Basa Inggris tembung lan Pitembungan

tri-band | Tri-Nations Championship | tri-state | triable | triableness | triac | triacetate | triacid | triaconter | triact | triactinal | triad | triadelphous | triadic | triadically | triadism | triadist | triage | trial | trial and error | trial attorney | trial balance | trial balloon | trial basis | trial by battle | trial by combat | trial court | trial division | trial judge | trial jury | trial lawyer | trial period | trial run | trial separation | trialism | trialist | triality | trialled | trialling | triallist | trialogue | trials | trialware | triamcinolone | triandrian | triandrous | triangle | triangle of forces | triangled | triangular | triangularity | triangularly | triangulate | triangulately | triangulation | triangulation station | Trianguli | Trianguli Australis | Triangulum | Triangulum Australe | triapsal | triapsidal | triarch | triarchies | triarchy | Trias | Triassic | triathlete | triathlon | triatic | triatomic | triatomically | triaxial | triaxiality | triazin | triazine | triazole | triazolic | tribade | tribadic | tribadism | tribal | tribalism | tribalist | tribalistic | tribally | tribasic | tribble | tribe | tribeless | tribesman | tribesmen | tribespeople | tribeswoman | tribeswomen | triblet | triboelectric | triboelectricity | tribological | tribologist | tribology | triboluminescence | triboluminescent | tribometer | tribrach | tribrachial | tribrachic | tribromoethanol | tribromomethane | tribulate | tribulation | tribunal | tribunary | tribunate | tribune | Tribune Group | tribuneship | tribunicial | tribunician | Tribunite | tribunitial | tribunitian | tributaries | tributarily | tributariness | tributary | tribute | tribute band | tributer | tricameral | tricar | tricarboxylic acid cycle | tricarpellary | trice | Tricel | tricentenaries | tricentenary | tricentennial | tricephalous | triceps | triceratops | tricerion | trichiases | trichiasis | trichina | trichinae | trichinal | trichinella | trichinellae | trichiniases | trichiniasis | trichinisation | trichinise | trichinization | trichinize | Trichinopoly | trichinose | trichinosis | trichinotic | trichinous | trichite | trichitic | trichlorethylene | trichlorfon | trichloride | trichloroacetic acid | trichloroethane | trichloroethylene | trichloromethane | trichlorophenoxyacetic acid | trichlorphon | trichobacteria | trichocyst | trichocystic | trichogyne | trichogynial | trichogynic | trichoid | trichological | trichologist | trichology | trichome | trichomic | trichomonacidal | trichomonacide | trichomonad | trichomonadal | trichomonal | trichomoniases | trichomoniasis | trichophyton | trichophytoses | trichophytosis | trichopteran | trichopterist | trichopterous | trichord | trichosis | trichothecene | trichotomic | trichotomies | trichotomise | trichotomize | trichotomous | trichotomously | trichotomy | trichroic | trichroism | trichromat | trichromatic | trichromatism | trichrome | trichromic | trichronous | trichuriases | trichuriasis | trick | trick cyclist | trick or treat | trick out | trick photograph | trick photography | trick question | trick rider | trick riding | tricker | trickeries | trickery | trickier | trickiest | trickily | trickiness | trickishly | trickishness | trickle | trickle charger | trickle-down | trickle-down theory | trickless | tricklet | trickling | tricklingly | trickly | tricksier | tricksiest | tricksiness | tricksome | trickster | tricksy | tricktrack | tricky | triclad | triclinia | triclinic | triclinium | triclosan | tricolette | tricolour | triconsonantal | triconsonantic | tricorn | tricornered | tricorporate | tricostate | tricot | tricoteuse | tricotine | tricrotic | tricrotism | tricrotous | trictrac | tricuspid | tricuspidal | tricuspidate | tricycle | tricycler | tricyclic | tricyclist | tridacna | tridactyl | tridactylous | tridarn | trident | tridental | tridentate | tridented | Tridentine | Tridentum | tridimensional | tridominia | tridominium | triduan | triduum | tridymite | triecious | tried | tried-and-tested | triella | triene | triennia | triennial | triennially | triennium | triens | Trient | trier | trierarch | trierarchal | trierarchies | trierarchy | tries | Trieste | trieteric | triethyl | triethylamine | trifacial | trifarious | trifecta | triff | triffic | triffid | triffidian | triffidy | trifid | trifle | trifler | trifling | triflingly | triflingness | trifluoperazine | trifluralin | trifocal | trifocals | trifold | trifoliate | trifoliated | trifoliolate | trifolium | triforia | triforial | triforium | triform | trifurcate | trifurcated | trifurcation | trig | trig point | trig. | trigamist | trigamous | trigamy | trigeminal | trigeminal nerve | trigeminal neuralgia | trigged | trigger | trigger finger | trigger guard | trigger plant | trigger price | trigger word | trigger-happy | triggered | triggerfish | triggering | triggerless | triggerman | triggermen | trigging | triglot | trigly | triglyceride | triglyph | triglyphic | triglyphical | trigness | trigon | trigonal | trigonally | trigonic | trigonometer | trigonometric | trigonometric function | trigonometrical | trigonometrically | trigonometry | trigonous | trigram | trigrammatic | trigrammic | trigraph | trigraphic | trigynian | trigynous | trihalomethane | trihedra | trihedral | trihedron | trihybrid | trihydrate | trihydrated | trihydric | trihydric alcohol | trihydroxy | triiodomethane | triiodothyronine | trijet | trijugate | trike | trilateral | trilateralism | trilateralist | trilaterally | trilateration | trilbies | trilby | trilemma | trilinear | trilineate | trilingual | trilingualism | trilingually | triliteral | triliteralism | trilith | trilithic | trilithon | trill | triller | Trilling | trillion | trillionaire | trillions | trillionth | trillium | trillo | trilobate | trilobed | trilobite | trilobitic | trilocular | trilogies | trilogy | trim | trim one's sails | trim size | trim tab | trimaran | Trimble | trimer | trimeric | trimerous | trimester | trimestral | trimestrial | trimeter | trimethadione | trimethoprim | trimethyl | trimethylamine | trimethylene | trimetric | trimetric projection | trimetrical | trimetrogon | trimly | trimmed | trimmer | trimmer joist | trimmest | trimming | trimming capacitor | trimmingly | trimmings | trimness | trimolecular | trimonthly | trimorph | trimorphic | trimorphism | trimorphous | trimotor | trimphone | Trimurti | trin | Trinacria | Trinacrian | trinal | trinary | Trincomalee | trindle | trine | tringle | Trini | Trinidad | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidadian | Trinil man | triniscope | Trinitarian | Trinitarianism | trinities | trinitrate | trinitrin | trinitrobenzene | trinitrocresol | trinitroglycerine | trinitrophenol | trinitrotoluene | trinitrotoluol | trinity | Trinity Brethren | Trinity House | Trinity Sunday | Trinity term | trinket | trinketer | trinketry | trinkum | trinocular | trinodal | trinomial | trinomialism | trinomialist | trinomially | trinucleotide | trio | trio sonata | triode | trioecious | triol | triolein | triolet | triones | trionymal | triose | trioxide | trioxoboric(III) acid | trioxygen | trip | trip a switch | trip out | trip switch | trip-hop | tripack | tripalmitin | tripart | tripartism | tripartite | tripartitely | tripartition | tripe | tripedal | tripehound | tripersonal | tripersonalism | tripersonalist | tripersonality | tripery | tripes | tripetalous | tripey | triphammer | triphase | triphenylamine | triphenylmethane | triphibious | triphone | triphosphate | triphthong | triphthongal | triphylite | triphyllous | tripinnate | tripinnately | Tripitaka | triplane | triple | triple A | Triple Alliance | triple bond | triple combination therapy | triple crown | Triple Entente | triple expansion engine | triple glazing | triple jump | triple jumper | triple play | triple point | triple time | triple tonguing | triple-digit | triple-nerved | triple-tongue | tripleness | triplet | tripletail | triplets | triplex | triplicate | triplicated | triplication | triplicities | triplicity | triplite | triploblastic | triploid | triploidy | triply | tripod | tripodal | tripodic | tripodies | tripody | tripoli | Tripolis | Tripolitania | Tripolitanian | tripos | trippant | tripped | tripper | tripperish | trippery | trippet | trippier | trippiest | tripping | trippingly | tripple | trippler | trippy | tripsis | triptan | triptane | tripterous | Triptolemus | triptote | triptych | triptyque | tripudiary | tripudiate | tripudiation | tripudium | Tripura | tripwire | tripy | triquetra | triquetral | triquetrous | triquetrously | triquetrum | triradial | triradiate | triradiately | trireme | trisaccharide | trisagion | trisect | trisection | trisector | trisectrices | trisectrix | triseme | trisemic | triserial | trishaw | triskaidekaphobia | triskaidekaphobic | triskele | triskelia | triskelion | Trismegistus | trismic | trismus | trismus cynicus | trisoctahedra | trisoctahedral | trisoctahedron | trisodium | trisodium orthophosphate | trisome | trisomic | trisomy | Tristan | Tristan da Cunha | tristate | triste | tristearin | tristesse | tristeza | tristful | tristfully | tristfulness | tristich | tristichic | tristichous | tristimulus values | Tristram | trisubstituted | trisul | trisulcate | trisulfide | trisulphide | trisyllabic | trisyllabical | trisyllabically | trisyllable | tritagonist | tritanopia | tritanopic | trite | tritely | triteness | triternate | tritheism | tritheist | tritheistic | tritheistical | trithing | trithionate | trithionic acid | tritiate | tritiation | tritical | triticale | tritically | triticalness | triticeous | triticism | triticum | tritide | tritium | triton | tritone | tritonia | tritubercular | trituberculate | trituberculism | trituberculy | triturable | triturate | trituration | triturator | triumph | triumphal | triumphal arch | triumphalism | triumphalist | triumphant | triumphantly | triumpher | triumvir | triumviral | triumvirate | triumviri | triumviry | triune | Triunitarian | triunity | trivalence | trivalency | trivalent | trivalve | trivalved | trivalvular | Trivandrum | trivet | trivia | trivia game | trivia quiz | trivial | Trivial Pursuit | trivialisation | trivialise | trivialism | trivialist | trivialities | triviality | trivialization | trivialize | trivially | trivialness | trivium | triweeklies | triweekly | trizonal | Trizone | Trizonia
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Basa Inggris bausastra
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