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Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, Tibetan, The population is about 640 million people (2013). In addition, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Bhutan, the Americas, Europe, Oceania, Africa and other places also Tibetan distribution. Tibetan claiming to be "fan" (བ ོ ད ་ ་). Chinese name "Tibetan" from the Tibetan language ("after possession"). The original meaning of this name may be "the land of the Brahmaputra." The original Chinese and the original Tibetan and Burmese were separated by about 4,000 BC. The original Han people gradually moved to the Yellow River Basin engaged in agriculture, and the original possession of Burmese migrants to the southwest and engaged in nomadic. And then the Tibetan and the Burmese and further separation. The original possession of the Burmese belongs to the ancient Qiang system, made a rush into the possession of the Tibetan dynasty fortune of a historical point of view. ... 藏族(藏文:བོད་པ་,威利:bod pa,THL:Böpa)是主要居住在中国境内的使用藏语的民族,主要聚居在青藏高原,四川、甘肃、云南等省也有分布,中国境内人口约640万余人(2013年)。另外,尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、印度、克什米尔、不丹、美洲、欧洲、大洋洲、非洲等境内也有藏族分布。藏族自称“蕃巴”(བོད་པ་)。汉语的名称“藏”来自藏语 གཙང་(“后藏”)。这个名称的原来意义可能是“雅鲁藏布江流经之地”。 原始汉人与原始藏缅人约在公元前4000年左右分开。原始汉人逐渐移居到黄河流域从事农业,而原始藏缅人则向西南迁徙并从事游牧业。而之后藏族与缅族又进一步的分离。原始藏缅人屬於古羌人系統,发羌入藏為吐蕃王朝發跡的一種歷史學觀點。...
Tibetan Tibetan: Distributed in Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and other ethnic minorities. About 45.93 million people. Use Tibetan, Tibetan. Tibetan Buddhism Use Tibetan, Tibetan medicine. Eat 糌 粑, drink butter tea, barley wine. Yak is the main plow, means of transport. Performing Tibetan opera, jumping pot Zhuang dance. Hada as an important etiquette. Traditional festivals have Tibetan years, hope fruit festival, Shoton Festival. Mainly engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry. 藏族 藏族 : 分布于西藏、青海、甘肃、四川、云南等地的少数民族。约4593万人。用藏语、藏文。信藏传佛教。使用藏历、藏医药。吃糌粑,喝酥油茶、青稞酒。牦牛为主要犁耕、运输工具。演藏戏,跳锅庄舞。献哈达为重要礼仪。传统节日有藏历年、望果节、雪顿节。主要从事农业、畜牧业。
Click to see the original definition of «藏族» in the Chinese dictionary.
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The translations of 藏族 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «藏族» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «藏族» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «藏族» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «藏族» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 藏族
Discover the use of 藏族 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 藏族 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.