Descubra o uso de
experimentum crucis na seguinte seleção bibliográfica. Livros relacionados com
experimentum crucis e pequenos extratos deles para contextualizar o seu uso na literatura.
The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences - Strona 85
When told by Newton that the experimentum crucis was the only trial to be examined, they reported a failure to replicate his alleged result. There was here no agreement on proper use and design of prisms. Nor was there agreement on the ...
David Gooding, Trevor Pinch, Simon Schaffer, 1989
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals: A Critical ...
37.27 experimentum crucis} A 'crucial experiment' indicates that one theory is better supported, or even decisive in competition with other theories. The concept seems to have its origins in Francis Bacon's" Novum organum, where he referred ...
David Hume, Tom L. Beauchamp, 1998
DIE. ENTTÄUSCHUNG. Es wäre eine Affenschande, wenn es sich anders verhielte und sich die Herren Politiker außer Stande sähen, ihr Land ins rechte Licht zu setzen. Gewiss, dass es begeisterten Applaus für den Minister gäbe und seine ...
“The main Business of natural Philosophy”: Isaac Newton’s ...
Again, it should be stressed that the experiment is idealised. As Laymon has pointed out, Newton assumed that the rays refracted by the second prism were of a single colour (Laymon, “Newton's Experimentum Crucis”, pp. 51–77, 53, 56; cf.
Network Science and Cybersecurity - Strona 200
6. Conclusion: Experimentum. Crucis. Coping with the “Big Data” situation constitutes the key problem for purposeful behavior in natural and artificial systems. Human reaction to the Big Data environment is bounded rationality—a ...
Rhetoric and the Early Royal Society: A Sourcebook - Strona 198
In Hooke's Attempt, the experiment at stake is an experimentum crucis, once again hinting at a Baconian notion: the instantia crucis of Instauratio Magna.34 The displacement from “essay” to “attempt” was akin to the move from Bacon's ...
Tina Skouen, Ryan Stark, 2014
#Wiesz, co to jest experimentum crucis? # Odwróci się do niej gwatownie. # Eksperyment krzyZa # powiedzia a Fryderyka po namy9le. # Nie pytam cię, jak przetumaczyć tę frazę na polski # skarci ją do9ć opryskliwie #ale co to jest! # Nie wiem ...
Let usbegin with afew words on the notion of crucial experiment,or experimentum crucis. 1The idea appears in the seventeenth century inFrancis Bacon's Novum Organum, as the instantia crucis that is, acrucial instance, or inthe English ...
Gyorgy Kampis, Ladislav Kvasz, Michael Stöltzner, 2002
Bakona metoda tłumaczenia natury - Strona 103
Ostatnie fenomena są tym, co Bakon zowie instantia crucis, które system Kopernika wspierają. W prawdach jedynie drogą Indukcyi odkryc się mogących, expervnentum crucis takiej jest wagi, iż gdzie do experimentum crucis uciec się nie ...
Goethe Contra Newton: Polemics and the Project for a New ...
The experimentum crucis: context and intent The experiments that lead up to the experimentum crucis all deal in the same basic elements: the sun and its rays, the darkness of shadow and the camera obscura, a small aperture, at least one ...
Conheça de que se fala nos meios de comunicação nacionais e internacionais e como se utiliza o termo
experimentum crucis no contexto das seguintes notícias.
Formes de vie & usages du droit
... en effet une distinction entre usus facti et usus iuris, qui trouvait son comble (et selon G. Agamben son experimentum crucis) dans la notion d'abdicatio iuris :. «Fabula, set 15»
Mi avvio alla conclusione attingendo ancora da Bacone, il quale a sigillo del suo percorso parla di “experimentum crucis” (“esperienza della croce”) fondandolo ... «IMGpress, set 15»
HomePA digitaleLe quattro aree chiave per una vera riforma digitale …
... velocità nella garanzia dei diritti di giustizia rendono questo campo un vero experimentum crucis della capacità della PA di trasformarsi grazie alle tecnologie. «Forumpa - Il Forum della Pubblica Amministrazione, set 15»
Se il tragico diventa “osceno”
Ecco il punto cruciale, l'experimentum crucis al contrario: a furia d'immagini di morte, questa preziosa luogotenenza parrebbe esser cessata. Ti è piaciuto ... «La Stampa, jul 15»
Juan Diego Flórez alla Scala: una “mela d'oro”?
... e che lo vede protagonista insieme a Kunde e alla Peretyatko, si presenta pertanto come calzante experimentum crucis per testare le sue effettive condizioni. «Amadeus online, jun 15»
Buchkritik zu "Mehr Licht"
Er führt seine Leser schrittweise hin zu Newtons experimentum crucis (einem auschlaggebenden Experiment, mit dem sich eine Theorie falsifizieren lässt). «Spektrum der Wissenschaft, mai 15»
Xylella: senza la “sputacchina” si può eliminare. L'idea di Vittorio …
... e controllare che non esistano conoscenze verificate per formulare infine ipotesi che indichino subito l'experimentum crucis. L'insetto Philaenus, vettore della ... «Il Quotidiano Italiano, abr 15»
Wenn Satire alles darf
An einem solchen Experimentum Crucis zu scheitern war naheliegend, hätte man anhand seines Textes doch eher eine Richtigstellung in folgendem Sinn ... «derStandard.at, jan 15»
L'économie politique selon J.S. Mill : Une science qui nécessite une …
... dans le domaine des « sciences morales » et d'obtenir ce que Bacon, cité par Mill, appelle un experimentum crucis, qui oblige à formuler des hypothèses. «Contrepoints, dez 14»
判决实验”可追溯到实验科学的老祖培根,他最早看见了理论的“决定性事例”(instantia crucis),胡克和牛顿后来才用拉丁文的experimentum crucis来称呼相应的实验。 «人民网, set 14»