«CANHORRA» এর সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত পর্তুগীজ বই
নিম্নলিখিত গ্রন্থপঞ্জী নির্বাচনে
canhorra শব্দটির ব্যবহার খুঁজুন। পর্তুগীজ সাহিত্যে
canhorra শব্দের ব্যবহারের প্রসঙ্গ সম্পর্কিত বই এবং তার থেকে সংক্ষিপ্তসার।
O Homem Que Vendia Sonhos
Para madrinha, Maria Salomé escolheu a sua irmã, Maria Imperatriz, que os
olhosdoAlberto Canhorra filaram logo,não largandoos salamaleques para coma
moçoila durante toda a boda. Ninguém percebeu como,nem ninguém assistiu à
Novo dicionário da língua portuguesa
Prov. trasm. O mesmo que canhona. * *Canhorra*, m. Prov. beir. Farricoco, que
costumava ir na procissão dosPassos, tocando buzina. * *Canhos*, m. pl. T. de
Barcelos. Palhiço miúdo, que fica do centeio, depois de malhado. Prov. minh.
Cândido de Figueiredo,
Que o raio da canhorra pouco terá que ver e entendo que até já fede, que vem
de lá uma tal malina a boticadas que é de um virar as tripas do avesso. Mas vai,
mulher, vai, se tens esse gosto. E se, ao cabo, não te quiseres aproveitar da ...
Tomaz de Figueiredo,
Novo diccionário da língua portuguesa comprehendendo: além ...
(Cast. cânon, it. cannonc, de canna). * Canhenha, f. (bras.) peixe do mar. Canho,
adj. (Talvez do lat. canews, de canis, cão, segundo Kórting). * Canhol, m. (prov.
dur.) pequeno cão, cachorro. (Cp. toscano cagnolo). * Canhorra, m. (prov. beir.) ...
Cândido de Figueiredo,
... *i..ot Station; GUI Fur 2:;.st Lend Forces; HQ Far ,' l. East -Ms? Forces; end
United Kingdoi.'. High Coraalssiaiors at Ottauc, Canhorra, Wellington and
Pretoria. SITREP: November 25 - December 7. A fiutual Defence Treaty 1952-
1960 501.
Parliamentary Debates: Senate and House of Representatives
I understand that the directors of the Commonwealth Bank were summoned to
Canhorra. An interview between them and the Government took place here this
morning, and after this eleventh-hour consultation they have said that they did not
Australia. Parliament,
A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents
Capital, Canhorra, In the Federal District, purchased In 1911 from the State of N.8
.W., Is to be laid out as the capital of the Commonwealth. Meanwhile the seat of
government Is Melbourne. There were sixteen cities and towns with a population
United States. President,
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)
Canhorra — Communist activities- — R.. 458. 516. 591, 632, 641, 824 Internal
organization in Australia, alleged interference-- /?., 1395 Staff— R.. 1394, 1778
Military machine — 8., 1199 /?.. 987. 2114. 2117 IiUBSlA — continued. Palestine
Survey of People's Republic of China Press
10, 1975) ... the chinese football team led by yu wen-hual loft sydney for home
today upon concluding its friendly visit to australla. since Its arrival in australia on
July 30 the chinese team has visited brisbane, hobart, melbourne, canhorra and
Medical Journal of Australia
2 Denarlment ol Community Services and Health Annual Report 1989-1990
Canhorra AGPS, 1990 3 Ausliahan Put)1 r Spry ce Board Review of drug evalual'
on procedures Canberra Aumrai -in Public Service Board. 1987 Neil J Thomson