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Twenty-six events
The two or six events (Japanese: two twenty-six events), also known as "imperial ominous events" or "ominous events", refers to a failed coup in Tokyo on February 26, 1936, part of the Japanese army Factions "young officers led several soldiers to the government and the military senior members of the" systemist "ideological opponents and opponents to assassinate, the final coup was extinguished, direct participants were sentenced to death, indirectly related to the characters Transferred from the central office, the imperialist factions in the military influence reduction, while at the same time increasing the Japanese mainstream leaders of the Japanese government's political influence. The twenty-six events were also the greatest rebellion in modern Japanese history and an important event in the development of Japanese fascism in the 1930s. ... 二二六事件(日语:二・二六事件),又名「帝都不祥事件」或「不祥事件」,是指1936年2月26日發生於日本東京的一次失敗政變,日本陸軍的部分「皇道派」青年軍官率領數名士兵對政府及軍方高級成員中的「統制派」意識形態對手與反對者進行刺殺,最終政變遭到撲滅,直接參與者多被處以死刑,間接相關人物亦被調離中央職務,皇道派因此在軍中影響力削減,而同時增加了日軍主流派領導人對日本政府的政治影響力。二二六事件也是日本近代史上最大的一次叛亂行動,也是1930年代日本法西斯主義發展的重要事件。...
February 26 incident armed fascist military coup incident in Japan. On February 26, 1936, a group of "young guard" officers in the Japanese army launched mutiny in Tokyo and killed more than a few government ministers in an attempt to establish a fascist warlord government. Due to the infighting of the warlord group, the coup was subdued on the 29th. Hirota Hirota's cabinet, which took power since then, stepped up its implementation of full-scale militarization and quickly brought Japan to the path of fascist dictatorship. 二二六事件 日本法西斯军人的武装政变事件。1936年2月26日,日本军队中一批“少壮派”军官在东京发动兵变,杀死多名政府大臣,企图建立法西斯军阀政府。由于军阀集团的内讧,政变于29日被平息。此后上台的广田弘毅内阁,加紧实行全面军国主义化,使日本迅速走上法西斯专政的道路。
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Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 二二六事件
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