... current is most rapid, then the transformation is most readily effected ; the
substance transformed always retains its natural porosity and the texture of its
fibres. In Africa, America, and Asia, localities exhibit the like phenomena of
Encyclopaedia Perthensis; or, Universal dictionary of ...
LAPIDIFICATION. n.s.. [lapidistcation,. Fr.] The act of forming stones. — Induration
, or lapidiji- cation of substances more soft, is another degree of condensation.
Bacon. * LAPIDIFICK. adj. [lapidifaue, Fr.] Form- ing stones.
Encyclopaedia Perthensis,
A New and Improved Standard French and English and English ...
LAPIDIFICATION, tf. act of conTerting into a stony substance, lapidification.
LAPIDIFIER, va. to turn into stone, to make as hard as stone. LAPIDIFIQUE, adj.
petrificative, petrific. LAPIN, sm. rabbit, coney, buck-rabbit. LAPINE, tf. doe rabbit.
Alexander G. Collot,
The nature of things: a didactic poem : in two volumes
Discern'd unfrequent, nor severe the task To point affinities of equal strength.
1100 Lime only stones connects ; the strong, steer-glue matter, lime, or calx, as
our poet denominates it in sole cause of lapidification. Scarcely any other ce- the
Titus Lucretius Carus,
Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry: Papers from Ambix
Hence, it seemed that the properties of the earthy corpuscles were permanently
changed when the process of lapidification occurred. Re'aumur suggested that
the crystalline matter might have penetrated the earthy pores, rather like the acid
The infiltration of water which has previously traversed a country of decomposing
slate, or of other strata, into loose sand, is a very common and extensive cause of
lapidification. At Pendeen cove, in the parish of St. Just, a _ stratum of granitic ...
Royal Geological Society of Cornwall,
J'ai observe que dans A meme noyau surtout de turbinite, les degres de
lapidification varioient de mani- ere, qu'il etoit totalement converti en agate
tranfparente au sommet et qu' a mesure G g qu'on qu'on remontoit vers 1'
ouverture de la co- ...
Transactions of the Royal geological Society of Cornwall
The infiltration of water which has previously traversed a country of decomposing
slate, or of other strata, into loose sand, is a very common and extensive cause of
lapidification. At Pendeen cove, in the parish of St. Just, a stratum of granitic ...
The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature
The fourth essay is on lapidification. Substances acquire a stony hardiness from
crystallisation, a more or less perfect or confused concretion, cementation, or the
substitution of unor- ganic to organic matter. These different causes are ...
Tobias George Smollett,
A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel ...
Fold, turn over, lay over. 2. Wrap, cover, twist round. 3. Lick, lick up, take up with
the tongue. Lap, v. n. Be folded over, be laid over. Lapidary, n. Lapidist.
Lapidescence, n. Lapidification, petrifaction. Lapidification, n. Lapidescence,