অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ডাউনলোড করুন
অনুসন্ধান করুন

ইংরেজীএর অভিধানে "give out" এর মানে


ইংরেজী এ GIVE OUT এর উচ্চারণ

give out play

GIVE OUT এর ব্যকরণগত বিভাগ

পদান্বয়ী অব্যয়
সংযোজক অব্যয়
বিশেষ্যের আগে যে শব্দ বসে
বিস্ময়ের যতিচিহ্ন

ইংরেজীএ GIVE OUT এর মানে কি?

ইংরেজী এর অভিধানে «give out» এর আসল সংজ্ঞা দেখুন এ ক্লিক করুন।
বাংলাএ সংজ্ঞার স্বয়ংক্রিয় অনুবাদ দেখুন এ ক্লিক করুন

ইংরেজীএর অভিধানে give out এর সংজ্ঞা

অভিধানে প্রকাশের প্রথম সংজ্ঞা হল নির্গত করা বা স্রাব করা। প্রকাশের অন্য সংজ্ঞা হল প্রকাশ বা প্রকাশ করা। প্রদান আউট এছাড়াও হস্তান্তর বা বিতরণ করা হয়।

The first definition of give out in the dictionary is to emit or discharge. Other definition of give out is to publish or make known. Give out is also to hand out or distribute.

ইংরেজী এর অভিধানে «give out» এর আসল সংজ্ঞা দেখুন এ ক্লিক করুন।
বাংলাএ সংজ্ঞার স্বয়ংক্রিয় অনুবাদ দেখুন এ ক্লিক করুন

ইংরেজী এর ক্রিয়াপদ GIVE OUT এর ধাতুরূপ


I give out
you give out
he/she/it gives out
we give out
you give out
they give out
Present continuous
I am giving out
you are giving out
he/she/it is giving out
we are giving out
you are giving out
they are giving out
Present perfect
I have given out
you have given out
he/she/it has given out
we have given out
you have given out
they have given out
Present perfect continuous
I have been giving out
you have been giving out
he/she/it has been giving out
we have been giving out
you have been giving out
they have been giving out


I gave out
you gave out
he/she/it gave out
we gave out
you gave out
they gave out
Past continuous
I was giving out
you were giving out
he/she/it was giving out
we were giving out
you were giving out
they were giving out
Past perfect
I had given out
you had given out
he/she/it had given out
we had given out
you had given out
they had given out
Past perfect continuous
I had been giving out
you had been giving out
he/she/it had been giving out
we had been giving out
you had been giving out
they had been giving out


I will give out
you will give out
he/she/it will give out
we will give out
you will give out
they will give out
Future continuous
I will be giving out
you will be giving out
he/she/it will be giving out
we will be giving out
you will be giving out
they will be giving out
Future perfect
I will have given out
you will have given out
he/she/it will have given out
we will have given out
you will have given out
they will have given out
Future perfect continuous
I will have been giving out
you will have been giving out
he/she/it will have been giving out
we will have been giving out
you will have been giving out
they will have been giving out


I would give out
you would give out
he/she/it would give out
we would give out
you would give out
they would give out
Conditional continuous
I would be giving out
you would be giving out
he/she/it would be giving out
we would be giving out
you would be giving out
they would be giving out
Conditional perfect
I would have give out
you would have give out
he/she/it would have give out
we would have give out
you would have give out
they would have give out
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been giving out
you would have been giving out
he/she/it would have been giving out
we would have been giving out
you would have been giving out
they would have been giving out


you give out
we let´s give out
you give out
to give out
Past participle
given out
Present Participle
giving out

ইংরেজী শব্দসমূহ যা GIVE OUT এর মতো শুরু হয়

give it hot
give it up for someone
give me
give odds
give off
give offence
give one´s eyeteeth for
give one´s right arm
give onto
give or take
give over
give pause to
give place to someone
give rise to
give someone a leg up
give someone a piece of one´s mind
give someone a row
give someone curry
give someone enough rope to hang himself
give someone hell

ইংরেজী শব্দসমূহ যা GIVE OUT এর মতো শেষ হয়

check out
close out
come out
figure out
freeze out
gone out
include out
inside out
leave out
live out
lose out
make out
move out
nose out
rule out
score out
strike out
take out
tease out
time out
wipe out

ইংরেজী এর প্রতিশব্দের অভিধানে give out এর প্রতিশব্দ ও বিপরীত শব্দ


25টি ভাষায় «give out» এর অনুবাদ

online translator

GIVE OUT এর অনুবাদ

আমাদের ইংরেজী বহুভাষিক অনুবাদক give out এর অনুবাদ 25টি ভাষায় পান।
এই বিভাগে উপস্থাপিত ইংরেজী থেকে অন্যান্য ভাষার give out এর অনুবাদ অটোমেটিক স্ট্যাস্টিক্যাল ট্রান্সলেশনের মাধ্যমে সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে; যেখানে অপরিহার্য অনুবাদ হলো ইংরেজী এর «give out» শব্দ।

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - চীনা

1,325 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - স্পেনীয়

570 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন


give out
510 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - হিন্দি

बाहर दे
380 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - আরবী

280 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - রুশ

278 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - পর্তুগীজ

270 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - বাংলা

বের করে দাও
260 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - ফরাসি

220 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - মালে

190 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - জার্মান

180 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - জাপানি

130 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - কোরিয়ান

85 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - জাভানি

Menehi metu
85 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - ভিয়েতনামিয়

phát ra
80 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - তামিল

75 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - মারাঠি

बाहेर टाका
75 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - তুর্কী

70 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - ইতালীয়

65 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - পোলীশ

50 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - ইউক্রেনীয়

40 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - রোমানীয়

a împărți
30 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - গ্রীক্‌

15 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - আফ্রিকান

gee uit
14 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - সুইডিশ

10 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

ইংরেজী এর অনুবাদক - নরওয়েজীয়

5 মিলিয়ন মানুষ কথা বলেন

give out এর ব্যবহারের প্রবণতা


«GIVE OUT» শব্দটি ব্যবহারের প্রবণতা

পুনরাবৃত্তির হার
মোটামুটি ব্যবহৃত হয়
উপরের মানচিত্রে বিভিন্ন দেশে «give out» শব্দটির ব্যবহারের পুনরাবৃত্তির হার দেয়া আছে।
give out এর মূল অনুসন্ধান প্রবণতা এবং প্রচলিত ব্যবহার
আমাদের ইংরেজী অনলাইন অভিধান অ্যাক্সেস করার জন্য ব্যবহারকারীদের দ্বারা মূল অনুসন্ধানসমূহের তালিকা এবং «give out» শব্দটির সবচেয়ে ব্যবহৃত অভিব্যক্তি।

সময়ে সময়ে «GIVE OUT» শব্দটির ব্যবহারের পুনরাবৃত্তির হার

গ্রাফে গত 500 বছরে «give out» শব্দের ব্যবহারের পুনরাবৃত্তির বার্ষিক মূল্যায়ন দেয়া আছে। এর বাস্তবায়ন 1500 বছর এবং বর্তমান দিনের মধ্যে ইংরেজী এ ডিজিট্যালকরণ মুদ্রিত উৎসসমূহে «give out» শব্দটি কতবার পাওয়া গেছে তার বিশ্লেষণ ভিত্তিক।

give out সম্পর্কে ইংরেজী সাহিত্য, উদ্ধৃতি এবং খবরের ব্যবহারের উদাহরণ


«GIVE OUT» নিয়ে ইংরেজী এর উদ্ধৃতি

give out শব্দটি আছে এমন বিখ্যাত উদ্ধৃতি ও বাক্যসমূহ
Berenice Abbott
Does not the very word 'creative' mean to build, to initiate, to give out, to act - rather than to be acted upon, to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach, it sings a song of life - not death.
Sarah Bolger
I have blessed hands. I got my hands blessed by the priest, and I am able to give out Holy Communion at Mass. It is lovely to be part of it.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Not a few other very eminent and scholarly men made the same request, urging that I should no longer through fear refuse to give out my work for the common benefit of students of Mathematics.
Matt Dillon
I don't like to give out advice. I make suggestions when I get to know somebody a little bit, but I don't know about advice.
Jessica Ennis
It's quite funny in that I once won Rear of the Year at my school! I was about 17 in the sixth form and we used to have an end of year celebration and give out different awards. I even got a little trophy!
Brett Favre
In my situation, unlike some players who retire because they have no choice - either teams don't want them or injuries have caused them to retire, and they just can't do it - for me, I really had never thought I would give out mentally before I gave out physically, but I think that was the case.
Timothy Griffin
The cell phone companies add to the problem. Every one they give out, they get money for from the federal government. So they have an incentive to give as many away as possible. And that's exactly what they're doing, and they're making a killing.
D. W. Griffith
Now supposing I had the part of a young woman to give out, one that wanted some excellent acting. If I were to go to the stage for my actress I would have to take a matured woman, one who would act splendidly, but who would look too old for the requirements.
Shahid Kapoor
I think if we want to find happiness by finding a life partner, then it's a little selfish. You should be complete within yourself, so that when you're in a relationship, you can give out happiness rather than expect it.
Kevin Mitnick
People are prone to taking mental shortcuts. They may know that they shouldn't give out certain information, but the fear of not being nice, the fear of appearing ignorant, the fear of a perceived authority figure - all these are triggers, which can be used by a social engineer to convince a person to override established security procedures.

«GIVE OUT» এর সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত ইংরেজী বই

নিম্নলিখিত গ্রন্থপঞ্জী নির্বাচনে give out শব্দটির ব্যবহার খুঁজুন। ইংরেজী সাহিত্যে give out শব্দের ব্যবহারের প্রসঙ্গ সম্পর্কিত বই এবং তার থেকে সংক্ষিপ্তসার।
The Wired Homestead: An MIT Press Sourcebook on the Internet ...
Table 8.15 Percentage of Youngsters Saying It Is "OK" or "Completely OK" for a Teenager to Give Out Information for a "Great Free Gift" Total Kids (n = 304) Give out names of his or her favorite stores 65* Give out the names of his or her ...
The Two-word Verb: A Dictionary of the Verb-preposition ...
7. give out (with) I (2,9) At the end of the meeting our favorite folk singer gave out with a rousing ballad. [Sang it loudly and gaily.] give over 1. T (3) My bachelor uncle gave over all his interest in the estate to my mother. [Transferred it.] 2.
George A. Meyer, 1975
Exploring Chemical Reactions
For example, fires give out heat and light energy as the fuel reacts with oxygen in the air; explosions give out sound energy and kinetic energy as hot gases expand outward rapidly; and batteries give out electrical energy. However, energy is ...
Nigel Saunders, 2007
Dating For Dummies
to ask for a number even when they have no interest, and women often feel they have to give out a number even if they have no interest. To help you, this chapter covers how to both get and give a phone number — with the minimum wear and  ...
Joy Browne, 2011
The Andrews Sisters: A Biography and Career Record
The Andrews Sisters sang four songs in Give Out,Sisters, including “New Generation,” sporting peculiar caps perched precariously atop their heads; “You' re Just a Flower from an Old Bouquet,” looking glamorous in powdered colonial wigs ...
H. Arlo Nimmo, 2004
The Synonym Finder
... bare, make known; present, set forth, offer; illustrate, throw or shed light on. 4. symbolize, stand for, represent; designate, signify, indicate, delineate, depict. 5. press out, squeeze out, extract. 6. emit, emanate, send forth, give out, exude.
Jerome Irving Rodale, 1978
Sermons and Other Practical Works: Consisting of Above One ...
Consider, that Christ, having got all things put in his hand, for the behoof of sinners, it is"nct possible that he will keep all close in his hand, and give out nothing. No, no; it stands upon his honour as Mediator ; it stands upon his credit as he is ...
Ralph Erskine, 1796
Nominations to the Federal Communications Commission: ...
Joyce countered by saying that that was "a bunch of bull"; that he was getting rid of me "because of my Union activities"; and "I was not jeopardizing my license to give out medication in this building when anybody has access to the keys, ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 2005
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus
... appellative, com- pellation, denomination, style; praenomen; epithet, label, tag give off vb 1 syn EMIT 2, give out, issue, release, throw off, vent 2 syn DISCHARGE 5, disembogue, emit, flow, pour, void give out vb 1 syn EMIT 2, give off, issue, ...
Merriam-Webster, Inc, 1988
Reports from Committees
Another case in which the guardians give out-door relief is the case of a married couple, when they are old people ; they think it a very hard thing when a man and woman have lived all their lives together that they should be brought into the ...
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, 1871

10 «GIVE OUT» শব্দটি আছে এমন সব সংবাদ

জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক সংবাদের ক্ষেত্রে give out শব্দটি নিয়ে কি বলা হয়েছে এবং নিম্নলিখিত সংবাদে কোন প্রসঙ্গে give out শব্দটি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।
Sheldon Silver used allegedly corrupt cash to give out $800G in loans
The disgraced former Assembly speaker doled out more than $800,000 in the years before his indictment on federal corruption charges. «New York Post, জুলাই 15»
State's to give out $3M in federal fishery disaster aid
The state will distribute about $3 million in federal fishery disaster aid to 525 eligible Massachusetts-based crew members, dock workers and ... «The Daily News of Newburyport, জুলাই 15»
Live Review: Fall Out Boy, Wiz Khalifa at Chicago's First Midwest …
“This Ain't a Scene” had frontman Patrick Stump snarling, “That was pretty good, but I wanna hear you sing until your lungs give out,” as the ... «Consequence of Sound, জুলাই 15»
Health experts give out sun safety tips
Health experts give out sun safety tips. 16:00 11 July 2015. Macmillan bus High Street , Weston Mary Brown and Mary Mountford- Lister. Archant. SPECIALISTS ... «Weston & Somerset Mercury, জুলাই 15»
Watch out, no stranger over phone will give you money
An email id does not seem very threatening an information to give out. A harmless looking link or page will ask you to register with your email id ... «Deccan Herald, জুলাই 15»
Give Back Connection: Help with Brookhaven 5K
... man the corner of a small side street intersection while racers pass by, man a water table during the race, pass out shirts and give out awards ... «Atlanta Journal Constitution, জুলাই 15»
Volkswagen to give out US$161m to China dealers
A man walks past a screen displaying a logo of Volkswagen at an event in New Delhi, India, June 23, 2015. — Reuters picSHANGHAI, July 10 ... «Malay Mail Online, জুলাই 15»
Royal honour for Boys Brigade teenager who helped give out stores …
Harry Kay-Smith achieved the award, the highest for a member of The Boys' Brigade, which provides activities for children and young people, ... «This Is Lancashire, জুলাই 15»
Ramadan Reminder: 6 Reasons why you should give out Zakaat al …
lThe Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) ordered that Muslims give out zakaat al-Fitr at the end of Ramadhan – one saa' ... «Pulse Nigeria, জুলাই 15»
Fire service to give out free smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to …
LANDLORDS in County Durham and Darlington are being urged to act now to ensure they are ready for new safety laws aimed at saving ... «The Northern Echo, জুলাই 15»

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