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Biological engineering or bioengineering, or biosystems engineering, is a method of using mathematical and physical laws, as well as engineering itself to analyze and synthesize methodologies to cope with new advances in biology and medicine. Challenge of the discipline. It applies the principles of engineering, technical and organizational methods in molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, protein chemistry, cytology, immunology, neurobiology and neuroscience, to reproduce the entire life process Or part of the life process. As a study, bioengineering also includes biomedical engineering and is related to biotechnology. Biosystems engineering is also a category of bioengineering. This discipline improves and focuses on biological systems through product design, sustainable development and analysis. ... 生物工程學(Biological Engineering或bioengineering,生物技术工程)或者生物系统工程,是一種即利用数学、物理的法則,以及工程學本身的解析及综合方法学,以應付在生物學及醫學範疇上種種新挑戰的學科。它應用了工程學的法則、技術和組織方法於分子生物學、生物化學、微生物學、藥理學、蛋白化學、細胞學、免疫學、神經生物學及神經科學,以人工再現生物的整個生命進程或者生命進程中的一部分。作為一種研究,生物工程學亦包含了生物醫學工程,並與生物技術相關。生物系統工程學亦是生物工程學的範疇。這個學科透過成品設計、可持續發展及分析來使生物系統得到改進及專注應用。...
Bioengineering, also known as "biotechnology", "biotechnology." Using the principles of biology and engineering in combination, biological techniques that directly or indirectly serve production. Is a new engineering technology. Including genetic engineering, cell engineering, enzyme engineering, microbial engineering and biochemical engineering. Through the transformation of biological design and create a variety of new varieties. 生物工程学 又称“生物工艺学”、“生物技术”。综合运用生物学和工程学的原理,直接或间接为生产服务的生物学技术。是一项新兴的工程技术。包括基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、微生物工程和生物化学工程。通过对生物的改造,设计和创造各种新品种。
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The translations of 生物工程学 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «生物工程学» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «生物工程学» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 生物工程学
Discover the use of 生物工程学 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 生物工程学 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.