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Red-crowned crane
Red-crowned crane (scientific name: Grus japonensis), also known as crane, crane (in fact, crane is another kind of crane birds), 鴜 鷜, Japanese crane, Chinese ancient literature on the red-crowned crane has many titles, such as "Seoul Ya" Xian birds, "Compendium of Materia Medica" called the poultry birds. Red-crowned crane is a kind of crane, because the head has a red crown and named. It is unique to the East Asian region, because of the elegant body, the color is clear, in the culture of this region has auspicious, loyalty, longevity of the meaning. ... 丹顶鹤(学名:Grus japonensis),也叫仙鹤、白鹤(其實白鶴是另一種鶴屬鳥類)、鴜鷜、日本鶴,中国古籍文献中对丹顶鹤有许多称谓,如《尔雅翼》中称其为仙禽,《本草纲目》中称其为胎禽。丹顶鹤是鹤类中的一种,因头顶有红肉冠而得名。它是东亚地区所特有的鸟种,因体态优雅、颜色分明,在这一地区的文化中具有吉祥、忠贞、长寿的寓意。...
Crane bird class, crane branch. The world's rare birds. Most body feathers white, bare skin on his head, was vermilion, hence the name. Beak, neck, legs are long. Feathers black, long and curved, covering the short tail. Hong Liang loud and clear, often involved in swamps and reeds beach. Spring in China's Heilongjiang Province breeding. Life expectancy of 50-60 years, it is also known as "crane." To protect animals at the national level. 丹顶鹤 鸟纲,鹤科。世界珍禽。体羽大多白色,头顶皮肤裸露,呈朱红色,故名。喙、颈、腿均长。飞羽黑色,长而弯曲,覆于短尾上。鸣声高亢宏亮,常涉足沼泽和芦苇滩。春季在中国黑龙江省一带繁殖。寿命长达50-60年,故又称“仙鹤”。为国家一级保护动物。
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The translations of 丹顶鹤 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «丹顶鹤» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «丹顶鹤» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «丹顶鹤» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «丹顶鹤» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 丹顶鹤
Discover the use of 丹顶鹤 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 丹顶鹤 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.