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Definition of 白兔记 in the Chinese dictionary
White Rabbit also known as "Liu Zhiyuan." South play script. Yuan Dynasty made, name unknown. Today, save the modern version. Syria five generations Liu Zhiyuan Li Wenkui at home as a servant, Lee to the girl Sanniang Xu distribution. Wen Kui death, Liu out of the army, sanniang tortured by his brother. She gave birth to the mill, the caretaker sent to the Department of Liu raised. Sixteen years later, his son shot hunting, tracking white rabbit met the mother, the family reunion. Many modern operas have this repertoire, including "Mochizuki son", "Dou Gongzi", "Hunting Hunting" and other often single performance. 白兔记 又名《刘知远》。南戏剧本。元代人作,姓名不详。今存明代人改本。叙五代时刘知远在李文奎家为佣,李以女三娘许配。文奎亡故,刘外出投军,三娘备受其兄折磨。她磨房产子,托人送到刘处抚养。十六年后,其子射猎,追踪白兔遇母,全家团圆。近代许多剧种有此剧目,其中《磨房产子》、《窦公送子》、《出猎回猎》等常作单出演出。
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The translations of 白兔记 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «白兔记» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «白兔记» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 白兔记
Discover the use of 白兔记 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 白兔记 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.