paralinguistic相关的书籍以及同一来源的简短摘要提供其在 英语文献中的使用情境。
Proceedings of the
Paralinguistic Information and its ...
This volume includes proceedings articles presented at the Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems held in Granada, Spain.
Ramon Lopez-Cozar Delgado, Tetsunori Kobayashi, 2011
Paralanguage: A linguistic and interdisciplinary approach to ...
This is the first interdisciplinary book-length treatment of paralanguage, briefly defined as: nonverbal vocal or narial communication.
Transcribing Talk and Interaction: Issues in the ...
chapter. 4. Transcribing. interactional. and. paralinguistic. features. 4.1
Introduction The basic representational issues discussed in Chapter 3 are
important in determining which media playback software program to use, how
much white space ...
Christopher Joseph Jenks, 2011
Semiotics of Language, Literature, and Culture
Similarly there are certain aspects which are generally called paralinguistic
features. For example 'loudness' is a paralinguistic feature. If in a given situation
a speaker is trying to imitate another speaker he changes his basic 'tone of voice'
and ...
Vennelaṇṭi Prakāśam, 1999
In this chapter a brief look is taken at other prosodic and paralinguistic features
with which intonation interacts and at the relationship of intonation to other media
, i.e. writing and gesture; the chapter ends with an overview of the present ...
Organization of Behavior in Face-to-face Interaction
PHILIP LIEBERMAN Current linguistic theory rigidly compartmentalizes the "
linguistic" and "paralinguistic" aspects of human communication. Linguistic
communication has been equated to the transmission of cognitive, referential
Adam Kendon, Richard M. Harris, Mary Ritchie Key, 1975
The Semiotics of Beckett's Theatre: A Semiotic Study of the ...
understanding of linguistic and paralinguistic signs in theatre can never be
completed unless the kinesic and proxemic behavior of the actor is taken into
account. 1.1.3. KINESIC SIGNS Up to this point, we have taken issue with only
those ...
Self-Disclosure: Theory, Research and Therapy
the right-handed and left-handed groups showed little difference in their ratings
of scenes that contained either linguistic or paralinguistic incon- gruencies. Both
groups made equally graduated ratings across the three levels of incongruency
in ...
Valerian J. Derlaga, John H. Berg, 1987
cf. 17.1.) The phenomenon of semiotic conflict may hold, it should be noted, not
only between vocal and non- vocal signals, or between the linguistic and
paralinguistic components of an utterance, but also between the verbal and the
prosodic ...
Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse: How to Create it ...
Moreover, finding appropriate answers sometimes depends crucially on prosodic
and paralinguistic framing devices. Where prosodic and paralinguistic signals
are inappropriate or ambiguous (and verbal content does not fully disambiguate),
Wolfram Bublitz, Uta Lenk, Eija Ventola, 1999
Comment: The internet talks like a woman
... though old-fashioned writing lacked the paralinguistic elements, like tone and body language, that shaped the meaning of our spoken words. «SBS, 六月 15»
Ask Sandy: My boyfriend has no manners
It involves proximity (how near or far we are to someone), paralinguistic cues (the way our voices sounds), intonation, dress, posture, gestures ... «Herald Sun, 六月 15»
The Internet Talks Like a Woman
... though old-fashioned writing lacked the paralinguistic elements, like tone and body language, that shaped the meaning of our spoken words. «New York Magazine, 五月 15»
Is your voice trustworthy, engaging or soothing to strangers?
Psychology has shown that certain cues in speech, known as paralinguistic elements, are more important than others when it comes to ... «The Guardian, 四月 15»
Want to wow an interviewer? Voicemail follow ups beat email
That's because “paralinguistic cues — like tone, pauses, volume, variations in pitch, and the pace at which someone talks — can reveal the ... «Fortune, 三月 15»
The secret vocal cues of flirting
Also, “paralinguistic modulation” in one language may be a result of certain parameters which are specific to that language. The University of ... «RedOrbit, 一月 15»
I was out of line - Mbumba
... such a good thing Hon Mbumba apolgized to the nation,however what he frankly said during the occasion was paralinguistic,as a laeader we ... «Namibian, 十一月 14»
Can Your Voice Get You Hired? New Software Helps People Find …
The service uses algorithms to assess paralinguistic elements of speech, such as tone and inflection, and predict which emotions a specific ... «Fast Company, 十一月 14»
New Speech Technology Matches Service Workers to Jobs
Paralinguistic elements, such as tone of voice, complement verbal communication and may add meaning. That means "how" things are said is ... «GlobeNewswire, 十月 14»
Book to the Future: The 'TBD Catalog' Extrapolates on the Way We …
... The omission of paralinguistic tropes such as trumped-up next-gen QR glyphs or cryptic machine-readable watermarks (for Amazon phones, ... «Core77.com, 十月 14»