अंग्रेज़ी शब्द और अभिव्यक्तियां

ant | ant bear | ant bird | ant cow | ant hill | ant thrush | ant tribe | ant-heap | anta | Antabuse | antacid | antae | Antaeus | antagonisable | antagonisation | antagonise | antagonism | antagonist | antagonistic | antagonistically | antagonizable | antagonization | antagonize | Antakiya | Antakya | antalgic | antalkali | antalkaline | Antalya | Antananarivo | antaphrodisiac | antara | Antarctic | Antarctic Archipelago | Antarctic beech | Antarctic Circle | Antarctic Ocean | Antarctic Peninsula | Antarctic prion | Antarctic Zone | Antarctica | Antares | antarthritic | antasthmatic | ante | ante meridiem | ante-mortem | ante-post | anteater | antebellum | antecede | antecedence | antecedent | antecedently | antecedents | antecessor | antechamber | antechapel | antechoir | antedate | antediluvial | antediluvially | antediluvian | antefix | antefixa | antefixal | antelope | antelucan | antemeridian | antemundane | antenatal | antenatal care | antenatal class | antenatal clinic | antenatally | antenati | antenna | antenna pattern | antennae | antennal | antennary | antenniferous | antenniform | antennular | antennule | antenuptial | antenuptial marriage contract | anteorbital | antepast | antependia | antependium | antepenult | antepenultima | antepenultimate | anteposition | anteprandial | anterior | anteriority | anteriorly | anterograde | anterograde amnesia | anteroom | antetype | anteversion | antevert | Antheil | anthelia | anthelices | anthelion | anthelix | anthelminthic | anthelmintic | anthem | anthemia | anthemic | anthemion | anthemis | anthemwise | anther | antheral | antherid | antheridia | antheridial | antheridium | antherozoid | antherozooid | anthersmut | anthesis | anthocarp | anthocarpous | anthocyan | anthocyanin | anthodia | anthodium | anthoid | anthological | anthologies | anthologise | anthologist | anthologize | anthologizer | anthology | anthomania | anthomaniac | Anthony | Anthony of Padua | anthophilous | anthophore | anthophyllite | anthotaxy | anthoxanthin | anthozoan | anthozoic | anthracene | anthraces | anthracic | anthracite | anthracitic | anthracnose | anthracoid | anthracosis | anthranilate | anthraquinone | anthrax | anthrop. | anthropic | anthropic principle | anthropical | anthropobiology | Anthropocene | anthropocentric | anthropocentrism | anthropogenesis | anthropogenetic | anthropogenic | anthropogeny | anthropogony | anthropography | anthropoid | anthropoid ape | anthropoidal | anthropolatry | anthropological | anthropologically | anthropologist | anthropology | anthropometric | anthropometrical | anthropometrically | anthropometrist | anthropometry | anthropomorph | anthropomorphic | anthropomorphically | anthropomorphise | anthropomorphism | anthropomorphist | anthropomorphize | anthropomorphosis | anthropomorphous | anthropomorphously | anthropopathic | anthropopathism | anthropopathy | anthropophagi | anthropophagic | anthropophagite | anthropophagous | anthropophagus | anthropophagy | anthropophobia | anthropophobic | anthropophuism | anthropophyte | anthropopsychic | anthroposophic | anthroposophical | anthroposophist | anthroposophy | anthropotomy | anthurium | anti | anti-abortion | anti-abortionist | anti-ageing | anti-aircraft | anti-aircraft defence | anti-aircraft fire | anti-aircraft gun | anti-aircraft missile | anti-alias | anti-allergic | anti-American | anti-androgen | anti-apartheid | anti-atom | anti-authority | anti-Bolshevik | anti-bourgeois | anti-British | anti-Catholic | anti-Catholicism | anti-Christian | anti-Communist | Anti-Corn Law League | Anti-Corn-Law League | anti-Establishment | anti-European | anti-Europeanism | anti-fascism | anti-G suit | anti-globalisation | anti-globaliser | anti-globalization | anti-globalizer | anti-icer | anti-imperialism | anti-imperialist | anti-inflammatory | anti-inflation | anti-inflationary | anti-intellectualism | anti-interference | Anti-Lebanon | anti-motion-sickness | anti-Nazi | anti-pill | anti-roll bar | anti-roman | anti-Semite | anti-Semitic | anti-Semitically | anti-Semitism | anti-site | anti-skid | anti-smoking | anti-social networking site | anti-Soviet | anti-Zionist | antiabuse | antiacademic | antiacne | antiaggression | antiair | antiaircraft defense | antialcohol | antialcoholism | antialien | antiallergenic | antianemia | antianxiety | antiaphrodisiac | antiar | antiarin | antiarmor | antiarrhythmic | antiarthritic | antiarthritis | antiasthma | antiasthmatic | antiauxin | antibacchius | antibacklash | antibacterial | antiballistic | antiballistic missile | antibaryon | Antibes | antibias | antibilious | antibillboard | antibiosis | antibiotic | antibiotically | antiblack | antiblackism | antibodies | antibody | antiboss | antibourgeois | antiboycott | antibug | antiburglar | antiburglary | antibuser | antibusiness | antibusing | antic | anticaking | antical | antically | anticancer | anticancer drug | anticapitalism | anticapitalist | anticar | anticarcinogen | anticaries | anticatalyst | anticathode | anticellulite | anticensorship | antichlor | antichloristic | antichoice | antichoicer | anticholesterol | anticholinergic | anticholinesterase | Antichrist | antichristian | antichristianly | antichthones | antichurch | anticigarette | anticipant | anticipatable | anticipate | anticipated | anticipated profit | anticipation | anticipative | anticipatively | anticipator | anticipatorily | anticipatory | anticipatory breach | anticipatory loss | anticity | anticivic | anticivism | anticize | antick | anticke | anticlassical | anticlastic | anticlerical | anticlericalism | anticlimactic | anticlimactical | anticlimactically | anticlimax | anticlinal | anticline | anticling | anticlinoria | anticlinorium | anticlockwise | anticlotting | anticly | anticoagulant | anticodon | anticoincidence | anticold | anticollision | anticolonial | anticolonialism | anticolonialist | anticommercial | anticommunism | anticompetitive | anticonsumer | anticonvulsant | anticonvulsive | anticorporate | anticorrosion | anticorrosive | anticorruption | Anticosti | anticous | anticrack | anticreative | anticrime | anticruelty | antics | anticult | anticultural | anticyclone | anticyclonic | antidandruff | antidandruff shampoo | antidazzle | antidazzle mirror | antidefamation | antidemocratic | antidepressant | antidepression | antiderivative | antidesiccant | antidevelopment | antidiabetic | antidiarrheal | antidilution | antidiuretic | antidiuretic hormone | antidogmatic | antidora | antidotal | antidotally | antidote | antidraft | antidromic | antidromically | antidrug | antidumping | antidune | antieconomic | antieducational | antiegalitarian | antielectron | antielite | antielitism | antielitist | antiemetic | antientropic | antiepilepsy | antiepileptic | antierotic | antiestrogen | Antietam | antievolution | antifamily | antifascist | antifashion | antifashionable | antifat | antifatigue | antifebrile | Antifederalist | antifemale | antifeminine | antifeminism | antifeminist | antiferromagnet | antiferromagnetism | antifertility | antifilibuster | antiflu | antifoam | antifoaming | antifoaming agent | antifog | antifogging | antiforeclosure | antiforeign | antiforeigner | antiformalist | antifouling | antifraud | antifreeze | antifriction | antifriction metal | antifungal | antifur | antigambling | antigang | antigay | antigen | antigene | antigenic | antigenic determinant | antigenically | antigenicity | antiglare | antiglobulin | Antigone | Antigonus I | antigovernment | antigraft | antigravity | antigropeloes | antigropelos | antigrowth | Antigua | Antigua and Barbuda | Antiguan | antiguerrilla | antigun | antihalation | antihelices | antihelix | antihelminthic | antihero | antiheroic | antiheroine | antiherpes | antihijack | antihistamine | antihistaminic | antihistorical | antihomosexual | antihuman | antihumanism | antihumanistic | antihunter | antihunting | antihydrogen | antihysteric | antijacobin | antijam | antijamming | antikickback | antiking | antiknock | antilabor | antileak | antileft | antilegomena | antileprosy | antilepton | antileukemic | antiliberal | antiliberalism | antilibertarian | antilife | antilifer | antiliterate | antilitter | antilittering | Antilles | antilock | antilock brake | antilock brakes | antilock braking system | antilog | antilogarithm | antilogarithmic | antilogical | antilogies | antilogous | antilogy | antilopine | antilynching | antimacassar | antimacho | antimagnetic | antimalaria | antimalarial | antimale | antiman | antimanagement | antimarijuana | antimarket | antimarketeer | antimask | antimasque | antimaterialism | antimaterialist | antimatter | antimechanist | antimere | antimerger | antimeric | antimerism | antimetabole | antimetabolic | antimetabolite | antimetathesis | antimicrobial | antimicrobial resistance | antimilitarism | antimilitarist | antimilitary | antimine | antimissile | antimissile missile | antimitotic | antimnemonic | antimodern | antimodernist | antimonarchical | antimonarchist | antimonate | antimonial | antimoniate | antimonic | antimonide | antimonious | antimonite | antimonopolist | antimonopoly | antimonous | antimony | antimony potassium tartrate | antimonyl | antimosquito | antimuon | antimusic | antimusical | antimutagen | antimycin | antimycotic | antinarrative | antinational | antinationalist | antinatural | antinausea | antineoplastic | antinephritic | antinepotism | antineutrino | antineutron | anting | antinodal | antinode | antinoise | antinome | antinomian | antinomianism | antinomic | antinomical | antinomically | antinomies | antinomy | antinovel | antinovelist | antinuclear | antinuclearist | antinucleon | antinuke | antinuker | antiobesity | antiobscenity | Antioch | Antiochus III | Antiochus IV | antiodontalgic | antioxidant | antiozonant | antipapal | antiparallel | antiparasitic | antiparticle | antiparty | antipasti | antipasto | Antipater | antipathetic | antipathetical | antipathetically | antipathic | antipathies | antipathist | antipathy | antiperiodic | antiperistalsis | antiperistaltic | antiperistasis | antipersonnel | antiperspirant | antipesticide | antipetalous | antiphlogistic | antiphon | antiphonal | antiphonally | antiphonaries | antiphonary | antiphoner | antiphonic | antiphonical | antiphonically | antiphonies | antiphony | antiphrasis | antiphrastic | antiphrastical | antipiracy | antiplague | antiplaque | antipleasure | antipoaching | antipodal | antipode | Antipodean | antipodes | Antipodes Islands | antipoetic | antipole | antipolice | antipolitical | antipolitics | antipollution | antipope | antipopular | antiporn | antipornography | antiporter | antipot | antipoverty | antipredator | antipress | antiprogressive | antiproton | antipruritic | antipsychiatry | antipsychotic | antipyic | antipyresis | antipyretic | antipyrine | antiquarian | antiquarianism | antiquaries | antiquark | antiquary | antiquate | antiquated | antiquatedness | antiquation | antique | antique shop | antiqued | antiquely | antiqueness | antiquer | antiques | antiquey | antiquitarian | antiquities | antiquity | antirabies | antirachitic | antiracism | antiracist | antiradar | antiradical | antiradicalism | antirape | antirational | antirationalism | antirationalist | antirationality | antirealism | antirealist | antirecession | antired | antireflection | antireflective | antireform | antiregulatory | antirejection | antireligion | antireligious | Antiremonstrant | antirepublican | antiretroviral | antirevolutionary | antirheumatic | antiriot | antiritualism | antirock | antiromantic | antiromanticism | antiroyal | antiroyalist | antirrhinum | antirust | antisag | Antisana | antisatellite | antiscian | antiscience | antiscientific | antiscorbutic | antiscriptural | antisecrecy | antisegregation | antisegregationist | antiseizure | antisense RNA | antisentimental | antisepalous | antiseparatist | antisepsis | antiseptic | antiseptically | antisepticism | antisepticize | antisera | antiserum | antisex | antisexist | antisexual | antisexuality | antishake | antishark | antiship | antishock | antishoplifting | antislavery | antisleep | antislip | antismog | antismoker | antismoking | antismuggling | antismut | antisnob | antisocial | antisocialism | antisocialist | antisociality | antisocially | antisolar | antispam | antispasmodic | antispast | antispastic | antispeculation | antispeculative | antispending | antistat | antistate | antistatic | Antisthenes | antistick | antistory | antistress | antistrike | antistrophe | antistrophic | antistrophically | antistrophon | antistudent | antistyle | antisubmarine | antisubsidy | antisubversion | antisubversive | antisuicide | antisymmetric | antisyphilitic | antisyzygy | antitakeover | antitank | antitarnish | antitax | antitechnology | antiterrorism | antiterrorist | antithalian | antitheft | antitheism | antitheist | antitheistic | antitheoretical | antitheses | antithesis | antithet | antithetic | antithetical | antithetically | antithrombin | antithrombotic | antithyroid | antitobacco | antitoxic | antitoxin | antitrades | antitraditional | antitragi | antitragus | antitranspirant | antitrinitarian | antitrust | antitruster | antitubercular | antituberculous | antitumor | antitumoral | antitussive | antitypal | antitype | antityphoid | antitypic | antitypical | antitypically | antiulcer | antiunion | antiuniversity | antiurban | antivenene | antivenin | antivenom | antiviolence | antiviral | antivirus | antivitamin | antivivisection | antivivisectionist | antiwar | antiwear | antiweed | antiwelfare | antiwhaling | antiwhite | antiwoman | antiworld | antiwrinkle | antler | antler moth | antlered | Antlia | Antliae | antliate | antlike | antlion | antlion fly | Antofagasta | Antoinette | Anton Piller order | Antonello da Messina | Antonescu | Antonine Wall | antoninianus | Antoninus | Antoninus Pius | Antonioni | Antonius | antonomasia | antonomastic | antonomastically | Antony | antonym | antonymic | antonymous | antonymy | antra | antral | antre | Antrim | antrorse | antrorsely | antrum | Antseranana | antsier | antsiest | antsiness | antsy | Antung | antwackie | Antwerp | Antwerpen
educalingo एप डाउनलोड करें
अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
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