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Un hombre no trata de verse en el agua que corre, sino en el agua tranquila, porque solamente lo que en sí es tranquilo puede dar tranquilidad a otros.

Significado de "agua" en el diccionario de español



La palabra agua procede del latín aqua.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


a · gua play
Agua es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Agua puede actuar como un sustantivo y una interjección.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

La interjección expresa una impresión súbita o un sentimiento profundo, como asombro, sorpresa, dolor, molestia, etc. Sirve también para apelar al interlocutor, o como fórmula de saludo, despedida, conformidad, etc.




El agua es una sustancia cuya molécula está formada por dos átomos de hidrógeno y uno de oxígeno. Es esencial para la supervivencia de todas las formas conocidas de vida. El término agua generalmente se refiere a la sustancia en su estado líquido, aunque la misma puede hallarse en su forma sólida llamada hielo, y en su forma gaseosa denominada vapor. El agua cubre el 71% de la superficie de la corteza terrestre. Se localiza principalmente en los océanos donde se concentra el 96,5% del agua total, los glaciares y casquetes polares poseen el 1,74%, los depósitos subterráneos, los permafrost y los glaciares continentales suponen el 1,72% y el restante 0,04% se reparte en orden decreciente entre lagos, humedad del suelo, atmósfera, embalses, ríos y seres vivos. El agua es un elemento común del sistema solar, hecho confirmado en descubrimientos recientes. Puede ser encontrada, principalmente, en forma de hielo; de hecho, es el material base de los cometas y el vapor que compone sus colas. Desde el punto de vista físico, el agua circula constantemente en un ciclo de evaporación o transpiración, precipitación, y desplazamiento hacia el mar.

definición de agua en el diccionario español

La primera definición de agua en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es sustancia cuyas moléculas están formadas por la combinación de un átomo de oxígeno y dos de hidrógeno, líquida, inodora, insípida e incolora. Es el componente más abundante de la superficie terrestre y, más o menos puro, forma la lluvia, las fuentes, los ríos y los mares; es parte constituyente de todos los organismos vivos y aparece en compuestos naturales. Otro significado de agua en el diccionario es licor que se obtiene por infusión, disolución o emulsión de flores, plantas o frutos, y se usa en medicina y perfumería. Agua de azahar, de Colonia, de heliotropo, de la reina de Hungría, de rosas. Agua es también lluvia.






pange lingua

Sinónimos y antónimos de agua en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «agua» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de agua
caldo · fluido · jugo · linfa · líquido · zumo


agua caldo fluido jugo linfa líquido zumo reloj echarse beber buque hacer lodo florida aguas cubrir cangrejo hila blanca sustancia cuya molécula está formada primera lengua española cuyas moléculas están formadas combinación átomo líquida inodora insípida incolora componente más abundante menos puro lluvia fuentes ríos mares parte constituyente todos organismos vivos aparece compuestos naturales otro licor obtiene infusión disolución emulsión flores plantas frutos medicina perfumería agua azahar colonia heliotropo reina hungría rosas también estudio técnico sobre aspira suscitar toma conciencia nuevas

Traductor en línea con la traducción de agua a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de agua a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de agua presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de agua en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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Traductor español - noruego

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Conoce las traducciones de agua en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

 We are thus concerned with a virtually limitless number of concepts - building, book, reading, colour, sea, water, summer, England, 1066 AD - any concepts you like.
abastecimiento de agua 
water supply
 Other libraries have special collections on such subjects as animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food processing industries, agricultural economics and water supply, ranging from 10,000 up to 35,000 items.
absorción del agua 
water absorption
 The use of fabric softener may however reduce the water absorption capabilities of the fabric, and is contraindicated in some articles like microfibre.
achicar agua   [Escrito bale en inglés americano]
bale out + water
bail + water
 The trouble was that more water was coming in than was being baled out.
 The drain holes in many lifeboats were without stoppers, so that passengers had to constantly bail water.
a cuatro aguas 
 According to the new design, the roof will have gable ends as opposed to being hipped with dormer windows = De acuerdo con el nuevo diseño, el techo tendrá hastiales en lugar de ser a cuatro aguas con buhardillas.
aerobics en el agua 
water aerobics
 Residents are encouraged to get ready to make a splash, swim some laps, enjoy water aerobics or learn to swim at these facilities this summer.
agitar las aguas  
make + waves
rock + the boat
 Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.
 It's very often easier to just 'go with the flow' and 'not rock the boat' by revealing that you disagree with some of the most fundamental beliefs of those around you.
agua + arrastrar 
wash away
 Then it gets progressively worse as walls are washed away and vehicles plastered against houses and trees.
agua bendita 
holy water
 Christian churches have used holy water since the fifth century, if not earlier.
agua caliente 
hot water
 For most households, hot water is second only to transport as the largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions.
agua con gas   
carbonated water
fizzy water
sparkling water
 Though some believe carbonation can help alleviate upset stomach and constipation, carbonated water isn't necessarily any better or worse for you.
 One of the myths out there is that drinking fizzy water will erode tooth enamel.
 The author suggested that flavoured sparkling waters should be considered as acidic drinks rather than water with flavouring.
agua con jabón 
soapy water
 Any eating utensils used by an infected person should be immediately washed in hot soapy water or in a dishwasher.
agua corriente 
running water
 The 'sweated' rags were pounded to a pulp (or stuff) by water-powered hammers, impurities being carried off through filters by running water.
agua de colonia 
eau de cologne
 Today, eau de cologne (or simply, cologne) means nothing more than a fragrance whose essential oil concentration is approximately 5%.
agua de deshielo 
 About 8,200 years ago the North Atlantic region experienced a dramatic cold event lasting several hundred years, caused by meltwater flooding into the ocean.
agua del grifo 
tap water
 After disinfection the object should be thoroughly washed with tap and distilled water.
agua de lluvia 
rain water
 Some grease had been transferred to the surface of the stone and the grease was repelling the rain water.
agua del mar 
sea-water [seawater]
 Moreover, optical-fibre cables can resist the ill-effects of sea-water much better than the metal cables of today.
agua de manantial 
spring water
 Otherwise, drinking too much fluid at once, even a pint or two of spring water, simply overloads the kidneys without actually hydrating the body.
agua de mojado 
fountain solution
 Fountain solution (ie water with additives which make it less miscible with ink and slow down evaporation) is transferred from the fount tray via a series of fountain rollers until it comes into contact with the plate.
agua de riego 
irrigation water
 High doses of potassium in irrigation water are fatal for weeping willows.
agua desionizada 
de-ionised water
 I've used de-ionised water in my car battery, it's just water with all the dissolved salts removed, so I guess ionised water will have ions present.
agua desmineralizada 
de-mineralised water
 Our de-mineralised water has been passed through a series of chemical stages which extracts all impurities and produces purified water.
agua destilada 
distilled water
 After disinfection the object should be thoroughly washed with tap and distilled water.
agua dulce 
freshwater [fresh water]
 This journal covers the world's literature on the science, technology and management of marine, brackish, and freshwater environments.
agua embotellada 
bottled water
 Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business and is now the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry.
agua en botella 
bottled water
 Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business and is now the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry.
agua estancada   
stagnant backwater
stagnant water
 If no such standards can be observed then, it would seem, romantic fiction along with westerns and detective stories must be regarded as some sort of cul-de-sac and rather stagnant backwater quite separate from the main stream of 'literature'.
 In the next decade those libraries that adhere to traditionalism will become backwaters whereas those committed to meeting the expectations of their clientele will become leaders in the information world.
 Mud and stagnant water around the road medians was only one reason for the many accidents.
agua fría 
cold water
 If during the day, you feel sleepy then it can help tremendously if you wash your face with cold water.
agua helada 
ice water
 A potato can be peeled in a second by steaming first for an hour before dipping it in ice water.
agua hirviendo 
boiling water
 Steam asparagus tips in 1/4 inch boiling water for 3 minutes and drain.
agua ionizada 
ionised water
 I've used de-ionised water in my car battery, it's just water with all the dissolved salts removed, so I guess ionised water will have ions present.
agua jabonosa 
soapy water
 Any eating utensils used by an infected person should be immediately washed in hot soapy water or in a dishwasher.
agua limpia de impurezas 
purified water
 Cooking foods in purified water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value.
agua + llevar 
wash away
 Then it gets progressively worse as walls are washed away and vehicles plastered against houses and trees.
agua marina 
sea-water [seawater]
 Moreover, optical-fibre cables can resist the ill-effects of sea-water much better than the metal cables of today.
agua mineral  
mineral water
spring water
 Mineral water emerges from under the ground, then flows over rocks before it's collected, resulting in a higher content of various minerals.
 Otherwise, drinking too much fluid at once, even a pint or two of spring water, simply overloads the kidneys without actually hydrating the body.
agua mineral con gas 
sparkling mineral water
 Why does sparkling mineral water have a lower pH than still mineral water?.
agua mineralizada 
mineralised water
 Once the water filter has done its job, you have pure mineralised water ready for ionizing.
agua mineral sin gas 
still mineral water
 Why does sparkling mineral water have a lower pH than still mineral water?.
agua normal 
still water
 In the first experiment, the children will observe the movement of a drop of food coloring in still water.
agua oxigenada 
hydrogen peroxide
 By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.
agua poco profunda 
shallow water
 They swam in the shallow waters and had a kip in the shadows cast by the trees along the riverbank, waiting for the heat to dissipate.
agua potable 
drinking water
 Many countries in the international community use these standards as general guidelines for drinking water systems.
agua purificada 
purified water
 Cooking foods in purified water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value.
aguas abajo 
 The boat continued to float idly downstream, the men resting on their oars.
agua salada 
saltwater [salt water]
 Rubbing food with salt or soaking it in saltwater, an early form of curing food, also helped preserve it.
agua salobre 
saltwater [salt water]
 Rubbing food with salt or soaking it in saltwater, an early form of curing food, also helped preserve it.
aguas arriba 
 The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.
aguas bravas   
turbulent waters
wild waters
 The article 'Navigating permanent 'whitewater' of organizational change' explores the influence of organizational change on campus libraries.
 His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.
 It was in these wild waters that the world record brook trout was caught in 1915.
aguas costeras 
coastal waters
 The barnacled cannons found in the coastal waters off Catalina Island are thought to belong to a ship once captained by the notorious buccaneer William Kidd.
agua sin gas 
still water
 In the first experiment, the children will observe the movement of a drop of food coloring in still water.
aguas internacionales 
international waters
 However, the president revealed his true colors when he ordered the shoot-down of an unarmed aircraft over international waters.
aguas jurisdiccionales  
territorial waters
jurisdictional waters
 With the present trend to extending territorial waters, from three miles to twelve miles to two hundred miles, cataloguers are going to need a geopolitical atlas to make some decisions, together with an accurate ruler.
 All vernal pools contained within or adjacent to other jurisdictional waters or wetlands are themselves jurisdictional.
aguas litorales 
coastal waters
 The barnacled cannons found in the coastal waters off Catalina Island are thought to belong to a ship once captained by the notorious buccaneer William Kidd.
aguas mansas 
still waters
 This type of fish mainly occurs in still waters.
aguas negras   
waste water [wastewater]
 An infrastructure section presents data on waste water, drinking water, telecommunications, and highways.
 We may be interested in all forms of pollution other than that from sewage; here we can exclude the unwanted term by using NOT: 'POLLUT*' AND (WATER' OR 'SEA*' OR *RIVER*') NOT 'SEWAGE'.
 Sewerage often smells like its main solid components, and for many people the best place for sewerage is out of sight, out of mind.
aguas poco profundas 
 In this way the fowler could work his way through the shallows to within gunshot of the fowl, so as to let fly with his rifle as they took off from the water.
aguas polares 
polar waters
 Fin whales are found in all oceans of the world, though they seem to prefer temperate and polar waters to tropical seas.
aguas rápidas   
turbulent waters
wild waters
 The article 'Navigating permanent 'whitewater' of organizational change' explores the influence of organizational change on campus libraries.
 His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.
 It was in these wild waters that the world record brook trout was caught in 1915.
aguas residuales    
waste water [wastewater]
liquid waste
 We may be interested in all forms of pollution other than that from sewage; here we can exclude the unwanted term by using NOT: 'POLLUT*' AND (WATER' OR 'SEA*' OR *RIVER*') NOT 'SEWAGE'.
 An infrastructure section presents data on waste water, drinking water, telecommunications, and highways.
 A new method to extract dissolved anions from liquid waste through ion exchange is presented.
 Sewerage often smells like its main solid components, and for many people the best place for sewerage is out of sight, out of mind.
aguas residuales sin tratar  
raw sewage
raw waste water
 Contamination of turnip, marrow squash, radish and coriander crops spread with raw sewage.
 Radioactivity of the raw waste water was found to be dangerously high.
aguas revueltas   
rip tide
stormy waters
 The article is entitled 'Avoiding the reefs and rips while riding a relevant technology wave into rural regions'.
 This article examines the political shoals, currents, and rip tides associated with off campus library programmes and suggests that awareness and involvement are key ways to avoid running aground.
 But he is clear that there is no sign that the turbulence of the past has been laid to rest, and there are many signs that stormy waters lie ahead.
aguas sucias 
foul water
 Consider the following excerpt from the abridged UDC schedules: 628 PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING; 628.3 Sewage, rain-, foul-water.
aguas templadas 
temperate waters
 Fin whales are found in all oceans of the world, though they seem to prefer temperate and polar waters to tropical seas.
aguas termales 
thermal springs
 In addition to streams and thermal springs, groundwater discharges from alluvium, bedrock, and karstified tufa.
aguas territoriales   
territorial waters
territorial waters
home waters
 With the present trend to extending territorial waters, from three miles to twelve miles to two hundred miles, cataloguers are going to need a geopolitical atlas to make some decisions, together with an accurate ruler.
 Territorial waters is a belt of coastal waters extending at most twelve nautical miles from a country's coast.
 It is not surprising, quite the contrary, that the war has at last been brought to our home waters.
aguas tranquilas 
still waters
 This type of fish mainly occurs in still waters.
aguas turbias 
muddy waters
 The article is entitled 'Navigating the muddy waters of copyright in school libraries'.
aguas turbulentas   
rip tide
turbulent waters
stormy waters
 This article examines the political shoals, currents, and rip tides associated with off campus library programmes and suggests that awareness and involvement are key ways to avoid running aground.
 His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.
 But he is clear that there is no sign that the turbulence of the past has been laid to rest, and there are many signs that stormy waters lie ahead.
agua subterránea 
 Indian hydrologists are principally concerned with groundwater related problems.
aguas + volver a su cauce  [Sentido figurado]
dust + settle
 It is likely that the library manager who chooses to wait for the dust to settle will find yet another dust storm looming on the horizon.
ahogarse en un vaso de agua   
make + a mountain out of a molehill
get + worked up about nothing
fret about + nothing
 'After all,' he thought to himself, 'I may be making a mountain out of a molehill in this thing'.
 Here's why I think this really was a mistake, and why we're getting worked up about nothing in this particular instance.
 I suggest that we are fretting about nothing and that we would do well to go with the flow and let the systems be introduced, as has been proposed.
al agua  [Se aplica principalmente a la pintura o a la tinta que tiene como uno de sus principales componentes el agua y que por lo tanto es fácil de borrar o limpiar antes de estar seca] 
 The teacher writes or draws directly on to the acetate roll covering the glass platen of the projector using a water-based pen.
 Drug runners carrying the cocaine north apparently dump it overboard when pursued by authorities.
andar sobre el agua 
walk on + water
 You may not be heavenly, but that shouldn't stop you from walking on water thanks to this inflatable ball.
bajo agua  
 This article details the design of and experience with a virtual reality system controlling a remotely operating undersea vehicle in Antarctica.
 A museum in Australia has used the World Wide Web to create a virtual library of underwater archaeological digs.
baños de agua caliente 
hot springs
 A World Heritage City, Bath is renowned for its hot springs, Roman Baths, and Georgian architecture.
barril con agua de beber  [Aplicado a los barcos]
 To this day, drinking fountains in the Navy are still referred to as scuttlebutts.
bomba de agua 
water pump
 Research centers are concentrated in the south, especially in Crimea, and work focuses mainly on practical applications, such as solar stills, ovens, water pumps, and cooling systems.
bomba de agua caliente 
 This new system supplies its own heating via a solar roof plus heat-pumps, with an immersion heater as standby.
bota de agua   [Generalmente usado en plural] 
Wellington boot
rubber boot
 It is advisable to cover your Wellington boots with a lid so that spiders can't get in.
 Feel like a child again in these cheerfully colorful wellies.
 Years ago, getting insulated rubber boots, meant getting a plastic bag over your shoes or socks, and then into the big rubber boot.
botella de agua 
water bottle
 Dancers that do this class love it and often come out in a sweat so bring a water bottle and a towel.
botellín de agua 
water bottle
 Dancers that do this class love it and often come out in a sweat so bring a water bottle and a towel.
brazo de agua 
 This guide provides brief descriptive information on the geomorphology and ecology of sounds, beaches, inlets, and dunes.
calentador de agua 
water heater
 The experiment involved making both a model water heater and gas heater.
cama de agua 
waterbed [water bed]
 This book focuses on the 14-month strike of undocumented workers in a Los Angeles area waterbed factory in 1985-86.
cambiarle el agua al canario                    
take + a leak
have + a leak
go for + a tinkle
go for + a pee
go for + a wee
wee wee
pee pee
take + a pee
take + a pee pee
have + a slash
go (for a) wee wee
go (for a) pee pee
spend + a penny
have + a pee
take + a wee
take + a wee wee
splash clogs
 Why do men break wind when they pee?.
 In his press conference today, the President also acknowledged - perhaps in a related matter - his difficulties taking leaks.
 On the way up to Prague, Bill went to have a leak and noticed a guy uncoupling the carriages of the train.
 The doors shut by themselves, if you go for a tinkle in the night, you've got to remember your key.
 And I also remember getting my bum stung on nettles as I was going for a pee.
 You have to sit down to go for a wee on the tour bus, because if you stand up and you go round a corner it all goes everywhere.
 Then when you think the child needs to wee, place on or over potty or toilet and turn the tap on.
 Men get an erection in the morning without wanting sex, because, well, they have to 'wee wee'.
 My child is pee peeing in toilet but still poops in pants - what to do?.
 Would you be embarrassed if you took a pee against a car only to find out there's a camera crew inside filming you?.
 Bill's sister is one of Dracula's babes and attacks Janet while she's taking a pee-pee on the toilet.
 Anyone ever been done by the police for having a slash in public?.
 Jumpsuits are all good and fun until someone needs to go for a wee wee.
 They drink non-stop, alcohol tea, yet none of them ever seem to go for a pee pee.
 Then there's spend a penny, which comes from the earliest public toilets, which had locks on the doors which cost a penny to open.
 The bandage compressed my urethra somewhat so that when I had a pee there was considerable resistance to it coming out.
 I have a kitty who has decided to 'tinkle' in the same spot for a number of weeks.
 Before going in the pool I went and took a wee in the woodshed first.
 Until a couple of weeks ago he hadn't any problems using his potty when he needed to take a wee-wee; but now he is peeing everywhere!.
 They began to search frantically and were near despair when they found him in a nearby street 'splashing his clogs'.
caminar sobre el agua 
walk on + water
 You may not be heavenly, but that shouldn't stop you from walking on water thanks to this inflatable ball.
cañón de agua 
water cannon
 Iran has imported high-tech armored anti-riot vehicles equipped with water cannons that can douse people with boiling water or tear gas.
caudal de agua 
volume of water
 The decreasing volume of water in the rivers is bound to affect both drinking water and irrigation supply.
caudal de agua o superficie acuática 
body of water
 The 1979 annual supplement contains the list of sudivisions used under names of places and a new list of subdivisions used under bodies of water.
causado por el agua 
 Two recent water-related disasters were described at the start of the workshop.
cloración del agua 
water chlorination
 Find information on a conference held in Colorado on water chlorination.
cocodrilo de agua salada 
 As for crocs, the area is known to be inhabited by salties, but sightings are inconsistent.
colchón de agua 
waterbed [water bed]
 This book focuses on the 14-month strike of undocumented workers in a Los Angeles area waterbed factory in 1985-86.
como dos gotas de agua 
as alike as two peas in a pod
 The core questionnaire asked for data on birth weight, age at first spoken word, and whether the twins were as alike as two peas in a pod.
como pez fuera del agua 
like a fish out of water
 Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.
compañía suministradora de agua   
water authority
water board
water company
 There is a similar lack of organization of such regional bodies as the hospital boards and water authorities.
 Decision making by the Water Board on water levels was based on information on agricultural effects and the risk of damage to buildings and roads as a consequence of subsidence.
 Britain's biggest water company has announced that will ban hosepipes and sprinklers from next month.
con el agua al cuello 
in hot water
 Anyway, this time around, the airline is finding itself in hot water for an entirely different reason.
con el agua hasta el cuello 
in deep water
 This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.
conservar agua 
conserve + water
 This is a gardening technique aimed at conserving water in areas of drought and limited water supplies.
contador del agua 
water meter
 A selected fairway on each golf course was equipped with water meters to assess irrigation volumes on a bimonthly basis.
contaminación del agua 
water pollution
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
contaminación de las aguas subterráneas  
groundwater pollution
groundwater contamination
 However, research shows that waste disposal & groundwater pollution are bigger problems in rural areas.
 Records demonstrate high carcinogenic risks due to arsenic & dioxin groundwater contamination.
con tejado a dos aguas 
 The 'Rathaus' on the market square is an architectural oddity, comprising four gabled houses to which a decorative classical façade was added in 1797.
corriente de agua 
water body [waterbody]
 These two documents cover all categories of water bodies including springs and lakes, marine coastal areas, and groundwater.
cortar el agua 
cut off + the water
 You can see that, even if someone were to cut off the water to your bathroom, you could still flush the toilet.
cuando el río suena, agua lleva 
there's no smoke without fire
 Most people will be thinking 'there's no smoke without fire' which is one reason why reporting on crimes should be banned until after a verdict is delivered.
cuando el río, suena agua lleva 
where there's smoke there's fire
 It's not going to work because even the most uninvolved citizens know that where there's smoke there's fire.
curso de agua 
water body [waterbody]
 These two documents cover all categories of water bodies including springs and lakes, marine coastal areas, and groundwater.
daño causado por el agua 
water damage
 Water damage was the main problem with 10 per cent of holdings affected.
dar agua  
lose + water
 The article is entitled 'Holes in the dike: is Cambridge Scientific publisher losing water?.
 The article is entitled 'Sometimes the roof doesn't just leak, it caves in!'.
de agua  [Se aplica principalmente a la pintura o a la tinta que tiene como uno de sus principales componentes el agua y que por lo tanto es fácil de borrar o limpiar antes de estar seca]
 The teacher writes or draws directly on to the acetate roll covering the glass platen of the projector using a water-based pen.
de aguas profundas 
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
dejar el agua correr 
let bygones be bygones
 And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.
depósito de agua elevado 
water tower
 The exhibition displays grain elevators, water towers, cooling towers, and coal bunkers photographed in Europe and the USA, 1963-1978.
descenso de aguas bravas 
 Nepal's hydroelectric plans that may wipe out its best whitewater rivers and hence its rafting industry.
deslizarse sobre el agua 
 Driving through puddles or even heavy rain can cause your vehicle to begin to 'aquaplane'.
detector de agua 
water detector
 To facilitate any salvage operation as a result of fire or flood, libraries should ensure that their insurance cover is appropriate and adequate and install smoke and water detectors.
diluir con agua 
dilute with + water
 The stuff was diluted there with water to the appearance and consistency of liquid porridge; it was kept tepid with a small charcoal furnace let into the side of the vat, and it was stirred up occasionally with a paddle.
ducha de agua corriente 
running shower
 The camp area has two ablution blocks with solar lights, hot and cold running showers, and flushing toilets.
empleado de la compañía suministradora de agua 
water board engineer
 The Government (with the exception of the police and the armed forces and the telecom engineers, water board engineers and electricity supply people) seems still to be talking about what to do rather than doing.
en abril, aguas mil  
April showers bring May flowers
April showers
 Just as April showers bring May flowers, it is often only after hard work, perseverance and planning that we see the benefit of our efforts.
 April showers are officially here. As winter slowly recedes, the season of rain begins.
entre dos aguas 
 Poul Qvist Joergensen, Social Democratic MP, expressed his Party's undecided attitude towards tax exemption for sponsorship.
escape de agua  
water leakage
water leak
 However, most emergencies arise from water leakage and much can be done by the non-specialist to alleviate the damage.
 Far more common are the small disasters that all buildings are susceptible to: water leaks, storm damage or vandalism.
escasez de agua 
water shortage
 There are some limitations, however, including a neglect of issues such as water shortages, urban sprawl, noise and light pollution, and diminishing wildlife habitat.
esperar como agua de mayo  
await with + eager anticipation
await with + eager expectation
 Without question his combination of proper fertilizer and attentive care resulted in a harvest we all awaited with eager anticipation.
 We await with eager expectation the arrival of the book in printed form with high hopes that it will find its place in the world.
estar como pez en el agua 
be in + Posesivo + element
 It's like how William is totally in his element when he talks about cosmology, because he's an astrophysicist.
estar entre dos aguas   
fall between + two stools
sit on + the fence
be on the horns of a dilemma
 The article is entitled 'ADONIS: a happy medium or falling between two stools'.
 However, some CD-ROM publishers have decided to sit on the fence and offer prices that are neither too high nor too low.
 Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.
factura de electricidad, agua o gas 
utility bill
 Legal aid needs of off-campus students are greater due to possible disagreements concerning tenancy, security deposits, utility bills, exterminators, and increased risk of traffic tickets and accidents.
factura del agua 
water bill
 Direct debit is the most convenient way to pay your water bill.
falta de agua 
water shortage
 There are some limitations, however, including a neglect of issues such as water shortages, urban sprawl, noise and light pollution, and diminishing wildlife habitat.
falto de agua 
 This area is visited only by desert rats, biologists, military personnel, and those desperate people willing to walk across as much as 60 miles of waterless trail.
filtro de agua 
water filter
 While both water filters and water purifiers are excellent when it comes to removing bacteria, keep in mind that only a water purifier will remove viruses from your drinking water.
flor que echa un chorro de agua  [Artículo de broma]
squirting flower
 The author shows that manufactured practical jokes such as the whoopie cushion, squirting flower and fake animal feces are being used, carnivalistically and humorously, as a conscious and unconscious comment on larger social situations.
fuente de agua   
drinking fountain
water fountain
 To this day, drinking fountains in the Navy are still referred to as scuttlebutt.
 The farm supplies visitors with high-quality natural environment (landscape, forest, water fountains, ecological food), accommodation, and other services.
 And this is coming from someone who had to be restrained in school after flipping out and kicking a bubbler.
fuga de agua  
water leakage
water leak
 However, most emergencies arise from water leakage and much can be done by the non-specialist to alleviate the damage.
 Far more common are the small disasters that all buildings are susceptible to: water leaks, storm damage or vandalism.
gallina de agua 
 To most people, coots are noisy, quarrelsome water birds that do a lot of splashing about.
gato escaldado del agua fría huye 
once bitten, twice shy
 To promote food products, it is essential that exaggerated claims must be avoided, for the consumer 'once bitten is twice shy'.
gestión de aguas 
water management
 This learning resources center collects print and non-print materials emphasizing aspects of land and water management.
gota de agua 
drop of water
 Catherine's eyes were focused on that which her ears failed to hear and she stared blankly at the drops of water as they streaked down the glass.
hacer agua(s)   
not hold + water
spring + a leak
ship + water
 Their arguments against the government's foreign policy simply don't hold water.
 While the region grapples with fixing its sewer infrastructure, another set of underground pipes are springing leaks.
 This caused the ship to heel to such a degree that the sea washed in at her gun ports and she soon began to ship water in her hold.
hacerse la boca agua  
make + Posesivo + mouth water
salivate at/over
 Turkish politicians are not able to decide what the correct policies are without the EU telling them what to do, while making their mouth water with potential financial rewards.
 A little over a year ago everyone was salivating over him and now, nothing.
hervidora eléctrica de agua 
electric kettle
 Heavy-current electrical appliances (e.g. washers/dryers, dehumidifiers and electric kettles) should be supplied from individual socket outlets.
hervidor de agua 
 Eleven essays discuss aspects of the theme, including the trade, and such objects as beads, kettles and combs.
hervir agua 
boil + water
 If you can't boil water, you can disinfect it using household bleach.
hilo de agua 
 This is in fulfillment of the Claverhouse dictum that unless staff members have the opportunity to develop as people their inspirational springs will become mere trickles.
hoja de agua  [En fabricación del papel, estadio en el que tras haber depositado la pasta de papel sobre una superficie porosa y haber sido prensada para que pierda su contenido de agua todavía está húmeda]
 At this stage the paper was called waterleaf, and was absorbent like blotting-paper.
impulsado por el agua 
 The 'sweated' rags were next cut up into small pieces and placed in wooden mortars where they were pounded to a pulp (or stuff) by water-powered hammers.
jarro de agua fría 
slap in the face
 To reward him with a major committee chairmanship would be a slap in the face of millions of Americans who want to see real change in our country.
lavar con agua 
rinse off
 The only thing that rinsing off baby carrots will do is remove any dirt that might be on the surface - it won't wash away any bacteria.
lavar con agua abudante 
 Depleted uranium must be added to the tanks to dilute the isotopic ratio of the contents before they can be sluiced.
limpiar con agua 
wash away
 Then it gets progressively worse as walls are washed away and vehicles plastered against houses and trees.
línea de agua, la 
water line, the
 Of particular concern are limpet mines attached covertly to the ship hull under the water line.
línea divisoria de (las) aguas 
 Phosphorus runoff has generated water quality degradation, spawning legislative and regularity actions in several watersheds in Arkansas.
llave de paso del agua 
water valve
 Knowing how to turn off your home's water valves can be vital during an emergency.
llevarse el gato al agua   [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]     [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]
steal + Posesivo + show
steal + the limelight
the nod + go to
steal + Posesivo + thunder
steal + Posesivo + scene
steal + the spotlight
 The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.
 Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.
 In a tie, the data suggests the nod would go to search engines = En igualdad de condiciones, los datos nos dan a entender que serían los buscadores los que ganarían el pulso, en última instancia.
 She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.
 But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.
 It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.
manta de agua    
pelting rain
soaking rain
 Then early in the morning it had begun raining - a cold, steady, autumnal downpour.
 It wasn't only vinaigrette that was drizzling the day we arrived, the grey sky was hung visibly with rainstorms that billowed like net-curtains.
 Soaked to the skin in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the tomb was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.
 Another round of cold, snow and soaking rain will hit the Northeast Sunday into Monday.
marca de agua  [Marca que en cierto tipo de papel se ve al ponerlo al trasluz]
 Such paper was rarely made, but may now and again be found with the watermark in the middle, or next to an edge, of the sheet.
marcas de agua 
 Watermarking did not become more than locally systematic during the sixteenth century, however.
marcas de agua digitales  [Sistema utilizado para grabar los datos del propietario de un objeto digital con objeto de evitar el plagio]
digital watermarking
 Digital watermarking technology can be used to protect the rights of digital information owners and although it does not prevent unauthorised copying it can be used to trace or detect unauthorised distribution of material.
marinero de agua dulce  [Término despectivo]
 Contrary to the beliefs of landlubbers, sailing boats are not compelled to travel with the wind.
más claro el agua 
as clear as a bell
 The safest option is to stay away from drugs altogether, that's as clear as a bell.
más claro que el agua 
as clear as a bell
 The safest option is to stay away from drugs altogether, that's as clear as a bell.
molino de agua 
water mill
 The story of this water mill begins in 1640 when a group of English colonists came to Southampton.
nadar entre dos aguas    
sit on + the fence
fall between + two stools
have + a foot in + Número + camps
be on the horns of a dilemma
 However, some CD-ROM publishers have decided to sit on the fence and offer prices that are neither too high nor too low.
 The article is entitled 'ADONIS: a happy medium or falling between two stools'.
 The article 'The Smithsonian Institution Libraries: a foot in three camps' describes how the SIL operates within 3 camps or environments simultaneously - museums, research libraries, and special libraries - and utilises policies and practices that contain elements of each.
 Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.
ninfa de las aguas  [También escrito undine]  [También escrito ondine]
 The tale commences in the hut of a fisherman and his wife and their foundling daughter, actually an ondine.
 As an undine, she grows gills and fins and her skin changes to fine scales.
nivel del agua 
water level
 Decision making by the Water Board on water levels was based on information on agricultural effects and the risk of damage to buildings and roads as a consequence of subsidence.
nivel máximo del agua 
high-water mark
 The 1930s decade was a high-water mark of student activism, with a larger percentage of the student population involved in political organizations than at any other period including the 1960s.
nivel mínimo del agua 
low-water mark
 The report was primarily concerned with archaeological remains situated above low-water mark.
no dar palo al agua 
not lift a finger
 He doesn't lift a finger and pays off a bunch of technicians to make the equipment for him.
noria de agua 
water wheel [waterwheel]
 The author examines how Renaissance engineers renovated and developed ancient Roman waterworks or reinvented ancient hydraulic technologies based on siphons, water wheels, pumps, etc.
orilla del agua 
water's edge
 'Lower town,' along the water's edge, is a district of crowded brick and frame structures of varied heights, an occasional old residence having had its ground floor pressed into commercial service.
pecina de las aguas residuales 
sewage sludge
 The main headings include climatology, water pollution, air pollution and the disposal of sewage sludges.
perder agua  
lose + water
 The article is entitled 'Holes in the dike: is Cambridge Scientific publisher losing water?.
 The article is entitled 'Sometimes the roof doesn't just leak, it caves in!'.
pez de agua dulce 
freshwater fish
 This publication reviews the literature on the effect of culverts on migrating indigenous and exotic freshwater fish.
pez de agua salada 
saltwater fish
 Cigarette butts, one of the most ubiquitous forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish.
pila del agua bendita 
holy water font
 The holy water font was originally the fountain for ablutions, placed in the centre of the atrium of the basilica.
pintura al agua  [Pintura que se realiza con colores opacos disueltos en agua] 
water-based paint
 Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.
 Water-based paint dries purely by evaporation, while oil-based paint has a chemical drying agent added.
pipa de agua 
 The recent High Court verdict banning hookah parlours has not gone down well with hoteliers in the city.
planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales  
sewage plant
sewage treatment plant
 A pump at a sewage plant in Beijing has exploded, killing three workers and causing a toxic gas leak that made at least 16 people ill.
 In sewage treatment plants, the organic components of the waste water are decomposed in aeration tanks using microorganisms.
por encima del agua 
 This romantic luxury honeymoon destination is the first resort to introduce overwater accommodation.
purificador de agua 
water purifier
 While both water filters and water purifiers are excellent when it comes to removing bacteria, keep in mind that only a water purifier will remove viruses from your drinking water.
que da agua  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
quedar en agua de borrajas  
end up in + smoke
go up in + smoke
 There was a similar event in North Korea, but the difference is that the North Korean coup ended up in smoke.
 With a damaged car, having to make a pit stop to change his front wing, the potential of a second place finish went up in smoke.
que el agua disuelve 
 This solvent has therefore been useful in removal of such adhesives from drawings where water-fugitive media are present.
que hace la boca agua 
 End your meal on a naughty-but-nice note with one of these mouth-watering desserts, served with lashings of home-made custard.
que no absorbe el agua o la humedad 
 Photographs should be stored in non-hygroscopic containers which are free of sulphur, acids, and peroxides.
que pierde agua  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
recibo de electricidad, agua o gas 
utility bill
 Legal aid needs of off-campus students are greater due to possible disagreements concerning tenancy, security deposits, utility bills, exterminators, and increased risk of traffic tickets and accidents.
recibo del agua 
water bill
 Direct debit is the most convenient way to pay your water bill.
red de abastecimiento de agua  
water supply system
 People living in many semi-urban areas are deprived of water supply system and are the worst-hit in the summer.
 The author examines how Renaissance engineers renovated and developed ancient Roman waterworks or reinvented ancient hydraulic technologies based on siphons, water wheels, pumps, etc.
red de agua potable 
water mains
 Much of our water mains system is between 40 and 150 years old, and is generally in poor condition and needs to be replaced.
red de agua potable, la 
mains, the
 The flushing is done to remove sediment from the mains and improve the water quality.
red de suministro de agua potable 
water mains
 Much of our water mains system is between 40 and 150 years old, and is generally in poor condition and needs to be replaced.
red de suministro de agua potable, la 
mains, the
 The flushing is done to remove sediment from the mains and improve the water quality.
reservas de agua subterránea 
groundwater reservoir
 Geologists may thus be able to predict the extent of mineral deposits, strength of rocks and the behaviour of groundwater reservoirs.
resistente al agua 
water resistant
 Their suntan creams are also water resistant - which is handy if you're on holiday in a very hot country and need to keep getting in and out of the pool or sea just to cool down.
restricciones de agua 
water restrictions
 Water restrictions are currently in place in many parts of Australia due to the severe drought.
retener el agua 
hold + water
 When you break up dirt clods in your garden, it improves the structure of the soil, allowing it to hold more water and support more vigorous plants.
romper aguas 
Posesivo + waters + break
 If your waters do break before you go into labour, don't panic - put on a sanitary pad for protection.
ron con agua 
 They barmaids plied the three mateys with grog until they passed out.
sacar agua de las piedras 
get + water from a stone
 Blood may be thicker than water, but you can't get water from a stone either.
saltar al agua 
leap into + the water
 Prince stayed close by, but Candy, being a Spaniel, soon leapt into the water before I thought to call her to heel.
salto de agua  
 It's a fortress guarding sacred waterfalls, and a cauldron of savage white-water and unrunnable rapids.
 Vast lakes, awesome falls and runnable rapids make a trip along this river dazzling and challenging.
seda formando aguas 
watered silk
 Some of these exotic bindings were covered with materials such as watered silk, velvet, deep-stamped leather, and papier mâché.
sentirse como pez en el agua 
take to + Nombre + like ducks to water
 We can easily believe that students would take to Google like ducks to water.
sentirse como pez fuera del agua  
be out of + Posesivo + element
feel out of + Posesivo + element
 His urbane manner, formidable erudition, and background experience might have led one to conclude that perhaps he was somewhat out of his element there on the prairie.
 Although she made a strong first impression, she admits that she feels somewhat out of her element.
ser como dos gotas de agua 
be like two peas in a pod
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
ser una raya en el agua 
be good for nothing
 For, methinks, the present condition of man is like a field, where battle hath been lately fought, where we may see many legs, and arms, and eyes lying here and there, which, for want of a union, and a soul to quicken and enliven them, are good for nothing, but to feed ravens, and infect the air.
sin agua 
 This area is visited only by desert rats, biologists, military personnel, and those desperate people willing to walk across as much as 60 miles of waterless trail.
sistema de abastecimiento de agua  
water supply system
 The author examines how Renaissance engineers renovated and developed ancient Roman waterworks or reinvented ancient hydraulic technologies based on siphons, water wheels, pumps, etc.
 People living in many semi-urban areas are deprived of water supply system and are the worst-hit in the summer.
sistema de circulación del agua 
water circulation system
 A practical method of enriching water with alkaline ions using a water circulation system with dolomite is introduced.
sistema de extinción de incendios mediante rociadores de agua 
water sprinkler fire extinguishing system
 Negative features are the water sprinkler fire extinguishing system, which, if activated, would be ruinous to the Library's holdings.
sistema de rociadores de agua  
sprinkler system
water sprinkler system
 Sprinkler systems fight fire, and transmit alarm at the same time, immediately after the beginning of a fire.
 Protection of special collections from water and mould damage resulting from the operation of a standard water sprinkler system is paramount.
tan claro como el agua 
as clear as a bell
 The safest option is to stay away from drugs altogether, that's as clear as a bell.
tejado a cuatro aguas  
hip roof
hipped roof
 One of the two most popular roof designs, if not the most popular is the hip roof.
 A hipped roof is stronger in windstorms than a gabled one.
tetera para hervir agua 
 Eleven essays discuss aspects of the theme, including the trade, and such objects as beads, kettles and combs.
tirarse al agua de un salto 
leap into + the water
 Prince stayed close by, but Candy, being a Spaniel, soon leapt into the water before I thought to call her to heel.
tortuga de agua dulce 
 The second part covers the conditions and treatment of particular species including chinchillas, ferrets, terrapins, and raccoons.
transmitido por el agua 
 Waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery are not problematic in the United States.
transportado por el agua 
 Waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery are not problematic in the United States.
tratamiento de aguas residuales   
sewage treatment
sewage disposal
waste water treatment
 All the patents were about sewage treatment.
 Its relationship to the environment is now reasonably well understood - water supply, sewage disposal, protection from weather, etc.
 Reed beds are becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of both industrial and domestic effluents, offering a simple means of wastewater treatment.
tratamiento del agua 
water treatment
 Tropical aquariums require filters, heaters, lights and pumps, as well as decor, plants and numerous water treatments.
tromba de agua    
pelting rain
soaking rain
 Soaked to the skin in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the tomb was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.
 Then early in the morning it had begun raining - a cold, steady, autumnal downpour.
 Waterspouts are almost always produced by a swiftly growing cumulus cloud.
 Another round of cold, snow and soaking rain will hit the Northeast Sunday into Monday.
una muralla de agua 
a wall of water
 A heavy storm sent a wall of water rushing down the river while most campers were sleeping, leaving them scrambling in the dark for safety .
una tormenta en un vaso de agua 
a tempest in a teapot
 The article 'Outsourcing: a tempest in a teapot' argues that the difference between contracting out in the past and outsourcing today is only one of name.
vapor de agua 
water vapour
 They are the next best choice but they are suited best to low humidity situations as the air has greater potential to absorb water vapour.
venir como agua de mayo              
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
be + Posesivo + cup of tea
fit + the bill
be just the thing
be just the ticket
be just the job
come in + handy
come in + handiest
suit + Nombre + to a T
suit + Nombre + to the ground
hit + the spot
be spot on
fit like + a glove
be just perfect
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
 As far as the younger generation is concerned, media is more their cup of tea than journalism.
 Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.
 What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.
 Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.
 She came up with a detail from a recent painting which was just the job, and we agreed terms relatively quickly.
 Past experiences do come in handy when people have to make complex decisions based on uncertain or confusing information.
 This blender is fabulous - I've used it for milkshakes but where it comes in handiest is when I use it to puree soups, which I do often.
 She'd heard on the grapevine that a big project was coming up with a past contact and it was work that suited her to a T.
 The apartments seem to be more suited to families but seeing as my friends and I aren't clubbers it suited us to the ground.
 We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.
 The program is spot on - you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.
 Your boots must fit like a glove and be as comfy as your running shoes.
 The weather was just perfect for taking shots as I wandered around.
viaje por agua 
sailing trip
 Your vacation sailing trip won't be so relaxing if you're so seasick you want to throw yourself overboard.
volumen de agua 
volume of water
 The decreasing volume of water in the rivers is bound to affect both drinking water and irrigation supply.
agua dulce
agua dulce 
  freshwater [fresh water].
 This journal covers the world's literature on the science, technology and management of marine, brackish, and freshwater environments.
agua marina
agua marina 
  sea-water [seawater].
 Moreover, optical-fibre cables can resist the ill-effects of sea-water much better than the metal cables of today.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra agua



El término «agua» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 271 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «agua» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de agua
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «agua».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «agua» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «agua» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre agua



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra agua.
Anatole France
La ignorancia y el error son tan imprescindibles en la vida como el pan y el agua.
Arthur Schopenhauer
La riqueza es como el agua salada: cuanto más se bebe, más sed da; lo mismo ocurre con la gloria.
Un hombre no trata de verse en el agua que corre, sino en el agua tranquila, porque solamente lo que en sí es tranquilo puede dar tranquilidad a otros.
Emilio Castelar
Una vida en que no cae una lágrima es como uno de esos desiertos en que no cae una gota de agua: sólo engendran serpientes.
Johann W. Goethe
¡Cómo te pareces al agua, alma del hombre! ¡Cómo te pareces al viento, destino del hombre!
Khalil Gibran
El hombre es como la espuma del mar, que flota sobre la superficie del agua y cuando sopla viento se desvanece como si no hubiera existido. Así arrebata la muerte nuestras vidas.
Ludwig Feuerbach
La vida, como un vino precioso, hay que saborearla poco a poco, sorbo a sorbo. Los mejores vinos pierden todo su encanto y no se estiman bien si se tragan como si fuera agua.
Mahatma Gandhi
Dar un vaso de agua a cambio de un vaso de agua no es nada; la verdadera grandeza consiste en devolver el bien por el mal.
Miguel De Cervantes
El hacer bien a villanos es echar agua en la mar.
Mika Waltari
Como el agua gasta lentamente la piedra, así el tiempo gasta los corazones.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término agua.
Agua de bobos, que no llueve, y nos calamos todos.
Agua sobre agua, ni cura ni lava.
Luna que amarillea, agua otea.
No hay tal señal de agua como oír cantar las ranas.
Agua pasada no mueve molinos.
Del agua mansa me libre Dios, que de la brava me guardaré yo.
Agua cocida, sabe mal pero alarga la vida.
Agua corriente, no mata gente, agua estancá, la matará.
Agua corriente, sana a la gente.
Agua de mayo no cala el sayo, y se alguna vez lo calo pronto lo enjuago.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de agua en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con agua y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Estudio técnico sobre el agua que aspira a suscitar la toma de conciencia de las nuevas generaciones sobre este tema. Galardonado con el segundo premio a la Innovación Educativa en 2004.
Valentín Gavidia Catalán, Juan Rueda Sevilla, 2006
Este libro intenta acercarse al colectivo de adultos que realizan practicas en el medio acuatico, ofreciendoles la posibilidad de mejorar sus conocimientos sobre el mismo.
Carles Jardi Pinyol, 2002
Desde hace treinta años, Jean Fouace enseña natación a niños y adultos. En Suiza, ha contribuido activamente al desarrollo de la natación para bebés.
Roger Zumbrunnen, Jean Fouace, 2006
Agua y territorio: arquitectura y paisaje
Libro que indaga sobre la relación entre “el agua y las estructuras de lugar” con el proceso lógico de colonización del territorio y el tiempo, es decir, relacionando con los procesos de historia y de cultura en la realización de ...
Francisco Granero Martín, 2003
Las guerras del agua: contaminación, privatización y negocio
En Las guerras del agua, Vandana Shiva utiliza su notable conocimiento de la ciencia y la sociedad para analizar la histórica erosión de los derechos de acceso al agua por parte de las comunidades humanas.
Vandana Shiva, 2004
El agua y su historia: México y sus desafíos hacia el siglo XXI
Especialista en historia económica, el doctor Alejandro Tortolero Villaseñor presenta en este libro un recuento del tema del agua en México subrayando los grandes momentos que ha experimentado nuestro país en el manejo del agua.
Alejandro Tortolero, 2000
Como agua para chocolate
Como agua para chocolate es una agridulce comedia de amores y desencuentros, una obra chispeante, tierna y pletórica de talento, que se ha convertido en uno de los mayores éxitos de la literatura latinoamericana.
Laura Esquivel, 2011
Agua: temas para pintar a la acuarela
A partir de magnificas fotografias, usted descubre todos los secretos del proceso creativo y aprende a pintar, al oleo y a la acuarela, los grandes temas del paisaje: los arboles, los cielos y el agua, en sus multiples manifestaciones.
El Agua
En estado de vapor en la atmósfera, el agua cae en forma de lluvia sobre la Tierra, escurre, se infiltra en las capas o vuelve a evaporarse.
Ghislain De Marsily, 2001
Redes industriales de tubería, bombas para agua, ...
Este libro cubre, de forma clara y didáctica, las bases teóricas para el diseño de tuberías industriales para líquidos y compresores.
Antoni Luszczewski, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término agua en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Revelan la fecha en la que se terminará el agua potable en la Tierra
Antes del año 2050 el ser humano podría agotar todos los recursos de agua potable del planeta. Así lo revela un artículo publicado por Inquisitr basado en un ... «Granma Internacional, May 16»
Suben a 3.166 los afectados del brote de gastroenteritis por beber …
Esta compañía retiró la semana pasada de forma preventiva más de 6.000 garrafas de 19 litros de agua de la marca Font d'Arinsal en las provincias de ... «La Vanguardia, Abr 16»
Por fuga en el Cutzamala, habrá recortes de agua en CDMX y …
Para desafiar más al instinto de supervivencia de los habitantes del Valle de México, las autoridades anunciaron que durante 48 horas se quedarán sin agua ... «, Abr 16»
Mapa de Aguas Andinas con zonas de corte de agua y puntos de …
Ante el corte de emergencia en el suministro de agua que actualmente afecta a 29 comunas en la Región Metropolitana, producto de los aluviones y aludes ... «Teletrece, Abr 16»
Inusual lluvia en precordillera deja sin agua a más de 4 millones de …
¿Por qué esto influyó en el corte de suministro de agua potable? El caudal del Río Maipo, que abastece el 70% de la Región Metropolitana, aumentó en exceso ... «LaTercera, Abr 16»
El Salvador en alerta por falta de agua
MONTEVIDEO (Sputnik) — El Gobierno de El Salvador decretó el estado de alerta naranja para la capital y 13 ciudades cercanas por la escasez de agua ... «Sputnik Mundo, Abr 16»
La ONU vincula el agua con el empleo y el crecimiento económico
La ONU vincula el agua con el empleo y el crecimiento económico El estudio pone de manifiesto el hecho de que el agua equivale a trabajo. Wikipedia/EFE. «EFEverde, el periodismo del medio ambiente, Mar 16»
La casta de India que para ser considerada inferior dejó sin agua a …
Unos 10 millones de personas se quedaron sin acceso al agua en Delhi, capital de India, tras varios días de violentas protestas de miembros de la casta "jat", ... «BBC Mundo, Feb 16»
Serán siete días sin agua para 13 delegaciones
Aunque los efectos de falta de agua más agudos serán viernes, sábado y domingo, del 1 al 4 de febrero será el periodo de recuperación de niveles en el ... «El Economista, Ene 16»
Cine vs realidad: una bala disparada bajo agua recorre poco más …
Todos hemos visto películas de acción en las que el héroe huye nadando bajo el agua rodeado de amenazadoras balas que recorren el agua a toda velocidad. «Gizmodo en Español, Ene 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Agua [en línea] . Disponible en <>. Abr 2024 ».
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