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영어 사전에서 "hazelnut oil" 뜻


영어 에서 HAZELNUT OIL 의 발음

hazelnut oil play



영어에서 HAZELNUT OIL 의 뜻은 무엇인가요?

영어 사전에서 «hazelnut oil» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
hazelnut oil



헤이즐넛은 헤이즐넛의 너트이며 종에 따라 코발트 또는 filbert 너트라고도합니다. 속씨 식물은 대략 구형에서 타원형으로 길이 15-25mm, 지름 10-15mm이며 바깥 껍데기는 부드러운 껍질을 에워싸고있다. filbert는 둥글고 두 배 길 때 더 길다. 수분 후 7-8 개월 쯤되면 견과류가 익을 때 껍질에서 빠져 나옵니다. 씨앗의 커널은 먹을 수 있고 생식 또는 볶은 채로 사용되거나 빻은 것으로 사용됩니다. 헤이즐넛은 밤이나 도토리처럼 가축 사료로도 사용됩니다. 씨앗에는 얇고 진한 갈색의 피부가 있으며, 이것은 때때로 요리하기 전에 제거됩니다. 헤이즐넛은 터키, 아제르바이잔, 이태리, 그리스, 조지아, 카탈로니아의 스페인 지역 남쪽, 켄트 (Kent) 영국 및 미국 오레곤 및 워싱턴 주에서 상업적으로 생산됩니다. 터키는 전세계 생산량의 약 75 %를 차지하는 세계 최대의 개암 생산국입니다. Hazelnuts는 프 랄린을 만들기 위해 제과에서 사용되며 Nutella 및 Frangelico liqueur와 같은 초콜렛 트 뤼프 및 제품과 함께 초콜릿과 함께 사용됩니다. A hazelnut is the nut of the hazel and is also known as cobnut or filbert nut according to species. A cob is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell. A filbert is more elongated, being about twice as long as it is round. The nut falls out of the husk when ripe, about seven to eight months after pollination. The kernel of the seed is edible and used raw or roasted, or ground into a paste. Hazelnuts are also used for livestock feed, as are chestnuts and acorns. The seed has a thin, dark brown skin, which is sometimes removed before cooking. Hazelnuts are produced in commercial quantities in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Italy, Greece, Georgia, in the south of the Spanish region of Catalonia, in the UK county of Kent and in the American states of Oregon and Washington. Turkey is the largest producer of hazelnuts in the world with approximately 75% of worldwide production. Hazelnuts are used in confectionery to make praline, and also used in combination with chocolate for chocolate truffles and products such as Nutella and Frangelico liqueur.

영어 사전에서 hazelnut oil 의 정의

사전에있는 헤이즐넛 오일의 정의는 헤이즐넛에서 추출한 오일로 대부분 요리에 사용됩니다.

The definition of hazelnut oil in the dictionary is an oil extracted from hazelnuts and used mostly in cooking.

영어 사전에서 «hazelnut oil» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

HAZELNUT OIL 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

hazel grouse
hazel grove

HAZELNUT OIL 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

burn the midnight oil
coconut oil
crude oil
essential oil
fuel oil
groundnut oil
heavy crude oil
midnight oil
motor oil
neat´s-foot oil
nut oil
olive oil
palm oil
peanut oil
sweet oil
the good oil
tung oil
vegetable oil
virgin olive oil
walnut oil

영어 사전에서 hazelnut oil 의 동의어와 반의어


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hazelnut oil 의 사용 경향


«HAZELNUT OIL» 의 용어 사용 경향

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위의 지도는 다른 국가에서 «hazelnut oil» 의 사용 빈도를 나타냅니다.
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사용자가 영어 온라인 사전 에 접속하기 위해 주로 사용한 검색 목록과 «hazelnut oil» 단어와 가장 널리 사용되는 표현입니다.

시간 경과에 따른 «HAZELNUT OIL» 의 사용 빈도

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hazelnut oil 에 대한 영어 문헌, 인용문 및 뉴스에서 사용된 사례


«HAZELNUT OIL» 관련 영어 책

다음 도서 목록 항목에서 hazelnut oil 의 용법을 확인하세요. hazelnut oil 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products
with hazelnut oil is almost impossible to detect and has become quite a regulatory problem297,298. However, this practice may change now that hazelnut oil itself commands a premium price in retail food markets. Hazelnut oil has two ...
Fereidoon Shahidi, 2006
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Forest ...
In addition to its high yield potential, hazelnut oil has a unique fatty acid composition (high monounsaturated fatty acids and small percentages of saturated and polyunsaturated acids), thermal stability, and low temperature properties that ...
Chittaranjan Kole, 2011
Tree Nuts: Composition, Phytochemicals, and Health Effects
In agreement with this evidence, hazelnut, an excellent source of MUFA and minor components [12,117] may prove to be beneficial in this respect. In addition to MUFA, other components in hazelnut oil have been reported to reduce plasma  ...
Cesarettin Alasalvar, Fereidoon Shahidi, 2008
High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis
An agent frequently used to adulterate olive oil is hazelnut oil. Hazelnut and olive oil exhibit a similar chemical profile. Hazelnut oil contains the characteristic volatile lipophilic compound (E)-5-methylhept-2-en-4-one (filbertone), which allows ...
Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos, Joseph Sherma, 2010
Williams-Sonoma Collection: French
Richly flavored, hazelnut oil, pressed from untoasted or toasted nuts (the latter oil has a more distinctive taste), is used as a condiment and salad dressing. Its strong flavor is usually mellowed by using a milder oil along with it, as in this recipe.
Diane Rossen Worthington, Chuck Williams, 2004
Functional Foods of the East Hazelnut Oil Hazelnuts provide a ready source of nutritionally valuable oil. The kernels contain approximately 60% oil, which can be recovered effectively by pressing. Hazelnut oil is an increasingly popular nut oil, usually cold or ...
John Shi, Chi-Tang Ho, Fereidoon Shahidi, 2010
Better Nutrition
The chemical structure of hazelnut oil is remarkably similar to extra virgin olive oil , making it the perfect additive for unethical producers. So much so that at levels of 10 percent or less adulteration, even the best scientists are unable to detect ...
The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts
The fatty acid composition of hazelnut oil is nearly identical to that of olive oil. Hazelnut kernels are an excellent source of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that is present mainly as oL-tocopherol. B otany DESCRIPTION Hazelnut is deciduous ...
Jules Janick, Robert E. Paull, 2008
Food Authenticity and Traceability
`lampante' olive, refined pomace olive, high oleic sunflower, hazelnut and rapeseed oils) and high linoleic oils (sunflower, corn, soybean, grapeseed and peanut oils).54 Mixtures of 5±50% hazelnut oil in virgin olive oil were also successfully ...
M Lees, 2003
Food Industries Manual
Trade in shea nuts and shea butter varies sporadically with varying climatic and harvesting conditions in West Africa, where prices offered by Government agencies sometimes lead to smuggling. Hazelnut oil Hazelnut oil is a liquid oil, often ...
M.D. Ranken, Christopher G J Baker, R.C. Kill, 1997

«HAZELNUT OIL» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 hazelnut oil 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Queens' Best Chefs to Serve Up Their Spin on Local Ingredients at …
Foie gras and Guinea hen with hazelnut oil prepared by chef Danny ... hen with hazelnut oil, and Hugue Dufour of M. Wells Steakhouse in LIC, ... «DNAinfo, 7월 15»
Blackcurrants are in season now, but why should we eat them and …
... a blackcurrant vinaigrette from David Morris, fruit buyer at Booths, made from blackcurrants squashed with red wine vinegar and hazelnut oil, ... «The Independent, 7월 15»
Pesto power: Rocket pesto with toasted aubergine and goat's cheese
... in which case it will serve six to 12. For an even nuttier pesto, replace the olive oil with 3 tbsp hazelnut oil, and drizzle a little more over at the ... «Daily Mail, 7월 15»
What Meat Eaters Get Wrong About Vegetarians
2 tablespoons toasted hazelnut oil. Preparation Combine the first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and ... «TIME, 7월 15»
Food Science Innovators Urged to Claim Grants
... faked famous brand beers, sugar added to 'no added sugar' drinks and mislabelling for a range of produce, including hazelnut oil and pork. «Quality Assurance & Food Safety, 7월 15»
How to Make Quinoa
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons toasted hazelnut oil. Preparation Combine the first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan; bring to ... «TIME, 6월 15»
5 salads to greet summer
Add Champagne vinegar, hazelnut oil and salt, and toss. Add arugula; toss and plate salad. Sprinkle with goat cheese and chopped hazelnuts ... «Statesman Journal, 6월 15»
AZ vegetable cooking: delicious summer recipes
In a small bowl, whisk together the shallots, hazelnuts, hazelnut oil, vinegar and mustard. Transfer the hot, freshly roasted asparagus to a warm ... «CTV News, 6월 15»
The Exact Products Caitlyn Jenner's Makeup Artist Used for Her …
before massaging on Clarins Lotus Face Treatment Oil, which has anti-aging ingredients like hazelnut oil and lotus extract. A swipe of La Mer ... «Yahoo News, 6월 15»
How To Make Nutella At Home, Because Your Obsession Has …
2 cups hazelnuts; 1 cup powdered sugar; 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder; 1/4 tbs. oil*; 1 tsp. hazelnut extract. *The best oil for this recipe is hazelnut oil. «Bustle, 5월 15»

« EDUCALINGO. Hazelnut oil [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/hazelnut-oil> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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