Roman Mold-blown Glass: The First Through Sixth Centuries
The Toledo pyxides of this type were all made in a variation of an MCT VII mold
that had a disk-shaped base section with a low upright rim forming the top of a
ridge at the lower edge of the wali. According to ancient authors, '' pyxides were ...
E. M. Stern, Toledo Museum of Art,
Late Geometric: kotylai 4 Late Geometric: kotylai, cups and kraters 5 Late
Geometric: kraters 6 Late Geometric: pyxides, oinochoai, amphoras, plate and
kalathos 7 Early Proto-Corinthian: kotylai 8 Early Proto-Corinthian: kotylai, kotyle-
pyxides ...
Agnes Newhall Stillwell, Jack Leonard Benson,
The Catalogue of Ivories from Hasanlu, Iran
[For a good discussion of these pyxides as typically North Syrian now see Winter
1976b.] An exact parallel for no. 237 of the third group also exists at Nimrud (
Barnett 1957, pl. XX, SI 7; cf. S14 and pl. XII, S6, S18; the latter wears a necklace
Oscar White Muscarella,
The Pottery of Lerna IV
As in the case of the choice of syntax, the makers of pyxides here utilized motifs
characteristic of both open and closed forms. Most pyxides more closely
resemble open forms in the employment on their shoulders of narrow motifs, but
vessels ...
Athenian Potters and Painters Volume II
Painted ina hasty style and somewhat later than Nikosthenes'svase, asecond
apotheosis scene unfolds on one ofthe Penn pyxides, whereawinged goddess
escorts Herakles togreet Hebe andHera, who share alow throne. Asthe objectof ...
John H. Oakley, Francis Oakley, Olga Palagia,
Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies on Eastern ...
Pyxides and hand-lion bowls: A case of minor arts Stefania Mazzoni Among
minor art of the first millennium BCE, cosmetic containers carved in miniature
relief provide an example of artifacts originating in different sources of production
and ...
Claudia E. Suter, Christoph Uehlinger,
Murlo and the Etruscans: Art and Society in Ancient Etruria
12.6), and Megara Hyblaea23 as pyxides; the estimated height of the pyxides
from Syracuse and Naxos is, respectively, 17.5 cm and 20.8 cm. Birds facing a
central group of horizontal wavy lines appear in the handle zone of each
Richard Daniel De Puma, Jocelyn Penny Small,
Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table ...
WHITE GROUND, POLYCHROME DECORATION (1557-1568) A large group of
Type C pyxides as well as a miscellany of other pieces have been painted with a
very fugitive white slip overlaid by polychrome decoration in pink, carmine and ...
Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology
For instance, in the Aegean, circular pyxides are almost invariably made from the
proximal (root) end of elephant tusks. The natural pulp cavity provides the hollow
shape and bases are made separately (the reconstruction in Bass 1987: 726-7 ...
Paul T. Nicholson, Ian Shaw,
The Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, ...
A different category of coarse handmade pottery consists of five small cylindrical
pyxides and one rectangular legged vessel.332 All have incised, or incised and
punctured decoration. The cylindrical pyxides range in height from 0.45m ...
Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood,
Dieven aan de haal met kroontjes van kerkbeelden
Het wierookvat is er niet meer en aantal pyxides (ronde doosjes om geconsacreerde hosties te bewaren, nvdr.) zijn verdwenen.' In totaal zijn ongeveer veertig ... «Het Nieuwsblad, 6月 15»
“Le Maroc médiéval” s'installe à Rabat
Y sont ainsi exposés d'antiques minbars, ces chaires à prêcher lors des prières du vendredi, des pyxides en céramique, de superbes soieries, de très rares ... «Femmes du Maroc, 4月 15»
Attijariwafa bank fait découvrir le Maroc Médiéval à ses clients
Y sont ainsi exposés d'antiques minbars, ces chaires à prêcher lors des prières du vendredi, des pyxides en céramique, de superbes soieries, de très rares ... «H24info le portail d'information Marocain, 3月 15»
SAR le Prince Moulay Rachid inaugure à Rabat l'exposition «Le …
Y sont ainsi exposés d'antiques minbars, ces chaires à prêcher lors des prières du vendredi, des pyxides en céramique, de superbes soieries, de très rares ... «LE MATiN, 3月 15»
Une exposition sur le Grand Maroc médiéval, au musée du Louvre
Vous y verrez encore d'antiques minbars, ces chaires de la grande prière du vendredi, ainsi que des pyxides d'ivoire, de superbes soieries, ou du moins ce qu'il ... «Marais.Evous.fr, 10月 14»
Le Louvre expose le Maroc médiéval
Parmi les 300 pièces, soieries ou pyxides d'ivoire, on remarquera trois chaires de la prière du vendredi (minbars), les plus vénérables du royaume chérifien. «Le Figaro, 10月 14»
La toilette de la femme dans la Rome antique
Les poudres et crèmes sont enfermées dans de petites pyxides cylindriques en os ou des flacons en verre, dont on extrait le contenu avec une spatule ou ... «Histoire pour Tous, 10月 14»
Journées du patrimoine. Plus de 190 sites ouverts au public en Sarthe
Ouverture des armoires qui protègent le trésor de la cathédrale (objets précieux, chasses, pyxides, siboires, ostensoirs, statuaires) : sam-dim 15h-17h.Centre ... «Ouest-France, 9月 14»
Un collyre vieux de 2100 ans découvert dans une épave
Une analyse aux rayons X, qui fait l'objet d'une publication dans Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a révélé le secret des pyxides. L'une des ... «allodocteurs, 1月 13»
What's Inside a 2000-Year-Old, Shipwreck-Preserved Roman Pill?
When they x-rayed the pyxides, they saw that one of them had a number of layered objects inside: five circular, relatively flat grey medicinal tablets. Because the ... «Smithsonian, 1月 13»