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hercules beetle

헤라클레스 비틀

Hercules beetle

헤라클레스 딱정벌레는 코뿔소 딱정벌레 중 가장 유명하고 가장 큰 딱정벌레입니다. 중미, 남아메리카, 레서 앤 틸리 스 제도의 열대 우림에 원산입니다. 딱정벌레는 또한 멕시코 북부 베라 크루즈 (Veracruz)와 같이 멀리 북쪽으로 관찰되었습니다. 그들의 표제는 잘 받아 들여지고, 어떤 사람들은 자신의 체중과 일부 남성의 850 배 이상을 들어 올릴 수 있으며, 드물게는 길이가 17cm에 달합니다. 그것은 Dynastes 속에있는 6 종 중 가장 크며 Cerambycidae, Macrodontia cervicornis 및 Titanus giganteus의 2 종의 다른 딱정벌레에 의해 알려진 최대 딱정벌레 중 하나이다. 그러나 뿔이 제외되면 M. cervicornis와 D. hercules가 모두 크기 순위에서 훨씬 더 떨어지며 T. giganteus가 맨 위에 위치하게됩니다. 이것에 대한 한 가지 이유는 뿔의 발달이 동종이면서 성적으로 이형성을 가지므로 실제 신체 크기와 엄밀히 상관되지 않는다는 것입니다. 여성은 남성보다 눈에서 복부까지 측정 할 때 훨씬 더 길어질 수 있지만 뿔이 없기 때문에 단순히 더 작다고 여겨 질 수 있습니다. The Hercules beetle is the most famous and largest of the rhinoceros beetles. It is native to the rainforests of Central America, South America, and the Lesser Antilles. The beetle has also been observed as far north as Southern Veracruz in Mexico. Their title is well deserved, with some able to lift more than 850 times their own weight and some males, rarely, reaching 17 cm in length. It is the largest of the six species in the Dynastes genus, and one of the largest beetles known, being exceeded in length by only two other beetles in the family Cerambycidae, Macrodontia cervicornis and Titanus giganteus. However, if the horns are excluded, both M. cervicornis and D. hercules drop considerably farther down in the size rankings, leaving T. giganteus on top. One reason for this is that the development of the horns is allometric, as well as sexually dimorphic, and thus not strictly correlated to actual body size; it is possible for a female to be much longer, measured from eyes to abdomen, than a male, yet be considered "smaller" simply due to the absence of horns.

영어 사전에서 hercules beetle 의 정의

사전에있는 헤라클레스 비틀의 정의는 매우 큰 열대성 아메리칸 스카라 베이트 딱정벌레 인 Dynastes hercules입니다. 수컷은 두 개의 커다란 전 방형 뿔을 가지고 있습니다.

The definition of hercules beetle in the dictionary is a very large tropical American scarabaeid beetle, Dynastes hercules: the male has two large anterior curved horns.

영어 사전에서 «hercules beetle» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

HERCULES BEETLE 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

herbs Robert
herd instinct
herd tester
herd testing

HERCULES BEETLE 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

bark beetle
bee beetle
black beetle
blister beetle
bloody-nosed beetle
carpet beetle
click beetle
dung beetle
flea beetle
gold beetle
ground beetle
Japanese beetle
leaf beetle
potato beetle
rhinoceros beetle
rove beetle
stag beetle
tiger beetle
tortoise beetle
water beetle

영어 사전에서 hercules beetle 의 동의어와 반의어


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hercules beetle
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hercules beetle 의 사용 경향


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다음 도서 목록 항목에서 hercules beetle 의 용법을 확인하세요. hercules beetle 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
Origami Insects and Their Kin: Step-by-step Instructions in ...
The Hercules Beetle is one of several large horned beetles found in Central and South America. As with the Samurai Helmet Beetle. the males use their horns in combat with other males. while the females have reduced or nonexistent horns.
Robert J. Lang, 1995
Latin American Insects and Entomology
(a) Hercules beetle (Dynastes her- cules), male, (b) Hercules beetle, female, (c) Rhinoceros beetle (Megasoma sp.), larva, (d) Elephant beetle (Megasoma elephas), male. e. Dragon-headed bug (Fulgora laternaria) f. Termites swarming on the.
Charles Leonard Hogue, 1993
What's Bugging You?: A Fond Look at the Animals We Love to Hate
Eastern Hercules Beetles: Armed, but Not Dangerous Some people find their first eastern Hercules beetle in a parking lot on a muggy summer morning lying on its back clawing at the air with dark, powerful legs. Harmless to people and pets, ...
Arthur V. Evans, 2008
The Beetles of North America
Tarsal claws are simple and usually equal in size; dorsal surface more or less convex. The largest species in N. America are the 2 of the genus Dynastes. The Eastern Hercules Beetle, D. tityus (L.) (40-62 mm; see PL 8), occurs in se. U.S. ...
Roger Tory Peterson, 1998
Butterflies, Moths, and Other Invertebrates of Costa Rica: A ...
HERCULES BEETLE The impressive Hercules beetle is distinguished by a body that is almost 1.5 inches wide and 5 inches long, including a huge horn on the males. The horn on this beetle curves downward, unlike the horn on the ...
Carrol L. Henderson, 2010
Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America
The Eastern Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus) occurs in mixed forests as far north as Indiana and New Jersey. Larvae feed in decaying heartwood of many tree species, taking two years to mature. Adults are attracted to fermenting sap and ...
Eric R. Eaton, Kenn Kaufman, 2007
1990 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals
... Tortoise Commensal Scarab Beetle Big Pine Key Dung Beetle Woodruff's Dung Beetle Tortoise Commensal Scarab Beetle Miami Roundhead Scarab Beetle Hercules Beetle Hercules Beetle Hercules Beetle Kelso Dune I Spiny Florida !
Michael Lucero: Sculpture 1976-1995
(verso) 79 15. Big Frog, 1986 (recto) 80 16. Big Frog, 1986 iverso) 81 17. Pike Perch, 1986 (recto) 82 18. Pike Perch, 1986 (verso) 83 19. cameleon, 1986 (recto ) 84 20. CamEleON, 1986 (VERSO) 8f 21. Hercules Beetle, 1986 (RECTO) 86 22.
Mark Richard Leach, 1996
Hercules Beetle
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The Hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules, is the most famous and largest of the rhinoceros beetles.
Jordan Naoum, 2012
Urban Insects and Arachnids: A Handbook of Urban Entomology
Eastern Hercules beetle, Dynastes titys Adults are 50-65 mm long, and the body is light green and mottled with large black markings. The male has three horns on the thorax; the middle horn, which is the largest, is curved down to meet an ...
William H. Robinson, 2005

«HERCULES BEETLE» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 hercules beetle 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Review of 'The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan' EP 15 - His …
Yuki hits the jackpot by luckily running into a Hercules beetle. The “test of courage” comes and Kyon is paired with Yuki, which Tsuruya planned ... «The News Hub, 7월 15»
Bugging out at the May Natural History Museum
A giant Hercules beetle named Herkimer greets visitors to the May Natural History Museum at the entrance off of Colorado 115 outside of ... «The Denver Post, 7월 15»
Lee introduces Hercules to refuge visitors
Entomologist Glenn Lee shows a live Hercules beetle to a packed room of visitors Saturday afternoon at the Tennessee National Wildlife ... «Paris Post Intelligencer, 7월 15»
BUG OVERLOAD: A behind the scenes look at May Natural History …
The Hercules beetle, which overlooks HWY 115, still gets a lot of interesting looks today. The real version can also be spotted inside the ... «FOX21News.com, 4월 15»
Kids Discover Super-Powered Creepy-Crawlies At New Natural …
From stimulating the sense of smell to the sense of touch, the Hercules beetle is Brian Macchiarola's favorite. “He has big jaws,” Brian said. «CBS Local, 4월 15»
Inaugural Insect Fair Set for April 18
Giant Stag Beetle (Dorcus titanus). Photo credit: Kim Hung. The Western Hercules Beetle (Dynastes granti). Photo credit: James D. Ricci, UC ... «UCR Today, 4월 15»
Deeply strange black swallower fish and other odd animals
... and other extraordinary means of survival using specimens, videos, interactive exhibits, and models, including a climbable Hercules beetle. «Boing Boing, 4월 15»
“Life at the Limits” shows extremophiles aren't just bacteria
Or the Hercules beetle, which can lift 80 times its own weight. Or the elephant seal, which has dives that are over a kilometer deep and last for ... «Ars Technica, 4월 15»
24 Animals You'd Want In Your Superhero Squad
The Hercules beetle can carry up to 850 times its weight, which is like a human lifting eight fully grown elephants (or about 65 tons). 2. «BuzzFeed News, 3월 15»
Roadtrip: Meet the beetles
... fans pine for: a world's biggest something-or-other ... in this case, a giant, Godzilla-sized Hercules Beetle next to their sign on the highway. «Sun Sentinel, 3월 15»

« EDUCALINGO. Hercules beetle [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/hercules-beetle> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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