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Environmental Biology
Environmental biology is a cross-cutting science, which is an interdisciplinary subject of biology and environmental science. It mainly studies the effects of the environment that has been disturbed by human beings on organisms, the laws of their interactions and their mechanisms. Environmental biology research due to environmental effects caused by environmental pollution, changes in the ecological environment, biological and ecological pollution purification function, how to use biological to monitor the environment and methods, how to protect the natural environment from pollution and so on. Environmental biology research methods include on-site investigation, laboratory experiments, ecological simulation and so on. The purpose of environmental biology research is to provide a theoretical basis for the rational use of natural resources by human beings, to protect and improve the living environment of mankind, to prevent human activities from destroying natural ecosystems and using ecosystems to prevent pollution. ... 环境生物学是一种横断科学,是生物学和环境科学的交叉学科,主要研究被人类干扰已经变化的环境对生物造成的影响,它们之间相互作用的规律及其机理。 环境生物学研究由于环境污染引起的生态效应,生态环境起的变化,生物和生态系统对污染的净化功能,如何利用生物对环境进行监测的原理和方法,如何保护自然环境不受污染影响等。 环境生物学研究的方法包括现场调查、室内实验、进行生态模拟等。 环境生物学研究的目的是为人类合理利用自然资源、保护和改善人类的生存环境、防止人类活动破坏自然生态系统和利用生态系统防止污染提供理论依据。...
Environmental Biology branch of environmental science. Interactions between living organisms and man-made disturbing environments. It mainly discusses the biological effects of environmental pollution, biological purification, biological monitoring and evaluation, the impact of environmental pollution on the structure and function of ecosystems, and the rational development, utilization and protection of biological resources. 环境生物学 环境科学的分支学科。研究生物与受人为干扰的环境之间的相互作用。主要探讨环境污染的生物效应、生物净化、生物监测和评价,环境污染对生态系统结构和功能的影响,生物资源的合理开发利用和保护等。
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Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 环境生物学
Discover the use of 环境生物学 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 环境生物学 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.