Famous quotes and sentences with the word
Industrial Revolution.
My point has always been that, ever since the Industrial Revolution, science fiction has been the most important genre there is.
The Industrial Revolution caused a centuries-long shift in power to the West; globalization is now shifting the balance again.
We've got to search back to our last known safe landmark. I can't say exactly where, but I think it's back there at the start of the Industrial Revolution, we began applying energy in vast amounts to tools with which we began tearing the environment apart.
It's the Industrial Revolution and the growth of urban concentrations that led to a sense of anonymity.
The Futurists were an art movement in the early 20th century which basically glorified machines and the Industrial Revolution.
All the big revolutions, whether it's the Industrial Revolution, the Arab Spring, those changes happened by economic and social shifts brought about by the people's voices, and those things weren't voted for. Most of our changes today are brought about through technology, not by voting.
Masterpieces of art possess immense potential to advance a worldview that could help assuage the societal terrors posed by globalization, the most thoroughgoing socioeconomic upheaval since the Industrial Revolution, which has set off a pandemic of retrogressive nationalism, regional separatism, and religious extremism.
Although prefabrication has a long history - the ancient Romans shipped pre-cut stone columns, pediments, and other architectural elements to their colonies in North Africa, where the numbered parts were reassembled into temples - the idea took on a new impetus with the technological advances of the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution was another of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization.
If you go back to 1800, everybody was poor. I mean everybody. The Industrial Revolution kicked in, and a lot of countries benefited, but by no means everyone.
Discover the use of
Industrial Revolution in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
Industrial Revolution and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Makers: The New
Industrial Revolution
Chris Anderson, bestselling author of The Long Tail, explains how this is happening: how such technologies as 3D printing and electronics assembly are becoming available to everybody, and how people are building successful businesses as a ...
The Third
Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is ...
The Third Industrial Revolution is an insider’s account of the next great economic era, including a look into the personalities and players — heads of state, global CEOs, social entrepreneurs, and NGOs — who are pioneering its ...
Industry and Empire: From 1750 to the Present Day
Updates the classic study of the industrial revolution, while exploring Britain's rise and subsequent decline from industrial power
Eric J. Hobsbawm, Chris Wrigley, 1999
Making Sense of the
Industrial Revolution: English Economy ...
Presents a new perspective on the Industrial Revolution providing far more than just an account of industrial change.
Steven King, Geoffrey Timmins, 2001
Natural Capitalism: The Next
Industrial Revolution
First Published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, 2013
Industrial Revolution: People and Perspectives
Industrial Revolution examines what industrialization meant for American artisans, women workers, slaves, and manufacturers.
Jennifer L. Goloboy, 2008
Understanding the
Industrial Revolution
Each aspect of the Industrial Revolution in Britain is discussed in depth, focusing on the important debates and reviewing the most recent research.
The Long Road to the
Industrial Revolution: The European ...
‘The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution’ offers a new explanation of the origins of the industrial revolution in Western Europe by placing development in Europe within a global perspective.
Childhood and Child Labour in the British
Industrial Revolution
This is a unique account of working-class childhood during the British industrial revolution, first published in 2010.
The First
Industrial Revolution
This book identifies the strategic changes that affected Britain from 1750-1850.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
Industrial Revolution is used in the context of the following news items.
There's a new industrial revolution underway
The outskirts of Paris might not seem like the most likely home of the next industrial revolution—but along the bank of the River Seine, the ... «Quartz, Jul 15»
Anthony Caro, the sculptor who launched an industrial revolution …
What does your work mean? When an interviewer asked this of Anthony Caro, the answer was elliptical. “What does breakfast mean?” retorted ... «The Times, Jul 15»
Manufacturers urged to 'embrace next industrial revolution'
UK manufacturing must embrace the next industrial revolution if it is going to retain its place as a force in the global economy, according to ... «Works Management, Jul 15»
Robots: The Next Industrial Revolution
When the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its Aug. 11 preliminary report on second-quarter labor productivity, let's hope for ... «Forbes, Jul 15»
Manufacturers 'must embrace the next industrial revolution'
British manufacturers must embrace the next industrial revolution if the ... “A new industrial revolution is underway; one that is blurring the ... «BQ Live, Jul 15»
Internet of things is an opportunity to boost Irish economy, says …
If Ireland plays its cards right around the internet of things (IoT) it will be in the driving seat of the next industrial revolution rather than sitting on ... «Siliconrepublic.com, Jul 15»
Black Country Day celebrates home of heavy metal and birthplace of …
The home of heavy metal music and the industrial revolution will be celebrated today as it is the anniversary of the invention of the Newcomen ... «ITV News, Jul 15»
Sneaker Stories, From Industrial Revolution to Michael Jordan, Run …
The technological advances of the Industrial Revolution—like this “vulcanization” of rubber—begat social changes that made room for the ... «Newsweek, Jul 15»
Classical: How the Industrial Revolution helped shape our music
The demographic was changing. The Industrial Revolution meant there were more people with disposable income, more enjoying increased ... «Irish Independent, Jul 15»
Ajaokuta steel company and Nigeria's industrial revolution
Ajaokuta Findings have shown that there was no budget earmarked for the Ajaokuta Steel Company under the Goodluck Jonathan's ... «Naija247news, Jul 15»