Definition of pedang in the Malay dictionary
his long sword blade, usually tapered at his tip and sharp; ~ short sword; ~ the shape of the blade curved blade; ~ tail parrot = ~ setiabu sword with three eyes; ~ long sword torture held in two hands; ~ great sword kingdom; ~ straight sword to play fencing; ~ grass sj tools such as sword to cut grass; play ~ fighting swords; to be double-eyed; to stab the eye against a strong person; swinging sword; ~ grass cutting grass. pedang senjata yg panjang bilahnya, biasanya tirus di hujungnya dan tajam; ~ beladau pedang pendek; ~ bentuk pedang yg melengkung bilahnya; ~ ekor pari = ~ setiabu pedang yg bersegi tiga matanya; ~ jenawi pedang panjang yg dipegang dgn dua belah tangan; ~ kerajaan pedang kebesaran; ~ lurus pedang utk bermain anggar; ~ rumput sj alat spt pedang utk memotong rumput; main ~ berlawan pedang; kena ~ bermata dua prb terlalu sakit hati; menepek mata ~prb menentang orang yg kuat; memedang menetak dgn pedang; ~ rumput memotong rumput.
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Discover the use of
pedang in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
pedang and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Malay literature.
Pedang Pusaka Naga Putih:
Bagaimana sepak terjang Si Han Liong, bisa dibaca dalam cerita PEDANG PUSAKA NAGA PUTIH ini.
Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo, 1965
Antara pena dan pedang: Otonomi Daerah menuju ...
Conditions of sociopolitics, religion, etc. in Indonesia; collected articles.
Antara pena dan pedang - Jilid 1
Conditions of sociopolitics, religion, etc. in Indonesia; collected articles.
M. Basofi Soedirman, 1995
Antara pena dan pedang: Antum a'lamu bi umuuri ...
Conditions of sociopolitics, religion, etc. in Indonesia; collected articles.
M. Basofi Soedirman, 1997