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Meaning of "préstamo" in the Spanish dictionary



prés · ta · mo play


Préstamo is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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Definition of préstamo in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of loan in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of lending. The loan of books is done in the afternoon. Another meaning of loan in the dictionary is the amount of money that is requested, usually to a financial institution, with the obligation to return it with an interest. They have denied us the loan. Loan is also a contract whereby a private individual is obliged to return the money that has been lent to him. La primera definición de préstamo en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción y efecto de prestar. El préstamo de libros se realiza por las tardes. Otro significado de préstamo en el diccionario es cantidad de dinero que se solicita, generalmente a una institución financiera, con la obligación de devolverlo con un interés. Nos han denegado el préstamo. Préstamo es también contrato mediante el cual un particular se obliga a devolver el dinero que le ha sido prestado.

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Synonyms and antonyms of préstamo in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «préstamo» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of préstamo

Translation of «préstamo» into 25 languages

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The translations of préstamo from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «préstamo» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of préstamo in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

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260 millions of speakers

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220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

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130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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cho vay
80 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  borrowing ; charge-out ; circulation ; issue ; lending ; lending and borrowing ; loan ; loan ; issuing ; charge ; checkout [check-out] ; library issue ; circ [circulation].
 Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad.
 Charge-out then begins with an empty screen with places to read in the borrower numbers and up to nine copy numbers (Figure 86).
 Each local library is a separate administrative unit with separate and independent files for circulation, acquisitions, periodicals, and holdings.
 This system incorporates all the usual functions associated with the issue, return and reservation of library materials.
 While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
 While the benefits have been obvious, the mounting costs of lending and borrowing are causing serious concern.
 A search of these files may be useful in the ordering of photocopies and loans.
 The EIB is able to borrow money at the best possible rates, and as it is non-profit making it is able to offer loans at advantageous terms.
 The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
 The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
 Library management systems have reduced the manual tasks of checkin, checkout, catalogue management and the like.
 This article describes a survey which was promoted by a sense that fiction in libraries is often undervalued, despite the fact that fiction accounts for a high proportion of public library issues.
 As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.
amortizar un préstamo  
repay + a loan
pay off + a loan
 I've had and repaid a loan before, why am I being declined now?.
 The best way to pay off a loan quicker is to pay more than the required monthly payment.
área de préstamo 
checkout area
 Merchandising techniques such as face-out shelving, displays, paperbacks near the checkout area may be used.
autorealización de préstamos  [En el préstamo bliotecario, registro de los datos del libro que un usuario se lleva en préstamo realizado por él mismo]
self-checkout [self-check-out]
 Implementation of self-checkout circulation systems may be an important technological investment for libraries to consider.
autorenovación del préstamo 
 Self-renewal has proved a success, reducing queues and reducing pressure on staff; but the take-up of self-issue has been disappointing.
autorización de préstamo 
borrowing privileges
 I would think that we would still charge for lost and damaged books and that we would revoke borrowing privileges of chronic offenders, or whatever we decide to call them.
auxiliar de préstamo 
circulation clerk
 'Let's go to my office,' he enjoined, noticing that the circulation clerks were beginning to take an interest in the dialogue.
biblioteca de préstamo  [Biblioteca que permite al usuario llevarse el libro en préstamo durante un período de tiempo establecido]  
lending library
circulating library
circulation library
 The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
 The author offers a brief outline of the main types of library and their role in the lives of users: the circulating library; the subscription library; and the appurtenant library.
 The author discusses the history of circulation libraries in general.
Biblioteca Nacional de Préstamo para la Ciencia y Tecnología (NLL)  [Biblioteca británica encargada de los préstamos interbibliotecarios y que en los setenta pasó a formar parte de la Biblioteca Británica de Préstamo Interbibliotecario]
National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL)
 The Lending Division, which is based at Boston Spa in Yorkshire, was formed by the amalgamation of the National Central Library and the National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL).
bibliotecario de préstamo  [Bibliotecario encargado del préstamo]
lending librarian
 Automation can bring the work of reference and lending librarians closer together to the benefit of both librarians and users.
bibliotecario de préstamos  [Bibliotecario encargado del préstamo]
borrowing librarian
 Nothing should be more humiliating to a borrowing librarian than to have overlooked a needed book in one's own library.
bolsa de control de préstamo 
book pocket
 Most provide catalogue cards with books, and some process the material by providing, for example markings, book pockets and cards.
buzón para la devolución de préstamos  [En bibliotecas, cavidad con apertura al exterior del edificio que se instala para permitir que los usuarios puedan devolver los libros cuando la biblioteca está cerrada]  [En bibliotecas, cavidad con apertura al exterior del edificio que se instala para permitir que los usuarios puedan devolver los libros cuando la biblioteca está cerrada]
book chute
book return box
 The study confirmed that books were damaged by book chutes fitted to public libraries to enable borrowers to return books when the library is closed.
 The conscientious borrower with a fine under $0.75 who comes to the desk will pay his fine, while the person who drops his book in the book return box outside will pay nothing because we don't bother to write up fines for less than $0.75.
cajón de préstamo  [Cajón donde se guardan los datos de los libros prestados y de los lectores que los tienen]
issue tray
 Frantic assistants fell over each other's feet trying to retrieve tickets from the rows and rows of issue trays = Los frenéticos auxiliares tropezaban unos con otros intentando coger los tickets de las filas y filas de cajones de préstamo.
carnet de préstamo 
library card
 Use of the borrower name for charge-out is particularly useful in special libraries where the borrower does not necessarily have a library card.
Centro Nacional de Préstamos  [Organismo de la Biblioteca Nacional francesa encargado de los préstamos interbibliotecarios]
National Lending Centre
 The French National Lending Centre is part the Bibliotheque Nationale, and works closely with its parent institution to meet the requests received.
colección de préstamo 
circulating collection
 During the summer of 1987 the library began a massive barcoding of the library's circulating collection using a combination of smart and dumb barcodes prepared by the bibliographic utility UTLAS.
colección de préstamo restringido  [En bibliotecas académicas, documentos que un profesor recomienda para su curso y cuyo tiempo de préstamo está limitado de algún modo para dar lugar a que todos los alumnos los puedan utilizar]
course reserve
 Course reserves are items that faculty make available to students enrolled in a particular class.
conceder un préstamo 
grant + loan
 Broadly the Bank may grant loans for the financing of projects for stimulating development in the less favoured regions (LFRs).
control de préstamo 
circulation control
 Circulation control is the process of maintaining records of books on loan and borrowers.
cuota de préstamo 
lending fee
 Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.
departamento de préstamo 
circulation department
 I cannot tell you how happy we in the circulation department will all be to put an end once and for all to the smiling delinquent patron who rejoices in paying his fine because he is thereby 'supporting a worthy cause'.
departamento de préstamo interbibliotecar 
interlibrary loan department
 The document should not be shelved, but returned to the interlibrary loan department.
depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura 
after-hours book drop
 However, he would prefer a binding that will stand up to being stuffed into after-hours book drops and being hauled from one library to another.
de préstamo 
 The role of the university library embraces 5 functions: archival, bibliophilic, circulating, duplicating and dispensing and electronic.
derecho de préstamo 
lending right
 These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.
derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR)  [Ley que obliga a las bibliotecas a compensar económicamente a los autores por el préstamo que se haga de sus libros]
public lending right (PLR)
 The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.
devolución de préstamos  
check-in [checkin]
book return
 Special check-in of loans is identical to regular check-in, except that a date is requested before the check-in procedure begins.
 This article considers the likely effect of overdue notices on book returns.
disponible al préstamo 
 The role of the university library embraces 5 functions: archival, bibliophilic, circulating, duplicating and dispensing and electronic.
dispositivo de préstamo  [Equipo electrónico utilizado para la desactivación magnética del dispositivo antirrobo incorporado al material bibliográfico]
checkout unit
 Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.
distribución de documentos de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan document delivery
 This article discusses the history of telefacsimile technology and the uses to which it can be put in libraries focusing on its impact on interlibrary loan document delivery.
División de Préstamo de la Biblioteca Británica (BLLD)  [Organismo de la Biblioteca Británica encargado de los préstamos interbiliotecarios]
British Library Lending Division (BLLD)
 Roy Adams has developed an intelligent terminal capable of storing loan requests and transmitting them to the British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
en préstamo    
in circulation
on loan
out on loan
 The pick-up location is requested and a hold is placed on all copies of the document which are in circulation.
 Circulation control is the process of maintaining records of books on loan and borrowers.
 Documents which will not be evident to the browser of shelves include: documents out on loan, documents which might be obtained by inter-library loan, and any collections which are kept in closed access.
 Checked-out documents have to be claimed consistently.
estadística de préstamo 
circulation statistics
 The project was clearly a success, with circulation statistics for documents increasing nearly 500 per cent and continuing to rise.
estadística de préstamos  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
loan statistics
 Management information is available for loan statistics.
excluido del préstamo  
non-circulating [noncirculating]
 Normally, a hold should not be placed on a document when there are uncirculated copies.
 The method is especially useful in assessing collection use for non-circulating titles.
ficha de préstamo del libro  [En circulación manual, cartulina que contiene los datos básicos de un libro y que se guarda junto con el carnet de lector cuando el libro se retira de la biblioteca en préstamo]
book card [bookcard]
 The date label in each book is stamped with the date of return; the book card is removed from each book and inserted into the reader's tickets (one book card per ticket).
fichero de préstamo 
circulation file
 The circulation file is indexed by borrower name and number.
fondo de préstamo por horas  [En el préstamo bibliotecario, conjunto de material de gran uso cuyo préstamo normalmente está restringido por horas]
short-loan collection
 If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.
frecuencia de préstamo del material  [En circulación, promedio de veces que se prestan los documentos]
turnover rate
 This article describes an experiment which tested the broader effect of displays on turnover rate and total circulation = Este artículo describe un experimento para comprobar el efecto general de los expositores en la frecuencia de préstamo del material y en la circulación total.
hacer un préstamo  
 The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
 The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.
hoja de préstamo  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]  [En el préstamo, hoja que se rellena con los datos del documento solicitado y los datos del lector como testigo de la transacción realizada]  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]
routing slip
issue form
circulation slip
 The periodical issues are provided with a 'routing slip' which has to be signed and dated by each user concerned.
 The borrower will be requested to fill in a triplicate issue form for each document he wishes to borrow.
 If you use this application, you can also access and edit your cirulation slips online = Si utiliza esta aplicación, también puede acceder y modificar en línea sus hojas de circulación de las revistas.
libro de préstamo vencido 
overdue book
 This article looks at one method, adopted by the Sheppard Memorial Library, Greenville, North Caroline, to cope with the problem of overdue books.
lista de préstamo  [En publicaciones seriadas, hoja que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]  [En publicaciones seriadas, hoja que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]
routing list
circulation list
 It is advisable to prefix all routing list names with a common abbreviation to distinguish them from normal borrower names and to make them easy to find.
 If you circulate issues of journals in your library we can print and attach circulation lists prior to shipping = Si usted hace circular los números de las revistas de su biblioteca entre los usuarios, podemos imprimir y adjuntar listas de circulación antes de enviárselas.
máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía  
photocharging machine
 The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger.
 Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.
módulo de préstamos 
circulation module
 Functions of this library system include: cataloguing; authority control; online public access catalogue; circulation; acquisitions; and serials control modules.
mostrador de préstamo     
circulation desk
control counter
check-out desk
library issue desk
front desk
 For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.
 The control counter and associated screening are part of a co-ordinated modular system comprised of units which are readily reassembled into different configurations.
 When you arrive at the check-out desk you have a laden trolley and many more items than on your shopping list.
 This study was initiated to provide ergonomics information concerning the design and layout of library issue desks.
 While we do not envision library customers pulling out their wallets at the front desk, they are still expending a valuable resource - time.
mostrador de préstamos  
issue desk
issue counter
 Short-loans could move adjacent to the main issue desk at the south by moving furniture, or at the north by rearranging the catalogue.
 Monotony can be avoided by special lighting for individual cubicles, issue counters and exhibition areas.
no disponible para el préstamo 
 The values given are used to calculate when overnight loans are due and when hourly loans convert to overnight to not-loanable.
normas de préstamos vencidos 
overdue policy
 This information is defined by the overdue policy of the library.
normativa de préstamo 
loan policy
 This condition occurs when the loan policy indicates that the document may not be lent to particular types of borrowers.
número de préstamo 
charging number
 Access is available by author/title key and classmark, as well as by control number and charging number.
número de préstamos 
circulation figures
 A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.
pantalla de préstamo 
charge-out screen
 Any errors detected or other special information is reported on the charge-out screen.
papeleta de petición de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan request form
 Having ascertained that the required book is not in the stock of his own library, the reader will complete an interlibrary loan request form.
papeleta de solicitud de préstamo  [En bibliotecas, papeleta con los datos básicos del documento que el usuario rellena para solicitar un préstamo ]
call slip
 This article describes the selection and implementation of an automated circulation system, to replace the old system of hand written call slips.
pedir en préstamo 
 The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.
pedir un préstamo 
take + a loan
 The women, having first taken a loan from the Grameen Bank to set themselves up in business, make a living by providing a mobile phone service to their neighbours.
período de préstamo 
lending period
 Return borrowed books on time or extend the lending period in order to avoid reminder procedures for which fees will be charged.
persona que hace un préstamo 
 The library lends electronic copies of copyrighted books, and protects the copyright of its loaners with its own system.
petición de préstamo 
loan request
 Roy Adams has developed an intelligent terminal capable of storing loan requests and transmitting them to the British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
petición de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan request
 Statistics were obtained on literature searches conducted during 1976; these were compared with interlibrary loan requests submitted during that period, as well as during the previous year.
poner en préstamo 
 However, if the volumes of the encyclopedia will not be circulated, the volumes need to be entered separately.
préstamo a domicilio 
home lending
 Home lending to the elderly is not well developed in Finland.
préstamo agrícola     
farm loan
farm loan
farm loan
farm credit
agricultural credit
 This article provides a classification of farm loans and outlines six month US Treasury bills and long-term US Treasury Bonds interest rates.
 This article provides a classification of farm loans and outlines six month US Treasury bills and long-term US Treasury Bonds interest rates.
 This article provides a classification of farm loans and outlines six month US Treasury bills and long-term US Treasury Bonds interest rates.
 There will be higher prices in the markets this fall because of the lack of farm credit.
 An adjectival heading comprise either a noun or noun phrase with adjectival modifier; for example, agricultural credit.
préstamo asumible 
assumable loan
 Though assumable loans have a number of advantages over new loans, there are a few disadvantages to them as well.
préstamo automatizado 
automated lending
 Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
préstamo breve  
short-term loan
 Short-loans could move adjacent to the main issue desk at the south by moving furniture, or at the north by rearranging the catalogue.
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into short-term loans for unbound periodicals.
préstamo de libros  
book lending
checking out books
 Rules and conditions concerning book lending are the most important items in a library's statute book, binding the reader by specific obligations in the process of borrowing books.
 Many people believe that librarian activity centers around checking out books.
préstamo de periodo fijo 
fixed date loan period
 This is called a fixed date loan period.
préstamo de plazo intermedio 
intermediate-term loan
 For example, a university library might have several types of borrowers for circulation purposes, graduate students (intermediate-term loans) and undergraduate students (short-term loans).
préstamo electrónico 
e-lending [electronic lending]
 What softwares are coming down the pike for potential future e-lending of varied digital content (music, print, video...)?.
préstamo hipotecario 
 Incoming paper records, such as mortgage, deeds and liens are now captured electronically using document scanners and stored on optical discs for quick access during searches.
préstamo interbibliotecario        
ILL (Interlibrary Loan)
interlending transaction
interlibrary lending
interlibrary loan
loan traffic
interlibrary borrowing
 The decision to introduce payments for ILL in Australia has caused much concern and a lot of anger.
 Already some of these catalogues are available in online data bases in order that they better support inter-lending.
 Customs barriers and restrictions on agency agreements for publishers may make life easier but there is no immediate sign of monetary union which would simplify the payment for international interlending transactions.
 In the future, the union catalogue will have a central role to play in inter-library lending.
 Additional material types for interlibrary loans and for the circulation of periodical subscriptions may be useful.
 More than ten years ago one of the problems that was brought to our attention concerned the interloan of nonbook material.
 Regional loan traffic has increased above average.
 The article is entitled 'Checking up on the Joneses: using fill time data to improve interlibrary borrowing'.
préstamo internacional 
international lending
 This article tells a brief story of the development of Universal Availability of Publications (UAP) from its origins in the IFLA Committee on international lending in 1972.
préstamo nocturno 
overnight loan
 If this is the first time the charge-out function has been used for the day, the user will be asked to confirm or change the closing time for the day, the opening time for the next day, and the time overnight loans are due the next day.
préstamo para compra de coche 
car loan
 The loan can be a mortgage, car loan, or any other simple interest amortization over a fixed time with fixed monthly payments.
préstamo para otra persona 
proxy borrowing
 The importance of proxy borrowing is surely something which should be considered by librarians.
préstamo personal 
personal loan
 If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.
préstamo por horas 
hourly loan
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into hourly loans for some reference materials.
préstamo por lector 
circulation per capita
 If the library has a current and well balanced collection, indicators like circulation per capita and collection turnover rate (average annual circulation per item) can be very high in a prison library.
préstamo prolongado 
long-term loan
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into long-term loans for books and bound volumes for periodicals.
préstamo reembolsable al vencimiento 
bullet loan
 When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).
préstamo renovado 
extended loan
 If there are extended loans in the loan policy, only copies out on extended loan will be used to satisfy hold request.
procesamiento de préstamos 
loan processing
 The Interlibrary Loan System increases resource sharing by providing effective loan processing.
procesar la devolución del préstamo  
charge in
check in
 The document is not charged in or renewed.
 The document is checked in and the name of the borrower for whom it is held is displayed in the call number column.
que no se puede sacar en préstamo 
non-circulating [noncirculating]
 The method is especially useful in assessing collection use for non-circulating titles.
que puede salir en préstamo 
 At any given level of demand, fewer loanable copies of an item are needed if provision is made on a national rather than a regional basis.
realización de préstamos 
checkout [check-out]
 Library management systems have reduced the manual tasks of checkin, checkout, catalogue management and the like.
red de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan network
 However, in these days of financial stringency, no library achieves complete self-sufficiency but has to rely on the back-up services of the inter-library loan network.
renovación del préstamo 
 The maximum number of renewals allowed for each material and borrower type is given in the 'RRRR' column.
renovación de préstamos 
extended loan
 If there are extended loans in the loan policy, only copies out on extended loan will be used to satisfy hold request.
renovar el préstamo de un documento 
renew + a document
 The computer must know the number of times particular documents may be renewed.
retirar un libro en préstamo 
check out + book
 The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out and the classes of books used in the library.
sacar en préstamo   
charge out
check out
 There was a steady flow of people charging out materials, and the checker was inspecting their bags as usual.
 The author describes a recent development that permits patrons to check out their own library materials, freeing library staff members for other tasks.
 The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.
sacar un libro en préstamo 
borrow + a book
 While there are features of public libraries which are to be cherished - the role as a community meeting place, a place to borrow books, a safe haven - we must look for new opportunities.
sanción por préstamo vencido 
overdue fine
 The most familiar method - overdues fines - has continued to produce a great deal of debate.
sección de préstamo  
lending collection
lending stock
 The library, which is of split-level design on 2 floors, includes a lending collection, children's library, study area, and audio-visual section.
 Librarians should consider total integration of the collections, including reference and lending stock, and non-book materials.
servicio de préstamo  
lending service
loaner service
 The public library can overcome its public image as a solely lending service and effectively promote itself as an information agency.
 Here in the library, we've been able to establish a very successful laptop loaner service giving our patrons the flexibility to maintain a live connection anywhere within the building.
servicio de préstamo a domicilio 
home lending service
 Legislation is needed to improve home lending services and to encourage public libraries to respond to the new demands they will face with the growth in community care of the elderly.
servicio de préstamo de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlending service
 LASER operates an interlending service which is based upon its union catalogue.
sin préstamo 
non-circulating [noncirculating]
 The method is especially useful in assessing collection use for non-circulating titles.
sistema automatizado de préstamo  
automated lending system
computerised issue system
 The article discusses the following standards to which bookmobiles must conform: suspension, electrical system, heating system, safety and comfort, length and width, interior furnishings, exteriors, collections, and automated lending systems.
 With a computerized issue system, security system and closed-circuit TV, the new library is almost unrecognisable from the dark, old-fashioned place that preceded it.
sistema de préstamo      
circulation system
issue system
lending system
book checking system
charge out system
library issue system
 BLCMP's circulation system can be extensively tailored to meet local requirements.
 Among academic libraries, automation of the issue system and serials control were ranked second and third respectively.
 Project staff have compiled a catalogue of material available throughout the area and plan to introduce a lending system for users.
 One of the supervisor's jobs is to make sure that the book checking system is in order.
 The more expensive media such as kits, models, and games are too large for someone to sneak past a vigilant charge out system = Los conjuntos documentales multimedia, las maquetas y los juegos son demasiado grandes para que alguien los pase sin ser visto por el sistema de préstamo.
 The article 'Ergonomics of library issue systems' makes recommendations about, workplace layout, work environment, and work organisation at library issue desks as these affect both staff and customers.
sistema de préstamo automatizado 
automated circulation system
 The author presents a descriptive study of the statistics produced and the reports generated by automated circulation systems at large public libraries in Ontario.
sistema de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan system
 The interlibrary loan system increases resource sharing by providing effective loan processing.
situación de préstamo 
loan status
 Typical local data might be locations, loan status, items in special collections.
sobre para el control del préstamo 
slip holder pocket
 On presenting his membership card, the librarian will draw up a 'slip holder pocket' containing the library registration number and the personal details of the borrower.
tarifa de préstamo 
lending fee
 Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.
tasa de préstamo   
lending rate
lending rate
lending fee
 This paper discusses the importance of the urban public library for the poor, newly literate Africans; implications for the library (high lending rate and high maintenance, repair and replacement costs); and economic constraints.
 This paper discusses the importance of the urban public library for the poor, newly literate Africans; implications for the library (high lending rate and high maintenance, repair and replacement costs); and economic constraints.
 Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.
terminal de préstamo 
issue terminal
 The issue terminal also incorporates a warning light in case a reserved book has slipped through the system and found its way on to the shelves.
tiempo de préstamo  [En evaluación de servicios, tiempo medio entre el momento en que un usuario comienza el procedimiento de préstamo y el momento en que el ejemplar está disponible para ser retirado en préstamo]
document delivery
 Document delivery is the average time between the moment a user starts with the necessary procedures to borrow a document and the moment the item is available at the issue desk.
total de préstamos 
circulation figures
 A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.
trabajo de préstamo de servicios 
service job
 Many women in service jobs work as waitresses, cooks, hospital attendants, cleaning women, and hairdressers.
tramitar la devolución de un préstamo 
discharge + book
 In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.
tramitar un préstamo 
charge + book
 In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.
usada en el préstamo  [En circulación, etiqueta identificadora del libro usada en el préstamo]
 Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.
usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo 
heavy borrower
 At Hounslow Libraries 57% of members were light borrowers (13 items or less per year) and 8% were heavy borrowers (more than 60 items per year).
usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo 
light borrower
 At Hounslow Libraries 57% of members were light borrowers (13 items or less per year) and 8% were heavy borrowers (more than 60 items per year).
usuario que hace uso del préstamo  [Usuario de biblioteca o similar que hace uso del préstamo]
 The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.

Trends of use of préstamo



The term «préstamo» is very widely used and occupies the 2.594 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «préstamo» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of préstamo
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «préstamo».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «préstamo» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «préstamo» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about préstamo



Famous quotes and sentences with the word préstamo.
Proverbio Malayo
Podemos pagar un préstamo de oro pero siempre estaremos en deuda con quienes han sido amables con nosotros.


Discover the use of préstamo in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to préstamo and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El préstamo lingüístico en la actualidad. Los anglicismos
Como ha señalado Gómez Capuz (2004: 17) Bloomfield, en 1933, distinguió, desde una perspectiva sociolingüística y, en cierta manera, etimológica, tres tipos fundamentales de préstamo: cultural, íntimo y dialectal (de todos ellos, considera ...
M.a Auxiliadora Castillo Carballo
Spanish Business Dictionary: Multicultural Business Spanish
... lender préstamo loan préstamo a la vista demand loan préstamo a plazo fijo ( Ar) level- payment mortgage préstamo a tasa fija fixed-rate loan préstamo colaterizado con valores securities loan préstamo comercial commercial loan préstamo ...
Morry Sofer, 2005
Bilingual dictionary of legal and business terms:
Préstamo pagadero a solicitud o a ¡a vista Presentar (presentados para la correspondiente decisión en dicha asamblea) Presented for action at such meeting Presentar una demanda File suit/ action Presentar una queja/ un pleito/ un litigio ...
Veronique Bodoutchian-Sáiz, 2000
Diccionario técnico inglés-español ...
Loan long-term Loan (bailout) Préstamo de salvamento. Loan (balloon) Préstamo cuyos vencimientos de reembolso son crecientes. Loan (bulldog) Empréstito obligacionista. Loan (day-to-day) Préstamo a muy corto plazo. Loan ( fixed-term) ...
Julio G. Villalón, Josefina Martínez Barbeito, 2003
Solicitud de préstamo y cooperación técnica presentada por ...
IICA-Costa Rica. CUADRO II 1-5 FUNDES: FUENTES DE CAPITAL, M0IJT03 Y COIIDICIOITES CREDITICIAS ' ". OTORGADAS A LA FUNDACIOIT W&t-'IOIS ,;r De esta suma captada, casi un 07% '1& constituyeron recursos obtenidas en ...
IICA-Costa Rica
Programa de Desarrollo Rural 1977-1980. Solicitud de ...
... para vender a ni.cro-empreaari.oa a través -90-. Fuente de Capital . , .Monto Origen Plazo .. (año) Tasa de interés % Año.,1973: ......... Banco de Caldas Aportantes 5,479 Préstamo Donaciones r 1 13 r 110.614 Sub-^totál anual 124.093 Año ...
López Rubio, A., Siinger Gill, H.
Propuesta de cooperación técnica al BCIE para la supervisión ...
La propuesta, luego de esta introducción, incluye una segunda parte con los antecedentes del préstamo otorgado por el BCIE al Banco Central de Nicaragua, y en el cual se señalan las características y condiciones de ese préstamos, dado  ...
Contratación mercantil y bancaria
Dentro del concepto de préstamo cabe distinguir entre el denominado comodato o préstamo de uso y el préstamo simple o mutuo, también conocido como préstamo de consumo. El art. 1740 CC define ambas modalidades cuando establece ...
Informe de Evaluación, Proyecto de Investigación y Extensión ...
... de estas 71 con recursos del préstamo y la diferencia con las recuperaciones de los fondos generados por la venta de semovientes a los agricultores; esta compra de 71 yuntas con un valor de 86.6 mj_ les de lempiras representa un 86.6% ...
El préstamo de la difunta y otros relatos
Una colección de cuentos largos de Blasco Ibáñez publicados con este título que lo es también de uno de los relatos. La maestría de Blasco para el cuento, reconocida en su tiempo, está volviendo a ser revalorizada.
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, José Mas, María Teresa Mateu, 1998


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term préstamo is used in the context of the following news items.
Gobernador de La Guajira colombiana asegura cumplirá obra con ...
"Hay un préstamo del Banco Mundial por 90 millones de dólares, ese préstamo tiene que estar ejecutado a abril de 2017", explicó en una entrevista telefónica y ... «Terra Colombia, Sep 16»
Sepa cuál es el objetivo del préstamo por US$300M que el Banco ...
El préstamo buscará mejorar, entre otros servicios, los programas sociales para que el 60% de la población en pobreza extrema se beneficie con al menos un ... «AméricaEconomí, Sep 16»
El Sistema de Préstamo de Bicicletas de Salamanca registra en el ...
Además, en las casi 30 bases de bicicletas que hay en la ciudad se han registrado en el primer semestre de este año 29.444 préstamos, una cifra que asciende ... «, Aug 16»
Rechazan préstamo millonario a Layín
El polémico alcalde de San Blas, Hilario Ramírez Villanueva, mejor conocido como Layín, solicitó un préstamo al Congreso del estado por 23 millones de ... «Excélsior, Aug 16»
Iberdrola firma un préstamo con el BEI por 200 millones
Iberdrola ha firmado con el Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) un préstamo por valor de 200 millones de euros y vencimiento a seis años, fecha prevista para ... «La Crónica de Salamanca, Aug 16»
Tobio jugará otro año a préstamo en Boca
El defensor Fernando Tobio jugará un año más a préstamo en Boca y con una opción de compra, luego de que el club xeneize y Palmeiras llegaron a un ... «La Nueva Provincia, Aug 16»
Egipto negocia con el FMI un préstamo de 7.000 millones
Tras varios años en conversaciones entre el FMI y Egipto, el préstamo de 7.000 millones de dólares supone un alivio para las cuentas públicas egipcias. «Dirigentes Digital, Jul 16»
Teo Gutiérrez llega a Rosario Central a préstamo por un año
El delantero colombiano Teófilo Gutiérrez jugará la próxima temporada a préstamo en Rosario Central, luego de que el "Canalla" acordó los términos del ... «Terra Argentina, Jul 16»
Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas da préstamo al BCV sin ...
Un crédito de 482,5 millones de dólares para el Banco Central de Venezuela fue aprobado por el Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas, para continuar con “su ... «Efecto Cocuyo, Jul 16»
EEUU: Hombre de 80 años mata a otro de 81 por préstamo
Una disputa sobre el pago de un préstamo fue el motivo para que un hombre de 80 años matara a otro de 81 años en un cementerio en Rhode Island, dijo la ... «, Jun 16»



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