Click to see the original definition of «가감백통탕» in the Korean dictionary.
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Definition of 가감백통탕 in the Korean dictionary
Ganpyeongbotan 8g 炮 子 8 포 포 炮 炮 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 육 초 초 초 초 초 초 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 半 朮 朮 朮 朮 朮 朮 朮 朮 朮 ), 4 g of licorice, 4 g of ginger, 5 of ginger and 5 ginger whites. ["Dong-bok-bang (醫 博)"] The cold energy in the body is lurking in the body for a long time, and the umbilical cord is cold and sore. It often suffers from diarrhea and swelling from the foot to the shin I write. I take one of the above medicines and eat it with water dalyeoseo. 가감백통탕 포부자(炮附子) 8g, 포건강(炮乾薑) · 육계(肉桂) · 초두구(草豆蔲: 싸서 구운 것) · 반하(半夏) · 인삼(人參) · 백출(白朮) · 자감초(炙甘草) 각 4g, 생강(生薑) 5쪽, 총백(葱白) 5대. [《동의보감(東醫寶鑑)》] 침한고랭(沈寒痼冷)으로 찬 기운이 오랫동안 몸 안에 잠복해 있어 배꼽 주위가 차고 아프며 자주 설사를 하고 발에서 정강이까지 한기(寒氣)가 올라오는 데 쓴다. 위의 약을 1첩으로 하여 물에 달여서 먹는다.
Click to see the original definition of «가감백통탕» in the Korean dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.
The translations of 가감백통탕 from Korean to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «가감백통탕» in Korean.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «가감백통탕» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Korean literature, quotes and news about 가감백통탕
We continue working to improve educalingo. We will very soon complete this bibliographical section with extracts from Korean books in which the term 가감백통탕 is used.
« EDUCALINGO. 가감백통탕 [online]. Available <>. Feb 2025 ».