Descubre el uso de
rite de passage en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con
rite de passage y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Rites de passage, rites d'initiation: lecture d'Arnold van Gennep
Arnold van Gennep, (1873-1957) est aujourd'hui reconnu comme un chercheur méticuleux et talentueux.
Thierry Goguel d'Allondans,
Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957) was the first anthropologist to note the regularity and significance of the rituals attached to the transitional stages in man's life, and his phrase for these, "the rites of passage," has become a part of the ...
Chartermythos und rite de passage - Mythologische Motive und ...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Ältere Deutsche Literatur, Mediävistik, Note: 1,3, Freie Universität Berlin, 39 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Roman Partonopier und Meliur ...
Albert Camus and the Philosophy of the Absurd - Strona 143
This is not only an initiation voyage, then, but a rite de passage. Rites de passage is a generic term for a series of cultural rituals, of which the "initiation voyage" could be one, w'ith the self, the "center" of one's being, as the destination.
The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice
Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice Greg Richards, Julie Wilson. While the rite de passage is, in many respects, a useful and adequate model for the interpretation of backpacking, the extent of its applicability ought to be examined ...
Greg Richards, Julie Wilson,
Secular Ritual - Strona 53
VAN GENNEP'S MODEL OF THE STRUCTURE OF RITES DE PASSAGED Van Gennep's formula for the structure of what he called rites of passage has become an anthropological commonplace, perhaps even a cliche (1909). The features ...
Sally Falk Moore, Barbara G. Myerhoff,
Malaysia: Islam, Society and Politics - Strona 40
separation "pre-liminal", rites of transition "liminal", and rites of incorporation "post-liminal" — terminologies that make clear the ... Despite the suggestiveness of Van Gennep s theory of rites de passage for pilgrimage studies, they have seldom ...
Virginia Hooker, Norani Othman,
Rites de passage et constructions identitaires créoles:
Cet ouvrage pluridisciplinaire associe les travaux d’anthropologues, de sociologues, d’ethnomusicologues, de spécialistes de la littérature présente dans les aires créoles.
Laurence Pourchez, Isabelle Hidair,
The Ritual Practice of Time: Philosophy and Sociopolitics of ...
A rite de passage does not only imply a transition between states where a new status, a change of place, state, social role or position and age is achieved during a ritual process of separation, margin or limen and aggregation. The individual or ...
Lars Kirkhusmo Pharo,
Empathy and Healing: Essays in Medical and Narrative Anthropology
The climacteric may not conform completely to the pattern of a rite de passage in the sense of, for example, puberty rituals among what were earlier described as 'primitive peoples', but it may nevertheless share sufficient of the features of ...