Ketahui penggunaan
kuntuan dalam pilihan bibliografi berikut. Buku yang berkait dengan
kuntuan dan ekstrak ringkas dari yang sama untuk menyediakan konteks penggunaannya dalam kesusasteraan Melayu.
Communications and National Integration in Communist ...
The department maintained an independent policy on art and literature for the military, and the chief propaganda instrument of its policy was the system of Cultural Work Corps (Wen-kun Tuan).33 Under the General Political Department of the ...
A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in ... - Halaman 92
Clothing and personal effects: angkin (woman's “cloth belt”); bakiak (“wooden clogs”); chukin (“short bathing clothes” worn by Chinese labourers); hopau (“purse” worn on the belt); jong (“velvet cloth”); kuntuan (satin-like “silk”); pangju ...
Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew, 2012
Yijing Wondering and Wandering - Halaman 203
Jane Schorre, Carrin Dunne. Dragon Gates The Way of Being and Non-Being 1. Qian 2. Kun tuan: Originative, prevailing, of tuan: Originative, 203 Dragon Gates: The Way of Being and Non-being.
Jane Schorre, Carrin Dunne, 2003
A comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary - Halaman 537
2 runner-up. penguntitan pursuit, chase, surveillance, tailing, trailing, shadowing, stalking. kuntuan (C) satin-like silk. kuntuk various k.o. egrets. - kecil little egret, Egretta garzetta. - kerbau cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis. kuntul I tailless (of fowl), ...
An Indonesian-English Dictionary - Halaman 318
... or trailing (of s.o.). kuntuan Ch silk. kuntuli heron, egret. kuntul2 tailless (of fowl). kuntul, see KONTOL. kuntum 1 flower bud ready to open. 2 (Lit.) a budding girl. 3 classifier or counter for flowers. se- bunga a flower. ber-, meng- bud (of a ...
John M. Echols, Hassan Shadily, James T. Collins, 1989
8 BAHASA DUNIA: - Halaman 87
... Contoh: ▻ Sengetsu tsukimashita. ▻ Anata wa manichi isogashii desu ka? Akhiran –go (bahasa) Nihon-go (bahasa Jepang), Indonesia-go (bahasa Indonesia) Akhiran –san, -kun (tuan, nyonya, Simanjuntak-san (Tuan nona) Simanjuntak) ...
Herpinus Simanjuntak, 2013
Kamus Lengkap - Jilid 1 - Halaman 563
(menurut, mematuhi). menguntiti foliow, taiL kuntuan a type ofsatin-iike siik. (sejenis kain sutera yang berkilat). kuntul tailless; scrotum, testicle. 1 . (togel, tiada berekor). 2. (kantung buah peiir). ayam kuntul tailless fowL kuntul egret, heron.
Awang Sujai Hairul, Yusoff Khan, 1977
Kamus Dewan - Halaman 626
... Cina. kuntianak Jk puntianak. kuntit Jk; menguntit 1. mengikut (dr belakang), membuntut, mengekor, 2. menurut (kata atau perbuatan orang), mematuhi, menguntiti mengikuti, mengekori. kuntuan C si kain sutera. kuntul I tidak berekor, togel, ...
Summary of World Broadcasts: Far East - Bhgn 3
(Yao Shou-kun), (Tuan Teh-chang) and (Lei Chia-feng), responsible persons of the East Sea Fleet, said that the PLA unreservedly supported the proletarian revolutionaries' rebellion against the power- holders who had sneaked into the Party, ...
British Broadcasting Corporation. Monitoring Service, 1967
China yearbook - Halaman 499
17 — Second Fengtien-Chihli war broke out, resulting in defeat of General Wu Pei-fu and resignation of Tsao Kun. Tuan Chi-jui became Provisional Chief Executive. Dec. 4 — Dr. Sun Yat-sen arrived in Tientsin at the invitation of Tuan Chi-jui.
China. Xing zheng yuan. Xin wen ju, 1958