The translations of कूँदना from Hindi to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «कूँदना» in Hindi.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «कूँदना» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Hindi literature, quotes and news about कूँदना
Discover the use of कूँदना in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to कूँदना and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Hindi literature.
Gujarāta ke Kr̥shṇabhaktta kavi aura unakā Brajabhāshā kāvya
सिर योर के चन्द आनन्द बदन जीवन, भुजा लटकी कूँदना । लाश्मीदास किहि बली जाऊँ, नर भेष घोषपति नन्द के ललना 1। है'" कवि की रचना-शेली का एक और उदाहरण दृष्टव्य है : "का1कपटियुग युगल कमल ...
Hariśa Dvivedī, 2005
« EDUCALINGO. कूँदना [online]. Available <>. Feb 2025 ».