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Meaning of "persona" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra persona procede del latín persōna, máscara de actor, personaje teatral, este del etrusco phersu, la cual a su vez procede del griego πρόσωπον.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


per · so · na play


Persona is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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The term person comes from the Persian Latin, and this probably from the Etruscan phersona, which - according to the DRAE - comes from the Greek πρóσωπον / prosôpon. The concept of person is a concept mainly philosophical, that expresses the singularity of each individual of the species Human in opposition to the philosophical concept of "nature" that expresses the common thing that exists in them. The present meaning of person has its origin in the Christological controversies of the fourth and fifth centuries. In the course of the debate between the different theological schools, concepts hitherto unknown were developed. It was a matter of having philosophical thought tools, on which to maintain an honest and rigorous intellectual debate about the dogmas referred to the Λóγος / "Verb", and that allowed to clarify their differences or similarities with God the Father. For this philosophy borrowed from the Greek theater the term "prosopon" ... El término persona proviene del latín persōna, y éste probablemente del etrusco phersona, el cual -según el DRAE- procede del griego πρóσωπον / prósôpon.. El concepto de persona es un concepto principalmente filosófico, que expresa la singularidad de cada individuo de la especie humana en contraposición al concepto filosófico de "naturaleza" que expresa lo común que hay en ellos. El significado actual de persona tiene su origen en las controversias cristológicas de los siglos IV y V. En el transcurso del debate entre las diferentes escuelas teológicas, se desarrollaron conceptos hasta entonces no conocidos. Se trataba de disponer de herramientas de pensamiento filosófico, sobre las que mantener un debate intelectual honesto y riguroso acerca de los dogmas referidos al Λóγος/"Verbo", y que permitiesen esclarecer sus diferencias o similitudes con Dios Padre. Para ello la filosofía tomó prestado del teatro griego el término "prosopon"...

Definition of persona in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of person in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is an individual of the human species. Another meaning of person in the dictionary is a man or woman whose name is ignored or omitted. Person is also distinguished man or woman in public life. La primera definición de persona en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es individuo de la especie humana. Otro significado de persona en el diccionario es hombre o mujer cuyo nombre se ignora o se omite. Persona es también hombre o mujer distinguidos en la vida pública.
Click to see the original definition of «persona» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.


interpósita persona
in·ter··si·ta per·so·na


persona non grata



Synonyms and antonyms of persona in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «persona» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of persona

Translation of «persona» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of persona to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of persona from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «persona» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of persona in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  fellow ; figure ; hand ; individual ; man [men, -pl.] ; party ; person ; character ; self.
 From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.
 Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
 Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
 Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual.
 No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
 Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
 Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
 All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.
 Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
a cargo de una sola persona 
one-man band
 This library housekeeping facility is aimed primarily at the small, one-man band type library.
Algo a cargo de una sola persona 
one-person operation
 This organization may vary from a one-person operation in a special library all the way up to an internationally known indexing and abstracting agency.
algunas personas 
some people
 I think if some people couldn't smoke on the job, they'd be wrecks.
atendido por varias personas 
 Information desks should be sited near the library entrance, be multi-staffed, designed for double-faced seating and easy use of microfilm readers and AV materials.
biografía de personas célebres 
celebrity biography
 Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.
círculo de personas afines e influyentes 
 Some of the barriers faced by women seeking senior international appointments are: glass ceiling; trailing spouse; career vs. long term relationship and children; lack of mentors; tokenism; and exclusion from networks.
como persona que 
as one who
 Of course, as one who disapproves of the use of the title as a unit heading, I don't see any justification for it.
conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio  [Conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio]
 The idea that a particular library is an institution which gives service to a defined constituency should be the guiding principle.
contra toda persona 
all comers
 She went on to quote Jast, that stalwart defender of public libraries against all comers, who said, 'The librarian and teacher have almost opposite basic aims, the one deals with the literature, the other with the person'.
crucial para la vida de una persona 
 The more experienced physicians, however, told a different story about lifesaving practices in pediatrics.
cualquier otra persona 
anybody else
 On first thought, it might appear that an author would be the best person to write the abstract, since presumably he or she knows more about the paper than anybody else.
cualquier persona  
any Tom, Dick or Harry
 Anyone using LC copy and the AACR is well aware of the stimulating challenges provided by superimposed headings.
 The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.
cuidados para personas de la tercera edad  
elderly care
elder care [eldercare]
 The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.
 This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.
cuidados para personas mayores  
elderly care
elder care [eldercare]
 The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.
 This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.
de persona 
 Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.
de personas con autoridad moral 
 If support for Southey's usage has been limited on a strictly statistical count, it can, nevertheless, claim to have had some authoritative support.
de primera persona 
 The article is entitled 'On the nets and on the streets: a first-person report of the Soviet coup' = El artículo se titula "En las redes y en las calles: un informe de primera mano del golpe de estado soviético' .
de una sola persona 
 Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.
dirigido a las personas  
 The focus of service should be towards a people-centred library rather than a resource-centred library.
 However, a real solution cannot emerge until the social, economic and political foundations of society undergo a transformation which will allow the emergence of a people-oriented information service.
dominio de las personas con más edad 
senior power
 At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.
el consejo de otra persona 
a second opinion
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
el sueño de toda persona 
the stuff dreams are made of
 The novel 'The stuff dreams are made of' suggests that the real part of us is not the body or the personality, both of which are transitory, but the inner consciousness.
en persona    
in person
in the flesh
face-to-face [face to face]
 Telephone reference services have become problematic in recent years due to increased volume of patron demand, both in person and on the telephone.
 Two industrial parks were studied to test the need for 'walk-in' versus 'call-in' service facilities.
 Although we have never seen Palaeolithic humans in the flesh, we recognize them immediately in illustrations, art, cartoons, and museum displays.
 This may help to improve the service librarians can give face to face with clients.
ganarse + Posesivo + persona 
gain + Posesivo + person
 By freeing the uncle you gain her confidence, and by gaining her confidence you gain her person.
grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría 
peer group
 The 10 journals published by the National Research Council of Canada were analysed using a peer group of journals constructed from cited and citing journal lists in JCR.
inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona 
middle initial
 If you're not sure of the exact form of the phrase (Does the author have a middle initial?), enter as much of the phrase as you know.
la mayoría de las personas  
most people
the majority of the people
 Most people want - and need - an idealized father figure as a leader.
 Mali is a country with a strong oral tradition and consequently books are marginal to the majority of the people.
la misma persona 
one and the same person
 Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: indexing instructions, especially if the abstractor and indexer are one and the same person.
la opinión de otra persona 
a second opinion
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
lista de personas de contacto 
contact list
 Media techniques such as developing a contact list, issuing a press statement, and holding a press conference are discussed.
lista de personas y cometidos 
duty roster
 One of the supervisor's jobs is to arrange duty rosters for library staff.
mala persona   [Usado tanto para referirse a una persona como a varias]
rotten apple
a bad lot
 The party's leader in Brussels said that any 'rotten apples' could contaminate the European Union.
 The article is entitled 'Illegals not such a bad lot'.
ninguna otra persona 
no one else
 DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.
oír por segundas personas 
hear + second-hand
 I'm only reporting to you what I've heard second-hand.
orientado a la persona 
 Traditionally, controlled natural languages fall into two categories: human-oriented and machine-oriented controlled natural languages.
orientado al servicio de las personas 
 The focus of service should be towards a people-centred library rather than a resource-centred library.
otra persona   
somebody else
someone else
somebody else, not me
 You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.
 The searcher is an information worker trying to extract documents or information on behalf of someone else.
 If you want somebody to do that, you get somebody else, not me.
para algunas personas 
to some people
 To some people the implications are revolutionary.
para personas con intereses similares 
 This paper outlines the papers delivered at the conference, tutorials, and birds-of-a-feather sessions.
pasar de una persona a otra 
pass around
 Pdf is good for where we think users might want to read in paper format or have something to archive or pass around, but it takes longer to download.
pérdida de persona querida 
emotional loss
 This web page provides information for professionals and the general public dealing with bereavement, grief and emotional losses.
persona a cargo  [Persona que depende de otra A veces escrito dependant]
 This project did not attempt to look at more personal factors such as partners and dependents on this occasion.
persona activa 
active person
 Calluses on the hands and feet of an active person are normal.
persona aprensiva  [Nombre]
 High apprehensives reported spending more time preparing their speeches but received lower grades than low apprehensives.
persona atractiva 
 There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job - the pay.
persona atrevida 
risk taker
 Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.
persona audaz 
risk taker
 Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.
persona aún por determinar 
nomen nominandum [N.N.]
 The abbreviation N.N. (nomen nominandum) is frequently seen in university course lists in Germany indicating that a course will take place but that the lecturer is not yet known.
persona ausente 
absent person
 For absent persons, we did not ask for details such as nationality or level of education.
persona becada 
 The funding guidelines require the enforcement of a written policy on conflicts of interest and disclosure of 'significant' financial interests on the part of fundees.
persona bien parecida 
 There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job - the pay.
persona civil  [Nombre]
 Here are entered works on temporary establishments which provide members of the Armed forces and, in emergencies, civilians with food and recreation.
persona competente 
a good sport
 'I can't ask Inez and Zoe to work even more hours, they've been very good sports'.
persona común 
ordinary person
 The ordinary person's information needs are becoming more complex and expensive.
persona con ahorros 
 Savers will be hit hard by yesterday's interest-rate cut as they see returns on nest eggs shrinking.
persona con ambición  
high flyer [high flier, -USA]
 Having a firm strategy to train high-flyers is the only way to make sure that the public library ethos will survive at the top level.
 He is a go-getter - instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.
persona con doble personalidad 
Jekyll and Hyde
 When she had finished Beck said reassuringly: 'Don't let old Tilly bother you - She can be a rotter at times - She's a Jekyl and Hyde, if ever there was one - One minute she's fine; another, she's a monster'.
persona con éxito 
successful person
 A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.
persona con iniciativa 
 He is a go-getter - instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.
persona con la mejor nota  
top scorer
top scorer
 The top scorers on the engineering exam will be awarded scholarships.
 Congrats to the highest scorers, you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.
persona con llave  [persona autorizada a tener una llave a algo que suele ser de uso común]
 Proper security during the library's closed times - locks on stock cupboards and a limit to the number of keyholders - is an obvious precaution.
persona con mala ortografía 
poor speller
 The article 'Spelling checkers, spelling correctors and the misspellings of poor spellers' analyses a large corpus of spelling errors to assess how great a challenge such errors present for automatic checking and correction.
persona con mucha ambición  [Persona con muchas ansias de triunfar socialmente]
social climber
 New ideas are most likely to be introduced and pursued by 'social climbers'.
persona con nivel cultural medio  [Nombre]
middlebrow [middle-brow]
 People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.
persona con problemas de aprendizaje 
learning disabled person
 This article describes the problems for mentally retarded and learning disabled persons in keeping informed because news and information language is too difficult to understand and they cannot keep up with its pace.
persona de acción 
 He was hoping to renew the discourse between thinkers and doers that created America in the first place.
persona de adentro 
 All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.
persona de altos vuelos 
high flyer [high flier, -USA]
 Having a firm strategy to train high-flyers is the only way to make sure that the public library ethos will survive at the top level.
persona de buen ver 
 There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job - the pay.
persona de color    
non-white [nonwhite]
coloured man
coloured woman
coloured [colored, -USA]
 The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky skin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.
 He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.
 He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.
 Barkly declared that the contention between coloureds and whites was so intense in some instances as to beggar description.
persona de conducta desviada 
 For example, in Q Social welfare we have QG Persons in need, QN deviants, QO Criminals, QR Offenders, as successive steps of division.
persona de confianza   [A la que se recurre para que nos dé su parecer u opinión]
good old boy
sounding board
 Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared - by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.
 So he has become not only a great sounding board but a great adviser and someone we can turn to readily for advice in a lot of these areas.
persona de contacto    
contact person
named contact
 In order to give accurate information, a village contact would need first to diagnose the problem.
 Such reports are sent to 'correspondents' in the member states; these correspondents are responsible for forwarding the reports to an agreed list of destinations in their own country.
 Each entry presents the name of the office, the address, the main contact person, and a summary of the office's primary activities.
 The article 'The mandarin maze' describes how named contacts may be located in UK government departments.
persona de edad avanzada 
elderly person
 They are developing ways of increasing access to information for a significant group of handicapped and elderly persons who have difficulty in accessing the printed word.
persona de éxito 
successful person
 A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.
persona de fuera 
 The library director does not want to take the chance that by allowing the trustees to get active he might lose partial control of the library operation to an 'outsider'.
persona dejada 
 It's laughable when Archie Bunker says that, because we know he's an uneducated slob.
persona de la alta sociedad 
 The 54 stills picture actors, poets, socialites, thieves, models, cosumers of amphetamines, painters, filmmakers, and musicians.
persona de la propia empresa 
 All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.
persona de la tercera edad 
 Even among adults, the younger age groups make more use of the library than do their elders.
persona de mantenimiento  [Palabra obsoleta]
 For the last 27 years he had worked as a fettler, a moderately heavy job consisting of trimming and lifting heavy metal castings in a foundry.
persona demasiado complaciente  [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
persona demasiado servicial  [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
persona de muy buen ver 
 I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.
persona de nivel cultural bajo  [Nombre]
lowbrow [low-brow]
 People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.
persona de nivel intelectual bajo  [Nombre]
lowbrow [low-brow]
 People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.
persona de raza blanca  [Raza]
 In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.
persona de raza negra  [Nombre]
 Only blacks had both a social and a moral condition; only women had both a history and a condition.
persona desaparecida 
missing person
 We all know the chances for finding a missing person decreases greatly with each passing day.
persona designada  
 A local coordinating committee was also established for the course, consisting of the President (or his nominee), the local coordinator and the local tutors.
 Library staff members are officially hired by and report to the library director or designate.
persona designada para un cargo 
 Upon hearing the favourable appraisal the committee was giving of her, the young appointee swelled with pride.
persona destacada  [Nombre]
 Andrew Asnes has become a much-admired standout of the Paul Taylor Dance Company.
persona divorciada 
 In both years, widows and widowers far outnumbered divorcees in single parent families.
persona emprendedora 
 He is a go-getter - instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.
persona encargada de actualizar 
 The requirements of a physical form of catalogue can be divided into two categories: those which are primarily in the interest of the catalogue or index maintainer, and those which mostly affect the catalogue user.
persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios 
 The book focuses on Nixon's two terms in office and draws on solid, original source material to get inside the minds of the president and his chief hatchetman, Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, in particular.
persona encargada de las relaciones públicas 
PR man [PR men, -pl.]
 Otherwise they run the risk of being usurped by upstart local government PR men or newspaper consortia.
persona encargada de recabar fondos 
fundraiser [fund-raiser]
 These groups typically use paid fundraisers to solicit donations.
persona en prácticas  [Nombre] 
 This article compares serials cataloguing education in 1977/78 and 1984/85 as well as describing on-the-job training from the perspectives of the trainee and trainer.
 The experience of a preservation librarian who was accepted as an intern on the 3 month conservation course at Cornell University is described.
persona entusiasta y trabajadora 
eager beaver
 Although we're lucky to have them, eager beavers can screw up if you give them the opportunity.
persona estúpida 
 Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.
persona evaluada 
 This allows reviewers and reviewees to discuss what has been achieved during the previous period and to determine what further development or support might be required.
persona exitosa 
successful person
 A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.
persona famosa   [Abreviado a celeb]  [Abreviatura de celebrity]
famous person
 The most famous person to drop out of college who still succeeded in life is no doubt Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
 For instance, if a person is working on building a radio program, the librarian should provide her with background information that helps to set the tone of the program, with facts and foibles of celebrities, with case histories of successful campaigns, with analogies, quotations, and anecdotes, and so on.
 He knew the names of celebs but he could have walked past any one of them in the street without batting an eyelid.
persona ilusa 
 The qualities inherent to the daydreamer's meandering mind are those that I wish to evoke within my photographs.
persona importante y arrogante  
high muck-a-muck
 Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.
 This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.
persona infectada 
infected person
 HIV transmission occurs most commonly during intimate sexual contact with an infected person, including genital, anal, and oral sex.
persona influyente  [Persona o cosa que influye en algún tema o asunto]   [Boxeo]
mover and shaker
heavy weight [heavyweight]
 The seminar aimed at identifying the decision makers and influencers within the educational community.
 The author argues the need to reconsider the role and image of the information professional, as trainer and mover and shaker, whilst stressing the need for continuous professional development.
 Alfred B. Tozer's pseudonymous boxing tales about a character named John L. Jr began while John L. Sullivan was heavy weight champion.
persona informada 
 All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.
persona innovadora 
 No further developments in binding technology took place until the 1850s, whereafter most of the innovators were American, not English.
persona inquieta 
 All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.
persona inscrita 
 The conference drew some 365 registrants.
persona interesada 
 When, a few years later, the typefounder Fry offered founts in Baskerville's eccentric design (which was well known to be bad for the eyes) he found few takers.
persona joven  [Usado indistintatmente para singular y plural]
 Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.
persona mañosa 
handyman [handymen, pl.]
 The impact of television series' and home improvement stores is in the process of transforming a solid handyman niche market into a publishing and bookselling bonanza in the US.
persona más destacada 
top person [top people, -pl.]
 If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.
persona más relevante 
top person [top people, -pl.]
 If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.
persona mayor 
 Even among adults, the younger age groups make more use of the library than do their elders.
persona medianamente cultivada  [Nombre]
middlebrow [middle-brow]
 People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.
persona mortal 
 I think of someone like Zuckerberg to be more in the realm of Einstein than of mere mortals like most.
persona muy atractiva 
 I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.
persona muy bien parecida 
 I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.
persona muy casera  
 I see myself as having the soul of a wide-eyed wanderer when in fact I'm a homebody, destined to see the world simply through the eyes of my friends.
 For me, as such a homelover, having a peaceful and warm home is more important than anything else.
persona muy complaciente   [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 It wasn't until I talked to my Aunt Mary that I fully understood how I'd become a pleaser, and I wasn't really pleased about it.
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
persona muy hogareña  
 I see myself as having the soul of a wide-eyed wanderer when in fact I'm a homebody, destined to see the world simply through the eyes of my friends.
 For me, as such a homelover, having a peaceful and warm home is more important than anything else.
persona muy importante [VIP] 
VIP [very important person]
 Security is essential for very important persons or VIPs like celebrities, politicians and other renowned persons.
persona muy ocupada  
busy beaver
busy bee
 She has certainly be a very busy beaver over the past several weeks.
 Brad is a busy bee with no less than five projects on the horizon.
persona muy servicial   [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto]
people pleaser
 It wasn't until I talked to my Aunt Mary that I fully understood how I'd become a pleaser, and I wasn't really pleased about it.
 At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.
persona muy trabajadora 
hard-working person
 From the story, you can learn that a hard-working person can earn a lot of money.
persona nacida después del baby boom 
baby buster
 The author divides staff into 2 groups: 'baby boomers' (born 1946-1961) who grew up assuming full and secure employment but tend now to be technologically challenged; and 'baby busters' (born 1965-1975) who tend to be technological savants and are taking over the leadership from the older generation of librarians.
persona nacida durante el baby boom  
baby boomer
 The author divides staff into 2 groups: 'baby boomers' (born 1946-1961) who grew up assuming full and secure employment but tend now to be technologically challenged; and 'baby busters' (born 1965-1975) who tend to be technological savants and are taking over the leadership from the older generation of librarians.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
persona nacida en el fin del milenio 
 Millennials say they are prepared to reward or punish a company based on its commitment to social causes.
persona nativa 
native person
 It involved the right of a native person to follow his religious tradition which involved smoking an hallucinogenic substance.
persona nerviosa 
 All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.
persona no experta 
 In the sometimes frenetic push towards international cooperation among research libraries, the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.
persona no grata 
persona non grata
 The persona non grata must be given fair and equitable time to finish their business before warning them.
persona no muy lista pero trabajadora 
 Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy - they see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
persona normal 
ordinary person
 The ordinary person's information needs are becoming more complex and expensive.
persona obsesiva con el trabajo  [También escrito workaholic]  [También escrito workoholic]
workoholic [workholic]
 Also, since they can be workoholics, people should learn to enjoy themselves more and take time off from their work.
 Participants generated 306 different labels for female types (e.g. housewife, feminist, femme fatale, secretary, slob) and 310 for male types (e.g. workaholic, family man, sissy, womanizer, labourer).
persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas 
 The machines for higher analysis have usually been equation solvers.
persona opuesta a 
resister (of/against)
 Incomplete and anachronistic readings of the records from the 1612 trial for her rape have underpinned an image of Artemisia as, in the older treatments, a flirt and vamp or, in more recent ones, a feminist and resister of male violence.
persona problemática 
 The employee must feel that any problem or complaint will be objectively heard and fairly resolved and that the supervisor will not hold it against the employee or consider him or her a troublemaker.
persona que abandona Algo 
 These associations were more pronounced when comparing current drinkers to former drinkers (quitters) than to lifelong abstainers.
persona que apoya una moción o propuesta 
 The seconder of the motion appended that she would like the librarian to have her report ready for the March meeting, if possible.
persona que asigna el trabajo  [Véase "er" para otras palabras terminadas en este sufijo]
 Whole journal assignment saves the time of the assigner.
persona que besa 
 Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.
persona que busca y vive de lo que encuentra en las playas 
 Subjects addressed in this collection of newspaper articles are bioluminescence, beachcomber finds, gulls, barnacles, sand, seaweed, and jellyfish.
persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia 
 He's such a job-hopper: he's had three professional jobs in his three years since getting his degree in three different libraries = Es una persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia: ha tenido tres trabajos profesionales en tres bibliotecas diferentes en los tres años siguientes a su graduación.
persona que concede una franquicia 
franchiser [franchisor]
 The principle incorporates the basic advantage of franchising; where the franchisee buys access to the franchiser's products, product expertise, training, support and corporate branding.
persona que convoca una reunión 
convener [convenor]
 The author of this article is the convener of the Canadian Library Association Copyright Committee.
persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado 
 At any rate, jaywalking is a relatively minor annoyance (and a risk that falls mainly on the jaywalkers themselves), and it should not consume law enforcement resources.
persona que da consuelo 
 They understand their role in a merely conciliatory fashion as that of a 'comforter, mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor'.
persona que deja un trabajo 
 The reasons for turnover, the characteristics of leavers and of stayers, and turnover as an indication of organisational health are being discussed in the library literature.
persona que desfigura Algo 
 Librarians are themselves defacers of books in their use of acidic library stamps and embossed ownership marks.
persona que desprecia u odia 
 What Anselmo maintains on matter of clergy's celibacy, sin of sodomy, monk's and nun's vows of chastity, and about the marriage shows nevertheless that he was not a despiser of the human being.
persona que desvela escándalos o corrupción  [Originalmente usado para referirse a las personas (generalmente periodistas) que revelaban escándalos o corrupción]
 The influence of muckrakers has been so great that, paradoxically, they seem easy to ignore in constructing a history of the academic field of communication.
persona que duerme bien 
good sleeper
 Our study attempted to evaluate the socio-professional correlates of insomnia by comparing a group of insomniacs to a group of good sleepers.
persona que duerme mal 
poor sleeper
 Only the parent of the poor sleeper can understand what it feels like to have less than eight hours of sleep for three solid years.
persona que elabora el plan de estudios 
syllabus maker
 Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.
persona que envía un sms 
 The strong arm of the law is not enough to still the busy hands of texters while they're driving.
persona que escucha a escondidas 
 This article discusses strategies for protecting data on the Internet from eavesdroppers.
persona que escucha en secreto 
 This article discusses strategies for protecting data on the Internet from eavesdroppers.
persona que está a dieta 
 By limiting carbohydrates, dieters will decrease levels of insulin and body fat, and weight loss is the result of fat loss.
persona que está aprendiendo a conducir 
learner driver
 Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.
persona que está de picnic 
 The dog snatched the sandwiches still wrapped in their tinfoil and scoffed the lot before the unsuspecting picnickers had time to react.
persona que gana mucho dinero 
 He is considered to be one of the most successful players of the last decade and is among the highest 'money-makers' in the world of poker.
persona que hace encajes 
 I belong to two tatting mailing lists both of which are extremely prolific, and have, I believe, over 200 tatters on each list.
persona que hace milagros 
miracle worker
 'I'm not a miracle worker,' Obama declared, after saying he's not 'content' when workers are out of jobs = "No soy un obrador de milagros," declaró Obama, después de decir que no estaba contento cuando los trabajadores están en paro.
persona que hace striptease 
 They also provide a historical account of the origins of striptease and an insight into the world of modern-day commercial strippers.
persona que hace una cita bibliográfica 
 There ought to be a special kind of Hell to which poor citators can be consigned.
persona que hace un comentario 
 A commenter took me to task for being supercilious and said it was inconsistent with my religion.
persona que hace un préstamo 
 The library lends electronic copies of copyrighted books, and protects the copyright of its loaners with its own system.
persona que ha llegado donde está por su propio esfuerzo  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
self-made-man, the
 Samuel Smiles praises the self-made-man who 'on his fellows' necks his footing raises'.
persona que ha viajado mucho 
seasoned traveller
 Only the most seasoned travellers realise the many potential problems they may encounter on such an adventure and take out a suitable travel insurance.
persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas 
 One function of a reference librarian, not legitimatized by inclusion in the curriculum of a library school, is the role of a troubleshooter.
persona que le desea suerte a otra  [Muy frecuentemente en caso de enfermedad]
 He has thanked family, friends, his doctors and the myriad of well-wishers who aided his recovery following life-saving surgery.
persona que le gusta flirtear 
 Incomplete and anachronistic readings of the records from the 1612 trial for her rape have underpinned an image of Artemisia as, in the older treatments, a flirt and vamp or, in more recent ones, a feminist and resister of male violence.
persona que llama  [Normalmente por teléfono]
 A useful procedure to check the identity of the caller is to enter the borrower name in the 'Borrower' field.
persona que no le gusta leer 
 A study of seventh graders at a school in Texas revealed 3 categories of aliterates: dormant, uncommitted, and unmotivated.
persona que no pertenece a la familia 
nonrelative [non-relative]
 Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.
persona que no se presenta a una cita o reserva 
 Such 'no-shows' will result in lost revenue if the flight departs with empty seats that might otherwise have been sold.
persona que no se sale del lugar donde vive 
 The same person cannot be both a man and a woman, a saint and a sinner, a stay-at-home and an explorer, an ancient Roman and a modern Russian.
persona que no utiliza la biblioteca 
non-library user
 Many librarians are also finding that demonstrations of these automated systems provide tantalizing bait to lure the nonlibrary user to instructional sessions.
persona que nunca se deshace de nada   
 In broad terms, lack of weeding was associated with fear, inertia, and a 'packrat mentality,' causing one librarian to remark that it is 'time to weed librarians who don't want to weed'.
 Hoarders may become anxious and angry at the mere suggestion of getting rid of items that they've held onto for years.
 Now to start chucking out stuff that I don't need; being a bit of a magpie, that might be difficult!.
persona que obtiene una franquicia 
 The principle incorporates the basic advantage of franchising; where the franchisee buys access to the franchiser's products, product expertise, training, support and corporate branding.
persona que paga impuestos 
taxpayer [tax-payer]
 I am also committed, however - and this is what our taxpayers are paying us for - to serving our library users, the people who are paying our salaries.
persona que permanece en un puesto de trabajo 
 The reasons for turnover, the characteristics of leavers and of stayers, and turnover as an indication of organisational health are being discussed in the library literature.
persona que pide asilo 
asylum seeker
 The Red Cross then established and ran a library for the about 500 asylum seekers who were interned on the ship awaiting police interviewing.
persona que pone en práctica Algo 
 The data provide a demographic profile of early adopters of end-user searching in the health care community.
persona que practica el sillonball 
couch potato
 Serious couch potatoes may soon have sofas that order take-out and tune the TV to their favorite programs, without them ever having to lift a finger.
persona que recibe asesoramiento 
 Experience sensitized counselees to the limitations of white counselors, suggesting they became pro-black rather than anti-white.
persona que recoge algo 
 Next a 'picker' cleaned any remaining crumbs of plaster or metal from the face of the plate.
persona que reparte el trabajo  [Véase "er" para otras palabras terminadas en este sufijo]
 Whole journal assignment saves the time of the assigner.
persona que rinde más de lo esperado 
 The upshot is that Japan is now called a country of 115 million overachievers.
persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidad 
 This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
persona que ronca mucho 
 For those who sleep in the same room as a snorer, immediate help is important, and earplugs for snoring are often one of the first solutions tried.
persona que sabe contar anécdotas 
 He is a skillful raconteur, his writing is wonderfully entertaining and his message is controversial, bedazzling, savvy, disquieting... yet optimistic.
persona que se cree Algo 
 USA presidential and vice presidential campaign stories were analyzed in terms of categories of biters and types of bites.
persona que se cuida la línea 
weight watcher
 As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.
persona que se dedica a una tarea monótona 
harmless drudge
 It is undeniable that the ripest crop of unrecognised great inventors, long-lost heirs to dormant peerages, and assorted harmless drudges is to be gathered in the great general libraries of our major cities.
persona que se dedica a una terea monótona 
harmless drudge
 It is undeniable that the ripest crop of unrecognised great inventors, long-lost heirs to dormant peerages, and assorted harmless drudges is to be gathered in the great general libraries of our major cities.
persona que se desarrolla tarde 
late bloomer
 The late bloomers featured here are strong, resilient people whose energy will encourage you to have faith in yourself.
persona que se opone a Algo 
 'Punch' satirised the opponents more cruelly: 'Here is an institution doomed to scare the furious devotees of laissez faire'.
persona que se pone Algo 
 Smoking jackets have declined in popularity since the 1950s, though a minority of wearers still exists.
persona que se promociona a sí misma 
 The biography tells a fascinating story of an egocentric self-promoter who owned America's largest media company in the first half of the 20th century.
persona que se queja  
 Each branch was given a poster to display and a supply of forms which complainants could fill in and these were returned by the library to the nearest consumer protection office for action.
 From this perspective, it can be said that 'complainers tend to have more prior experience of complaining, have a more positive attitude toward complaining, are more self-confident and more assertive'.
persona que sólo habla una lengua 
 The lower class Gaelic monoglots were largely unable to read, being deprived of both libraries and alternative means of obtaining the limited Gaelic literature.
persona que sufre de insomio 
 Our study attempted to evaluate the socio-professional correlates of insomnia by comparing a group of insomniacs to a group of good sleepers.
persona que tira basura al suelo  
litter lout
 I have to wonder at the thought process of litterbugs (those who carelessly toss their garbage anywhere they choose).
 Some draconian laws have been put in place to punish litter louts and heaven help you if you are caught selling chewing gum.
persona que toma la última decisión 
 The author explores the concept of customer for library and information services, and notes the roles of users, influencers and deciders.
persona que va al cine 
moviegoer [movie-goer]
 Surveys show that only 26% of the US population are regular moviegoers.
persona que va por libre  [Persona que no pertenece a un grupo]
 Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.
persona que ve 
sighted person
 Newspapers have not been available to the blind except in shortened recorded versions, mostly received long after sighted persons get their newspapers.
persona que ve/observa 
 Children should be taught to be selective TV watchers and shown that television is a powerful advertising and propaganda tool.
persona que visita un servicio voluntariamente en sus ratos libres 
 This project aimed to provide educators, youth-serving organisations, literacy workers and policy makers with valuable information about how a dropout becomes a 'drop-in'.
persona que viste a la antigua  [Generalmente aplicado a las mujeres]
 The article is entitled 'Loveless frump as hip and sexy party girl: a reevaluation of the old maid stereotype'.
persona reacia a la lectura 
 A study of seventh graders at a school in Texas revealed 3 categories of aliterates: dormant, uncommitted, and unmotivated.
persona rechazada 
 She and countless other 'rejects' from these talent shows may not have the unique qualities in their voices that many music fans seek.
persona recta  [Palabra hebrea]
 One can say he is a good human being, but there is a Yiddish word that defies translation and says it better, he is a mensch.
personas   [Parte implicada en un acuerdo, contrato o juicio]   [Nombre]
 The first of these categories does not involve indexing by humans.
 Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
 There are networks which have been designed for transmitting information to and from computers, rather than transmitting people's voices.
 There is no single public of library users; there are several publics.
personas como  [A veces no se traduce]
the likes of
 But like all of us in the information business, they have been forced to compete with the likes of Yahoo, Altavista, and
personas con ceguera parcial 
 More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.
personas con deficiencias auditivas, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
hearing impaired, the
 A librarians' working group was established to investigate implications of the copyright law for the hearing impaired.
personas con deficiencias mentales corregibles 
educably mentally handicapped (EMH)
 These children, previously grouped with educably mentally handicapped (EMH) children, are generally of high intelligence.
personas con discapacidades mentales, las 
intellectually disabled, the
 The Australian audio book market is expanding rapidly, users now include adult literacy students, the intellectually disabled as well as handicapped people.
personas con discapacidades mentales 
intellectually disabled people
 This article discusses experiences in the selection of materials for intellectually disabled people.
personas con éxito, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
successful, the
 There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.
personas con problemas de lectura  
print handicapped people
print handicapped, the
 The aim is mainstream public library services for visually impaired and other print handicapped people.
 There is a long way to go before the print handicapped have a service equal to their sighted colleagues.
personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa 
print disabled people
 There is a proposal to set up a volunteer reading centre in the library providing access to print disabled people.
personas con problemas de vista, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  
visually impaired, the
visually disabled, the
visually handicapped, the
visually impaired people (VIPs)
visually challenged, the
 Tactile material embraces materials with raised symbols and/or differently textured surfaces that are intended for use by the visually impaired.
 The Stockholm Public Library provides library services to hospitals, the elderly, the deaf, the visually disabled, alcoholics, drug addicts, and prisoners.
 This article discusses services offered by the library to the mentally and physically handicapped, to aphasic and dyslectic users, to visually handicapped university students and provision of talking books in foreign languages.
 This article describes the use of adaptive technologies for visually impaired people in libraries.
 Nowadays, many of the visually challenged are being absorbed in the work force and in industries, because of their abilities, reliability and sincerity.
personas con problemas mentales 
disturbed people
 The author discusses library security in the 1980s which include guidelines for dealing with disturbed people and fortifications such as iron bars, guard dogs and a detection system.
personas con trastornos emocionales 
disturbed people
 The author discusses library security in the 1980s which include guidelines for dealing with disturbed people and fortifications such as iron bars, guard dogs and a detection system.
personas de color 
coloured people
 These are persons who go around under cover of night desecrating graves and also seizing unsuspecting colored people for the purpose of dissection.
personas de la tercera edad, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
elderly, the
 Accordingly, the local library committee decided to levy a charge of 15 cents on each book borrowed, with suitable reductions for the elderly.
personas de piel blanca, las 
fair skinned, the
 Research has also found that the fair skinned Eurocentric model is the somatic norm for advertising.
personas desnutridas 
undernourished, the
 Fueled by a desire to help feed the undernourished, in 1840 he developed a concentrated beef extract.
personas en desventaja  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
disadvantaged, the
 So, by making special provision for the disadvantaged, the library is doing no more than recognizing that there is a group that has special information needs.
personas faltas de servicios, las  [Usado generalmente para referirse a aquellos sectores de la población más marginados]
underserved, the
 This study laid the foundation for the development of library services for the underserved.
personas famosas 
those held up for praise
 This sort of competitive blackmail does nothing but the problems that hinder poor readers and feed the egos of those held up for praise.
personas importantes 
those held up for praise
 This sort of competitive blackmail does nothing but the problems that hinder poor readers and feed the egos of those held up for praise.
persona sin hogar  
homeless man [homeless people, -pl.]
 Gavarni's illustrations of waifs, paupers, and beggars were later published separately, with captions added by the artist.
 This article presents the issue of library use by homeless people in the form of two alternating fictional monologues, one in the mind of a homeless man, the other in the mind of a library official.
persona sin problemas de vista 
sighted person
 Newspapers have not been available to the blind except in shortened recorded versions, mostly received long after sighted persons get their newspapers.
persona sin techo 
homeless man [homeless people, -pl.]
 This article presents the issue of library use by homeless people in the form of two alternating fictional monologues, one in the mind of a homeless man, the other in the mind of a library official.
personas malnutridas 
undernourished, the
 Fueled by a desire to help feed the undernourished, in 1840 he developed a concentrated beef extract.
personas mayores  
older people
elderly people
 Access to information will be improved by providing accommodation and facilities better suited for use by parents with children and older people = El acceso a la información se verá mejorado al proporcionar alojamiento e instalaciones mejor adaptadas a las necesidades de los padres con niños y las personas mayores.
 However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.
personas molestas, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
nuisance, the
 Essentially, problem patrons can be considered in three groups: (1) the dangerous or apparently dangerous; (2) the patron who disrupts readers; and (3) the nuisance whose focus is the librarian.
personas muy activas, las 
those on the go
 The article is entitled 'IBM Thinkpad. The notebook for those on the go'.
personas muy ocupadas, las 
those on the go
 The article is entitled 'IBM Thinkpad. The notebook for those on the go'.
personas no invitadas, las 
uninvited, the
 A glower on his face warned the uninvited to stay well away.
persona solitaria 
lone wolf
 The town was at loggerheads until one moonlit night a neighbour discovered the hen thief, a hungry lone wolf = El pueblo estuvo enfrentado hasta que una noche de luna un vecino descubrió al ladrón de gallinas: un lobo solitario y hambriento.
personas que no pueden salir de casa 
homebound, the
 The system incorporates a mail service to the homebound.
personas que siempre están viajando, las 
those on the go
 The article is entitled 'IBM Thinkpad. The notebook for those on the go'.
personas que son duras de oído, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
hard of hearing, the
 There are 2 groups of people with hearing disorders: the deaf and the hard of hearing and these 2 groups have entirely different needs.
personas relevantes 
those held up for praise
 This sort of competitive blackmail does nothing but the problems that hinder poor readers and feed the egos of those held up for praise.
personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las 
non-technical, the
 The course was not specifically for poets, but was so named in order to be inviting to the non-technical.
personas sin hogar 
 Government documents provide a source of information on homelessness.
personas sin hogar, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
homeless, the
 Problem patrons include, but are not limited to, illiterates simply seeking shelter, alcoholics, the homeless, the mentally disturbed, aggressive young people, and those with offensive odours.
personas sin techo 
 Government documents provide a source of information on homelessness.
personas sin trabajo remunerado, los 
unwaged, the
 The needs of ethnic groups, the unwaged, hospital patients, prisoners and other groups are being constructively considered.
personas solteras 
single people
 Women are doing more than their fair share of recycling, while single people living alone are less likely to recycle.
persona subvencionada 
 The funding guidelines require the enforcement of a written policy on conflicts of interest and disclosure of 'significant' financial interests on the part of fundees.
persona temerosa 
risk taker
 Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.
persona típica, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
average man, the
average citizen, the
 The average man is by nature indolent; he works as little as possible = El ciudadano medio es perezoso por naturaleza, trabaja lo menos posible.
 People don't understand why such spongers are spared while the average citizen is being punished.
persona u organismo que recorta presupuestos o ayuda a reducir gastos 
 NGOs play an important role in civil society; they are its legislative assistants, innovators, cost-cutters and watchdogs.
persona vaga y mal vestida 
 It's laughable when Archie Bunker says that, because we know he's an uneducated slob.
por persona 
per person
 All prices are per person, double occupancy, subject to availability.
presenciar en persona 
see + first-hand
 But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.
préstamo para otra persona 
proxy borrowing
 The importance of proxy borrowing is surely something which should be considered by librarians.
primera persona 
first person
 This article rests on field experience and is written in part in the first person.
representación de personas profanas en la materia 
lay representation
 This article proposes a model for effective lay representation on network governing boards.
ser la persona ideal para 
be the best placed to
 The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.
ser la persona más indicada para 
be in a position to
 At some stage, the librarian will be in a position to examine closely a number of programs that are likely candidates for purchase.
ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo 
be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo
 I am one of the last people in the world to be a devil's advocate for ISBD.
ser una persona sin raíces ni ataduras 
be a rolling stone
 I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.
ser un persona que se levanta tarde 
be a late riser
 He was a late riser, and as the clock on the mantelpiece showed me that it was only a quarter-past seven, I blinked up at him in some surprise.
sólo unas cuantas personas 
only a handful of people
 But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.
sólo un puñado de personas 
only a handful of people
 But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.
tipo de persona  [Nombre]
 There is no single public of library users; there are several publics.
todas las personas implicadas 
all concerned
 This article calls for all concerned to stop reinventing the wheel of automation and to work together to improve it.
trabajar como persona en prácticas 
 I am interning at a public library that is currently organizing its local history collection and would love to be able to place more of its documents on-line, in a digital and searchable format.
tráfico de personas 
 Information kiosks are designed for use in any location in which there is significant footfall, including public libraries, shopping centres and railway stations.
tropezar una persona con otra 
fall over + each other's feet
 Frantic assistants fell over each other's feet trying to retrieve tickets from the rows and rows of issue trays = Los frenéticos auxiliares tropezaban unos con otros intentando coger los tickets de las filas y filas de cajones de préstamo.
usuario en persona 
walk-in user
 Users increasingly demand electronic interfaces that provide personalized, integrated environments available remotely, while the library must continue to provide access to the walk-in user.
ver en persona 
see + first-hand
 But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.
visión contada por una persona de adentro  
insider's look
insider's perspective
 The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.
 The author gives an insider's perspective on what it feels like to be an Arab since the groundshaking events of 1967 when Arab hopes were unexpectedly shattered by the outcome of the Arab Israeli war.
visión de una persona de adentro  
insider's look
insider's perspective
 The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.
 The author gives an insider's perspective on what it feels like to be an Arab since the groundshaking events of 1967 when Arab hopes were unexpectedly shattered by the outcome of the Arab Israeli war.

Trends of use of persona



The term «persona» is very widely used and occupies the 427 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «persona» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of persona
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «persona».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «persona» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «persona» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about persona



Famous quotes and sentences with the word persona.
Booker T. Washington
El éxito debe medirse, no por la posición a que una persona ha llegado, sino por su esfuerzo por triunfar.
Félix María Samaniego
Aparta la amistad de la persona que, si te ve en el riesgo, te abandona.
George Bernard Shaw
Cuando una persona no comprende instintivamente lo que es bueno y lo que es malo, es un tonto o un granuja.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Existe una gran diferencia entre la persona ávida que pide un libro, y la persona cansada que pide un libro para leer.
Harry S. Sullivan
El amor comienza cuando una persona siente que las necesidades de otra son tan importantes como las suyas propias.
Hermann Hesse
El verdadero humor empieza cuando ya no se toma en serio la propia persona.
Hermann Hesse
Cuando odias a una persona, odias algo de ella que forma parte de ti mismo. Lo que no forma parte de nosotros no nos molesta.
Jean Dolent
La felicidad: un placer compartido con otra persona.
Karl W. Von Humboldt
La manera en que una persona toma las riendas de su destino es más determinante que el mismo destino.
Mark Twain
¿Por qué nos alegramos en las bodas y lloramos en los funerales? Porque no somos la persona involucrada.


De persona beoda no fíes tu bolsa.
Persona que gasta faldas no tiene espaldas.
¿Quiénes van a la botica? Por cada persona pobre, tres ricas.
A persona lisonjera, ni oírla siquiera.
A persona lisonjera, no le des oreja.
Bestia es, y no persona, quien de lo ganado no goza.
Cada persona es dueña de su silencio y esclavo de su palabra.
Con dinero, aunque borrico, ¡que buena persona el chico!
Con mala persona el remedio es mucha tierra en medio.
Cuando el doliente va a las boticas, una persona pobre y dos ricas.


Discover the use of persona in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to persona and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Persona y democracia: la historia sacrificial
Maria Zambrano publico por primera vez su libro "Persona y democracia" en 1958, en circunstancias -segun ella misma confiesa en su prologo de 1987- B+bien diferentesB; a las que vivimos hoy.
María Zambrano, 1996
Como Ser Una Persona de Verdad
Kara, a young girl of 11 years old, is confronting the terrible responsibility of taking care of her mother who has a mental illness. She will lie to keep her secret.
Sally Warner, 2002
Persona y acción
Persona y acción es la obra cumbre del pensamiento filosófico de Karol Wojtyla y uno de los textos antropológicos decisivos del siglo XX. Brillante, profundo, original, innovador, poderoso, está, sin duda, destinado a hacerse un hueco ...
Karol Wojtyla, 2011
Inteligencias múltiples en la educación de la persona
Un libro inteligente sobre la educacion de las personas.
Elena María Ortiz de Maschwitz, 2003
Mundo y persona: Ensayos para una teoría cristiana del hombre
«Los trabajos reunidos en el presente libro están al servicio de una pregunta: la pregunta por la esencia del hombre.
Romano Guardini, 2000
Psicología de la persona: Fundamentos antropológicos de la ...
Original reflexión que muestra la importancia del concepto de persona en la psicología aplicada desarrollando el innovador concepto de infirmidad para aplicarlo en la práctica clínica.
Xosé Manuel Domínguez Prieto, 2013
Ser persona y relacionarse: habilidades cognitivas y ...
Con el objetivo de educar para mejorar las relaciones interpersonales, esta carpeta ofrece una breve introducción para el profesorado y numerosas actividades para el alumnado, secuenciadas según edad y nivel psicoevolutivo. Éstas se ...
Manuel Segura Morales, 2002
El contrato para persona por designar y la cláusula de ...
MARIANO YZQUIERDO TOLSADA Catedrático de Derecho civil Director de la colección Agustín Luna Serrano. Abogado. Catedrático de derecho mercantil de la Universidad de Barcelona. Miembro del Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona desde 1973.
Agustín Luna Serrano, 2012
Educar es creer en la persona
Ha pasado el tiempo en el cual lo fundamental para ser un buen profesor se centraba en poseer conocimientos teóricos.
María Augusta Sanches Rossini, 2008
Espíritu, persona y sociedad: Desde el punto de vista del ...
Desde esta formulación, el individuo deviene poco más que un mero medio o escenario donde operan los factores que producen la conducta. La obra de Mead transforma radicalmente tal enfoque.
George Herbert Mead, 1999


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term persona is used in the context of the following news items.
Discapacidad: qué es la planificación centrada en la persona
En los años 80 y 90 se despliegan gran variedad de enfoques de PCP que unen estos principios con procedimientos concretos para ayudar a las personas a ... «, Sep 16»
Persona 5 recibe una nota casi perfecta en Famitsu; durará 80 horas
Persona 5 llegará de manos de Atlus para PS3 y PS4 en el país del Sol Naciente, mientras que en Europa y Norteamérica tendremos que esperar hasta el mes ... «MeriStation, Sep 16»
Persona 5 llegará el próximo San Valentín
Deep Silver ha anunciado la fecha de lanzamiento de Persona 5 para occidente. Siguiendo al estreno japonés del título de Atlus, que se producirá el próximo ... «IGN España, Aug 16»
Nuevo vídeo de Persona 5
Atlus ha publicado un nuevo spot televisivo para promocionar el lanzamiento de Persona 5 en Japón el próximo 15 de septiembre. El vídeo tiene como ... «Eurogamer España, Aug 16»
Persona 5 estrena nuevos videos con secuencias de juego
Atlus, desarrolladora y distribuidora de 'Persona 5', ha publicado un vídeo donde se recogen algunas secuencias de juego en las que podemos ver en combate ... «elsotanoperdido, Aug 16»
Marc Anthony, Persona del año
La estrella de la salsa Marc Anthony ha sido distinguido con el galardón honorífico Persona del Año 2016 por la Academia Latina de la Grabación. "Gracias a la ... «EL PAÍS, Jul 16»
Tráiler y nuevos detalles del especial animado de Persona 5
El martes Atlus desveló en el evento especial de “Persona 5 Complete Unveiling Premiere” nuevos detalles sobre la quinta entrega de la saga rolera de ... «Ramen Para Dos, Jul 16»
Koch Media distribuirá Persona 5 y los juegos de ATLUS en España
Desde que ATLUS y NIS America rompieron su acuerdo de distribución en Europa varios juegos de la compañía del Jack Frost quedaron en el limbo de cara al ... «, Jul 16»
¿Eres una persona tóxica? Descúbrelo en estas 5 características
Algunos rasgos generales de las personas con personalidades tóxicas tienen que ver con un gran ego, el pesimismo, la descalificación hacia el otro, ... «El Diario de Hoy, Jun 16»
Persona 5 solo incluirá el doblaje inglés en Occidente
Atlus ha anunciado que Persona 5 no nos dará la posibilidad de seleccionar el idioma del doblaje, de modo que el juego nos llegará únicamente con voces en ... «Vandal, Jun 16»



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