in the boma at the Lodge, where you will again spend the night.
 This is a guide to haunted places you can visit or stay overnight in.
 A very special thanks to Mary Miracle for putting me up for the night, thus saving me from the wet and wild wilderness.
 My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.
 Accommodation must be arranged should the visit require an overnight stay = Si la visita requiere pasar la noche, se debe reservar el alojamiento de antemano.
pasar la noche en blanco 
not sleep a wink (all night long)
 I'm so excited I bet I won't sleep a wink all night.
pasar la noche fuera 
stay out + all night
 It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and I was worried sick that he'd been in an accident.
por el día o por la noche 
day or night
 Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.
por el día y por la noche  
day and night
night and day
 As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.
 And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.
por la mañana y por la noche 
morning and night
 The agricultural labourer receiving payment in kind was a married farm-hand with a one-year contract and whose wife had the duty to milk the cows morning and night.
por la noche       
at night
after dark
by night
in the night
 In the example, reference material is loaned only overnight to graduate students and professors.
 When these elements have been incorporated into your story, tell it to yourself, silently, just before you go to sleep at night, or while riding a bus or subway.
 End user searching on BRS/After Dark, the night-time version of the BRS Search Service, has been offered to users of Ottawa University Library since July 83.
 In England, this job fell to the nightmen, who came after dark to cart the city waste into the countryside for fertilizer.
 Polaris has long been an important star to sailors of old winding their way over the oceans by night.
 The doors shut by themselves, if you go for a tinkle in the night, you've got to remember your key.
 This article probes the images of African Americans in a 30 day sample of videotaped nightly news programmes.
por las noches 
 This article probes the images of African Americans in a 30 day sample of videotaped nightly news programmes.
por la tarde noche 
in the evening
 He was astonished 'to see a great reading-room filled in the evening by readers all with their hats on'.
portero de noche 
nightman [nightmen, -pl.]
 He somehow kept his head above water as a doorman at a bar and as a nightman at a slaughterhouse.
ruidos de la noche 
things that go bump in the night
 The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing - and making things scary for the traditionals'.
sábado por la noche 
Saturday night
 I don't like most Saturday nights - nothing on TV and not much to do by myself.
salir por la noche 
have + a night out
 If you have a night out and drink alcohol, a lot of water before bed really helps.
ser como el día y la noche 
different as night and day
 When asked about their children's temperaments, parents frequently comment on how different their children are (e.g., 'different as night and day' or 'as if they came from different families').
ser de la noche 
night creature
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
tarde noche 
late evening
 They are open normal office hours, though some have experimented with late evening opening and some now open on Saturday mornings.
toda la noche 
all-night long
 As a result of the strange meal we all had everybody farted profusely all night long.
todas las noches  
every night
 This article probes the images of African Americans in a 30 day sample of videotaped nightly news programmes.
 I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick.
trabajar de día y de noche 
work + day and night
 He was overcome by the sinking realization that he was going to have to work day and night to prepare something he could be proud of by next Friday.
trabajar día y noche   
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Reflexivo + to death
work (a)round + the clock
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
trabajar noche y día 
work + day and night
 He was overcome by the sinking realization that he was going to have to work day and night to prepare something he could be proud of by next Friday.
traje de noche 
evening wear
 They carry a selection of the top names from casual to evening wear.
turno de noche 
night shift [night-shift]
 It also leads to better utilization of machinery; for example, night shifts can be operated with minimum personnel.
una noche tras otra 
night after night
 His gift was not that he could sing that way, but that he could continue to sing that way night after night without damaging his vocal cords.
un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche 
a late night + Nombre
 These pants pants are perfect for lazy mornings around the house or having a late night sandwich before hitting the sack.
un sábado por la noche 
on a Saturday night
 The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night.
vestido de noche  
evening dress
evening gown
 When purchasing evening dresses, people in general are always on the lookout for something exclusive.
 Some evening gowns are inspired by the renaissance and Victorian times and are created from rich velvet, and floral lace.
vigilante de noche 
nightman [nightmen, -pl.]
 He somehow kept his head above water as a doorman at a bar and as a nightman at a slaughterhouse.

Trends of use of noche



The term «noche» is very widely used and occupies the 365 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «noche» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of noche
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «noche».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «noche» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «noche» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about noche



Famous quotes and sentences with the word noche.
Benito Pérez Galdós
Así como de la noche sale el claro día, de la opresión nace la libertad.
El sol puede morir y volver a nacer; pero nosotros una vez apagada nuestra breve claridad, hemos de dormir una sola y eterna noche.
La ignorancia es la noche de la mente: pero una noche sin luna y sin estrellas.
Edward Young
Cada noche morimos y cada mañana volvemos a nacer: cada día es una vida.
Cuando estés de noche en tu alcoba, aun cuando tengas las puertas y las ventanas cerradas y apagada la luz, no digas que estás solo: nunca se está solo.
Jean Rostand
Un buen matrimonio sería aquel en que se olvidase, durante el día, ser amantes, y por la noche, ser esposos.
Julien Green
He comprendido que somos sordos y ciegos, que venimos de la noche para volver a la noche sin saber nada de nuestro destino.
La noche siempre trae consejos.
Omar Khayyam
No te ilusiones con tu riqueza y tu belleza; puedes perderlas: aquélla en una noche; ésta, en una fiebre.
Paul Éluard
El día es perezoso pero la noche es activa.


A la noche, chichirimoche; a la mañana, chichirinada.
Acelgas benditas: de día, los tronchos; y de noche, las hojitas.
Quien dispuso mal su cama, no tendrá noche reposada.
Cuando canta el cuco, de día mojado y a la noche enjuto.
De día no veo y de noche me espulgo.
Día de Santa Lucía, lo que mengua la noche crece el día.
El día para el trabajo; la noche para el descanso.
El que quiera vivir poco, y ese poco con dolor, tome a la noche naranja y a la mañana limón.
El que siembre y cría, tanto gana de noche como de día.
En teniendo para el día, la noche se pasa durmiendo.


Discover the use of noche in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to noche and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La noche de Tlatelolco: testimonios de historia oral
Un caracol que despierta la espiral de acontecimientos vividos por los mexicanos en octubre de 1968. Desde cualquier posición que adopte ante lo sucedido en esos días, sentirá que esta obra le concierne.
Elena Poniatowska, 1998
De noche vienes
En De noche vienes, la escritora Poniatowska se aventura, con penetracion y oficio notables, en otras zonas oscuras: las relaciones entre los sexos y entre las clases en Mexico.
Elena Poniatowska, 1985
Narradores de la noche
Salim, cochero de Damasco, conoce un sinfín de cuentos maravillosos que fascinan a todos sus oyentes, como los de Scheherezade.
Rafik Schami, Rafael Egea López, 1999
Una noche más
Libertad Morán completa con Una noche más su descripción del mundo femenino consiguiendo superar el alto listón que había marcado en sus anteriores novelas.
Libertad Morán, Libertad Morán Barba-Romero, 2010
La noche del océano y otros escritos
Y entonces, con un chapoteo sordo, aterrador, un ser marino emergió de entre las olas.
H.P. Lovecraft, 2010
Cuando de noche llaman a la puerta
Cuatro relatos en la tradición del cuento oral, en los que la vida de sus personajes acabará convirtiéndose en pesadilla por la expiación de sus culpas.
Xabier P. Docampo, 1996
La Noche de Los Trasgos
En una noche de confusi n y valor, Camila se enfrenta a los trasgos Para evitar que su amiga se "borre".
Alicia Molina, 2006
Vampiratas V. El imperio de la noche
Nunca los mares estuvieron tan embravecidos: el malvado Sidorio, sediento de venganza, quiere convertirse en amo y señor de los océanos y sembrar el terror con su tripulación de renegados.
Justin Somper, 2011
Trilogía de la noche
La noche es un relato goyesco situado en Auschwitz que trata de la muerte de Dios en el alma de un niño.
Elie Wiesel, 2008
Mas alla de la noche
Sólo esto explica por qué el autor llega tan profundo al alma y a los sentimientos de los seres que describe, y por qué cada historia de acción, cada aventura y cada escena de ternura son diferentes a la narración elemental y ...
Germán Castro Caycedo, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term noche is used in the context of the following news items.
Sergio Martín presentará ´Los Desayunos´ de TVE y Víctor Arribas ...
En cuanto al programa 'La noche en 24 horas', ha incidido en la profesionalidad y trayectoria de Víctor Arribas, que toma el relevo a Sergio Martín y conducirá y ... «, Sep 16»
300 efectivos realizarán controles en la noche de la nostalgia
Como todos los años tanto Policía de Tránsito como las intendencias departamentales realizarán operativos especiales de control durante la Noche de la ... «El Observador, Aug 16»
Esta noche con Arath se une a Las Estrellas
Esta Noche con Arath es un 'late night show' que presentará entrevistas, sketches, imitaciones y las noticias más relevantes de la semana presentadas de una ... «Televisa Espectáculos, Aug 16»
A 50 años de la noche de los bastones largos
Por eso, cuando en algún encuentro en el extranjero me hacen esa pregunta sobre por qué nos pasó lo que nos pasó, suelo contar como síntesis la noche ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Un español en Turquía: "Ha sido horrible, hemos pasado toda la ...
Por el contrario, durante noche, mientras decidía sus planes para el fin de semana, ya que tenía previsto permanecer en el país hasta el domingo, ... «, Jul 16»
'La noche de las bestias': La saga que nadie esperaba
En el verano de 2013 llegaba The Purge: La noche de las bestias a las carteleras españolas. Muy poco sabíamos de ella salvo un misterioso tráiler que nos ... «Revista Cinemania, Jul 16»
Cómo y dónde realizar los rituales mágicos de la Noche de San ...
Salud, dinero, amor... son muchos y muy variados los deseos que se «queman» en la Noche de San Juan, la más corta del año. El 23 de junio a las 12 de la ... «, Jun 16»
Disfruta gratis este sábado de la Noche de los museos
En Madrid se podrá disfrutar esta Noche del Museo del Prado, que ofrece una visita gratuita, desde las 20.30 hasta las 01.00 horas, a la exposición «Georges ... «, May 16»
Las redes se movilizan para pedir a 'La Sexta Noche' que vete a ...
Las redes se movilizan para pedir a 'La Sexta Noche' que vete a Eduardo Inda ... de los demás: la asistencia de Eduardo Inda al programa 'La Sexta Noche.'. «, May 16»
Una guía de la Noche de los Teatros apta para todos los gustos
En un año acabado en 6 convergen demasiados aniversarios. En Madrid se celebrará por decimonovena ocasión la Noche de Max Estrella, pero a quien ... «, Mar 16»



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