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definición de acceptór en el diccionario rumano
aceptar adj m., p. m., pl. aceptable; f. sg. y pl. aceptar acceptór adj. m., s. m., pl. acceptóri; f. sg. și pl. acceptoáre
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Descubre el uso de
acceptór en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con
acceptór y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Annual Reports in Inorganic and General Syntheses-1976 - Pagina 114
Donor-acceptór complexes involving AsF3 and the donors-arsine oxides, pyridine oxides, and o-tolidine were studied (84). Antimony (V): The preparation of PhusbF -n n=3,2,1 was described (85). Alkyl and aryl thiocyanate derivatives of ...
Cytochromes P-450 and b5: Structure, Function, and Interaction
They suggested that cytochrome be inhibits the reactions by serving as an alternate electron acceptór diverting electrons from cytochrome P-450. The following comments are addressed to the interpretation of this study and to the validity of the ...
T. Macci Plauti Comoediae. Ex recognitione A. Fleckeiseni
... 200 Neque cóniidentilóquius neque perińrius Quam urbáni павший cines, quos воин-68 uocant. Atque egomet me adeo cúm illis una ibidem traho: Qui illórum uerbis fálsis acceptór fui, Qui omnia se simulant scire neque quicquám sciunt.
Titus Maccius Plautus, Alfred FLECKEISEN, 1850
Nitrogen Fixation: Achievements and Objectives - Pagina 348
Since ubiquinone has been proposed as the immediate electron acceptór from hydrogenase we tested for H2 uptake to ubiquinone with pure hydrogenase and with membranes. Pure hydrógenase, which is active with methylene blue (MB) as ...
A Treatise on Pleading, and Parties to Actions: With ... - Pagina 752
639 - ACCEPTOR, Forms of declaration against, by Reg. Gen. Hil. T. 4 W. 4, 724, &c. ACCIDENT, liability, in case of 77, 78, 128 to 130 Ple: that release destroyed by, when bad,541, note(b) ACCOMMODATION ACCEPTóR, when he must ...
Joseph Chitty, Henry Greening, John A. Dunlap, 1844
Physics in High Magnetic Fields: Proceedings of the Oji ... - Pagina 350
In B > 3T the exchange-enhanced splitting shifts the top valence-band magnetic sublevel b, (-1) from the other levels to a distance larger than the acceptór binding energy Er. Therefore, in spite of a small magnetic field ( Y= hecy EI* < 1 ), we ...
S. Chikazumi, Norio Miura, 2012
T. Macci Plauti Captivi: Trinummus et Rudens : with ... - Pagina 84
Atque égomet me adeo ctim illis una ibidém traho: Qui illórum verbis fälsis acceptór fui, 204 Qui omnia se simulant scire neque quicquám sciunt. Quod quísque in animo habét aut habiturtist, sciunt : Sciánt quid in aurem réx reginae díxerit: ...
Titus Maccius Plautus, Calvin Sears Harrington, 1898
The Uniform Commercial Acts Adopted in Minnesota: Uniform ...
5872 (60) 5873 (61) 5874 (62) 5875 (63) 5876 (64) 5877 (65) 5878 (66) Liability of maker. Liability of drawer. Liability of acceptór. When person deemed indorser. Liability of irregular indorser. Warranty where negotiation by delivery, et cetera.
Les anciennes et nouvelles coutumes locales de Berry et ...
X I I. TE M , Et se il n'y a aucun Parent ou Lignagier dudit Mineur Pupille eappable d'a-si voir ledit Bail , ou si le Parent eappable ne veult prendre 8L acceptór ledit Bail , ledit Mineur doit estre gouverné en Tutelle ou Curatelle selon Droit ...
Gaspard Thaumas de La Thaumassière, 1679
Leggi e costumi del cambio ossia Trattato sulle lettere di ... - Pagina 291
S. 12. ,, ivi ,, Si plusieurs personnes veulent acceptór, ,, & payér.pour faire honneur au Tireur, on a un -mèm_e En,, dosseur, on préféréta celle, qui en aura I'ordre da Î1reur, ,, ou de l' Endosseur.' ,, . In due maniere poi_ può darsi un Mandato ...
Baldasseroni (Pompeo), Nerici (Bartolomeo), 1796