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Promise is a pledge between two or more parties that are binding and fairly followed. In addition to words, promises may also be made in written form in the presence of witnesses. Janji adalah sebuah ikrar antara dua pihak atau lebih yang mengikat serta wajar diikuti. Selain melalui perkataan, janji juga boleh dibuat dalam bentuk bertulis di hadapan saksi.
promise 1. a statement of willingness to do or give something: you must meet the one you made before; engaged in engagement; meet ~ make what has been promised; bind ~ make an appointment; broken ~ unable to keep promise, to break promise; up to the promise; 2. terms, conditions, claims; with condition; 3. time-out, resigned, delayed: if you do not object, I ask ~ four months to pay the debt; 4. death, limit, time; it's been late, dead; ~ empty promises made but never cashed; ~ sweet promise of beautiful hope; ~ false promise which only seeks to mislead, confuse or deceive people; ~ an appointment to meet with someone at a time and at a predetermined place for a business etc.; ~ until the even number = ~ until the full size is over; customs are to be filled, have to do something to follow what has been accustomed; promise to make an appointment: she will come to my house; promise 1. promise to give something: his father ~ a special gift if he passed the exam; 2. Provide expectations or expectations for something, open up the possibility of: a bridge over the Sarawak River ~ a more rapid development; The Green Revolution ~ the hope of the peasants; to promise a promising ark; agreement 1. agreement made between two or more parties, consensus: Malaysia has signed a trade with South Korea; ~ buying and selling; a written consent program between the two parties to carry out an activity in accordance with the approved allocation amount; 2. The will of the will; Book of the Old Testament; New Book of the Bible. janji 1. pernyataan kesediaan utk berbuat atau memberi sesuatu: engkau mesti menepati ~ yg kau buat dahulu; dlm ~ bertunangan; menepati ~ membuat apa yg telah dijanjikan; mengikat ~ membuat janji; pecah ~ tidak dapat menepati janji, memungkiri janji; sampai ~ dapat menepati janji; 2. syarat, ketentuan, tuntutan; dgn ~ dgn syarat; 3. pengunduran waktu, tangguh, penundaan: kalau awak tidak berkeberatan, saya meminta ~ empat bulan utk membayar hutang awak itu; 4. ajal, had, waktu; sudah sampai ~nya sudah sampai ajalnya, mati; ~ kosong janji yg dibuat tetapi tidak pernah ditunaikan; ~ manis janji yg mengandungi harapan yg indah-indah; ~ palsu janji yg hanya bertujuan utk memperdayakan, mengelirukan atau menipu orang; ~ temu janji utk bertemu dgn seseorang pd masa dan di tempat yg telah ditetapkan kerana sesuatu urusan dsb; ~ sampai bilangan genap = ~ sampai sukatan penuh prb sudah sampai ajal; adat diisi, ~ dilabuh prb mengerjakan sesuatu hendaklah menurut apa yg telah dibiasakan; berjanji membuat janji: dia ~ akan datang ke rumah saya; menjanjikan 1. berjanji utk memberi sesuatu: bapanya ~ satu hadiah istimewa jika dia lulus dlm peperiksaan itu; 2. memberikan jangkaan atau harapan akan berlakunya sesuatu, membuka kemungkinan kpd: jambatan yg merentangi Sungai Sarawak ~ pembangunan yg lebih pesat; Revolusi Hijau ~ harapan kpd petani; memperjanjikan ark menjanjikan; perjanjian 1. persetujuan yg dibuat antara dua pihak atau lebih, permuafakatan: Malaysia telah menandatangani satu ~ perdagangan dgn Korea Selatan; ~ jual beli; ~ program persetujuan bertulis antara dua pihak bagi melaksanakan sesuatu aktiviti mengikut jumlah peruntukan yg diluluskan; 2. Id wasiat; Kitab P~ Lama Kitab Taurat; Kitab P~ Baru Kitab Injil.
Click to see the original definition of «janji» in the Malay dictionary.
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The translations of janji from Malay to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «janji» in Malay.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «janji» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Malay literature, quotes and news about janji
Discover the use of janji in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to janji and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Malay literature.
Ingat Janji Kita: - Halaman 439
Murni Aqila. turut berasa panas. Dia dapat bayangkan bagaimana keadaan Adinida didera Salleh, kerana pada hari dia mengekori Adinida pulang ke rumah, dia dapat dengar dengan jelas jeritan Adinida meraung meminta tolong ...
Murni Aqila, 2011
Janji Masyita: sebuah sayembara novel watan 2
Prize winning novel in the novel and short stories writing contest held by Perikatan Sayembara Dayacipta.
Hafiza Talib, 2004
Janji-janji Obama
Biography of Barack Obama.
Ahmad Subechi, Domuara Ambarita, 2008
« EDUCALINGO. Janji [online]. Available <>. Oct 2024 ».