Discover the use of
Dual Monarchy in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
Dual Monarchy and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Hungary in the
Dual Monarchy, 1867-1914
László Katus covers the major political parties and social trends of this period as well as the changes in its ethnic and religious population, which later proved detrimental to the monarchy.
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe
For most of the half-century of the Dual Monarchy's existence, capital-market
conditions at home and in the rest of Europe were favourable, and domestic and
foreign savers were prepared to absorb the debt. Neither government faced
many ...
Michael Moïssey Postan, Peter Mathias, H. J. Habakkuk, 1989
Western Civilization: Alternate Volume: Since 1300
The result was the negotiated Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867, which created
the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Each part of the empire now had a
constitution, its own bicameral legislature, its own governmental machinery for ...
The highest administrative and executive organ of the dual monarchy was the
Common Council of Ministers. When the ruler presided, it was called the Crown
Council, but in most cases the common minister of foreign affairs presided with
the ...
Peter F. Sugar, Péter Hanák, Tibor Frank, 1994
Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the ...
This Dual Monarchy did not even have a capital, although Vienna continued to
be regarded as such, and the emperor-king was legally bound to divide his
attention equally between the two halves. What were the two states called?
The Reign of King Henry VI: The Exercise of Royal Authority, ...
The novelty of the dual monarchy, and the extraordinary emotional and material
demands it imposed on Englishmen and northern Frenchmen, prompted Henry
VI' s advisers to muster every available resource to acclaim the monarchy's ...
Ralph Alan Griffiths, 1981
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume II: Since 1560
Compromise of 1867 Agreement that divided the Habsburg empire into Austria in
the west and Hungary in the east, a dual monarchy under Emperor Franz Joseph
called Austria-Hungary. MAP 22.3 Austria-Hungary in 1878 The Compromise ...
Thomas F. X. Noble, Barry Strauss, Duane Osheim, 2007
Austro-Hungarian Naval Policy, 1904-1914
centrifugal forces within the Dual Monarchy and inhibit her expansion southward
in the direction of Salonika. The Dual Monarchy and the Mediterranean The Dual
Monarchy, by virtue of her position in the Adriatic, was a Mediterranean power.
Women and
Monarchy in Macedonia
In the light of the negative nature of the precedents for dual kingship and the
peculiar vulnerability of a new dynasty, why did dual monarchy reassert itself at
this critical moment? The sources offer no explanation, but most scholars hold
that ...
Elizabeth Donnelly Carney, 2000
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: 1941 - 1945
Authorities in the Dual Monarchy were aware of these developments within their
territories as well as in Serbia. Some officials in Austria, Hungary, and especially
Croatia contemplated a reorganization of the monarchy, in which the South ...
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
Dual Monarchy is used in the context of the following news items.
The Spectator at war: The eschatology of Austria-Hungary
Galicia and Bukowina are clear of the enemy, and very soon the Dual Monarchy will be able to say that not merely are there no Russians in her ... «Spectator.co.uk, Jul 15»
Why glad-handing royals has nothing to do with the peace
My father used to take delight in pointing out that Sinn Fein had been founded as a royalist party, advocating a "dual monarchy" along the lines ... «Belfast Telegraph, May 15»
Museum of Fine Arts-Houston opens 'Habsburg Splendor' in June
Franz Joseph, who would reign longer than any previous Habsburg, saw the growth of nationalism and ultimately ruled over a dual monarchy ... «Your Houston News, May 15»
MFAH opens 'Habsburg Splendor' in June
Franz Joseph, who would reign longer than any previous Habsburg, saw the growth of nationalism and ultimately ruled over a dual monarchy ... «Your Houston News, May 15»
WWI ARGUS ARCHIVE: More Zeppelin raids on the North East coast
... concessions from Austria and these demands, it is further asserted, go far beyond anything to which the Dual Monarchy could possibly agree. «South Wales Argus, Apr 15»
Hundred Years Anniversary of the London Treaty
The first Italy's diplomatic anti-Central Powers move for the sake of realization of the Risorgimento policy at the expense of the Dual Monarchy ... «InSerbia News, Apr 15»
David Starkey: why Ed Miliband is 'poison' and David Cameron …
If events had turned out very slightly differently in 1216, there would have been a dual monarchy. Had John lived, Louis would almost certainly ... «Telegraph.co.uk, Apr 15»
Opinion: Tale of an old soldier
He was born in a small rural town in Austria-Hungry, a dual monarchy that ceased to exist in 1918 and is now divided among six separate ... «NJ.com, Apr 15»
Joan of Arc
... daughter of King Charles VI, and the “Dual Monarchy” of France and England was established, under the English crown; Henry V of England, ... «Executive Intelligence Review, Apr 15»
On Not Accepting the Tyranny of the Possible
... a language still familiar to many older people who had grown up under the Habsburg dual monarchy. We quickly switched to English, and he ... «First Things, Mar 15»