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Definition of 수오보심탕 in the Korean dictionary
Suo bosim tang ginseng · Red seaweed · White seaweed · Macmun dong · Tianmen winter · Baekbokryeon · Cinnamon · Sesame liquorice Licorice) 4 ~ 5g each, wood chestnut, gonghwang 2g, ginger 5g [without (health) 3g], contrast (large) 3g. ["Dong-hee 老年 養 養方 集]" I am tired and can not sleep deeply, but I have a heart (阴 痿), a chest tight and pounding, I have a heartbeat (结脉 脉) . I take one of the above medicines and eat it with water dalyeoseo. 수오보심탕 인삼(人參) · 적하수오(赤何首烏) · 백하수오(白何首烏) · 맥문동(麥門冬) · 천문동(天門冬) · 백복령(白茯苓) · 계피(桂皮) · 자감초(炙甘草) 각 4~5g, 목향(木香) · 천궁(川芎) 각 2g, 생강 5g[없으면 건강(乾薑) 3g], 대조(大棗) 3g. [《동의로년보양처방집(東醫老年補養處方集)》] 피로감이 심하고 잠을 깊이 들지 못하는 데, 음위(陰痿), 가슴이 답답하고 두근거리는 데, 결대맥(結代脈)이 있는데 쓴다. 위의 약을 1첩으로 하여 물에 달여서 먹는다.
Click to see the original definition of «수오보심탕» in the Korean dictionary.
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The translations of 수오보심탕 from Korean to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «수오보심탕» in Korean.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «수오보심탕» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Korean literature, quotes and news about 수오보심탕
Discover the use of 수오보심탕 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 수오보심탕 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Korean literature.