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Meaning of "palabra" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra palabra procede del latín parabŏla.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pa · la · bra play


Palabra is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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In traditional grammar, a word is each of the segments bounded by delimiters in the spoken or written string, which may appear in other positions and is endowed with a function. Linguistically, the word concept is much more problematic than the previous definition suggests. In fact, determining what constitutes a phonetic or morphosyntactic word is an open problem; Thus, for example, alongside linked morphemes and lexical words there are clitics whose word status is discussed. Ordinarily speaking there are no pauses and the segmentation of words depends on difficult-to-pinpoint prosodic factors. The branch of linguistics that studies the composition and internal structure of words is morphology. En gramática tradicional, una palabra es cada uno de los segmentos limitados por delimitadores en la cadena hablada o escrita, que puede aparecer en otras posiciones y que está dotado de una función. Lingüísticamente, el concepto de palabra es mucho más problemático de lo que la definición anterior sugiere. En efecto, determinar qué constituye fonéticamente o morfosintácticamente una palabra es un problema abierto; así, por ejemplo, junto a los morfemas ligados y las palabras léxicas existen los clíticos cuyo estatus de palabra es discutido. En la cadena hablada ordinariamente no existen pausas y la segmentación de palabras depende de factores prosódicos difíciles de precisar. La rama de la lingüística que estudia la composición y estructura interna de las palabras es la morfología.

Definition of palabra in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of a word in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a segment of the discourse usually unified by the accent, the meaning and the initial and final potential pauses. Another word meaning in the dictionary is a graphic representation of the spoken word. Word is also the power to speak. La primera definición de palabra en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es segmento del discurso unificado habitualmente por el acento, el significado y pausas potenciales inicial y final. Otro significado de palabra en el diccionario es representación gráfica de la palabra hablada. Palabra es también facultad de hablar.
Click to see the original definition of «palabra» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of palabra in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «palabra» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of palabra to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of palabra from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «palabra» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of palabra in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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5 millions of speakers


  word ; headword.
 A subject index has alphabetical terms or words as headings; These terms represent concepts or subjects.
 This tool allows the user to generate all known inflected forms from a list of headwords.
agrupar palabras que tienen la mism 
merge + word forms
 Truncation serves as a means of merging different word forms, but not always; MILK* will retrieve milkman but not lactation or lactic.
agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz 
merge + word forms
 Truncation serves as a means of merging different word forms, but not always; MILK* will retrieve milkman but not lactation or lactic.
ahorrarse las palabras 
save + Posesivo + breath
 Much as we respect him, we'd advise him to save his breath when it comes to preaching austerity.
amables palabras 
kind words
 They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.
análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras  [Método usado para determinar el tema o temas de los que trata(n) un o más documentos en base a la frecuencia de aparición de familias de palabras]
co-word analysis
 Other bibliometric techniques include assigning impact factors to scientific periodicals, co-citation analysis, co-word analysis and bibliographic coupling.
anuncio por palabras  
classified advertisement
classified ad
 The People's Electronic Exchange, from US Information Services, is an on-line service which provides the electronic version of classified advertisements in a national newspaper.
 Users will have access to information such as constantly updated travel schedules, news and weather, stock market quotations and classified ads.
búsqueda de palabras clave 
keyword search
 This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.
búsqueda por palabra del título 
title word search
 The following example will illustrate how the SCI CD Edition can be used to do a title word search.
catálogo alfabético de palabras clave 
keyword catalogue
 All stocks were brought together and a keyword catalogue with 9,000 entries was constructed.
citar las palabras de Alguien 
quote + Nombre + words
 I must also thank the other writers who have allowed me to quote their words in the pages that follow.
cogerle la palabra a Alguien 
take + Nombre + at/for + Posesivo + word
 Let's try for a minute to take the religious conservatives at their word and define marriage as the Bible does.
compuesto de varias palabras 
 This system includes algorithms for extracting multi-word phrase frequencies and performing phrase proximity analyses on any type of large textual database = Este sistema incluye algoritmos para extraer frecuencias de frases compuestas de varias palabras y realizar análisis de proximidad de las frases en cualquier tipo de base de datos textual grande.
concepto de múltiples palabras 
multiple-word concept
 Tagging also caters well for multiple-word concepts.
concepto expresado con varias palabras 
database host
 This article covers the structure of a bibliographic data base, the differences in the basic index between different data base hosts, and how to link terms to make multiword concepts.
con sus propias palabras 
in + Posesivo + own words
 The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.
con una separación de + Número + palabras 
within + Número + words of each other
 For example, 'language near2 computer' retrieves records containing the terms within two words of each other in a sentence.
coocurrencia de palabras 
co-word [coword]
 Co-word analysis of keywords and titles was undertaken and results suggest that keyword indexing does not distort co-word findings = Se realizó un análisis de coocurrencia de las palabras clave y de los títulos y los resultados indican que la indización por palabras clave no distorsiona los hallazgos de la coocurrencia de palabras.
cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra  
keep + Posesivo + word
live up to + Posesivo + word
 Much to my surprise, they kept their word.
 Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.
cumplir la palabra  
keep + Posesivo + word
live up to + Posesivo + word
 Much to my surprise, they kept their word.
 Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.
decir la palabra mágica 
say + the magic word
 If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.
decir la última palabra    
hear + the final word
have + the last word
have + the last say
 However, we have not heard the final word by any means for there are new products and improved examples of existing products coming along.
 Feaver was not about to be outfaced and she retaliated with the view that time management techniques run counter to the ideal balance of concern for production coupled with concern for people.
 I'm tired of dealing with people who must always have the last word.
 There will always be that type of people in the world that have to have the last say in everything, even if they are wrong!.
dejar sin palabras    
leave + Nombre + speechless
knock + Posesivo + socks off
take + Posesivo + breath away
 The spectacle in front of Bertie was enough to nonplus anyone - Gussie in scarlet tights and a pretty frightful false beard.
 The teachings of Maimonides do not leave us speechless but enable us to reach a new level of understanding of the deity.
 One person that manages to perk up Simon's moods however, is his fiancé who he claims knocked his socks off.
 For mountain dwellers it's not the lack of oxygen that takes their breath away, it's the lack of food.
de múltiples palabras 
 Tagging also caters well for multiple-word concepts.
de palabra  [Información que se obtiene por transmisión oral] 
by word of mouth
 Contributors may be informed of standards to which they are expected to adhere either by word of mouth or through the agency of formal written instructions.
 This is because readers learn of particular documents through reviews, hearsay, word-of-mouth, citations in other documents, and so on.
describir con palabras 
describe + in words
 If his decision is to ask about his need, then it becomes necessary to give it a sharper intellectual shape, to describe it in words, and to formulate it as a question.
descriptor compuesto de varias palabras 
multiple-word descriptor
 Some phrases (for example, multiple-word descriptors) can be selected as phrases, with spaces between the words instead of proximity of operators.
de sólo palabras 
 As an alternative to word-oriented Boolean query language, Verity Inc.'s TOPIC software offers a concept-based retrieval system.
de una palabra 
 It draws attention to problems that are likely to arise, for example phrase headings (eg, 'freedom of information') for which there is no one-word substitute.
de una única palabra 
 Whether to use the single-word form or the hyphened form for words that could he written in both ways was left to the cataloguer.
dirigir la palabra 
be civil towards
 Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
dirigirse la palabra 
be on speaking terms
 The article `On speaking terms': towards virtual integration of art information' describes how previously separate databases are now being linked into multimedia, interdisciplinary information systems.
encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras 
multi-word heading
 There are problems in searching J-BISC using multiword headings and specific methods must be used for entering subdivisions (e.g. Religion - Japan - History).
en cuatro palabras  
in a nutshell
in a few words
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
 Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.
en dos palabras  
in a nutshell
in a few words
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
 Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.
en el estricto sentido de la palabra 
strictly speaking
 Strictly speaking, the word piracy or infringement can be applied only to those cases in which the concerned titles are duly registered for protection = En su estricto sentido, la palabra piratería o infracción se puede aplicar sólo a aquellos casos en los que los títulos en cuestión estén debidamente registrados para su protección.
en las palabras de uno mismo 
in + Posesivo + own words
 The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.
en las propias palabras de uno mismo 
in + Posesivo + own words
 The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.
en ningún sentido de la palabra 
in any sense of the word
 She is not a 'progressive' educator in any sense of the word, and vehemently resists what she calls 'undigested novelties' and 'frills and fripperies' in teaching methodologies.
en otras palabras   
in other words
to put it another way
which is to say
 In other words, the information supplied in the document matches, to an acceptable degree, the information demanded by the user.
 To put it another way, the humanities, although a growing part of the database world, are still a very small part of that world.
 When you are unemployed, which is to say when you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.
en palabras 
 The concepts, located verbally in the schedules, must be translated into the notations allocated to them.
en pocas palabras             
simply put
in brief
to say the least
to put it (quite) simply
in short
to cut a long story short
bottom line, the
put simply
to make a long story short
the short story + be
simply stated
in a nutshell
in a few words
 Simply put, it just doesn't pay to digitise information that few can use, and even fewer will pay for.
 Methods and results of the investigation are presented in brief.
 To say the least, weeding is taken seriously as an important component of library life.
 To put it quite simply, the building is a cut above the rest with facilities fitted to the highest standards.
 In short, the work and approach of the chief librarian is crucial to the success of the library he serves.
 To cut a long story short, just as they were nearing the weir the engine stopped working and they had to jump into the water.
 Drama is, bottom line, seen as a fluff subject by many people.
 Put simply, asymmetric threats are a version of not 'fighting fair,' which can include the use of surprise and weapons in ways unplanned by a nation.
 'Anyway, to make a long story short, Huish said he knows Lisa has been a little flighty at times'.
 I'll spare you all the details, but the short story is that he looked her up last year when he was travelling in Scandinavia, and was delighted to find her.
 Simply stated, no, it is not improper to pour wine into your guest s wine glass if it still contains wine.
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
 Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.
entrada por palabra clave del título  [Indice de títulos ordenados bajo encabezamientos por las palabras claves contenidas en ellos actualmente denominado índice KWOC]
catchword entry
 Traditionally such bibliographies have tended to enter each title under its keywords, a practice long referred to as 'catchword entry'; thus the title 'How to find out in Philosophy and Psychology' would be entered not only under 'How' but also under 'Philosophy' and 'Pshychology'.
en una palabra   
in a nutshell
in a word
in a few words
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
 But new subjects are constantly being created and therefore notation must be able to accommodate these subjects as they arise and in their proper place in the scheme: in a word, it must be hospitable.
 Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.
escoger las palabras  
choose + Posesivo + words (carefully)
pick + Posesivo + words (carefully)
 She even speaks the way she writes, choosing her words with the fondness and care of a mother embracing her child.
 There should be an official apology, in addition to showing more wisdom in picking his words in the future.
expresar con palabras 
verbalise [verbalize, -USA]
 This concept is not generally verbalized in American society.
expresar los sentimientos con palabras 
put + Posesivo + feelings into words
 Teenagers may find it difficult to put their feelings into words, and may not show their feelings openly, for fear of upsetting others.
fiarse de la palabra de Alguien 
take + Posesivo + word for it
 We're also expected to take their word for it, because they're professionals, despite no real evidence.
fiel a la palabra de Uno 
true to + Posesivo + word
 Ever true to her word, Kate Lespran found an appropriate vehicle for her revenge: the local press = Fiel a su palabra, Kate Lespran encontró el vehículo apropiado para su venganza: la prensa local.
frecuencia de palabras 
word count
 Most formulas are based on word counts and sentence length.
gesticular palabras con la boca sin emitir sonido  [Para que la otra persona o personas puedan leer los labios]
 He mouthed two words, the first word of which started with F, and the second word of which started with O.
hilvanar palabras 
orchestrate + words
 The writer's gift is to orchestrate words in print better than the rest of us.
hombre que no tiene palabra 
not a man of his word
 Why would tradesmen do work for him without being paid up-front, if he is not a man of his word?.
índice de palabras del documento  [Relación entre las palabras del documento usadas en la búsqueda y el número total de términos de búsqueda usados]
textwords ratio
 Textwords ratio is the number of textwords divided by the number of search terms.
índice invertido de las palabras del título 
title word dictionary
 We can open the title word dictionary to check for spelling variations of our search terms by pressing 'Alt-D'.
índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto)  [Indice generado por ordenador, en el que han sido permutadas todas las palabras claves del título de un documento, con un número limitado de caracteres, para presentarlas ordenadas alfabéticamente de manera que cada una de ellas aparezca como un punto de acceso]
KWIC (Keyword-in-Context)
 A KWIC or Keyword In Context index is the most readily produced type of index.
índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) 
KWIT (Keyword-in-Title)
 KWIT indexes is merely another name for the same type of index (i.e., KWIC index); KWIT stands for Keyword-in-title.
índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto)  [Indice que presenta las palabras claves significativas de los títulos de los documentos ordenadas alfabéticamente, pero sin permutación, de forma que el título aparece en el orden normal de su presentación, y la palabra retenida como encabezamiento]
KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context)
 A KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context) index, for instance, is a title index where the keywords are extracted from the titles and displayed as a heading.
índice permutado de palabras clave 
permuted keyword index
 Interestingly enough, Green himself had paid a visit to the 'Manchester Reference Library' where he was shown round by the librarian, Andrea Crestadoro, now best remembered as the pioneer of permuted keyword indexes.
indización por palabras clave 
keyword indexing
 Co-word analysis of keywords and titles was undertaken and results suggest that keyword indexing does not distort co-word findings = Se realizó un análisis de coocurrencia de las palabras clave y de los títulos y los resultados indican que la indización por palabras clave no distorsiona los hallazgos de la coocurrencia de palabras.
indización por palabras clave del título  [Indización de títulos en la que éstos aparecen debajo de cada una de las palabras claves contenidas en ellos más conocido como indización al estilo KWOC]  [Indización de títulos en la que éstos aparecen debajo de cada una de las palabras claves contenidas en ellos más conocido como indización al estilo KWOC]
catchword indexing
catchword title indexing
 One particular development of catchword indexing is now widely used to produce title indexes on computers.
 Catchword title indexing has been used for many years in such bibliographical tools as British Books in Print and in the indexes issued by periodicals.
indización por palabras del título 
title-term indexing
 It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.
inflexión lingüística de una palabra 
word form
 As synonyms are rarely exactly synonymous and as we extend such control by confounding quasi-synonyms, word forms, etc., we may at the same time be reducing the precision ratio.
intercambiar palabras 
bandy + words
 The only crippling illness I have is continuing to bandy words with someone who seems dead set on humiliating himself with constant references to rape.
juego de palabras    
turn of phrase
play of words
play on words
 This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
 When children bounce on mother's knee to a song or a nursery rhyme and maybe when they chuckle at special words, names, and puns, they are responding to the texture and rhythm of sounds.
 It is only five pages long, but was surprisingly tough to translate with all its plays of words and allusions.
 Hamlet speaks in riddles and plays on words in order to create a certain suspicion about his sanity.
la última palabra       
the last word
the last word
the bee's knees
the cat's pyjamas
the cat's meow
the cat's whiskers
the dog's bollocks
 The initial appraisal process is not the last word: reevaluation of materials must take place during processing and can be resumed long afterwards.
 The article 'The last word: ambivalence' sums up some of the ambivalent attitudes of the information profession to outsourcing.
 By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.
 He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.
 Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.
 And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.
 For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.
ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf 
Zipf's word frequency law
 This article presents the 3 empirical 'classical' laws of information science and emphasises their significance: Bradford's distribution law; Lotka's scientific productivity law; and Zipf's word frequency law.
lista de palabras clave 
go-list [golist]
 A go-list includes all of those terms that would create useful index entries in the subject area being indexed.
lista de palabras vacías  
stop list [stoplist]
stopword list
 This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
 All words in the titles of the documents to be indexed will be compared, by a computer, with a pre-selected stop list or stopword list.
lista permutada de palabras clave 
permuted keyword list
 The knowledge base includes a whole range of widely varied knowledge representation techniques from permuted keyword lists, and universal classification schemes to alphabetical indexes and specialised encyclopedias.
mala palabra 
dirty word
 The article is entitled 'Profit is not a dirty word: an argument for and development of fee-for-service programs in medical libraries'.
mantener la palabra  
keep + Posesivo + word
live up to + Posesivo + word
 Much to my surprise, they kept their word.
 Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.
medir las palabras      
watch + Posesivo + mouth
watch what + say
weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully)
choose + Posesivo + words (carefully)
pick + Posesivo + words (carefully)
measure + Posesivo + words (carefully)
 They try to watch their mouths but their real beliefs sometimes just slip out.
 The press spokesman 'ominously warned' Americans to 'watch what they say,' which amounted to telling citizens 'to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions'.
 She took a breath, weighing her words. 'You're not possessed, but you've got spirits floating around your head, and they've got to go'.
 She even speaks the way she writes, choosing her words with the fondness and care of a mother embracing her child.
 There should be an official apology, in addition to showing more wisdom in picking his words in the future.
 She is poised and manicured - 'prissy,' according to her friends - measuring her words with soft-spoken formality.
memorizar palabra por palabra 
memorise + word for word
 He sounded as if he had memorized his speech word for word.
método de ordenación palabra por palabra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]
word by word method
nothing before something method
 One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.
 One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.
!ni una palabra a nadie! 
not a word to anyone!
 Just between ourselves - and please, not a word to anyone - this is the new official web site, available now via your computer.
no encontrar palabras  
be at a loss for words
be lost for words
 The readers' services librarian was at a loss for words.
 Being lost for words is a major frustration for both Alzheimer's and semantic dementia patients.
no haber palabras para describirlo 
beggar + description
 Barkly declared that the contention between coloureds and whites was so intense in some instances as to beggar description.
no hay palabras para describir 
beyond words
 The batsman were sledged beyond words, harassed and were pressured into making mistakes.
no hay palabras para describirlo 
beyond (all) description
 So we stopped in a pleasant place enough by the edge of a pond, and lighted a fire to drive off the mosquitoes, which plagued us beyond all description.
nombre compuesto por varias palabras 
multiple-word name
 Note that multiple-word names contain an underscore (_), not a space.
número de palabras 
 Length is also a function of style and most abstracts, though avoiding clipped telegraphese, have certain stylistic features which help to keep wordage to a minimum.
ordenación alfabética palabra por palabra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]
word by word alphabetisation
 Some filing problems occur only when word by word alphabetization is used and do not apply to letter by letter arrangement.
ordenación palabra por palabra  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]  [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]
word-by-word filing
nothing before something arrangement
word by word arrangement
 Word-by-word filing files one word at a time, and exhausts all headings containing a specific word before proceeding to longer words with the first word as part of them.
 All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.
 All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.
ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra 
arrange + alphabetically word by word
 Both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia sections are arranged alphabetically word by word (New York precedes Newspaper).
orden inverso de palabras 
indirect word order
 The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
palabra ambigua 
weasel word
 An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign - a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.
palabra clave  [Palabra o grupo de palabras seleccionadas bien del título o del texto de un documento o bien de una demanda documental para caracterizar el contenido de un documento] 
keyword [key word]
key term
 Each title is arranged in an alphabetical sequence according to each of its keywords in turn.
 Various of the key terms in the thesaurus may be drawn in an alphabetical sequence.
palabra coloquial 
slang word
 Wine lovers around the world have joyously adopted the British slang word 'plonk' to describe poor, cheap wine.
palabra común 
common word
 Certain words may fall into a short list of 35 common words such as analysis, which do not give rise to inversion within the cross-reference.
palabra culta  
formal word
learned word
 Many formal words in English contain three or more than three syllables.
 Oenologist is the learned word for a wine expert.
palabra de contenido 
content word
 Content words are subdivided into nominals, attributives, predicatives, infinitives, adverbs, and gerunds.
palabra de control  [Palabra que se utiliza en un menú para indica una opción del programa]
control word
 By selecting control words from a palette menu we are already handling many of the problems that we have seen users of TEX experience.
palabra de Dios 
word of God
 He was interested mostly in what he described as 'word of God' and he derived pleasure and consolation from his reading = Estaba interesado principalmente en lo que describía como la "palabra de Dios" y obtenía placer y consuelo de su lectura.
palabra de entrada principal 
primary entry word
 Usually references can serve to direct users from words not used as the primary entry word to the word that does have this status.
palabra de honor 
word of honour
 But the procedure of the law must be observed and the law does not recognise a mere word of honour as surety.
palabra del documento  [Concepto usado principalmente en indización para distinguir las palabras del texto de los descriptores usados para identificar un documento]
 Searchers used either textwords or descriptors to increase recall, depending on the specific conditions.
palabra del texto Ex: The colon may also be used within words as a substitute character when searching text words for example, F:ETUS will retrieve the American spelling FETUS, but also the English spelling FOETUS  Los dos puntos también se pueden usar dentro de las palabras como un carácter sustituto cuando se buscan palabras del texto, por ejemplo, "F:ETUS" recuperará la grafía americana "FETUS" [feto], aunque también la inglesa "FOETUS"
text word
palabra del título  [Cualquiera de los términos que aparecen en el título de un documento] 
title word
title term
 The Science Citation Index CD Edition gives you access to the world's most important science & technology journals by title word, author's name, author's address or institutional affiliation, and journal.
 This article reports a study undertaken, using the bibliographic records of the University of Michigan's library catalogues, to examine the value of title terms as entry vocabulary to controlled lists.
palabra de moda  
buzzword [buzz word]
 'Winsock' is the buzzword that dominates discussion about tcp/ip.
 These days, automation is the byword.
palabra de muy poco uso  [Palabra acuñada o inventada por una persona y que rara vez llega a integrarse en el lenguaje normal]
nonce word
 One of the enjoyable pastimes in human experience that has exploded with the onset of Web communities is the creation of nonce words.
palabra engañosa 
weasel word
 An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign - a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.
palabra equívoca 
weasel word
 An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign - a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.
palabra escrita, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
written word, the
 The author's observations of a series of literary evenings for the deaf confirm that they are keen to understand nuances of the spoken and written word.
palabra formal 
formal word
 Many formal words in English contain three or more than three syllables.
palabra fosilizada 
fossil word
 Nonce is a curious fossil word, occurring only in the single phrase 'for the nonce'.
palabra hablada, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
spoken word, the
 The author's observations of a series of literary evenings for the deaf confirm that they are keen to understand nuances of the spoken and written word.
palabra híbrida  [Palabra que resulta de combinar el significado y la ortografía de dos como, por ejemplo, "motel" (motor + hotel)]
portmanteau word
 By using this method such unusual features as the German propensity for 'portmanteau' words (Flak was an obvious substitute for Flugzeugabwehrkannone) can be dealt with satisfactorily.
palabra impresa 
words in print
 The writer's gift is to orchestrate words in print better than the rest of us.
palabra impresa, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
printed word, the
 Certainly the printed word is the standard format for reading and is here to stay.
palabra justa, la 
mot juste, the
 The inevitable difficulties that come with the need to translate material into seven different languages are often compounded by the attempt to find the 'mot juste' to embrace a variety of situations or systems which may vary from state to state, or indeed within states.
palabra llena de contenido 
substantive word
 OCLC is currently working on a subject retrieval system wherein subject headings will be indexed with the substantive words in subject headings being truncated.
palabra mágica, la 
magic word, the
 There is profound meaning in the clichéd image of a magician pulling a rabbit out of an empty hat with the magic word 'abracadabra'.
palabra malsonate 
 Other concerns involve disturbing portrayals of the supernatural, often with negative religious overtones, and the use of mild profanity or other expletives.
palabra oculta 
hidden word
 Since few inverted headings are permitted in a thesaurus there is a need to reveal the hidden words in these pre-coordinated terms if poor search performance is to be avoided.
palabra por la que se ordena una entrada  [Primera palabra de una entrada, excluyendo artículos y preposiciones, por la cual ésta se ordena en un catálogo o índice]
filing word
 In a straightforward title index the first word of the title is likely to be the filing word.
palabra por palabra   [Adverbio]
word for word
 In the interests of document identification, the title is normally quoted verbatim so that the document record can be successfully and confidently matched with the document.
 Full text data bases contain complet texts of articles, books, newspaper stories, and encyclopaedias that can be searched on-line word for word.
palabra puente 
transitional word
 In the final strategy, students re-write textual paragraphs in their own words, using transitional words and phrases to combine sentences.
 Length is also a function of style and most abstracts, though avoiding clipped telegraphese, have certain stylistic features which help to keep wordage to a minimum.
palabras al viento 
hot air
 All these annual events seem to generate a lot of hot air but very little materializes as a result especially in the Government sector.
palabras amables 
kind words
 They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.
palabras + caer en + saco roto 
words + fall on + deaf ears
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
palabras de agradecimiento     
vote of thanks
word of thanks
words of gratitude
congratulatory speech
congratulatory remarks
 If there must be formal introductions and votes of thanks, at least see that there are no lengthy public speeches that pre-empt the visitor's reason for being there at all, and that matters are kept as unembarrassing as possible.
 A special word of thanks is also extended to Patricia G. Oyler and to Kay Leary for all their assistance.
 She had every reason to believe that as usual she would have to utter a few words of gratitude at this year's evaluation.
 Heads of the local government traditionally make congratulatory speeches and give small gifts to the honorees.
 The closing ceremony of the anniversary celebration included congratulatory remarks from Director for Operations Cliff Cohen.
palabras de alabanza 
words of praise
 The comments sections also contained warm words of praise for her and her work.
palabras de aliento  
pep talk
kind words
 A pep talk might take the tack of saying if only we pull together, our problems will vanish and the world will be a marvelous place in short order.
 They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.
palabras de ánimo 
pep talk
 A pep talk might take the tack of saying if only we pull together, our problems will vanish and the world will be a marvelous place in short order.
palabras de bienvenida  
welcoming remarks
welcome remarks
 In ending my welcoming remarks, let me wish you success in your seminar.
 Dr. Bentz's welcome remarks were followed by a panel discussion on the topic 'Looking at the Future of Animal Science'.
palabras de consuelo 
words of comfort
 The article 'Words of comfort: resources for the living and dying' reviews books on death and grieving for purposes of collection development in the area.
palabra significativa  
content-bearing word
significant word
 As we learned in a previous chapter, a well-written abstract is loaded with content-bearing words and is a prime target for the indexer.
 Corporate names and multiple surnames are permuted or KWIC-indexed, and thus displayed on the screen under each significant word.
palabras iniciales 
opening statement
 Following an opening statement by Senator Joseph Lieberman, a panel of witness who have done research and work in the field gave testimony.
palabras literales 
quote ... unquote
 Stanton drew a breath and went on, 'We'll accept equivalent experience in lieu of professional experience... Let me get the exact wording' - she fumbled through some papers in a folder - 'so long as it, ah! here it is, quote, is sufficient to indicate ability to do the job, unquote'.
palabras para levantar la moral 
pep talk
 A pep talk might take the tack of saying if only we pull together, our problems will vanish and the world will be a marvelous place in short order.
palabras + penetrar 
words + sink
 The words sank like a depth-charge into Jeanne Leforte's consciousness - she was mortally pierced and her brain was in anarchy.
palabras sabias    
words of wisdom
pearls of wisdom
nuggets of truth
nuggets of wisdom
 The article is entitled 'Tips, techniques and words of wisdom'.
 If we polish up and internalize these pearls of wisdom, especially those which challenge our existing boundaries and beliefs, the payoff can be priceless.
 Somewhere down in the depths of the chaos, there are nuggets of truth - you just have to dig a long way to find them!.
 It is clear that the author is not short of ideas and the book contains plenty of nuggets of wisdom and suggestions for improvements.
palabras usadas 
 With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.
palabra usada una sola vez  [Palabra acuñada o inventada por una persona y que rara vez llega a integrarse en el lenguaje normal]
nonce word
 One of the enjoyable pastimes in human experience that has exploded with the onset of Web communities is the creation of nonce words.
palabra vacía   [Principalmente, los artículos, las preposiciones y las conjunciones]
stopword [stop-word]
function word
 Stopwords may be used, as may options on index structure, noting synonyms, alternative spellings, and broader and narrower terms.
 Stuttering on function words was examined in 51 children and adults who stutter.
primera palabra del encabezamiento  [Primera palabra del encabezamiento, excluyendo artículos y preposiciones, por la cual un encabezamiento se ordena en un catálogo o índice]
entry word
 An entry word is the word by which an entry is primarily arranged in the catalogue, usually the first word (other than the article) of the heading.
primeras palabras 
opening statement
 Following an opening statement by Senator Joseph Lieberman, a panel of witness who have done research and work in the field gave testimony.
pronunciar las palabras de corrido 
slur + words
 But lazy delivery, when the words are slurred or a thick accent difficult for people from outside the region to understand, are just as bad.
quedarse sin palabras   
stun into + speechlessness
be at a loss for words
be lost for words
 All of us were stunned into speechlessness when we received the news of the destruction of the famous Bamiyan Buddhas.
 The readers' services librarian was at a loss for words.
 Being lost for words is a major frustration for both Alzheimer's and semantic dementia patients.
¡qué palabras son esas! 
watch your language!
 The article 'Watch your language!' is part 2 of an article on user friendly programming languages.
raíz de palabra 
word stem
 When the computer recognises one of these characters, it will search on word stems.
recordar + Posesivo + palabras 
mark + Posesivo + words
 Mark my words: this can easily turn into a steamroller to the civil rights of African-Americans.
reducción de una palabra a su raíz 
 The improvements include: an automated stemming routine, synonyms and cross references, spelling correction, and relevance feedback.
reducir una palabra a su raíz  [Eliminar sufijos y afijos de una palabra de tal modo que aparezca sólo su raíz léxica]
 The original query statement is stemmed automatically.
romper + Posesivo + palabra 
break + Posesivo + word
 Obama has only broken his word once since he took office.
secuencia de palabras 
word string
 Truncation and text-string searching: truncation and the ability to search on word strings or character strings are available in almost all computerized postcoordinate indexing environments.
según las palabras de  
to quote + Nombre de Persona
in the words of
 To quote Towl, case studies 'are not an actual snap-shot or sound movie of what really took place'.
 The general opinion of Edward Wood seemed to be summed up in the words of one staff member, who said, 'Ed Wood's a prince of a guy'.
según sus propias palabras 
in + Posesivo + own terms
 The most satisfactory results were obtained when the requester was obliged to formulate the request in detail in his own terms.
sentido de la palabra 
word sense
 Word senses provide a significant separation between relevant and nonrelevant documents, but several factors contribute to determining whether disambiguation will make an improvement in performance.
ser la última palabra 
be all the rage
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
significado de la palabra 
word sense
 Word senses provide a significant separation between relevant and nonrelevant documents, but several factors contribute to determining whether disambiguation will make an improvement in performance.
sin decir palabra 
 Police remain tight-lipped over the sudden, unexplained death of a security guard in west Auckland.
sin decir una palabra 
without saying a word
 And there was the curious behaviour of Plantin's compositor Michel Mayer, who in June 1564 spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a brothel, then packed his things and left the establishment without saying a word to anyone.
sin palabras 
 This kind of wordless communication is a two-way process, of course.
sopesar las palabras    
weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully)
choose + Posesivo + words (carefully)
pick + Posesivo + words (carefully)
measure + Posesivo + words (carefully)
 She took a breath, weighing her words. 'You're not possessed, but you've got spirits floating around your head, and they've got to go'.
 She even speaks the way she writes, choosing her words with the fondness and care of a mother embracing her child.
 There should be an official apology, in addition to showing more wisdom in picking his words in the future.
 She is poised and manicured - 'prissy,' according to her friends - measuring her words with soft-spoken formality.
tener el don de la palabra 
have + a way with words
 You've got a way with words but no way out.
tener facilidad de palabra 
have + a way with words
 You've got a way with words but no way out.
tener la última palabra        
have + the ultimate say
have + the final say
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
have + the last word
have + the last say
 The manager who has the ultimate say makes a decision that will affect a great many people, both staff and patrons.
 A good bookseller will know what sells well; but the school must, for its own protection, have the final say should disagreement arise in this area.
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 I'm tired of dealing with people who must always have the last word.
 There will always be that type of people in the world that have to have the last say in everything, even if they are wrong!.
tener palabra  
keep + Posesivo + word
live up to + Posesivo + word
 Much to my surprise, they kept their word.
 Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.
tener + Posesivo + palabra 
have + Posesivo + word
 You have my word I will not vote for Kerry for president.
tener unas palabras con 
have + a (few) word(s) with
 Doug had asked Jennifer to have a word with the gardener before she left for work.
tomar la palabra sin dejar hablar a los demás 
hog + the floor
 He will be particularly employed, of course, as the chair of the session, seeing that the floor is not hogged by a few articulate public speakers.
tomarle la palabra a Alguien  
take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word
take + Nombre + at/for + Posesivo + word
 Rove said simply that 'Senator Specter is a man of his word, and we'll take him at his word'.
 Let's try for a minute to take the religious conservatives at their word and define marriage as the Bible does.
última palabra 
 She may have had some say-so in the matter of whom she was going to marry, but for the most part, it was out of her hands.
última palabra + depender de 
ultimate authority + rest with
 Thus, the ultimate authority for the production and content of the second edition rests with the Joint Steering Committee.
últimas palabras 
last words
 For instance, Bernard Ruffin's 'Last words: a dictionary of deathbed quotations' is not very well known.
Posesivo + últimas palabras 
Posesivo + dying last words
 The narrator starts off the story by describing his grandfather's dying last words.
últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas 
famous last words
 It is a fair bet that the late Adam Faith never dreamed that he might one day be a contender for inclusion in the dictionary of famous last words.
una imagen vale más que mil palabras 
a picture is worth more than ten thousand words
 The true meaning of the cliche 'a picture is worth more than ten thousand words,' is never more evident than when students first see themselves on camera after simulating reference interviews in the classroom.
una imagen vale mil palabras 
every picture tells a story
 The article 'Every picture tells a story' describes a new labelling system for the categorisation of library materials which includes a star-shaped badge for Westerns, a flower for gardening and plants, a tank for war, and a clown's face for 'funny stories'.
una mujer de pocas palabras 
a woman of few words
 But soft-spoken to the point of whispers, Dr Zul, as she is popularly known, is a woman of few words.
un hombre de palabra 
a man of his word
 Rove said simply that 'Senator Specter is a man of his word, and we'll take him at his word'.
un hombre de pocas palabras 
a man of few words
 He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.
variante morfológica de una palabra 
word variant
 Truncation achieves the same result as linking word variants with OR, without the need to specify all of the variants.

Trends of use of palabra



The term «palabra» is very widely used and occupies the 767 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «palabra» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of palabra
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «palabra».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «palabra» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «palabra» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about palabra



Famous quotes and sentences with the word palabra.
André Gide
Ni una palabra asoma a mis labios sin que haya estado primero en mi corazón.
«Quédate» es una hermosa palabra en el vocabulario de un amigo.
Benjamin Franklin
El hombre prudente no se vale jamás de la palabra para el sarcasmo ni para la difamación.
No contengas la palabra cuando sea oportuna, y no escondas tu sabiduría por vanagloria.
Gabriel Legouvé
Creo, en verdad, que todas las virtudes están contenidas en una sola palabra: amor.
Georges Clemenceau
Manejar el silencio es más difícil que manejar la palabra.
Gotthold E. Lessing
La palabra casualidad es una blasfemia; nada bajo el Sol sucede por casualidad.
Henri Barbusse
Comprender es una palabra viva y la carne de esa palabra es amor.
Henri Poincaré
Una palabra bien elegida puede economizar no sólo cien palabras sino cien pensamientos.
La palabra dicha no vuelve atrás.


Cual palabra me dicen, tal corazón me hacen.
Más hiere mala palabra que espada afilada.
Amor, una palabra pequeña para un sentimiento tan grande.
Antes falta la palabra en la plaza, que el estiércol en la haza.
Cada persona es dueña de su silencio y esclavo de su palabra.
Cortesía de palabra, o conquista o empalaga.
El mucho vino no guarda secreto ni cumple palabra.
El que dice tener palabra, al final no te cumple nada.
Hay tres cosas que nunca vuelven atrás: la piedra tirada, la palabra pronunciada y el agua pasada.
Hombre bien vestido, por su palabra es creído.


Discover the use of palabra in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to palabra and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El dardo en la palabra
El dardo en la palabra es, pues, un aldabonazo que advierte que el idioma es un instrumento vivo. De las formas que tome en su uso diario depende su futuro, que es en gran medida también el nuestro.
Fernando Lázaro Carreter, 2010
Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra: Escritos Selectos
Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra presenta lo mejor de sus escritos, muchos de los cuales no habían sido publicado antes en inglés. Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra está dividido en tres secciones.
Subcomandante Marcos, Juana Ponce De Leon, 2011
El Don de la Palabra: Hablar Para Convencer
Orientado a cualquier persona que debe enfrentarse a la ardua tarea de realizar presentaciones en publico, principalmente dentro del ambito empresarial o comercial, con objetivos formativos o de negocio; aportando datos, conocimientos y con ...
Isidro Cano Muñoz, 2006
Luz de la Palabra: Comentarios a las lecturas dominicales A-B-C
Pensado para ayudar a centrar en torno a un mismo y único eje los tres textos bíblicos de las misas dominicales, y por tanto para ayudar a profundizar en ellos, este libro puede considerarse en cierto modo como el testamento espiritual ...
Hans Urs von Balthasar, 1994
La tercera palabra
Dentro de su indiscutible calidad literaria, reúne las mejores características del teatro de Casona, la exaltación del mundo "natural" y la denuncia de la corrupción y la mentira que esconde en ocasiones la vida social.
Alejandro Casona, 1993
Palabra de analista
Se reúnen en este libro una serie de textos de Frida Saal, brillante psicoanalista recientemente fallecida, así como testimonios de quienes la conocieron.
Frida Saal, 1998
Hermeneutica Entendiendo la Palabra de Dios
SPANISH EDITION. Duvall and Hays use general principles of interpretation so that the reader can read, understand and apply Bible passages. They offer practical exercises to guide us in the process of interpretation.
J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays, 2008
El poder de la Palabra de Dios: La Biblia, la fuente eterna ...
En El poder de la Palabra de Dios, Josué Yrion imprime dos de las principales marcas de su ministerio: su amor apasionado por Cristo y su compromiso radical con la verdad de las Escrituras.
Josue Yrion, 2001
Palabra y silencio
Philosophical inquiries into language, structure and meaning.
Ramón Xirau, 1993
Palabra de robot: Inteligencia artificial y comunicación
En els darrers anys els robots han experimentat els avanços més espectaculars de la seua història, en especial en el camp de la comunicació.
Òscar Vilarroya Oliver, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term palabra is used in the context of the following news items.
La Palabra del Domingo - 17 de julio de 2016
“38 Yendo ellos de camino, entró en un pueblo; y una mujer, llamada Marta, le recibió en su casa. 39 Tenía ella una hermana llamada María, que, sentada a los ... «InfoCatólica, Jul 16»
Norberto Rivera insta a legionarios de Cristo no manipular la palabra
Tienen que ser servidores de la palabra, no dueños de la palabra, no manipuladores de la palabra. Sino enseñar lo que realmente Cristo enseñó. Enseñar lo ... «La Jornada en linea, Jul 16»
Papa Francisco: Cuidado con juzgar a los demás usando la Palabra ...
Los doctores de la letra juzgan a los demás usando la Palabra de Dios contra la Palabra de Dios, cierran el corazón a la profecía, no les importa la vida de las ... «Aleteia ES, Apr 16»
Renuncia el director de la revista católica Palabra Nueva
El director de la revista católica cubana Palabra Nueva y portavoz de la Arquidiócesis de La Habana, Orlando Márquez, renunció el jueves a esas ... «El Nuevo Herald, Apr 16»
Un niño italiano de tercer grado inventa una palabra que cautiva a ...
En Italia se ha hecho muy popular una palabra nueva, inventada por un niño de tercer grado llamado Matteo, publica 'Corriere della Serra'. Cuando su maestra ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Feb 16»
"Petaloso": la palabra inventada por un niño de 8 años que va a ...
La palabra no existe oficialmente en el diccionario italiano, pero gramaticalmente tiene sentido como una combinación de "pétalo" y el sufijo "-oso" ("lleno de"). «BBC Mundo, Feb 16»
Yuri quiere llevarle la palabra de Dios al Chapo
“Me gustaría llevarle esa palabra de esperanza a este personaje, al Chapo (…) su mamá es cristiana”, dijo la rubia al programa Suelta la sopa (Telemundo), ... «People en Español, Feb 16»
"Refugiado": la palabra del 2015 en español
La palabra que define a los protagonistas de esta conmovedora foto ha sido elegida como la palabra del año 2015 en español, por la Fundación del Español ... «BBC Mundo, Jan 16»
Entre 'zasca' y 'trolear', algunas de las candidatas a palabra del año
Por tercer año consecutivo, tendrán que elegir entre algunas palabras como "zasca", "me gusta", "clicktivismo" o "despatarre". Pese a que algunas de las ... «El Mundo, Dec 15»
El Diccionario Oxford elige un emoji como palabra del año
El prestigioso Oxford Dictionary ha elegido como palabra del año un emoji, no la palabra "emoji", que sirve para referirse a todos los pequeños dibujitos que ... «, Nov 15»



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