The term «school life» is quite widely used and occupies the
32.831 position in our list of most widely used terms in the
English dictionary.
Quite widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «school life» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of
school life
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our
English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «school life».
Famous quotes and sentences with the word
school life.
My family and school life are important to me.
I really don't like to do back-to-back movies. I concentrate on things at home. My family and school life are important to me. I try to do one movie a year.
All through my school life I was appalled by the fact that masters and senior boys were allowed quite literally to wound other boys, and sometimes very severely.
I tried acting, liked it, and stuck with it. I saw it as the way I would keep that promise to myself of getting back at those who had made my school life a misery.
I think there should be a good balance between being a good student and being able to enjoy your high school life.
Discover the use of
school life in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
school life and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
In this way, we can learn to be the master of our feelings and not their slave. This is a smart, pithy, readable book that everyone with even a passing interest in their psychological health will find useful.
PRINCIPLES OF VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. Authoritative Statement of Aims of
Vocational Guidance and of Proper Procedure — Formulated by National
Vocational Guidance Association. JOHN JAMES TIGERT. Biography of the
United States ...
The Death and
Life of the Great American
School System: How ...
Ravitch includes clear prescriptions for improving America’s schools: leave decisions about schools to educators, not politicians or businessmen devise a truly national curriculum that sets out what children in every grade should be ...
School Life in the 1940s and 50s
Anne Richardson explains what life was like as a child at infant school, junior school, and gramma school in England in the 1940s and 1950s. Includes notes for teachers. Suggested level: junior, primary.
--v-fin " .---_ Michigan State Normal College Founded in I851 HIGH SCHOOL
GRADUATION REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION Educational Plant ' Campus of Fifty-
Five Acres. Ten Buildings With Modern Equipment. Training School, Including ...
Caps and Capers a Story of Boarding-
School Life
WHICH SHALL IT BE? -And now that I have them, how am I to decide? That is the question?-
Gabrielle E. (Gabrielle Emilie) Jackson, 2010
The Nicest Girl in the
School a Story of
School Life
PMPacking -Only one day more,- cried Patty Hirst, surveying with deep interest the large new box which stood by the side of the chest of drawers in her bedroom; -just one day!
Hester's Counterpart a Story of Boarding
School Life
Debby Alden, to use her own adjective in regard to herself, was not -slack.- To this her friends added another term. Debby was -set.- There could be no doubt of that.
Jean K. (Jean Katherine) Baird, 2010
Transition from
School to Post-
school Life for Individuals ...
As such, the book may be useful to a variety of professionals including regular education teachers, special education teachers, vocational education teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, and school administrators, as well as ...
Motivating Black Males to Achieve in
School & in
This book will help you to help students * Reverse the destructive effects of negative influences, whether among peers or in the popular culture; * Surmount adverse conditions at home or in their communities; * Participate in mentorship ...