Click to see the original definition of «가미영선제통음» in the Korean dictionary.
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Definition of 가미영선제통음 in the Korean dictionary
Gamisan It is a prescribed treatment to treat rheumatoid arthritis and neuralgia with the joints of the limbs striking against each other. 가미영선제통음
풍습(風濕)이 서로 부딪혀 팔다리의 관절에 종통(腫痛)이 있고 역절풍(歷節風)이 있으며 류마치스성 관절염과 신경통 등을 치료하는 처방임
Click to see the original definition of «가미영선제통음» in the Korean dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.
The translations of 가미영선제통음 from Korean to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «가미영선제통음» in Korean.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «가미영선제통음» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Korean literature, quotes and news about 가미영선제통음
We continue working to improve educalingo. We will very soon complete this bibliographical section with extracts from Korean books in which the term 가미영선제통음 is used.
« EDUCALINGO. 가미영선제통음 [online]. Available <>. Oct 2024 ».