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Department of households
Department is the ancient Chinese government official name, equivalent to today's Ministry of Finance. His governor for the Ministry of the book, that is, today's finance minister. Originated in the Three Kingdoms, when there is a degree of book, palm finance. Sui Dynasty to the degree of books for the people of the book. To the Tang Dynasty to avoid the emperor Li Shimin taboo, renamed the Department, for one of the six, the Executive for the Department of Shangshu. Successive. During the period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Ministry of the Republic of China, the territory, the household registration, taxation, salaries and all financial matters. Its internal government by the division of labor and set up the Secretary, such as the Department of Jiangnan Division. In addition to the palm of the province in addition to the province of money and money, but also part of the other bureaucratic government, the duties are more cross. There is also the Eight Banners Salary Department and the Prosecutor's Office in charge of the Eight Banners Affairs. Affiliated to the Ministry of the institutions are: palm cast money of the money and the Baoquan Church; palm treasures of the Department of the three library; palm warehousing and warehouses warehouse yamen. Guangxu thirty-two years (1906), the Qing government announced "imitation of constitutionalism", the Ministry of the Ministry of branch to the degree. Department of waste. Affected by Chinese culture, the Korean Peninsula, the Korea dynasty also has a family, its head for the Ministry of the book. To the Joseon Dynasty, renamed the family Cao, head of the renamed the book. Vietnam is also equipped with the Ministry of ancient institutions. ... 户部是中国古代官署名,相當於今日的財政部。其長官為户部尚书,即現今的財政部長。 起源於三国,时设有度支尚书,掌财政。隋朝以度支尚书为民部尚书。至唐代避太宗李世民名諱,改称户部,为六部之一,长官为户部尚书。历代相沿。 明清时期户部掌全国疆土、田地 、户籍、赋税、俸饷及一切财政事宜。其内部办理政务按地区分工而设司、比如戶部江南司。各司除掌核本省钱粮外,亦兼管其他衙门的部分政务,职责多有交叉。清还设有掌管八旗事务的八旗俸饷处及现审处。隶属于户部的机构有:掌铸钱的钱法堂及宝泉局;掌库藏的戶部三库;掌仓储及漕务的仓场衙门。光绪三十二年(1906年),清政府宣布“仿行宪政”,将户部改为度支部。户部遂废。 受中國文化影響,朝鮮半島的高麗王朝也設有戶部,其首長為戶部尚書。至朝鮮王朝時期,改稱戶曹,首長改稱戶曹判書。越南古代亦設有戶部的機構。...
Ministry of ancient official signature. Qin is governance history of the millet, Han is Secretary for agriculture. Since the beginning of the Three Kingdoms, they have often maintained books and Zuo Min Shang Shu, palm finances and household registration. Sui set the Ministers of the Shang Dynasty, the Tang because of it, ascended the throne, in order to avoid Taizong Li Shimin taboo, renamed the Ministry of households, as one of the six, in charge of the national land p tax p fiscal revenue and expenditure and other matters, the Executive for the Ministry of Shangshu. Five generations to the Qing phase along the same. Thirty-two years Guangxu, set the p degree branch of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of waste then. See "Song book. Officials on the "p" Tongdian. Official Five ". 户部 古代官署名。秦为治粟内史,汉为大司农。三国以后,常置度支尚书及左民尚书,掌财用及户籍。隋设民部尚书,唐因之,高宗即位,为避太宗李世民讳,改称户部,为六部之一,掌管全国土地p户籍p赋税p财政收支等事务,长官为户部尚书。五代至清相沿不改。清光绪三十二年,设民政部p度支部,户部遂废。参阅《宋书.百官志上》p《通典.职官五》。
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The translations of 户部 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «户部» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «户部» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «户部» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «户部» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 户部
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