Discover the use of
a slap on the back in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
a slap on the back and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
3 a slap on the back when someone hits you in a friendly way on the back in
order to show praise for something you have done: He's won - give him a slap on
the back. 4 a slap on the wrist informal a gentle warning or punishment: The
judge ...
3 a slap onthe backwhen someonehits youina friendly way on the back in order
to show praise for something you have done: He'swon-give him a slap on the
back. 4 a slap on the wrist informal a gentle warning or punishment: The judge
gave ...
Harrap's essential English Dictionary
2 If someone gives you a slap on the back, they give you their congratulations by
hitting you with the flat of their hand in the middle of your back. 3 A slap on the
wrist is a gentle punishment or mild warning. phrasal verb slap down (informal) If
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms
They applied for a permit and the building department slapped them down. a slap
on the back See a pat on the back at pat slate wipe the slate clean to forget all
past problems or mistakes and start something again ♢ Rogers hoped he could ...
Chabers 21st Century Dictionary
a slap on the back colloq congratulations. • a slap on the wrist colloq, often
facetious a mild reprimand. © 17c: from German dialect slapp slap and tickle o
noun, humorous colloq kissing and cuddling; sexual activity of any kind. slap-
bang o- ...
Chambers Pocket Dictionary
a slap on the back (coll) congratulations. — a slap on the wrist (coll; often facet) a
mild reprimand. [Ger dialect slapp; orig. imit.] slap and tickle n (coll humorous)
kissing and cuddling; sexual activity of any kind, slap-bang adv (coll) 1 exactly or
Elaine Higgleton, Howard Sargeant, Anne Seaton, 1992
If your doctor lets you run a hundred yard dash he will let you take a cold splash.
A slap on the face with a feeling of cold, is interpreted by the body as a presence
of danger and a need for instant action. A slap on the back means a friend, ...
Oxford Thesaurus of English
1 a slap on the back they deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts:
congratulations, commendation, approbation, approval, accolades, encomiums,
compliments, tributes, a pat on the back, praise, acclaim, acclamation, a round of
Sticks and Stones :
The Philosophy of Insults:
The ...
While some consider backslappers crudely offensive, it is interesting that, in the
vernacular of interactive gestures, a slap on the back is meant to be the opposite
of an affront. The friendly assault from the rear that such a slap registers is ...
Santa Cruz Jerome Neu Professor of Philosophy University of California, 2007
One Last Story and that is it
The Head of the Mossad never gave the son of the Head of the Mossad a slap on
the back, for example. He never gave a slap on the back to anyone except Ehud
and the deputy chief of intelligence, and even then it was only because the two ...
Etgar Keret, Miriam Shlesinger, 2005
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
a slap on the back is used in the context of the following news items.
Grand Rapids veterans of VFW Post 1720 continue to serve
“A slap on the back and a thank you is what we like.” According to Howard Christman, who serves as trustee for Post 1720, members currently ... «Mesabi Daily News, Jul 15»
How old is 'old' when it comes to work?
Pretty generously, PwC gave us a slap on the back and told us New Zealand is the second best in the whole world for letting oldies keep their ... «New Zealand Herald, Jul 15»
Comets thrash unbeaten Rebels for Group 2 upset of season
... coach Colin Speed was glowing as he wandered around to give every player a few personal congratulatory words and a slap on the back. «Coffs Coast Advocate, Jun 15»
James Puz: Homeless veterans deserve our help
They are discharged and sent on their way with a slap on the back, the customary “Ya done good soldier” and a “Don't call us, we'll call you” ... «Winona Daily News, Jun 15»
Pittsburgh Penguins Trade Chatter: Swapping Rob Scuderi for Mike …
This would total around $5 million over the next four years to pay Scuderi to go away with a check and a slap on the back. And, many Pittsburgh ... «Pens Labyrinth, Jun 15»
TFC II Back Training after Hard Fought Draw
"[I] Gave him a slap on the back, saying good job and keep it up until the last whistle." said Roberts about what he told Thomas at that moment. «Waking The Red, Jun 15»
Nat Karta: the true godfather of Scottish pulp fiction
It may not have been the kind of synopsis to win a slap on the back from Creative Scotland but the old adage - never underestimate the taste of ... «Herald Scotland, Jun 15»
Greek debt crisis: Battle of nerves as rhetoric spirals
The diplomatic style of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker usually involves a slap on the back and a kiss on the cheek. «BBC News, Jun 15»
Fuming Bristol Mayor George Ferguson sacks port-row councillor …
"This might get Mark a slap on the back from Labour activists, but it's a slap in the face for the people of Bristol." Share0 Share0 Tweet0 Share0. «Western Daily Press, Jun 15»
Mayor George Ferguson defends sacking of Mark Bradshaw: "He …
"This might get Mark a slap on the back from Labour activists, but it's a slap in the face for the people of Bristol who want an administration that ... «Bristol Post, Jun 15»